Change directory via cmd.exe doesn't work - windows

I am trying to change directory via
cd d:
Doesn't work. I tried other variations of same process but doesn't work.
As if command prompt doesn't recognize D drive.

just type D:. You don't need to input the cd to change drives.

The short answer
The correct way to go from a random place on your C: drive to the root of your D: drive, is the following command :
cd /d d:\
More details
If you're somewhere random on your D:\ drive, and you want to go to the root of your drive, you can use this command :
cd d:\
If you're somewhere random on your D:\ drive, and you want to go to a specific folder on your drive, you can use this command :
cd d:\path\to\my\folder
If you're on a different drive, and you want to go to the root of your D:\ drive, you can use this command :
cd /d d:\
If you're on a different drive, and you want to go to a specific folder on your D: drive, you can use this command :
cd /d d:\path\to\my\folder
If you're on a different drive, and you want to go to the last open folder of you D: drive, you can use this command :
cd /d d:
As a shorthand for cd /d d:, you can also use this command :


I am trying to change directory in CMD but it is not working. it will return to current directory, see this: [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how to change directory using Windows command line
(8 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
C:\Users\vk Yadav>cd d:
C:\Users\vk Yadav>
Why it's happening?
cd means change directory. You don't use it to change drives. Typing cd D: tells you what the current directory is on drive D:.
To change drives, just type the new drive letter followed by :, as in D: and hit Enter.
To learn what cd does, type cd /? at a command prompt.
Reading cd /? help shows you that when changing directories to different drives requires /d option.
cd /d D:\
but using
cd /d D:
will only change to the drive with previous path, similar as standalone D: command
The command obviously works with appended folders.
cd /d "D:\Some Folder\"
If you only want to changes drives, then just doing
Will change to the drive. But if you were in a specific directory on D: prior to swopping to C:\ then running D: will land you back in that dir. The following demonstrates this, you can test it yourself by copying it, add an actual directory name where I have Some Folder and paste into your cmd window.
echo off & cls
cd "%userprofile%"
cd /d "D:\Some Folder\"
cd /d D:
cd /d C:
cd /d D:\
cd /d C:\
Running the above on my system (note I use Z:\ instead of D:\)
So if you intend to only land exactly on the drive or drive\dir, then just use cd /d path
type D: and press enter. so you can move to D drive

I am unable to change the directory in cmd

cmd is not able to change the directory using the command
C:\Windows\system32>CD I:
It is going back to same C: directory
The screenshot
Just type "I:" and press Enter, then use "CD foldername" to dive into your folders.
The short answer
The correct commando to go from C:\Windows\system32 to I:\, is this :
cd /d i:\
More details
If you're somewhere random on your I:\ drive, and you want to go to the root of your drive, you can use this command :
cd i:\
If you're somewhere random on your I:\ drive, and you want to go to a specific folder on your drive, you can use this command :
cd i:\path\to\my\folder
If you're on a different drive, and you want to go to the root of your I:\ drive, you can use this command :
cd /d i:\
If you're on a different drive, and you want to go to a specific folder on your I: drive, you can use this command :
cd /d i:\path\to\my\folder
If you're on a different drive, and you want to go to the last open folder of you I: drive, you can use this command :
cd /d i:
As a shorthand for cd /d i:, you can also use this command :
Read cd /? to learn there is a /d switch to change drive and directory at the same time
Keep in mind that a
cd I:\
would have an effect even if the current drive would not change .
An alternative would be
pushd "I:\"
which stores the current location on a stack and can be recalled lateron with

To change drive and directory at the same time

Hi presently I am using command prompt frequently. Every time I need to access different folders of different drives so I need to change drive and directory at the same time For this I got a solution:
C:> CD /D D:\JAVA it's working fine. But why we are using "/D"
So please explain me why we are using /D.
CD /D ... changes the current drive in addition to changing folder.
Source CD Change Directory - Select a Folder (and drive)
CD [/D] [drive:][path]
CD [..]
/D : change the current DRIVE in addition to changing folder.
Changing the Current drive
Enter the drive letter followed by a colon.
C:> E:
To change drive and directory at the same time, use CD with the /D
C:> cd /D
E:\utils E:\utils\>
cd /? Will answer that for you.
The alternative to cd /d d:\java is d: then cd java. If you then changed to another drive (say C:) and ran dir d: you would still see the contents of the java directory. i.e. The OS remembers what directory each drive is currently looking at. Likewise you can just run C:>cd d:\otherDir c:>dir d: and see the contents of otherDir.
By using the command -
CD [/D] [drive:][path]
on cmd it means to jump to a different directory where /D simply means to jump to another directory. This command also gives freedom in using different drives unlike the cd [drive:][path] command.
By using the above command it is also possible to move to the same previous working directory in a specific Drive just by writing Drive name followed by a colon. For eg:
C:\Users>cd /D G:\FUN

Using a networked drive I am trying to access a folder using a variable. I only get the contents of the previous folder.

I have a location on a networked drive that gets a folder with the current date for every file. I am trying to access this location by temporarily mapping the drive (Net Use) and then using the date to fill in the folder name.
When I execute the code it is set to the previous directory. (A DIR listing will bring up the contents of that folder and the rest of the code to move files puts them in that location)
Any ideas?
REM This is to move the Export file to the FTP Site.
Set Year_Mo_Da=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%
time /t
net use z: \\\Validation\2014
REM \%Year_Mo_Da% -- This is the folder name
cd /d z:\%%Year_Mo_Da%%
Copy Z:\*FileName_*.* Y:\NewLocation\TEST
net use z: /delete
time /t
You're changing directories but then copying from the root after all. #foxidrive removed the backslash but perhaps it wasn't noticed when you made your change?
cd /d z:\%%Year_Mo_Da%%'re in the subdirectory
Copy Z:\*FileName_*.* Y:\NewLocation\TEST
...but you copied from the root of Z: after all.
This would work (quotes can't hurt of course but for this example aren't required unless your filename contains spaces):
Copy Z:*FileName_*.* Y:\NewLocation\TEST
BTW I tend to use pushd and popd so I don't have to know the drive letter. Don't know if that helps you or not but you don't have to net use /d either, or care if Z: is in use for something else.
pushd \\\Validation\2014\%Year_Mo_Da%
Copy *FileName_*.* Y:\NewLocation\TEST
You don't need doubled percents here:
cd /d "z:\%Year_Mo_Da%"
Depending on what you need to do - this may be the next command:
Copy "*FileName_*.*" "Y:\NewLocation\TEST"

How to change directory to run .bat files from different drive?

I have some .bat files that I run from the local directory (e.g. C:\Users\pozna001). However, when I try and change the directory to a data drive using cd F:\nrcs_project to run the .bat files from a different location, I see that the command prompt does not recognize the cd command. How can I change the directory in the command prompt so that I can run these .bat files from a different drive (i.e. a data drive connected to a server)?
CD /D F:\nrcs_project
Use the /D switch to change current drive in addition to changing current directory for a drive.
If you need to go from a device to another (in your case from C:\ to F:\, you need to type F: before/after you entered your cd command, so it will go on the F device. Otherwise, you can use the /D parameter of the cd function.
So to sum up,
$C:\Folder> F:
$F:\>cd F:\whatever
$C:\Folder> cd F:\whatever
$C:\Folder> F:
$C:\Folder> cd /D F:\whatever
You first need to type F: to change to the F:\ drive, then you can use the CD command
Or you can use the /D switch to do it all in one shot:
CD /D F:\nrcs_project
the command will look like following:
F: && cd nrcs_project
Both solution above are correct.
The fastest is:
cd /d f:\nrcs_project
But you could change drive first, then the directory.
Use cd /? and it will show you all params.
you can also use:
pushd "F:\nrcs_project"
this will allow also to return to the previous direcotry with popd
Mind that it is a good practice to enclose paths with double quotes in case of special characters,spaces and so on..
