I'm trying to run a ruby script that does some analysis via the AdSense API. It seems like the AdSense API is written in the context of a web app and then a user that logs in. My use case is different; I want to run a script against my own AdSense account.
Is this possible? Or do I need to set up a web site flow to get an access token?
if you want to run e.g. a nightly script against your Adsense account to generate a report you need to:
do the auth flow once
request and store a refresh token
use that refresh token to authorize your report going forward.
For an example, if you take a look at https://github.com/googleads/googleads-adsense-examples/blob/master/ruby/v1.x/adsense_common.rb and look at CREDENTIAL_STORE_FILE ... that is the name of the file with the token in it and you can see the auth options starting around line 50
Is there a way to automatically authenticate the google javascript api client, without user interaction?
Something like this:
User loads webpage -> webpage automatically signs in into a predefined user account -> api calls get executed
Basically i want to prevent the popup where you have to select an account and sign in to it. As the account which will be signed in is always the same.
pinoyyid answer looks promising and is what im looking for. But this only works if the user has signed in with an account at least once, if im not mistaken.
Now i dont want to use an account supplied by the user, but a predefined account which i am the owner of and sign this account in.
Im not entirely sure if this is even possible, as i have to provide the password/some authentication code to google and somehow do this in a secure way.
Use Case: The website will create a Youtube Broadcast via the Youtube Data/Livestream API for the specified account.
Yes you can do that. Referring to https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/javascript-implicit-flow
there are three pieces of information that will get you where you want to be:-
The OAuth URL can include a login_hint which is the email of your intended user
The OAuth URL can also include prompt=none which will do its work silently
This all needs to run in an iframe because this is based on origins and redirects.
If the requirement is for a browser client to connect to a Google Account other than that of the browser user, then this is not possible. It's kinda obvious really that to do so would require a credential in the browser which by definition is not a secure environment.
The approach I would take would be to use a service such as Lambda or Google Cloud Functions (or whatever marketing name they have this week) to create a proxy for the corresponding Google API using a credential stored server-side.
I've been crawling the web but haven't been able to figure this out.
I want to write an app with the following behavior: it presents existing users of Google Cloud with a login window to which they enter their Cloud credentials - user and password. With those credentials, I want to programmatically access and fetch their respective billing data so I can later display it to them. This should obviously be able to serve multiple users.
I don't understand how to get past the very first step, which is - what do I do after I get the credentials? Is there a client library method to which I supply them and then gain access to the user's info?
You can use Firebase Authentication or Google Identity Toolkit, see sample here
I'm faced with a difficult scenario regarding OAuth 2 authentication and Google's Calendar API.
I am attempting to write a PHP script which processes my personal calendar data after being triggered by a POST call from an external source. However, I am having trouble granting the script access to my account. Since the script runs entirely in the background, there is never an opportunity for me to enter the authorization code which is required for PHP command line tools making Google API requests.
I have looked into Service Accounts, which grant access to personal data without individual approval, but unfortunately this is only available to G Suite users, which I am not.
I have also attempted to run my script manually, enter the code to authenticate, then run it from my external source. This doesn't work either, because the authorization codes are apparently only good for the same mode of access where it was entered, and the response to the external source still shows as asking for the code.
Lastly, please note that responding with the authorization code from the external source is not an option. Which I can activate the trigger, I cannot change how it works or the data it passes.
TL;DR: How do I grant a PHP script (which runs only in the background) access to my personal Google Calendar data?
Thanks in advance!
Articulating this question actually helped me better formulate my Google searches, and I found the answer!
I'll leave this question/answer here so somebody can hopefully benefit from it -
Turns out that the Service Account is the way to go, but instead of trying to access your account's data via the service account, you need to share the calendars in question with the generated service account email address. Essentially, this makes the service account a "co-owner" of the calendar. Then, you simply make the request to the service account's own information.
Hope this helps!
there is a service where one can authorize using their Google account.
I need to automate the workflow with that service, so my software has to log-in with a given Google account.
But as I've never done that before I don't know where to start. Most related answers suggest to display the authorization page to the user letting them to enter their login/password of their Google account, but that's not the case since my software must be fully automated, plus it is being ran in terminal mode so no browser neither any human to enter anything should be involved.
I wonder if such automation could be possible and where should I start.
The standard way to authenticate a user with google is through a three-legged oauth authentication flow (in a browser). You can do this in go using the oauth2 or with a more comprehensive package like goth
The general flow is:
redirect user to a landing page on google's site where they are prompted to grant you access.
google will make a callback to your site with a special code.
you make another request to exchange that code for an access token and a refresh token.
Use access token to use google apis, and use refresh token to get a new access token anytime it expires.
It is more detailed than this, and there is a lot to get right to keep it secure, but that is the general idea.
Now, like you've said, your app is a command line thing, so it is hard to do that flow. Unfortunately, you may need to do that once, just to get a refresh token. Once you have that, you could give it to your application: myapp -google-token=FOOBAR123, and your app can exchange the referesh token for a valid access token.
Maybe this will help: https://github.com/burnash/gspread/wiki/How-to-get-OAuth-access-token-in-console%3F
Can anyone tell me how I could go about authenticating with the various OAuth login mechanisms on the internets (Twitter, Facebook) so that I can run scripts against these services.
As an example, right now when I use Facebook data I goto graph.facebook.com and copy paste the access key from the URL. Obviously this is a bad approach, it has sufficed for now, but is not really an option anymore :)
I've checked out the documentation on the facebook site in particular which requests that I use a callback urL and so on. I'd like to be able to make a call from a ruby script which requests the OAuth token instead.
Is this even possible?
P.s This would be using my own credentials.
Yes, it is possible. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ "Authenticating as an Application" section.
You can get the Access Token using a web redirection, and then store it to perform further offline operations. Some APIs need explicit user scope permission to do that.