How can I generate a "tick" inside a process in VHDL? - vhdl

I am writing a specified UART component in VHDL.
send: process(send_start)
variable bit_index : integer range 0 to 2 := 0;
if (falling_edge(send_start)) then
if (start = '0' and transceiver_start = '1') then
bit_index := 0;
end if;
transceiver_start <= '1';
if (bit_index = 0) then
temp_data <= data.RE;
bit_index := 1;
transceiver_start <= '0';
delay_counter <= 0;
elsif (bit_index = 1) then
temp_data <= data.IM;
bit_index := 2;
transceiver_start <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
The falling edge of the transceiver_start signal triggers the sub-component to run. I wanted to trigger it twice, but I do not know how to generate a second falling edge.
I thought about using a concurrent process, which would basically reset the transceiver_start signal to it's hi-state after delay_counter reaches some limit. Therefore I could bring it down inside the send process again to generate a falling edge. However, this makes me have two driving processes for the delay_counter signal, and I read that having resolution functions is not a good practice for synthesis (this code needs to be synthesizable.)
Is there any way for me to generate that falling edge when bit_index = 1?

FPGA devices and related synthesis tools are optimized for synchronous logic,
thus VHDL where a clock triggers process execution. Using a specific signal to
trigger process execution, as in the question code, is thus not in line with
the indented FPGA and VHDL design methodology.
Instead, use an internal clock to trigger process execution, usually the rising
edge of the clock. Actual update inside the process can then be conditional on
detection of change to a control signal, which can be send_start.
process (clock) is
if rising_edge(clock) then
send_start_prev <= send_start; -- Previous for edge detection
if ((send_start = '0') and (send_start_prev = '1')) then -- Falling edge of send_start
... -- More code
end if;
end if;
end process;
For rerunning of conditional process code, for example based on bit_index = 1, the process contents can be updated like:
send_start_prev <= send_start; -- Previous for edge detection
rerun_request <= '0'; -- Default no rerun
if ((send_start = '0') and (send_start_prev = '1')) or -- Falling edge of send_start
(rerun_request = '1') then -- Rerun request
if bit_index = 1 then
rerun_request <= '1';
end if;
... -- More code
end if;


VHDL - Inferred Latch With Reset - FSM

I have an issue with this process where if I include a reset statement, I get an inferred latch. However, if I do not include the reset statement, I do not get an inferred latch on duty_cycle_triangle.
SIGNAL duty_cycle_triangle : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL count_up : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL tick_zero : STD_LOGIC;
triangle_count: PROCESS(clk, reset signal, tick_zero)
IF (reset = '1') THEN
duty_cycle_triangle <= 0;
IF (tick_zero = '1') THEN
IF (count_up = '1') THEN
duty_cycle_triangle <= duty_cycle_triangle + 2;
duty_cycle_triangle <= duty_cycle_triangle - 2;
I am trying to design an FSM that will output a triangle wave using a PWM and an FSM shown below:
FSM_comb: PROCESS(currentState, duty_cycle_triangle)
CASE currentState IS
WHEN triangle_up =>
PWM_enable <= '1';
count_up <= '1';
IF (duty_cycle_triangle > 99) THEN
nextState <= triangle_down;
nextState <= triangle_up;
WHEN triangle_down =>
PWM_enable <= '1';
count_up <= '0';
IF (duty_cycle_triangle < 1) THEN
nextState <= triangle_up;
nextState <= triangle_down;
FSM_seq: PROCESS(clk, reset)
IF (reset = '1') THEN
currentState <= triangle_up;
currentState <= nextState;
Basically, after every "tick" I want the duty cycle of the triangle wave to increase by 2. After the duty cycle reaches 100, I want the duty cycle to decrease by 2 until the duty cycle reaches 0. Once the duty cycle reaches 0, I want the duty cycle to start increasing from 0 again until it reaches 100 and it starts over.
Does anyone see any problems with my code or can anyone point me in the right direction to correcting any issues?
If you want to create a sequential process, only include a reset and a clock in your sensitivity list. I suspect that it's inferring the latch because you're including too many signals in this process:
triangle_count: PROCESS(clk, reset signal, tick_zero)
It should just be
triangle_count: PROCESS(reset, clk)
The tools don't see that as a sequential process and make it combinational and that's how you get your latch.
Without trying it out i'm wondering if when the reset statement is removed, the tool is recognising the process as a synchronous process and inferring registers. In this case you don't need to explicitly define duty_cycle_triangle for each outcome of the process as the value is stored in a register.
With the reset statement included it may be treating the process as combinatorial and therefore inferring latches to store the state of duty_cycle_triangle when it's not explicitly defined.
Either way I agree with Russell's suggestion of changing the process sensitivity list which should get rid of the latch.

Synthetizable delay in VHDL FSM state

i am currently in the midst of writing a VHDL description of the unit(s) controlling a Sitronix ST7066U and LCD Module 1602A-1 for Xilinx Virtex-7, using Vivado Suite as my environment.
the Message Processing Unit is modeled with a 2-states (next state and outputs/conditions) FSM, but I have a huge issue.
Since the display has its own "operating times", as in the datasheet, I need to realize synthetizable delays inside my FSM when it reaches the states where the display itself is doing its things, and we cannot proceed with more character sending.
Such part was originally written like this:
when count_i => --waits for I_MAX cycles for the internal setup of the display
if (I = I_MAX_tb) then
I <= 0;
TRIGGER <= '1';
op_flag <= '1';
I <= I + 1;
end if;
if op_flag = '1' then
op_flag <= '0';
next_state <= init_state;
next_state <= count_i;
end if;
but, in simulation, the state machines stays in count_i state and doesn't realize that a new state assignment has happened.
I have tried the following construct
if (state'event) then
if (I = I_MAX_tb) then
I <= 0;
TRIGGER <= '1';
op_flag <= '1';
end if;
end if;
but it doesn't come close to working.
I am pretty sure it is a simple implementation issue, but, still...
(might be something related to my process' sensitivity list also?)

Is the use of rising_edge on non-clock signal bad practice? Are there alternatives?

I am working on a VHDL design and I have it working, but the code is pretty ugly and the fact that it seems that I am trying to work around the language's design to accomplish my goal makes me feel like something is wrong. I'm pretty new to VHDL, but I have been working on smaller chunks of the project for nearly a month so I have the general idea. However, This part is a bit more complex.
I need a process that will create a one clock period long pulse (LOAD_PULSE) after the rising edge of a signal (END_ADC), but not until 4 clocks has passed from the latest rising edge of that signal (END_ADC) OR the falling edge of a second signal (LVAL).
To accomplish the wait period, I have built a timer module that counts microseconds and periods, here:
entity uS_generator is
Frequency : integer := 66 -- Frequency in MHz
Port (
T_CNT : out integer range Frequency downto 1 := 1;
uS_CNT : out integer range 65535 downto 0 := 0
end uS_generator;
architecture behavior of uS_generator is
signal T_CNT_INT : integer range Frequency downto 1 := 1; -- Counter for 1 uS
signal uS_CNT_INT : integer range 65535 downto 0 := 0;
COUNT: process(CLK, RESET)
if RESET = '1' then
T_CNT_INT <= 1;
uS_CNT_INT <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
if T_CNT_INT = (Frequency - 1) then -- Increment one clock early so last rising edge sees one uS elapsed.
uS_CNT_INT <= uS_CNT_INT + 1;
if uS_CNT_INT = 65535 then
uS_CNT_INT <= 0;
end if;
elsif T_CNT_INT = Frequency then
T_CNT_INT <= 1;
end if;
end if;
end process COUNT;
end behavior;
The processes I'm using for the pulse generation portion of the design are as follows:
loadPulseProc: process(PIXEL_CLK, END_ADC, RESET)
if RESET = '1' then
PULSE_FLAG <= '0';
LOAD_PULSE <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(END_ADC) then
PULSE_FLAG <= '1';
end if;
if rising_edge(PIXEL_CLK) then
if PULSE_FLAG = '1' and END_ADC = '1' and LVAL <= '0' and ADC_TMR_T >= 4 and LVAL_TMR_T >= 4 then
LOAD_PULSE <= '1', '0' after PIXEL_CLK_T;
PULSE_FLAG <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process loadPulseProc;
ADCTimerProc: process(END_ADC, RESET)
if RESET = '1' then
ADC_TMR_RST <= '1', '0' after PIXEL_CLK_T/10;
end if;
if rising_edge(END_ADC) then
ADC_TMR_RST <= '1', '0' after PIXEL_CLK_T/10;
end if;
if falling_edge(END_ADC) then
ADC_TMR_RST <= '1', '0' after PIXEL_CLK_T/10;
end if;
end process ADCTimerProc;
LVALTimerProc: process(LVAL, RESET)
if RESET = '1' then
LVAL_TMR_RST <= '1', '0' after PIXEL_CLK_T/10;
end if;
if rising_edge(LVAL) then
LVAL_TMR_RST <= '1', '0' after PIXEL_CLK_T/10;
end if;
if falling_edge(LVAL) then
LVAL_TMR_RST <= '1', '0' after PIXEL_CLK_T/10;
end if;
end process LVALTimerProc;
PIXEL_CLK_T is the period of the clock, 15.152 ns.
This design works, simulation shows that it does as I require, but only after significant hassle avoiding errors due to using multiple rising_edge of falling_edge calls by separating them into separate if statements that really should be together. As far as I've read using rising_edge and falling_edge seems to be reserved for clocks only, so is this just bad practice? How can avoid this behavior but still create the same output?
Yes, rising_edge()/falling_edge() should only be used for clock signal. While it works in simulation it can cause problems and unintended hardware in synthesis.
Synthesis tools infer a clock from the function's argument and place such signals/wires on special tracks in the FPGAs (assuming you are targeting an FPGA for your design). The tool will further infer special clock buffers and warn if your input clock pin is not a clock capable pin.
Introducing several clocks can lead to asynchronous designs and make it vulnerable for cross clock faults.
Detecting a rising or falling edge on a signal is done by an edge detection circuit like the following which compares the signal in the previous clock cycle to the current value.
Needed signals:
signal mySignal_d : std_logic := '0';
signal mySignal_re : std_logic;
Needed logic:
mySignal_d <= mySignal when rising_edge(Clock);
mySignal_re <= not mySignal_d and mySignal;
This first line translates to an 1-bit D-flipflop (You could also use a process). The second lines generates a one cycle strobe signal when mySignal changes from low to high. I'm using *_d to indicate a delayed signal of the original input and *_re for rising edge.
The generated signal is still synchronous to Clock.

SPI interface works in simulation but not on actual hardware

I am trying to send multiple bytes on the SPI bus during the transmit window. Initially I am acquiring data from the flash ADC when the input pulse is high, then calculating its average and transmitting each average value sequentially on the SPI bus. I got the SPI vhdl module working, it was able to send data when I tried sending a single byte, but when I try to send more than 1 byte it just does not work. There is logic 0 on the MOSI line and the SS line is constantly high. This is the part where I try to send multiple bytes.
process(SPITrig, Clock, TX_Done, data_count, average2A_s, average2B_s)
case data_count is
when 1 =>
TX_Data <= average2A_s;
when 2 =>
TX_Data <= average2B_s;
when others => TX_Data <= "0101010101010101";
end case;
end process;
process(SPIBusy, SPITrig, SPI_Clock_base, data_count, TX_Start)
if falling_edge(SPITrig) then
SPIBusy <= '1';
TX_Start <= '0';
data_count <= 0;
delay_counter <= 0;
end if;
if rising_edge(SPI_Clock_base) and SPIBusy = '1' then
if data_count < 3 then
if delay_counter = 128 then
TX_Start <= not TX_Start;
delay_counter <= 0;
elsif delay_counter < 128 then
delay_counter <= delay_counter + 1;
end if;
elsif data_count >= 3 then
TX_Start <= '0';
delay_counter <= 0;
SPIBusy <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if rising_edge(TX_Start) then
data_count <= data_count + 1;
end if;
end process;
It works perfectly well in simulation, but theres no output on the hardware. Need your help in finding out whats wrong.
PS: This is my first FPGA project, so my code may not be so efficient.
I have also attached the ISIM screenshot.
tx = TX Done pin
trig = TX Start ping
c1 = data count
Note: SPI transmission sequence starts when average outputs are available and it is triggered using an internal signal"SPITRig".
Take a look at the synthesis and timing (STA) warnings, since these will indicate if the synthesis tool could not implement the design to match the RTL VHDL code.
The edge condition by rising_edge(...) or falling_edge(...) should only be used on a single common clock signal, unless there is a good reason for use of multiple clock signals; and usually only rising_edge(...) is used.
In your design you have three different signal SPITrig, SPI_Clock_base, and TX_Start that work like clocks, and this is likely to give a timing violation.
As example, in the first if of the large process, the TX_Start and data_count are both updated on the falling_edge(SPITrig), and in the last if the rising_edge(TX_Start) is used to update data_count again based on current data_count value. This may work fine in simulation, but in HW you have signal propagation delay, which depends on routing and other factors that may wary for different signals, so a design construction like that is likely to give problems in implementation.
If you have a full Static Timing Analysis (STA) setup for your design, which you probably don't have for a first time FPGA project, then the STA tool will report if the timing can be meet, and a construction like the above is likely to not meet timing.
So instead, rewrite your design to use only a single clock edge, for example rising_edge(SPI_Clock_base). It is also much easier to make a correct STA timing setup for such a design, and the sensitivity list of the processes should then only contain the clock and any asynchronous reset signals, if used, like:
process (SPI_Clock_base) is
if rising_edge(SPI_Clock_base) then
end if;
end process;
Finally, the sensitivity list of the initial process should be reduced to only contain the signals that are read in the process, since the process need only to be sensitive to the these signals. The design won't fail if more signals are included, it makes the reader wonder what is wrong; the sensitivity list or the code.
As suggested by Morten Zilmer, I made the necessary changes to synchronize everything with the Clock. following is the code and it is working. Might post a screenshot from an oscilloscope later.
process(SPITrig, data_count, average2A_s, average2B_s)
case data_count is
when 1 =>
TX_Data <= average2A_s;
when 2 =>
TX_Data <= average2B_s;
when others => TX_Data <= x"0000";
end case;
end process;
SPICycler : process(delay_counter, data_count, SPITrig, SPI_Clock_base, SPIBusy)
if rising_edge(SPI_Clock_base) and SPIBusy = '1' then
if delay_counter < 511 then
delay_counter <= delay_counter + 1;
TX_Start <= '0';
delay_counter <= 0;
TX_Start <= '1';
data_count <= data_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
if rising_edge(SPI_Clock_base) then
if SPITrig = '1' then
SPIBusy <= '1';
data_count <= 0;
end if;
if data_count = 3 then
SPIBusy <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;

How to change signal value instatntly?

if(rising_edge(clk)) then
count := count + 1;
if count = 3 then
enable <= 1;
elsif count = 6 then
enable <= 0;
count := 0;
end if;
end if;
if enable = 0 then
a0i <= a_0;
boi <= b_0;
end if;
if enable = 1 then
a0i <= a_1;
boi <= b_1;
end if;
All are signals except the count. Value of a0i and boi should response as soon as enable becomes either 0 or 1. I tried using the variable. but it can not allow me to use out side the process.
I am getting the o/p as this. How ever I want to change the input as soon as enable signal change.
Put the last two if conditions in another process
Process(enable, a_0, b_0, a_1, b_1)
If(enable = '0')THEN
a0i <= ...
This process is sensitive to the enable signal so anytime there is a change in enable, independent of the clock, the statements will take effect immediately (asynchronously)
Solution 1: use 2 processes as blueprint mentioned.
Solution 2: use an internal variable.
variable count : natural range of 0 to 6 := 0;
variable enable_i : std_logic := '0';
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
count := count + 1;
if count = 3 then
enable_i := '1';
elsif count = 6 then
enable_i := '0';
count := 0;
end if;
end if;
if enable = '0' then
a0i <= a_0;
boi <= b_0;
a0i <= a_1;
boi <= b_1;
end if;
enable <= enable_i;
end process;
Some hints:
Maybee, the type boolean is more suitable for your signal/variable enable_i
If enable_i is only used inside the process, then you can remove the conversion to enable
including the data path and multiplexers in a state machine (I assume this is a part of it) is not a good design choice.
You could also take these two equation below out from your process.
if enable = 0 then
a0i <= a_0;
boi <= b_0;
end if;
if enable = 1 then
a0i <= a_1;
boi <= b_1;
end if;
end process
Then you cannot use the IF statement anymore, but you can use the WHEN statement :
a0i <= a_0 when enable = '0' else a_1;
boi <= b_0 when enable = '0' else b_1;
Note that in this case, the multiplexer will be after the latch. This could be important if you have timing issues on these signals.
From your simulation waveform, it looks to me like you failed to include enable, a_0, b_0, a_1, and b_1 in your sensitivity list, but I can't be sure because you didn't post the complete example. Because you test the values of the 5 mentioned signals outside of the if rising_edge(clk), they need to be included. The values are only updated on the falling edge of clk because, presuming that clk is the only thing in your sensitivity list, that is the next time the process is evaluated.
It should be otherwise functional as written, although you could use an else instead of a separate test for enable = 0 for a slight readability improvement. Synthesis usually ignores the sensitivity list (it just makes simulation more efficient) so it should already work if you were to synthesize.
