Accessing Ruby files in Dropbox [closed] - ruby

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am very new to programming in anything. I want to get started with Ruby. I have a pc and laptop. I don't want to limit myself to just the pc. As long as Ruby is installed on both, of course, can I keep my project files in DropBox so I can work on them from either device?
Thanks for your help.

Yes. Source code files can be kept in Dropbox just like any other file. You can use Dropbox to keep your files in sync between your two computers.
As you find yourself more comfortable with programming and make programs of greater complexity, you will probably want to use a version control system (VCS), such as Git. Among many other things, a VCS will keep your project files centralized in a repository. If the repository is in the cloud (e.g. on GitHub) you will be able to access it from all your computers.


Installing SublimeText 4 [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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this is such a beginners question but nevertheless wanted some of your input.
I tried installing SublimeText4 and noticed that there is no .dmg file associated with it, all i get .zip - is this normal? Usually with SBT3 and Pycharm I was used to at least some 'install' procedures.
Kind of new to Mac OS, so thanks for the help.
The DMG approach is common, but in this case, the ZIP file has the application. Often the browser will automatically unzip it for you, but if not, just double click on the ZIP file and the application will be extracted for you. Then you can just drag the app extracted from the ZIP file to your “Applications” folder and you are done.

Somewhat new to programming - uploading a lot of programming related files to iCloud [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have been programming almost daily since earlier this year, and I have noticed a large amount of files being downloaded and uploaded in my gui. I believe that it is related to all of my code work being stored in my Documents, which are connected to my iCloud. Though, it never really seems to make substantial progress. I have been working and installing dependencies, create-react-apps and such.
How can I fix this before it becomes too much and avoid it in the future?
my current gui showing files
If you go to the folder where your code and dependencies are, you can just create an empty file named .nosync. This will flag your iCloud to don't sync this folder with your online storage.

transferring files from vmware ubuntu to windows ubuntu [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I just downloaded Ubuntu for Windows and want to start programming in this environment. Unfortunately, all the files and packages needed are on my VMWare Ubuntu. I found instructions to save all my configs and packages to move to another machine, but how do I move that folder to my Ubuntu on Windows?
You could enable folder sharing. The guide is old (sorry I clicked on the first google hit) so search for a newer one. Also if your "Ubuntus" are running in GUI folder you could just send them to the cloud and pull it back down from the other machine.

Accessing mac partition from bootcamp Win7 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I can access most of the folders on my mac partition but some I can't.. there is no pattern..
it says "xxxx is not accessible. Element not found."
Also I noticed that in some folders there is an old "snapshot".. the files have already moved but it is not reflected from the windows side... the strange thing is that I can still open some of the files that are actually no longer there (they moved to a subfolder for example).
What is going on? Can I make all my Mac files reliably accessible all the time?
thank you!
The solution: I installed MacDrive program in my Win7.. now the Mac partition is reliably readable and I can write to it also..

Where did these hex named folders come from? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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First off, I am using Windows XP. I have multiple hard drives and it looks like something decided to make some folders on the second one ( which is just a data drive, no os ). These folders all have names like "e69f29f1b1f166d3d30b8c9f7156ba" and "bd92c24cc278614082cd88e7a64b". They contain folders named update, whose "access is denied", so my best guess would be they are Windows updates. So I probably can't get rid of them but could someone at least explain what they are and why they are on the wrong drive?
Windows will always use the hard drive with the most space to download windows updates. This is what happened to you.
