Maven Dependency Plugin: Copy only test dependencies - maven

I have already assembled all runtime dependencies for my project in one output directory using the Maven Dependency plugin. Now I would like to assemble all additional test dependencies in a separate directory.
But when I include scope test and exclude either compile or runtime scope, it still always copies all compile dependencies as well.
Is there a way to copy only the additional test dependencies?
My current configuration:

The includeScope parameter, by default, is empty which means it includes all scopes and the excludeScope is, by default, empty.
When you specify <includeScope>test</includeScope>, it means that you want to include all dependencies (of all scopes). This setting seems to be different that the default empty value and I guess the maven-dependency-plugin is confused when both <excludeScope> and <includeScope> are used: it includes everything and does not exclude the specified scopes.
You need to remove includeScope and let excludeScope do it's job.


read rivision number of pom file

I want to use svn revision number of pom file as its version.
In pom.xml, if we use buildnumber-maven-plugin, we need to define scm repository url, so that it can check to repository and use buildnumber.
But i want to ask that when we have checkedout code to our system, isn't there any way to get buildnumber without using scm urls. As revision number is stored as subversion in property of each file. we can see it if we right click on file and go to properties.
I want to use buildnumber in version tag of pom and other module's buildnumber in their vaersion tag in dependencies to them.
So if i can store all subversion numbers initially, infact earlier than resolving dependencies, then these subversions can be placed in version of module in dependency and also in version of each pom file.
Problem is that dependencies are resolved before plugin reads version number ( this is what i think), so it cannot resolve expression.
I tried it using properties-maven-plugin to write pom's version number in a file and then read it in other module's pom which is dependent on it. But dependencies are to be resolved before execution of any plugin is started.
So, it is not working.
Starting with Maven 3.2.1 you can define a property ${revision} which you can use in your versions like this:
The result of this you need to give a property while calling Maven like this:
mvn -Drevision=123456 clean package
This will also work in dependencies etc. Currently one drawback is that you always creating a release from maven's point of view.

Is it possible to get Maven dependencies in a property at run-time?

I'm working with a situation where we are using the LATEST and RELEASE keywords in our POM for a certain dependency (both the dependency and the project are owned by us, so we control what is LATEST and RELEASE...and we only support one version at a time). Using these keywords allows us to minimize maintenance needed after a release.
There is a step in the build process that must copy DLLs from the unpacked dependency, but since we don't specify a specific version we have the version number of the unpacked dependency hard-coded and have to update it after every release. Is there a way get the version of this dependency at run-time from a Maven property?
The properties goal of the maven-dependency-plugin ( gets the location of the artifact in the local repository (which is not what I'm looking for). The depends-maven-plugin (shown here: can generate a file that contains the various dependencies and their versions, but using that would require having a process read the file and utilize that information. I'm wondering if there is a more "Maven way", such as accessing a property for the dependency version.
EDIT: For clarification, we need the version number so we can get to the directory of the unpacked dependency to copy files.
I'm not sure what you mean with 'maven way' but I did something like this after looking at the same plugins you already mention:
<source>'firstdependencyinthepom', project.dependencies[0]['version'])'seconddependencyinthepom', project.dependencies[1]['version'])
and then I was able to refer to versions of these dependencies with ${firstdependencyinthepom} and ${seconddependencyinthepom} respectively.

Maven test-jar for children

We have many modules in our project and we want to enable test-jar creation for some of those. I tried adding maven jar plugin to the parent pom's pluginmanagement
But, now it is creating test-jar for all the modules.
As per documenation: Plugin Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that rather than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However, this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children. The children have every right to override pluginManagement definitions.
It should not create test-jar for the modules we haven't included in, but somehow it does. None of my modules has maven-jar-plugin added in its build module.
To stop it creating test-jar for all, I can add it only in the module I am interested in.
Is there any other better solution to achieve this?
Normally, what your describing shouldn't be possible. If I had to guess, I would say that since your packaging type is jar configuration for the maven-jar-plugin gets inserted into your effective pom. Then, since the configuration is there, it also uses the configuration from the plugin management section. Running mvn help:effective-pom might provide some insight into whether or not this is true.
I would also make sure that no parent in your hierarchy contains any concrete configuration for the maven-jar-pom that would be inherited by children. If the child inherits a concrete section, I think that will also trigger it to include the plugin management configuration.

How to copy dependencies jars (without test jars) to a directory using maven?

I see maven-dependency-plugin does this; however, it seems to copy everything (including test jars) to the destination directory. Anyone know how to configure this plugin to exclude test jars?
Mike answered their own question in a comment above. I think Mike's use case is similar to mine where I want to copy all of the jars I depend upon as well as my own jar in order to create a directory hierarchy sufficient to execute the program without including those dependencies directly into my own jar.
The answer to achieve this is:
This directive goes into the section of the pom.xml for the maven-dependency plugin. For example:
excludeScope won't work because excluding test aborts the build and excludes all possible scopes. Instead the included scope needs to be adjusted.
It is not clear if you wanted to exclude jars with test scope or test related jars (test classifier). In either case, there are two properties of dependency:copy-dependencies which can help you.
excludeClassifiers Comma Separated list of Classifiers to exclude. Empty String indicates don't exclude anything (default).
excludeScope Scope to exclude. An Empty string indicates no scopes (default).
Documentation says: The scopes being interpreted are the scopes as
Maven sees them, not as specified in the pom.
In summary:
* runtime scope gives runtime and compile dependencies
* compile scope gives compile, provided, and system dependencies
* test (default) scope gives all dependencies
* provided scope just gives provided dependencies
* system scope just gives system dependencies
According to my experience, if you just wanna run your classes with compile scoped dependencies, specified in project pom.xml file, you must add -DincludeScope=runtime java system setting, like so:
mvn compile dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=runtime
java -cp "target/dependecy/*:target/classes" com.example.Main args...

maven can't add files in generated-sources for compilation phase

I use Apache Thrift to generate code in target/generated-sources.
The Thrift compiler produces a directory named gen-java which contains all the Java code. When I execute mvn compile, the code is generated correctly in target/generated-source/gen-java, but in compilation phase, it complains can't find the classes which defined in gen-java.
In my understanding, Maven 2 automatically adds generated sources, is that right?
And what if my testing code also depends on the generated-sources, do I have to manually specified the compiler includes?
In my understanding, maven 2 automatically add generated sources, is that right?
Nothing automatic, plugins generating source code typically handle that by adding their output directory (something like target/generated-sources/<tool> by convention) as source directory to the POM so that it will be included later during the compile phase.
Some less well implemented plugins don't do that for you and you have to add the directory yourself, for example using the Build Helper Maven Plugin.
And since you didn't provide any POM snippet, any link, I can't say anything more.
And what if my testing code also depends on the generated-sources, do I have to manually specified the compiler includes?
As I said, generated sources are usually added as source directory and compiled and are thus available on the test classpath without you having to do anything.
Generated sources are not compiled or packaged automatically. Some IDEs (i.e. IntelliJ) will however show them as source folders.
To make generated sources visible to maven add a add-source-step to the build/plugins node of your pom.xml:
<source>${}/generated-sources/gen-java</source><!-- adjust folder name to your needs -->
