SuperCollider -- Synthdef with mix of variable amount of SinOsc's - supercollider

This code returns an error, but it works if I remove "arg" from line 4. What can I do to make n an argument and not get an error?
arg n=8;
f=Mix.fill(n, {
arg index;
var freq, amp;
amp=(1-(index / n)) / (n*(n+1) / (2*n));,0,0.2*amp)

SynthDefs always have fixed "wiring", so you cannot vary the number of SinOscs. That is a hard constraint which you cannot avoid.
What you can do is procedurally generate synthdefs for each cardinality:
SynthDef("wiggler%".format(num), {|freq=440, amp=0.1|
var oscs;
oscs = Mix.fill(num, {|index| * index)
});, oscs * amp);
x = Synth("wiggler2")
x = Synth("wiggler10")

In case you have a an upper bound for n (let's say n<=16), then you can create a continuous cutoff array with which you multiply the harmonics.
arg n=8;
var cutoff = tanh( (1..16)-n-0.5 *100 ) * -1 / 2 + 0.5; // this
f=Mix.fill(16, { // run it through the upper bound
arg index;
var freq, amp;
amp=(1-(index / n)) / (n*(n+1) / (2*n));
cutoff[index] *,0,0.2*amp) // multiply with cutoff
The cutoff array has values 1 if index<n, and zeros after that. Lets say n=3, then cutoff==[1,1,1,0,0,0,...].


Compact way to produce a large sequence of strings in lexical order

I want to generate a sequence of strings with the following properties:
Lexically ordered
Theoretically infinite
Compact over a realistic range
Generated by a simple process of incrementation
Matches the regexp /\w+/
The obvious way to generate a lexically-ordered sequence is to choose a string length and pad the strings with a base value like this: 000000, 000001, etc. This approach poses a trade-off between the number of permutations and compactness: a string long enough to yield many permutations will be filled many zeros along the way. Plus, the length I choose sets an upper bound on the total number of permutations unless I have some mechanism for expanding the string when it maxes out.
So I came up with a sequence that works like this:
Each string consists of a "head", which is a base-36 number, followed by an underscore, and then the "tail", which is also a base-36 number padded by an increasing number of zeros
The first cycle goes from 0_0 to 0_z
The second cycle goes from 1_00 to 1_zz
The third cycle goes from 2_000 to 2_zzz, and so on
Once the head has reached z and the tail consists of 36 zs, the first "supercycle" has ended. Now the whole sequence starts over, except the z remains at the beginning, so the new cycle starts with z0_0, then continues to z1_00, and so on
The second supercycle goes zz0_0, zz1_00, and so on
Although the string of zs in the head could become unwieldy over the long run, a single supercycle contains over 10^56 permutations, which is far more than I ever expect to use. The sequence is theoretically infinite but very compact within a realistic range. For instance, the trillionth permutation is a succinct 7_bqd55h8s.
I can generate the sequence relatively simply with this javascript function:
function genStr (n) {
n = BigInt(n);
let prefix = "",
cycle = 0n,
max = 36n ** (cycle + 1n);
while (n >= max) {
n -= max;
if (cycle === 35n) {
prefix += "z";
cycle = 0n;
} else {
max = 36n ** (cycle + 1n);
return prefix
+ cycle.toString(36)
+ "_"
+ n.toString(36).padStart(Number(cycle) + 1, 0);
The n parameter is a number that I increment and pass to the function to get the next member of the sequence. All I need to keep track of is a simple integer, making the sequence very easy to use.
So obviously I spent a lot of time on this and I think it's pretty good, but I'm wondering if there is a better way. Is there a good algorithm for generating a sequence along the lines of the one I'm looking for?
A close idea to yours. (more rafined than my first edit...).
Let our alphabet be A = {0,1,2,3}.
Let |2| mean we iterate from 0 to 2 and |2|^2 mean we generate the cartesian product in a lexically sorted manner (00,01,10,11).
We start with
0 |3|
So we have a string of length 2. We "unshift" the digit 1 which "factorizes" since any 0|3|... is less than 1|3|^2.
1 |3|^2
Same idea: unshift 2, and make words of length 4.
2 |3|^3
Now we can continue and generate
3 |2| |3|^3
Notice |2| and not |3|. Now our maximum number becomes 32333. And as you did, we can now add the carry and start a new supercycle:
33 0|3|
This is a slight improvement, since _ can now be part of our alphabet: we don't need to reserve it as a token separator.
In our case we can represent in a supercycle:
n + n^2 + ... + n^(n-1) + (n-1) * n^(n-1)
geometric special
In your case, the special part would be n^n (with the nuance that you have theorically one char less so replace n with n-1 everywhere)
The proposed supercycle is of length :
P = (n \sum_{k = 0}^{n-2} n^k) + (n-1) * n^(n-1)
P = (n \sum_{k = 0}^{n-3} n^k) + n^n
P = n(n^{n-2} - 1)/(n-1) + n^n
Here is an example diff with alphabet A={0,1,2}
my genStr(grandinero)
,00 0_0
,01 0_1
,02 0_2
,100 1_00
,101 1_01
,102 1_02
,110 1_10
,111 1_11
,112 1_12
,120 1_20
,121 1_21
,122 1_22
,2000 2_000
,2001 2_001
,2002 2_002
,2010 2_010
,2011 2_011
,2012 2_012
,2020 2_020
,2021 2_021
,2022 2_022
,2100 2_100
,2101 2_101
,2102 2_102
,2110 2_110
,2111 2_111
,2112 2_112
,2120 2_120
,2121 2_121
,2122 2_122
22,00 2_200 <-- end of my supercycle if no '_' allowed
22,01 2_201
22,02 2_202
22,100 2_210
22,101 2_211
22,102 2_212
22,110 2_220
22,111 2_221
22,112 2_222 <-- end of yours
22,120 z0_0
That said, for a given number x, we can can count how many supercycles (E(x / P)) there are, each supercycle making two leading e (e being the last char of A).
e.g: A = {0,1,2} and x = 43
e = 2
P = n(n^{n-2} - 1)/(n-1) + n^n = 3(3^1 -1)/2 + 27 = 30
// our supercycle is of length 30
E(43/30) = 1 // 43 makes one supercycle and a few more "strings"
r = x % P = 13 // this is also x - (E(43/30) * 30) (the rest of the euclidean division by P)
Then for the left over (r = x % P) two cases to consider:
either we fall in the geometric sequence
either we fall in the (n-1) * n^(n-1) part.
1. Adressing the geometric sequence with cumulative sums (x < S_w)
Let S_i be the cumsum of n, n^2,..
S_i = n\sum_{k = 0}^{i-1} n^k
S_i = n/(n-1)*(n^i - 1)
which gives S_0 = 0, S_1 = n, S_2 = n + n^2...
So basically, if x < S_1, we get 0(x), elif x < S_2, we get 1(x-S_1)
Let S_w = S_{n-1} the count of all the numbers we can represent.
If x <= S_w then we want the i such that
S_i < x <= S_{i+1} <=> n^i < (n-1)/n * x + 1 <= n^{i+1}
We can then apply some log flooring (base(n)) to get that i.
We can then associate the string: A[i] + base_n(x - S_i).
This time with A = {0,1,2,3}.
Let x be 17.
Our consecutive S_i are:
S_0 = 0
S_1 = 4
S_2 = S_1 + 4^2 = 20
S_3 = S_2 + 4^3 = 84
S_w = S_{4-1} = S_3 = 84
x=17 is indeed less than 84, we will be able to affect it to one of the S_i ranges.
In particular S_1==4 < x==17 <= S_2==20.
We remove the strings encoded by the leading 0(there are a number S_1 of those strings).
The position to encode with the leading 1 is
x - 4 = 13.
And we conclude the thirteen's string generated with a leading 1 is base_4(13) = '31' (idem string -> '131')
Should we have had x = 21, we would have removed the count of S_2 so 21-20 = 1, which in turn gives with a leading 2 the string '2001'.
2. Adressing x in the special part (x >= S_w)
Let's consider study case below:
with A = {0,1,2}
The special part is
2 |1| |2|^2
that is:
2 0 00
2 0 01
2 0 02
2 0 10
2 0 11
2 0 12
2 0 20
2 0 21
2 0 22
2 1 20
2 1 21
2 1 22
2 1 10
2 1 11
2 1 12
2 1 20
2 1 21
2 1 22
Each incremented number of the second column (here 0 to 1 (specified from |1|)) gives 3^2 combination.
This is similar to the geometric series except that here each range is constant. We want to find the range which means we know which string to prefix.
We can represent it as the matrix
20 (00,01,02,10,11,12,20,21,22)
21 (00,01,02,10,11,12,20,21,22)
The portion in parenthesis is our matrix.
Every item in a row is simply its position base_3 (left-padded with 0).
e.g: n=7 has base_3 value '21'. (7=2*3+1).
'21' does occur in position 7 in the row.
Assuming we get some x (relative to that special part).
E(x / 3^2) gives us the row number (here E(7/9) = 0 so prefix is '20')
x % 3^2 give us the position in the row (here base_3(7%9)='21' giving us the final string '2021')
If we want to observe it remember that we substracted S_w=12 before to get x = 7, so we would call myGen(7+12)
Some code
Notice the same output as long as we stand in the "geometric" range, without supercycle.
Obviously, when carry starts to appear, it depends on whether I can use '_' or not. If yes, my words get shorter otherwise longer.
// \w insensitive could give base64
// but also éè and other accents...
function base_n(x, n, A) {
const a = []
while (x !== 0n) {
a.push(A[Number(x % n)])
x = x / n // auto floor with bigInt
return a.reverse().join('')
function mygen (A) {
const n = A.length
const bn = BigInt(n)
const A_last = A[A.length-1]
const S = Array(n).fill(0).map((x, i) => bn * (bn ** BigInt(i) - 1n) / (bn - 1n))
const S_w = S[n-1]
const w = S_w + (bn - 1n) * bn ** (bn - 1n)
const w2 = bn ** (bn - 1n)
const flog_bn = x => {
let L = 0
while (x >= bn) {
x /= bn
return L
return function (x) {
x = BigInt(x)
let r = x % w
const q = (x - r) / w
let s
if (r < S_w) {
const i = flog_bn(r * (bn - 1n) / bn + 1n)
const r2 = r - S[i]
s = A[i] + base_n(r2, bn, A).padStart(i+1, '0')
} else {
const n2 = r - S_w
const r2 = n2 % w2
const q2 = (n2 - r2 ) / w2
s = A_last + A[q2] + base_n(r2, bn, A).padStart(n-1, '0')
// comma below __not__ necessary, just to ease seeing cycles
return A_last.repeat(2*Number(q)) +','+ s
function genStr (A) {
A = A.filter(x => x !== '_')
const bn_noUnderscore = BigInt(A.length)
return function (x) {
x = BigInt(x);
let prefix = "",
cycle = 0n,
max = bn_noUnderscore ** (cycle + 1n);
while (x >= max) {
x -= max;
if (cycle === bn_noUnderscore - 1n) {
prefix += "z";
cycle = 0n;
} else {
max = bn_noUnderscore ** (cycle + 1n);
return prefix
+ base_n(cycle, bn_noUnderscore, A)
+ "_"
+ base_n(x, bn_noUnderscore, A).padStart(Number(cycle) + 1, 0);
function test(a, b, x){
console.log(a(x), b(x))
console.log('---my supercycle is shorter if underscore not used. Plenty of room for grandinero')
const A = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('').sort((a,b)=>a.localeCompare(b))
let my = mygen(A)
const grandinero = genStr(A)
test(my, grandinero, 1e4)
test(my, grandinero, 1e12)
test(my, grandinero, 106471793335560744271846581685593263893929893610517909620n) // cycle ended for me (w variable value)
console.log('---\n my supercycle is greater if underscore is used in my alphabet (not grandinero since "forbidden')
// underscore used
const A = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_'.split('').sort((a,b)=>a.localeCompare(b))
let my = mygen(A)
const grandinero = genStr(A)
test(my, grandinero, 1e12)
test(my, grandinero, 106471793335560744271846581685593263893929893610517909620n) // cycle ended for me (w variable value)
test(my, grandinero, 1e57) // still got some place in the supercycle
After considering the advice provided by #kaya3 and #grodzi and reviewing my original code, I have made some improvements. I realized a few things:
There was a bug in my original code. If one cycle ends at z_z (actually 36 z's after the underscore, but you get the idea) and the next one begins at z0_0, then lexical ordering is broken because _ comes after 0. The separator (or "neck") needs to be lower in lexical order than the lowest possible value of the head.
Though I was initially resistant to the idea of rolling a custom baseN generator so that more characters can be included, I have now come around to the idea.
I can squeeze more permutations out of a given string length by also incrementing the neck. For example, I can go from A00...A0z to A10...A1z, and so on, thus increasing the number of unique strings I can generate with A as the head before I move on to B.
With that in mind, I have revised my code:
// this is the alphabet used in standard baseN conversions:
let baseAlpha = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// this is a factory for creating a new string generator:
function sequenceGenerator (config) {
// alphabets for the head, neck and body:
headAlpha = config.headAlpha,
neckAlpha = config.neckAlpha,
bodyAlpha = config.bodyAlpha,
// length of the body alphabet corresponds to the
// base of the numbering system:
base = BigInt(bodyAlpha.length),
// if bodyAlpha is identical to an alphabet that
// would be used for a standard baseN conversion,
// then use the built-in method, which should be
// much faster:
convertBody = baseAlpha.startsWith(bodyAlpha)
? (n) => n.toString(bodyAlpha.length)
// otherwise, roll a custom baseN generator:
: function (n) {
let s = "";
while (n > 0n) {
let i = n % base;
s = bodyAlpha[i] + s;
n = n / base;
return s;
// n is used to cache the last iteration and is
// incremented each time you call `getNext`
// it can optionally be initialized to a value other
// than 0:
n = BigInt(config.start || 0),
// see below:
headCycles = [0n],
cycleLength = 0n;
// the length of the body increases by 1 each time the
// head increments, meaning that the total number of
// permutations increases geometrically for each
// character in headAlpha
// here we cache the maximum number of permutations for
// each length of the body
// since we know these values ahead of time, calculating
// them in advance saves time when we generate a new
// string
// more importantly, it saves us from having to do a
// reverse calculation involving Math.log, which requires
// converting BigInts to Numbers, which breaks the
// program on larger numbers:
for (let i = 0; i < headAlpha.length; i++) {
// the maximum number of permutations depends on both
// the string length (i + 1) and the number of
// characters in neckAlpha, since the string length
// remains the same while the neck increments
cycleLength += BigInt(neckAlpha.length) * base ** BigInt(i + 1);
// given a number n, this function searches through
// headCycles to find where the total number of
// permutations exceeds n
// this is how we avoid the reverse calculation with
// Math.log to determine which head cycle we are on for
// a given permutation:
function getHeadCycle (n) {
for (let i = 0; i < headCycles.length; i++) {
if (headCycles[i] > n) return i;
return {
cycleLength: cycleLength,
getString: function (n) {
let cyclesDone = Number(n / cycleLength),
headLast = headAlpha[headAlpha.length - 1],
prefix = headLast.repeat(cyclesDone),
nn = n % cycleLength,
headCycle = getHeadCycle(nn),
head = headAlpha[headCycle - 1],
nnn = nn - headCycles[headCycle - 1],
neckCycleLength = BigInt(bodyAlpha.length) ** BigInt(headCycle),
neckCycle = nnn / neckCycleLength,
neck = neckAlpha[Number(neckCycle)],
body = convertBody(nnn % neckCycleLength);
body = body.padStart(headCycle , bodyAlpha[0]);
return prefix + head + neck + body;
getNext: function () { return this.getString(n++); }
let bodyAlpha = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
getStr = sequenceGenerator({
// achieve more permutations within a supercycle
// with a larger headAlpha:
headAlpha: "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
// the highest value of neckAlpha must be lower than
// the lowest value of headAlpha:
neckAlpha: "0",
bodyAlpha: bodyAlpha
console.log("---supercycle length:");
console.log("---first two values:")
console.log("---arbitrary large value (1e57):");
// here we use a shorter headAlpha and longer neckAlpha
// to shorten the maximum length of the body, but this also
// decreases the number of permutations in the supercycle:
getStr = sequenceGenerator({
headAlpha: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
neckAlpha: "0123456789",
bodyAlpha: bodyAlpha
console.log("---supercycle length:");
console.log("---first two values:");
console.log("---arbitrary large value (1e57):");
After further discussion with #grodzi, I have made some more improvements:
I realized that the "neck" or separator wasn't providing much value, so I have gotten rid of it. Later edit: actually, the separator is necessary. I am not sure why I thought it wasn't. Without the separator, the beginning of each new supercycle will lexically precede the end of the previous supercycle. I haven't changed my code below, but anyone using this code should include a separator. I have also realized that I was wrong to use an underscore as the separator. The separator must be a character, such as the hyphen, which lexically precedes the lowest digit used in the sequence (0).
I have taken #grodzi's suggestion to allow the length of the tail to continue growing indefinitely.
Here is the new code:
let baseAlpha = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
function sequenceGenerator (config) {
let headAlpha = config.headAlpha,
tailAlpha = config.tailAlpha,
base = BigInt(tailAlpha.length),
convertTail = baseAlpha.startsWith(tailAlpha)
? (n) => n.toString(tailAlpha.length)
: function (n) {
if (n === 0n) return "0";
let s = "";
while (n > 0n) {
let i = n % base;
s = tailAlpha[i] + s;
n = n / base;
return s;
n = BigInt(config.start || 0);
return {
getString: function (n) {
let cyclesDone = 0n,
headCycle = 0n,
initLength = 0n,
accum = 0n;
for (;; headCycle++) {
let _accum = accum + base ** (headCycle + 1n + initLength);
if (_accum > n) {
n -= accum;
} else if (Number(headCycle) === headAlpha.length - 1) {
initLength += BigInt(headAlpha.length);
headCycle = -1n;
accum = _accum;
let headLast = headAlpha[headAlpha.length - 1],
prefix = headLast.repeat(Number(cyclesDone)),
head = headAlpha[Number(headCycle)],
tail = convertTail(n),
tailLength = Number(headCycle + initLength);
tail = tail.padStart(tailLength, tailAlpha[0]);
return prefix + head + tail;
getNext: function () { return this.getString(n++); }
let alpha = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
genStr = sequenceGenerator({headAlpha: alpha, tailAlpha: alpha});
console.log("--- first string:");
console.log("--- 1e+57");
console.log("--- end of first supercycle:");
console.log("--- start of second supercycle:");

Mutual recursion analysis

I'm trying to analyze these functions but i am getting a bit lost. So for function f when t(n) = c if n < 1^-5
so if n >= 1^5 i get t(n) = c2 + t( n / 2 ) + t2( n / 2) where t2 is the time analysis of function h, but i'm confused on expanding it should it be something like
t(n) = ( t(n / 2) + t2( n / 2) ) * c2 + c
or should i be expanding t2 in side of that?
here is the code i am trying to analyze.
float f( float x) {
if ( abs( x ) < 1e-5 ) {
return x + ( ( x * x * x ) / 2 );
float y = f( x / 2 );
float z = g( x / 2 );
return 2 * y * z;
float g( float x ) {
if ( abs( x ) < 1e-5 ) {
return 1 + ( ( x * x ) / 2 );
float y = f( x / 2 );
float z = g( x / 2 );
return ( z * z ) + ( y * y );
T1(n) = T1(n / 2) + T2(n / 2) + c1
T2(n) = T1(n / 2)+T2(n / 2) + c2
so we have
T1(n) = O(T2(n))
T1(n) = 2T1(n / 2) + c1
since c1 = O(nlog22) master theorem implies that
T(n) = O(n)
Even though we are calling two different functions in this code, there is a thing about them that makes finding the complexity of this recursion easy.
What's happening is that at the top level, if you are entering f(), you are evaluating x and then calling two different functions - itself and g(). Even if you enter the function g() first, same thing happens, i.e. g() calls itself and f().
Since, every level down the tree the value of x halves, the number of levels on this tree would be Log2(n). Also, every node has 2 children viz. f(x/2) and g(x/2).
This is a complete binary tree of length Log2(n).
Work done on each node is constant - If the node represents the call to f(), you do 2 * y * z, which is constant. If the node represents the call to g(), you do y*y + z*z, which is also constant.
Hence, all we need to do is, find the total number of nodes in a compete binary tree of length Log2(n) and we have our complexity.
A perfect binary tree of height h has total 2h + 1 - 1 nodes.
In this case it would be 2Log2(n) + 1 - 1 nodes.
Also, aLogab = b (By property of logarithms)1
Hence, the complexity is O(2Log2(n)) = O(n).
1 See first property in "Cancelling Exponentials" section.

min function in upper boundarie of an integral

My goal is to integrate the following double integral in R:
Here is the doubleintegral
I dont know how to implement the upper bound in R. (min(0,t))
The way I calculatet the integral is:
adaptIntegrate(doubleintegralfunction, lowerLimit = c(-2.5, -2), upperLimit = c(0, 2), x=x,r=r,m=m,n=n)$integral
Dont worry about the different boundaries, the only one that i would like to change is the 0 to min(0,t). Any ideas?
for illustration copy past this into google:
((-x)^(2-1)*(y-x)^(2-1)*exp((16.8+72.9)*x))*exp(-72.9*y- (-0.036-y-0.0332*1+0.5*0.0311^2*1)^2/(2*0.0311^2*1))
Thank you for your help
Here's an approach, but I'm not sure how to check if the answer is correct. The two implementations give the same answer, which is promising. The first implementation has everything inside the dx integral, while the second implementation splits out the dt portion, as the integral is written.
r = -0.036
mu = 0.0332
s = 1
sig = 0.0311
g <- function(t) {
if (t<0) t
else 0
integrate(function(t) {
sapply(t, function(t) {
# (-x)^?(2-?1) *?
# (y-?x)^?(2-?1)*?
# exp(?(16.8+?72.9)*?x) *?
# exp(?(-72.9)*?y-?((-0.036)-?y-?0.0332*?1+?0.5*?0.0311^?2*?1)^?2/?(2*?0.0311^?2*?1))
(-x)^(n-1) *
exp((nw+nd)*x) *
exp(-nw*t-(r-t-mu*s+0.5*sig^2*s)^2 / (2*sig^2*s) ),
-Inf, g(t))$value
}, -Inf, Inf)
integrate(function(t) {
sapply(t, function(t) {
# (-x)^?(2-?1) *?
# (y-?x)^?(2-?1)*?
# exp(?(16.8+?72.9)*?x) *?
# exp(?(-72.9)*?y-?((-0.036)-?y-?0.0332*?1+?0.5*?0.0311^?2*?1)^?2/?(2*?0.0311^?2*?1))
(-x)^(n-1) *
exp((nw+nd)*x) ,
-Inf, g(t))$value
) *
exp(-nw*t-(r-t-mu*s+0.5*sig^2*s)^2 / (2*sig^2*s) )
}, -Inf, Inf)

How to calculate center of gravity in grid?

Given a grid (or table) with x*y cells. Each cell contains a value. Most of these cells have a value of 0, but there may be a "hot spot" somewhere on this grid with a cell that has a high value. The neighbours of this cell then also have a value > 0. As farer away from the hot spot as lower the value in the respective grid cell.
So this hot spot can be seen as the top of a hill, with decreasing values the farer we are away from this hill. At a certain distance the values drop to 0 again.
Now I need to determine the cell within the grid that represents the grid's center of gravity. In the simple example above this centroid would simply be the one cell with the highest value. However it's not always that simple:
the decreasing values of neighbour cells around the hot spot cell may not be equally distributed, or a "side of the hill" may fall down to 0 sooner than another side.
there is another hot spot/hill with values > 0 elsewehere within the grid.
I could think that this is kind of a typical problem. Unfortunately I am no math expert so I don't know what to search for (at least I have not found an answer in Google).
Any ideas how can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
You are looking for the "weighted mean" of the cell values. Assuming each cell has a value z(x,y), then you can do the following
zx = sum( z(x, y) ) over all values of y
zy = sum( z(x, y) ) over all values of x
meanX = sum( x * zx(x)) / sum ( zx(x) )
meanY = sum( y * zy(y)) / sum ( zy(y) )
I trust you can convert this into a language of your choice...
Example: if you know Matlab, then the above would be written as follows
zx = sum( Z, 1 ); % sum all the rows
zy = sum( Z, 2 ); % sum all the columns
[ny nx] = size(Z); % find out the dimensions of Z
meanX = sum((1:nx).*zx) / sum(zx);
meanY = sum((1:ny).*zy) / sum(zy);
This would give you the meanX in the range 1 .. nx : if it's right in the middle, the value would be (nx+1)/2. You can obviously scale this to your needs.
EDIT: one more time, in "almost real" code:
// array Z(N, M) contains values on an evenly spaced grid
// assume base 1 arrays
zx = zeros(N);
zy = zeros(M);
// create X profile:
for jj = 1 to M
for ii = 1 to N
zx(jj) = zx(jj) + Z(ii, jj);
next ii
next jj
// create Y profile:
for ii = 1 to N
for jj = 1 to M
zy(ii) = zy(ii) + Z(ii, jj);
next jj
next ii
xsum = 0;
zxsum = 0;
for ii = 1 to N
zxsum += zx(ii);
xsum += ii * zx(ii);
next ii
xmean = xsum / zxsum;
ysum = 0;
zysum = 0;
for jj = 1 to M
zysum += zy(jj);
ysum += jj * zy(ii);
next jj
ymean = ysum / zysum;
This Wikipedia entry may help; the section entitled "A system of particles" is all you need. Just understand that you need to do the calculation once for each dimension, of which you apparently have two.
And here is a complete Scala 2.10 program to generate a grid full of random integers (using dimensions specified on the command line) and find the center of gravity (where rows and columns are numbered starting at 1):
object Ctr extends App {
val Array( nRows, nCols ) = args map (_.toInt)
val grid = Array.fill( nRows, nCols )( util.Random.nextInt(10) )
grid foreach ( row => println( row mkString "," ) )
val sum =
val xCtr = ( ( for ( i <- 0 until nRows; j <- 0 until nCols )
yield (j+1) * grid(i)(j) ).sum :Float ) / sum
val yCtr = ( ( for ( i <- 0 until nRows; j <- 0 until nCols )
yield (i+1) * grid(i)(j) ).sum :Float ) / sum
println( s"Center is ( $xCtr, $yCtr )" )
You could def a function to keep the calculations DRYer, but I wanted to keep it as obvious as possible. Anyway, here we run it a couple of times:
$ scala Ctr 3 3
Center is ( 1.8378378, 2.0 )
$ scala Ctr 6 9
Center is ( 5.2956524, 3.626087 )

Algorithm for "nice" grid line intervals on a graph

I need a reasonably smart algorithm to come up with "nice" grid lines for a graph (chart).
For example, assume a bar chart with values of 10, 30, 72 and 60. You know:
Min value: 10
Max value: 72
Range: 62
The first question is: what do you start from? In this case, 0 would be the intuitive value but this won't hold up on other data sets so I'm guessing:
Grid min value should be either 0 or a "nice" value lower than the min value of the data in range. Alternatively, it can be specified.
Grid max value should be a "nice" value above the max value in the range. Alternatively, it can be specified (eg you might want 0 to 100 if you're showing percentages, irrespective of the actual values).
The number of grid lines (ticks) in the range should be either specified or a number within a given range (eg 3-8) such that the values are "nice" (ie round numbers) and you maximise use of the chart area. In our example, 80 would be a sensible max as that would use 90% of the chart height (72/80) whereas 100 would create more wasted space.
Anyone know of a good algorithm for this? Language is irrelevant as I'll implement it in what I need to.
I've done this with kind of a brute force method. First, figure out the maximum number of tick marks you can fit into the space. Divide the total range of values by the number of ticks; this is the minimum spacing of the tick. Now calculate the floor of the logarithm base 10 to get the magnitude of the tick, and divide by this value. You should end up with something in the range of 1 to 10. Simply choose the round number greater than or equal to the value and multiply it by the logarithm calculated earlier. This is your final tick spacing.
Example in Python:
import math
def BestTick(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum, 10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
if residual > 5:
tick = 10 * magnitude
elif residual > 2:
tick = 5 * magnitude
elif residual > 1:
tick = 2 * magnitude
tick = magnitude
return tick
Edit: you are free to alter the selection of "nice" intervals. One commenter appears to be dissatisfied with the selections provided, because the actual number of ticks can be up to 2.5 times less than the maximum. Here's a slight modification that defines a table for the nice intervals. In the example, I've expanded the selections so that the number of ticks won't be less than 3/5 of the maximum.
import bisect
def BestTick2(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum, 10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
# this table must begin with 1 and end with 10
table = [1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10]
tick = table[bisect.bisect_right(table, residual)] if residual < 10 else 10
return tick * magnitude
There are 2 pieces to the problem:
Determine the order of magnitude involved, and
Round to something convenient.
You can handle the first part by using logarithms:
range = max - min;
exponent = int(log(range)); // See comment below.
magnitude = pow(10, exponent);
So, for example, if your range is from 50 - 1200, the exponent is 3 and the magnitude is 1000.
Then deal with the second part by deciding how many subdivisions you want in your grid:
value_per_division = magnitude / subdivisions;
This is a rough calculation because the exponent has been truncated to an integer. You may want to tweak the exponent calculation to handle boundary conditions better, e.g. by rounding instead of taking the int() if you end up with too many subdivisions.
I use the following algorithm. It's similar to others posted here but it's the first example in C#.
public static class AxisUtil
public static float CalcStepSize(float range, float targetSteps)
// calculate an initial guess at step size
var tempStep = range/targetSteps;
// get the magnitude of the step size
var mag = (float)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(tempStep));
var magPow = (float)Math.Pow(10, mag);
// calculate most significant digit of the new step size
var magMsd = (int)(tempStep/magPow + 0.5);
// promote the MSD to either 1, 2, or 5
if (magMsd > 5)
magMsd = 10;
else if (magMsd > 2)
magMsd = 5;
else if (magMsd > 1)
magMsd = 2;
return magMsd*magPow;
CPAN provides an implementation here (see source link)
See also Tickmark algorithm for a graph axis
FYI, with your sample data:
Maple: Min=8, Max=74, Labels=10,20,..,60,70, Ticks=10,12,14,..70,72
MATLAB: Min=10, Max=80, Labels=10,20,,..,60,80
Here's another implementation in JavaScript:
var calcStepSize = function(range, targetSteps)
// calculate an initial guess at step size
var tempStep = range / targetSteps;
// get the magnitude of the step size
var mag = Math.floor(Math.log(tempStep) / Math.LN10);
var magPow = Math.pow(10, mag);
// calculate most significant digit of the new step size
var magMsd = Math.round(tempStep / magPow + 0.5);
// promote the MSD to either 1, 2, or 5
if (magMsd > 5.0)
magMsd = 10.0;
else if (magMsd > 2.0)
magMsd = 5.0;
else if (magMsd > 1.0)
magMsd = 2.0;
return magMsd * magPow;
I am the author of "Algorithm for Optimal Scaling on a Chart Axis". It used to be hosted on, but I have recently moved domains/blogging engines.
Please see my answer to a related question.
Taken from Mark above, a slightly more complete Util class in c#. That also calculates a suitable first and last tick.
public class AxisAssists
public double Tick { get; private set; }
public AxisAssists(double aTick)
Tick = aTick;
public AxisAssists(double range, int mostticks)
var minimum = range / mostticks;
var magnitude = Math.Pow(10.0, (Math.Floor(Math.Log(minimum) / Math.Log(10))));
var residual = minimum / magnitude;
if (residual > 5)
Tick = 10 * magnitude;
else if (residual > 2)
Tick = 5 * magnitude;
else if (residual > 1)
Tick = 2 * magnitude;
Tick = magnitude;
public double GetClosestTickBelow(double v)
return Tick* Math.Floor(v / Tick);
public double GetClosestTickAbove(double v)
return Tick * Math.Ceiling(v / Tick);
With ability to create an instance, but if you just want calculate and throw it away:
double tickX = new AxisAssists(aMaxX - aMinX, 8).Tick;
I wrote an objective-c method to return a nice axis scale and nice ticks for given min- and max values of your data set:
- (NSArray*)niceAxis:(double)minValue :(double)maxValue
double min_ = 0, max_ = 0, min = minValue, max = maxValue, power = 0, factor = 0, tickWidth, minAxisValue = 0, maxAxisValue = 0;
NSArray *factorArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"0.0f",#"1.2f",#"2.5f",#"5.0f",#"10.0f",nil];
NSArray *scalarArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"0.2f",#"0.2f",#"0.5f",#"1.0f",#"2.0f",nil];
// calculate x-axis nice scale and ticks
// 1. min_
if (min == 0) {
min_ = 0;
else if (min > 0) {
min_ = MAX(0, min-(max-min)/100);
else {
min_ = min-(max-min)/100;
// 2. max_
if (max == 0) {
if (min == 0) {
max_ = 1;
else {
max_ = 0;
else if (max < 0) {
max_ = MIN(0, max+(max-min)/100);
else {
max_ = max+(max-min)/100;
// 3. power
power = log(max_ - min_) / log(10);
// 4. factor
factor = pow(10, power - floor(power));
// 5. nice ticks
for (NSInteger i = 0; factor > [[factorArray objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue] ; i++) {
tickWidth = [[scalarArray objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue] * pow(10, floor(power));
// 6. min-axisValues
minAxisValue = tickWidth * floor(min_/tickWidth);
// 7. min-axisValues
maxAxisValue = tickWidth * floor((max_/tickWidth)+1);
// 8. create NSArray to return
NSArray *niceAxisValues = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:minAxisValue], [NSNumber numberWithDouble:maxAxisValue],[NSNumber numberWithDouble:tickWidth], nil];
return niceAxisValues;
You can call the method like this:
NSArray *niceYAxisValues = [self niceAxis:-maxy :maxy];
and get you axis setup:
double minYAxisValue = [[niceYAxisValues objectAtIndex:0]doubleValue];
double maxYAxisValue = [[niceYAxisValues objectAtIndex:1]doubleValue];
double ticksYAxis = [[niceYAxisValues objectAtIndex:2]doubleValue];
Just in case you want to limit the number of axis ticks do this:
NSInteger maxNumberOfTicks = 9;
NSInteger numberOfTicks = valueXRange / ticksXAxis;
NSInteger newNumberOfTicks = floor(numberOfTicks / (1 + floor(numberOfTicks/(maxNumberOfTicks+0.5))));
double newTicksXAxis = ticksXAxis * (1 + floor(numberOfTicks/(maxNumberOfTicks+0.5)));
The first part of the code is based on the calculation I found here to calculate nice graph axis scale and ticks similar to excel graphs. It works excellent for all kind of data sets. Here is an example of an iPhone implementation:
Another idea is to have the range of the axis be the range of the values, but put the tick marks at the appropriate position.. i.e. for 7 to 22 do:
[- - - | - - - - | - - - - | - - ]
10 15 20
As for selecting the tick spacing, I would suggest any number of the form 10^x * i / n, where i < n, and 0 < n < 10. Generate this list, and sort them, and you can find the largest number smaller than value_per_division (as in adam_liss) using a binary search.
Using a lot of inspiration from answers already availible here, here's my implementation in C. Note that there's some extendibility built into the ndex array.
float findNiceDelta(float maxvalue, int count)
float step = maxvalue/count,
order = powf(10, floorf(log10(step))),
delta = (int)(step/order + 0.5);
static float ndex[] = {1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5, 10};
static int ndexLenght = sizeof(ndex)/sizeof(float);
for(int i = ndexLenght - 2; i > 0; --i)
if(delta > ndex[i]) return ndex[i + 1] * order;
return delta*order;
In R, use
tickSize <- function(range,minCount){
logMaxTick <- log10(range/minCount)
exponent <- floor(logMaxTick)
mantissa <- 10^(logMaxTick-exponent)
af <- c(1,2,5) # allowed factors
mantissa <- af[findInterval(mantissa,af)]
where range argument is max-min of domain.
Here is a javascript function I wrote to round grid intervals (max-min)/gridLinesNumber to beautiful values. It works with any numbers, see the gist with detailed commets to find out how it works and how to call it.
var ceilAbs = function(num, to, bias) {
if (to == undefined) to = [-2, -5, -10]
if (bias == undefined) bias = 0
var numAbs = Math.abs(num) - bias
var exp = Math.floor( Math.log10(numAbs) )
if (typeof to == 'number') {
return Math.sign(num) * to * Math.ceil(numAbs/to) + bias
var mults = to.filter(function(value) {return value > 0})
to = to.filter(function(value) {return value < 0}).map(Math.abs)
var m = Math.abs(numAbs) * Math.pow(10, -exp)
var mRounded = Infinity
for (var i=0; i<mults.length; i++) {
var candidate = mults[i] * Math.ceil(m / mults[i])
if (candidate < mRounded)
mRounded = candidate
for (var i=0; i<to.length; i++) {
if (to[i] >= m && to[i] < mRounded)
mRounded = to[i]
return Math.sign(num) * mRounded * Math.pow(10, exp) + bias
Calling ceilAbs(number, [0.5]) for different numbers will round numbers like that:
301573431.1193228 -> 350000000
14127.786597236991 -> 15000
-63105746.17236853 -> -65000000
-718854.2201183736 -> -750000
-700660.340487957 -> -750000
0.055717507097870114 -> 0.06
0.0008068701205775142 -> 0.00085
-8.66660070605576 -> -9
-400.09256079792976 -> -450
0.0011740548815578223 -> 0.0015
-5.3003294346854085e-8 -> -6e-8
-0.00005815960629843176 -> -0.00006
-742465964.5184875 -> -750000000
-81289225.90985894 -> -85000000
0.000901771713513881 -> 0.00095
-652726598.5496342 -> -700000000
-0.6498901364393532 -> -0.65
0.9978325804695487 -> 1
5409.4078950583935 -> 5500
26906671.095639467 -> 30000000
Check out the fiddle to experiment with the code. Code in the answer, the gist and the fiddle is slightly different I'm using the one given in the answer.
If you are trying to get the scales looking right on VB.NET charts, then I've used the example from Adam Liss, but make sure when you set the min and max scale values that you pass them in from a variable of type decimal (not of type single or double) otherwise the tick mark values end up being set to like 8 decimal places.
So as an example, I had 1 chart where I set the min Y Axis value to 0.0001 and the max Y Axis value to 0.002.
If I pass these values to the chart object as singles I get tick mark values of 0.00048000001697801, 0.000860000036482233 ....
Whereas if I pass these values to the chart object as decimals I get nice tick mark values of 0.00048, 0.00086 ......
In python:
steps = [numpy.round(x) for x in np.linspace(min, max, num=num_of_steps)]
Answer that can dynamically always plot 0, handle positive and negatives, and small and large numbers, gives the tick interval size and how many to plot; written in Go
forcePlotZero changes how the max values are rounded so it'll always make a nice multiple to then get back to zero. Example:
if forcePlotZero == false then 237 --> 240
if forcePlotZero == true then 237 --> 300
Intervals are calculated by getting the multiple of 10/100/1000 etc for max and then subtracting till the cumulative total of these subtractions is < min
Here's the output from the function, along with showing forcePlotZero
Force to plot zero
max and min inputs
rounded max and min
min: -104 max: 240
minned: -160 maxed: 240
intervalCount: 5 intervalSize: 100
min: -104 max: 240
minned: -200 maxed: 300
intervalCount: 6 intervalSize: 100
min: 40 max: 1240
minned: 0 maxed: 1300
intervalCount: 14 intervalSize: 100
min: 200 max: 240
minned: 190 maxed: 240
intervalCount: 6 intervalSize: 10
min: 0.7 max: 1.12
minned: 0.6 maxed: 1.2
intervalCount: 7 intervalSize: 0.1
min: -70.5 max: -12.5
minned: -80 maxed: -10
intervalCount: 8 intervalSize: 10
Here's the playground link
func getMaxMinIntervals(max float64, min float64, forcePlotZero bool) (maxRounded float64, minRounded float64, intervalCount float64, intervalSize float64) {
//STEP 1: start off determining the maxRounded value for the axis
precision := 0.0
precisionDampener := 0.0 //adjusts to prevent 235 going to 300, instead dampens the scaling to get 240
epsilon := 0.0000001
if math.Abs(max) >= 0 && math.Abs(max) < 2 {
precision = math.Floor(-math.Log10(epsilon + math.Abs(max) - math.Floor(math.Abs(max)))) //counting number of zeros between decimal point and rightward digits
precisionDampener = 1
precision = precision + precisionDampener
} else if math.Abs(max) >= 2 && math.Abs(max) < 100 {
precision = math.Ceil(math.Log10(math.Abs(max)+1)) * -1 //else count number of digits before decimal point
precisionDampener = 1
precision = precision + precisionDampener
} else {
precision = math.Ceil(math.Log10(math.Abs(max)+1)) * -1 //else count number of digits before decimal point
precisionDampener = 2
if forcePlotZero == true {
precisionDampener = 1
precision = precision + precisionDampener
useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation := 0.0 // this is needed because intervals are calculated from the max value with a zero origin, this uses range for min - max
if max < 0 {
maxRounded = (math.Floor(math.Abs(max)*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision)) * -1)
useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation = (math.Floor(math.Abs(max)*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision))) + ((math.Ceil(math.Abs(min)*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision))) * -1)
} else {
maxRounded = math.Ceil(max*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision))
useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation = maxRounded
minNumberOfIntervals := 2.0
maxNumberOfIntervals := 19.0
intervalSize = 0.001
intervalCount = minNumberOfIntervals
//STEP 2: get interval size (the step size on the axis)
for {
if math.Abs(useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation)/intervalSize < minNumberOfIntervals || math.Abs(useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation)/intervalSize > maxNumberOfIntervals {
intervalSize = intervalSize * 10
} else {
//STEP 3: check that intervals are not too large, safety for max and min values that are close together (240, 220 etc)
for {
if max-min < intervalSize {
intervalSize = intervalSize / 10
} else {
//STEP 4: now we can get minRounded by adding the interval size to 0 till we get to the point where another increment would make cumulative increments > min, opposite for negative in
minRounded = 0.0
if min >= 0 {
for {
if minRounded < min {
minRounded = minRounded + intervalSize
} else {
minRounded = minRounded - intervalSize
} else {
minRounded = maxRounded //keep going down, decreasing by the interval size till minRounded < min
for {
if minRounded > min {
minRounded = minRounded - intervalSize
} else {
//STEP 5: get number of intervals to draw
intervalCount = (maxRounded - minRounded) / intervalSize
intervalCount = math.Ceil(intervalCount) + 1 // include the origin as an interval
//STEP 6: Check that the intervalCount isn't too high
if intervalCount-1 >= (intervalSize * 2) && intervalCount > maxNumberOfIntervals {
intervalCount = math.Ceil(intervalCount / 2)
intervalSize *= 2
This is in python and for base 10.
Doesn't cover all your questions but I think you can build on it
import numpy as np
def create_ticks(lo,hi):
s = 10**(np.floor(np.log10(hi - lo)))
start = s * np.floor(lo / s)
end = s * np.ceil(hi / s)
ticks = [start]
t = start
while (t < end):
ticks += [t]
t = t + s
return ticks
