Parse cloud code send flag to save object - parse-platform

I've been trying to send a flag to save request. This save request is sent from different platforms so we seperated them with a flag. The problem is that it gives
Result: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
when you send the request to table without the parameter. I did not want to add this parameter as a column in the table but it seems it automatically creates it when you successfully save the object. Is there a way to save the object without creating the flag column and seperate the save requests with and without the flag? Thank you in advance.
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("MessageTest", function(request, response) {
if(!request.object.get("fromMessages")) {
else response.succcess();

If you try to save an object directly from your app, you cannot remove the field from your request in beforeSave trigger. A better approach is to save your object via a Cloud function instead. Send in your object alongside of your platform flag to a cloud function, then construct a MessageTest object from the parameters (obviously ignoring your platform flag) and then save it from there.


Laravel - retrieve data inside controller – POST x PATCH

First important information: I’m new to laravel, so your patience is appreciated.
I’m currently migrating a framework of mine to laravel, so I’m in the early stages.
Currently, I’m trying to set up an API endpoint to make small changes on some records. I’ve already managed to set up a API for inserting records and works perfectly. However, for setting up an API for small changes (patch), I’m having difficulties, probably because I’m not fully familiar with laravel’s Request class.
My successful insert set up looks like this:
Route::post('/categories/',[ApiCategoriesInsertController::class, 'insertCategories'], function($insertCategoriesResults) {
return response()->json($insertCategoriesResults);
// some code
public function insertCategories(Request $req): array
$this->arrCategoriesInsertParameters['_tblCategoriesIdParent'] = $req->post('id_parent');
// some code
With this set up, I’m able to retrieve “id_parent” data set through POST.
So, I tried to do exactly the same architecture for patch, but doesn’t seem to work:
Route::patch('/records/',[ApiRecordsPatchController::class, 'patchRecords'], function($patchRecordsResults) {
return response()->json($patchRecordsResults);
// some code
public function patchRecords(Request $req): array
$this->arrRecordsPatchParameters['_strTable'] = $req->post('strTable');
// some code
In this case, I´m using postman (PATCH request), testing the data in the "Body tab" with key "strTable" and value "123xxx" and I´m receiving “strTable” as null.
Any idea of why this is happening or if I should use another method in the Request class?
You can access parameters on the Request object using one of the following methods:
// or
The input method also accepts a second parameter which will be used as the default return value if the key is not present in the Request.
If you want to check whether or not the Request contains a value before you attempt to access it, you can use filled:
if ($req->filled('strTable')) {
// The request contains a value
Turns out that the way I had set up was in fact working and retrieving data:
The problem was in how I was testing it. In postman, there are several options to configure:
I had already switched to x-www-form-urlencoded to test it, but I forgot to fill the “key” and “value” information again. I didn’t realize that the fields blank as we switch between them.
Summing it up: It works when x-www-form-urlencoded selected but doesn’t work with form-data selected. Don’t know what the difference between them yet, but I’ll research it further.
By the way, it worked also with the suggestion from Rube Hart:

In fine-uploader is there a callback for the json resturned by the server?

By default fine-uploader marks an upload as a success when it recieves the following json file.
{ "success": "true" }
Does fine-uploader support passing extra data back to the client and doing something with it?
All data passed from your server can be accessed on the 3rd parameter passed to your onComplete event handler, which is a JavaScript object. Note that the `XMLHttpRequest instance used to send the request is also available as the 4th param.

Laravel - Modify Received Request Parameters

When we receive a Request object in Laravel, is there a way to modify or add data to it? For instance, could I rename a parameter (not the value, but the parameter name itself) to something else? For example, the input might be called fname but I want to change it to first_name. Or could I add new inputs and values that weren't in the original request?
The reason I ask is that I have a method that accepts a Request object, and expects certain input names. I'd like to be able to reuse the method, but the request input names will be different.
If you have an Object you can edit and add new items.
$request->url = $new_url;
$request->new_item = 1;
If the object item not exists, then will create automatically, or if it exists, will modify it.
Tested #marc-garcia answer, and that will not persist through your script execution. This will...
// merge defaults into the request.
// this makes it consistent everywhere (blade, controller...)
// find the request if it exists, second param is the default value
'reservable' =>request( 'reservable', (self::RESERVABLE_BY_DEFAULT?1:0) )
You may also use request()->replace([...]); but that will remove all other parameters from the request and replace it will the array you provide.

Does Parse.Cloud.beforeRead exist is some form?

In Parse there is something called:
I wonder if there is something to play the role of a:
I need a way to control what is going to be returned to the user when a request is made to the DB.
In particular in certain circomstances, depending on information on the server, I want to force blank fields in the result of the DB request made by the user. Any standard way to do this?
There is no Parse.Cloud.beforeRead kind of function supported by Parse.
Instead, you can define a custom cloud function using
Parse.Cloud.define('readObjects', function(request, response) {...} );
that returns array of objects. This function will act as a wrapper over the Parse query.
Then, your client apps should be calling this cloud function to fetch objects rather than direct Parse.Query requests.

How to return output to client side (rest call) from Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPlugin?

I have created a custom entity and a matching plugin.
The plug-in registers on the Create message of the entity, pre-operation, and synchronous.
Via a rest call the plugin execution is triggered. The input is correct. But I can not get the data out to the client side.
Should I set OutputParameters, change the InputParameter, change plugin registration, ...?
Or should I retrieve the entity afterwards?
This pattern is described at under the command pattern segment
To update some values in record in Pre-Create you can use something like this:
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)
Entity yourEntityName= (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]
yourEntityName.Attributes["SomeAttribute"] = "SomeValues"
Is that what you are looking for?
Change "SomeAttribute" for attribute name that you want to change and "SomeValues" for value that you want to pass into record.
On PreCreate event populate Text area with your results. At the end of Create, your entity will have this field populated with results. In rest call retrieve the entity after it is created and retrieve the results from Text area.
If you are using CRM 2013, instead of using custom entity and Plugin, you can use Actions to carry out server side execution and Actions can be called from REST calls. Actions is like any SDK Message where you can provide inputs and it will have Output.
