location of helper function in Laravel 5 - laravel

I am using Laravel 5 and new in this Platform. I studied about URL:asset In the earlier version of PHP, we could find the helper function in Auto Load or config files.
Do the helper function list exists somewhere in the Framework directory where if we want to change something in the helper function according to our need.

The helper functions are present in

You can find your helper function inside app.php as facades are registered on app.php and service container would let you resolve the class anywhere you want by use shorthandname or registered name;


How to use old Laravel routing style in Laravel 8

I just installed Laravel 8 and in this version, I have to type my routes like this:
Route::get('/admin/panel', [App\Http\Controllers\Admin\PanelController::class, 'index']);
But I got used to Laravel 5 routes which looked like this:
Route::namespace('Admin')->prefix('admin')->group(function () {
Route::get('/panel', 'Admin/PanelController#index');
So how can I use this Laravel 5 routing inside Laravel 8 version?
If you're wanting to continue using the "older" way of defining a route (i.e. Controller#action) then you can do so but you need to alter the RouteServiceProvider to include the App\Http\Controllers namespace.
This is pretty straight forward and is with the more recent versions of Laravel 8 a simple case of uncommenting the following line:
protected $namespace = 'App\\Http\\Controllers';
If the version of Laravel 8 you're using doesn't have this line in the RouteServiceProvider file, you could upgrade your Laravel version or manually add it. If you manually add the line, you will also need to update the Route definitions in the boot method to use the $namespace property. Again, this is very straight forward, just add the following to the web and api definitions:
So for example:
Then you should be good to go.
You can still use it to some extend (e.g. grouping and prefixing a route) but because you're using a FQCN the namespace is redundant. The major advantage using the "new" routing over of the "old" one is refactoring. When you move or rename your controller with an IDE that supports refactoring like PhpStorm you wouldn't need to manually change the name and group namespace of your controller.
In Laravel 5 you were able to use this route notation too but it wasn't outlined in the documentation.
To achieve a similar feeling, import the namespace and use just your class names and get rid of the namespace-group in the definition.
use App\Http\Controllers\Admin\PanelController;
Route::prefix('admin')->group(function () {
Route::get('panel', [PanelController::class, 'index']);
If you just cannot live with the new way of defining routes, uncomment the $namespace property in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php and you're back to the old way.

OctoberCMS and BotMan

I want to integrate a chatbot (BotMan version 2.0) into an existing OctoberCMS project , here is what I did till now :
1- I added BotMan to the projct using the following command :
composer require botman/botman
2- I created a routes.php file in the same directory as the plugin.php file
use BotMan\BotMan\BotMan;
use BotMan\BotMan\BotManFactory;
use BotMan\BotMan\Drivers\DriverManager;
//Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/botman', 'BotManController#handle');
//Route::get('/botman/tinker', 'October\Demo\BotManController#tinker');
// Create an instance
$botman = BotManFactory::create($config);
// Give the bot something to listen for.
$botman->hears('hello', function (BotMan $bot) {
$bot->reply('Hello yourself.');
// Start listening
My questions are :
1- Where I have to add the BotManController.php file
2- I tried to add BotManController.php in the same directory as the routes.php file but I get the following error :
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Controller' not found
( and thats because its an OctoberCMS project not Laravel project ... I dont have the App directory )
Can anyone please provide me a solution to that or another way to integrate Botman into OctoberCMS !
First off, read https://luketowers.ca/blog/how-to-use-laravel-packages-in-october-cms-plugins/ as well as https://octobercms.com/docs/plugin/composer.
Secondly, you can put the BotManController file anywhere in your plugin you want as long as you understand PHP namespaces and how to properly reference it where you want to. I would probably recommend putting it in a /classes/ directory under your plugin folder, and then changing the App\Http\Controllers\Controller reference to instead reference the base Illuminate\Routing\Controller class. You could also put it in a /controllers/ directory, but in OctoberCMS that is typically reserved for your backend controllers so I wouldn't recommend mixing the two.

Custom Variable in AppServiceProvider Laravel 5.5?

I want use a variable from my database to set a folder for custom views.
"class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider"
$ActiveProject = ThemeConfig::where('module_type',"project")->where('active',"1")->first()->file;
After this, I get an active project name (like Nshop), and I want to set it in:
public function register()
$this->app['view']->addNamespace('Projects', base_path() . '/Projects/'.$ActiveProject.'/Views');
But I get an error.
How can I accomplish this task?
Using ORM Models in the AppServiceProvider doesn't work. This file is part of the boot process of Laravel where your models are not loaded yet. But you can rely on functions that are part of the Laravel core concept.
$ActiveProject = ThemeConfig::where('module_type',"project")->where('active',"1")->first()->file;
$ActiveProject = \DB::table('theme_configs')->where('module_type',"project")->where('active',"1")->first()->file;

A way to clean up laravel

By default laravel is huge.
Its a way to clean up only needed depencies?
For sample, when i'm installing laravel, some default configs are provided. I dont need the API Routes or other, when i'm using the normal web-routes.
If you want to don't want to load API route you can simply comment out this line in RouteServiceProvider
public function map()
$this->mapApiRoutes(); //comment this line
Hope this helps.
To make Laravel leaner, another good approach is to have a look on your ServiceProviders, which are loaded in config/app.php. Just deactivate all ServiceProvider you don't need and test your application.
ServiceProviders can also be loaded from packages. So take also attention to loaded packages through your composer.json.

Hot to use emcconville/google-map-polyline-encoding-tool in laravel

Hi i have installed emcconville/google-map-polyline-encoding-tool in Laravel, with composer, but cant see any references to the extension when i try yo use it in a class.
Do i need to register the extension anywhere in Laravel?
You don't need to register the package as an extension, the class Polyline coming from the package is automatically loaded with PHP/Composer autoload mechanism, so you can use it directly in your code (as per docs):
$points = array(
$encoded = \Polyline::encode($points);
