Getting Bad request Error for Ajax call in Spring MVC - ajax

I am getting Bad Request Error for my ajax call in Spring MVC. Please refer the code below and kindly comment on this :
ajax call :
$.getJSON('deletRowRequest', {ticketId: ids}, function(data){
controller :
#RequestMapping(value="/deletRowRequest", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List deleteRow(Model model, #RequestParam(value="ticketId") String ticketId){
String[] ticketString = ticketId.split(",");
String flag = "deleteRow";
List deleteTicketList = new ArrayList();
for(String tick :ticketString){
System.out.println("list>> "+deleteTicketList);
UpdateDB updatedb = new UpdateDB();
updatedb.updateTable(deleteTicketList, flag);
List ticket = updatedb.getRecordsFromDB();
return ticket;
I have also included Jackson 1.7.4 jars in the lib folder and <mvc:annotation-driven/> in my servlet.
Please guide me solve this problem.

You're telling String that ticketId is a request param. So spring search for a param in the query string with the name ticketId.
But you're sending ticketId as part of the body of the request.
You have 2 optinos.
Change the invokation, and include your ticketid as part of the querystring.
Change the Spring method, so it could receive the ticketid as part of the body request. You can use #RequestBody instead of #RequestParam.


request parameters got duplicated when forwarded between two tomcats

We have a Controller running on tomcat 8.5.32 which receives a POST request with query params
request body is empty
Then controller redirects this request to Spring Boot microservice with tomcat 9.0.27.
At line
CloseableHttpResponse result = httpClient.execute(request);
request.getURI().getQuery() equals&title=1&description=2
But when it arrives to microservice parameters are duplicated (title=[4,4]&description=[5,5]).
This is the code which redirects request to microservice
private static <T, U> T executePostRequest(String url, U body, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, Function<String, T> readValueFunction) {
try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {
URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(url);
httpServletRequest.getParameterMap().forEach((k, v) -> -> uriBuilder.addParameter(k, e)));
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(;
CloseableHttpResponse result = httpClient.execute(request);
String json = EntityUtils.toString(result.getEntity(), "UTF-8");
handleResultStatus(result, json);
return readValueFunction.apply(json);
} catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
I found that there was similar issue with jetty and it was fixed but did not find anything related to tomcat - and how it can be fixed.
I saw also this topic whith suggestion how to handle duplicated parameters in spring boot but i am wondering if anyone else experienced same issue and how did you resolve it if yes.
It's not a bug, it's a feature present in every servlet container.
The Servlet API does not require for the request parameters to have unique names. If you send a POST request for with a body of:
then each parameter will have multiple values: title will have values 1 and 3, while description will have values 2 and 4 in that order:
Data from the query string and the post body are aggregated into the request
parameter set. Query string data is presented before post body data. For example, if
a request is made with a query string of a=hello and a post body of a=goodbye&a=
world, the resulting parameter set would be ordered a=(hello, goodbye, world).
(Servlet specification, section 3.1)
If you want to copy just the first value of the parameters use:
.forEach((k, v) -> uriBuilder.addParameter(k, v[0]));

Fetching Form-data in spring controller

Hi It might look like duplicate but its not.
I am building a rest api using spring boot and need to fetch form-data sent by client app in POST request.
for testing purpose I am using postman. So far i have tried below
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> addComment(#RequestHeader(name = Constants.USER_ID_HEADER) int userId,
#PathVariable("feedId") int feedId,
#RequestParam("comment") String comment
) {"Received add comment request with comment:"+comment);
return new ResponseEntity<BaseResponse>(new BaseResponse("You are not feed owner", RESPONSETYPE.ERROR), HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
this gives error "Required String parameter 'comment' is not present"
Second way tried:
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> addComment(#RequestHeader(name = Constants.USER_ID_HEADER) int userId,
#PathVariable("feedId") int feedId,
#RequestParam Map<String, String> values
) {
for(String key: values.keySet()) {
return new ResponseEntity<BaseResponse>(new BaseResponse("You are not feed owner", RESPONSETYPE.ERROR), HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
this gives wired output:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name:"comment"
test comment
I'm pretty sure that with plane servlet i can access this using request.getParameter("comment")
not sure how i can fetch it in case of spring rest controller.
"Required String parameter 'comment' is not present" this error happens when this paremeter is required but you didn't send it.
#RequestParam(value="comment", required=false)
this will make the comment parameter optional. So if you missed sending the comment parameter its ok.

How to redirect from spring ajax controller?

I have a controller with #ResponseBody annotation. What I want to do is if this user doesn't exists process user's Id and return a json object. If exists redirect to user page with userInfo. Below code gives ajax error. Is there any way to redirect to user page with userInfo?
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/userInfo", method = {RequestMethod.GET})
public String getUserInfo(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ModelMap modelMap) {
.....//ajax return
modelMap.addAttribute("userInfo", userInfoFromDB);
return "user/user.jsp";
Well, this method is annotated with #ResponseBody. That means that the String return value will be the body of the response. So here you are just returning "user/user.jsp" to caller.
As you have full access to the response, you can always explicitely do a redirect with response.sendRedirect(...);. It is even possible to explicitely ask Spring to pass userInfoFromDB as a RedirectAttribute through the flash. You can see more details on that in this other answer from me (this latter is for an interceptor, but can be used the same from a controller). You would have to return null to tell spring that the controller code have fully processed the response. Here it will be:
Map<String, Object> flash = RequestContextUtils.getOutputFlashMap(request);
flash.put("userInfo", userInfoFromDB);
response.redirect(request.getContextPath() + "/user/user.jsp");
return null;
The problem is that the client side expects a string response that will not arrive and must be prepared to that. If it is not, you will get an error client side. The alternative would then be not to redirect but pass a special string containing the next URL:
Map<String, Object> flash = RequestContextUtils.getOutputFlashMap(request);
flash.put("userInfo", userInfoFromDB); // prepare the redirect attribute
return "SPECIAL_STRING_FOR_REDIRECT:" + request.getContextPath() + "/user/user.jsp");
and let the javascript client code to process that response and ask for the next page.

Empty request body gives 400 error

My Spring controller method looks something like this:
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.PUT, value="/items/{itemname}")
public ResponseEntity<?> updateItem(#PathVariable String itemname, #RequestBody byte[] data) {
// code that saves item
This works fine except when a try to put a zero-length item, then I get an HTTP error: 400 Bad Request. In this case my method is never invoked. I was expecting that the method should be invoked with the "data" parameter set to a zero-length array.
Can I make request mapping work even when Content-Length is 0?
I am using Spring framework version 4.1.5.RELEASE.
Setting a new byte[0] will not send any content on the request body. If you set spring MVC logs to TRACE you should see a message saying Required request body content is missing as a root cause of your 400 Bad Request
To support your case you should make your #RequestBody optional
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.PUT, value="/items/{itemname}")
public ResponseEntity<?> updateItem(#PathVariable String itemname, #RequestBody(required = false) byte[] data) {
// code that saves item

spring social facebook accessToken with 400 error

Hi please help am new to spring social,i am getting the 400 error while getting the access token from the AUTHORIZATION_CODE..
my code is as follows
#RequestMapping(value = "/facebook", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
public Object getFacebookLoginPage(#RequestBody SocialCommand socialCommand) throws Exception {
loggerService.debug("In ShareController", "getFacebookLoginPage method for facebook", "returns the JSON response for the input socialCommand");
Result result = new Result();
result.status = "OK";
dataObject = socialCommand;
FacebookConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new FacebookConnectionFactory(msgprop.getProperty("facebook.appId"), msgprop.getProperty("facebook.appSecrete"), msgprop.getProperty("facebook.namespace"));
oAuth2Operations = connectionFactory.getOAuthOperations();
OAuth2Parameters params = new OAuth2Parameters();
// params.set("Content-Type", MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA.getType());
String authorizeUrl = oAuth2Operations.buildAuthorizeUrl(GrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE, params);
SuccessResponse successResponse = new SuccessResponse();
successResponse.resultObj = authorizeUrl;
result.response = successResponse;
return result;
and the callback controller is as follows
#RequestMapping(value = "/facebook/callback", params = "code", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Object faceBookCallback(#RequestParam(value = "code") String callBackCode, Model model) throws IOException {
loggerService.debug("In ShareController", "faceBookCallback method for facebook", "returns the JSON response for the input socialCommand");
MultiValueMap<String, String> formData = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
formData.add("client_id", msgprop.getProperty("facebook.appId"));
formData.add("client_secret", msgprop.getProperty("facebook.appSecrete"));
formData.add("scope", msgprop.getProperty("facebook.scope"));
formData.add("redirect_uri", msgprop.getProperty("facebook.redirectURI"));
formData.set("grant_type", "authorization_code");
formData.set("Content-Type", MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA.getType());
AccessGrant accessGrant = oAuth2Operations.exchangeForAccess(callBackCode, msgprop.getProperty("facebook.redirectURI"), formData);
SocialCommand socialCommand = (SocialCommand) dataObject;
model.addAttribute("activityId", appStatus.getActivityId());
return "backToViewDetails";
oAuth2Operations.exchangeForAccess giving the 400 bad request
A couple of things I notice...
First, why are you writing your own controller for performing the OAuth dance instead of using ConnectController that Spring Social provides? ConnectController can handle all of the redirects for you and has been part of Spring Social from the beginning. Spring Social Showcase ( is an example of a project that uses ConnectController.
Even so, assuming you have good reason for writing your own connection controller, I see nothing in getFacebookLoginPage() that performs the actual redirect to Facebook, so I can only assume that happens in code not shown. Then when the redirect comes back from Facebook, I'm puzzled as to why you set the content type and most of those parameters before calling exchangeForAccess(). (Even then, you're setting what looks like a request header, but you're setting it as a form parameter...not necessary, but also not what you had in mind.)
Again, I encourage you to take a look at ConnectController ( It will probably do what you need it to do. And even if you still feel the need to writing your own controller, you can look at how ConnectController works as a guide to how to write your own controller.
