elasticsearch migration plugin: no useful data in response - elasticsearch

I have the migration plugin installed, can can see by doing a plugin -l command that it is installed.
When I hit it, however: http://localhost:9200/_plugin/migration
The response is rather... thin:
<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=/_plugin/migration/></head>
What am I missing?

Ahhh, you need the trailing backslash...
Also, curl doesn't work well for it, use a browser.
The problem is that the docs here:
Are missing the trailing backslash...


String(4) "asas" is throen in the console while running artisan command laravel

I encountered a strange error today where the error looks like in the image:
I cloned my one of my colleague's repository and ran composer install command.
As it tried to generate optimized files, the error started popping out. After that, if I try to run any artisan command, it throws the same error text string(4) "asas".
To be more precise, I already have .env configured.
Please help. Am I really missing something that I need to look at?
The most likely explanation is that your colleague dumped asas somewhere in the code base. Probably in a place that is loaded everytime you execute a command, like a service provider.
Just search for asas in all files and you'll find something like:
Since asas is only the result, it may be a variable, like dd($test); where asas is the value.
If you don't find anything, search for dd or var_dump.

cURL using login not working

I have the following problem that my curl request with login isn’t working. I tried different things I saw on stack overflow but I couldn’t get this working.
My AXIS-Camera has an API to access some data like the date and much more. On the browser I use a link like this:
The feedback is this:
Nov 20, 2017 14:27:00
Using curl:
curl "http://root:root#IP/axis-cgi/date.cgi?action=get"
curl –user "root:root" "http://IP/axis-cgi/date.cgi?action=get"
I always get this result:
<title>401 Unauthorized</title>
<p>This server could not verify that you
are authorized to access the document
requested. Either you supplied the wrong
credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
browser doesn't understand how to supply
the credentials required.</p>
Axis requires Digest mode for the auth, and curl doesn't use it by default.
Try this:
curl --digest -u root:root http://IP/axis-cgi/date.cgi?action=get
I did this on an Axis 231D+ PTZ that I'm trying to figure out. Firmware 4.47. API version is probably really old. But this worked:
curl http://user:pass#host/axis-cgi/admin/date.cgi?action=get
I've been looking through the cgi directories trying to figure out where stuff lives. I think you may have missed a directory in your path. Or this camera has it in a different place. Hope this helps someone else too.
I do:
curl --digest -u user:pass http://host/axis-cgi/admin/uptime.cgi
And it does this:
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>401 Unauthorized</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY><H1>401 Unauthorized</H1>
Your client does not have permission to get URL /axis-cgi/admin/uptime.cgi from this server.

Composer [UnexpectedValueException] error will trying to use composer to install a github project

I am trying to install a github project using composer and get the following error
Composer [UnexpectedValueException]
Your Github oauth token for github.com contains invalid characters: ""
Can anyone explain what I need to do to correct this error?
I am using the following command
composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev vova07/yii2-start yii2-start
Thank you
I started getting a similar error and the reason was that Github recently changed the format of their auth tokens:
To resolve the error:
Find the composer/auth.json file (if you're running the project in a container, you'll have to bash into it and find the file in there)
Remove its github.com entry. Your file will probably look like the following after removing the entry: {"github-oauth": {}}
Run composer self-update. The issue got resolved in version 2.0.12. See the first item in the changelog for that version here: https://getcomposer.org/changelog/2.0.12
After that, you can restore your composer/auth.json file to its initial state as the newer version of composer will recognize the new key format.
You can try Basic Auth instead:
Change this (oauth):
"github-oauth": {
"github.com": "ghp_[YOUR-PERSONAL-TOKEN]"
To this (basic auth):
"http-basic": {
"github.com": {
"username": "[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]",
"password": "ghp_[YOUR-PERSONAL-TOKEN]"
You can find instructions on how to create a Personal Access Token
Inspired from github docs. Apparently, you can use Basic Authentication with a Personal Access token instead of oauth in some cases (e.g. like mine: installing a private git repo with composer).
I fixed it.
Goto C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Composer
Open the auth.json
delete the github.com entry under "github-oauth": {}
That's it.
Update answer for Masiorama and Ruchir Mehta:
If you looking for file auth.json but don't know how, use this command:
locate auth.json
And here's the result:
You can see that auth.json will look like this:
/home/{your user name}/.config/composer/auth.json
Then you could use this command to edit the file:
sudo gedit /home/dev/.config/composer/auth.json
And remove content inside github-oauth.
If you're on MacOS, the auth.json file is at ~/.composer/auth.json. Then from there, you can remove the value for github-oauth. I tried fully deleting the file but I got a parse error, Expected one of: 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '['. Your auth.json file should look like this:
"github-oauth": {}
This is similar to other answers posted but I wasn't able to use the locate command on MacOS so this might be helpful to other Mac users
This error recently popped up from nowhere.
Simply deleting the whole auth file worked for me..! Not sure why / when it appeared in the first place.
As far as I know (I'm a beginner with composer too), the problem is with your authentication, so you have to fix your credentials in auth.json inside path-to-composer/.composer/
Inside you will find a json which will probably looks like:
"github-oauth": {
"github.com": null
Fix that and you should be ok ;)
The solution is just to upgrade your Composer version
using command composer self-update.
Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Composer
Open the auth.json file.
Clear everything and paste the below code
"bitbucket-oauth": {},
"github-oauth": {},
"gitlab-oauth": {},
"gitlab-token": {},
"http-basic": {},
"bearer": {}
I hope it will be solved
I run in the same problem after upgrading githup api token to the new format.
The answer is you need to upgrade composer version 1.10.21 or higher that fixes this problem.
Same solution as the answer of Paulina Khew but with command lines on MacOS :
cd ~/.composer/
nano auth.json
Delete what is inside th bracket :
"github-oauth": {}
When you're ready to save the file, hold down the Ctrl key and press the letter O
Press the Enter key on your keyboard to save.
When finished, press Ctrl + X to close nano and return to your shell.
Edit the composer authentication configuration file ~/.composer/auth.json
Then replace the following.
"http-basic": {
"github.com": {
"username": "[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]",
"password": "ghp_[YOUR-PERSONAL-TOKEN]"
Now run the command composer install
That's a bug.
If you have Debian or Ubuntu, try this patch. Otherwise read the last line.
Quick copy-paste patch
If you have Debian 10 buster or Ubuntu 20.LTS or similar distributions, try this copy-paste command:
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/valerio-bozzolan/84364c28a3bba13751c504214016adcf/raw/c1356d529c89c10de4c959058e2e86ffe58fa407/fix-composer.patch -O /tmp/fix-composer.patch
sudo patch /usr/share/php/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php /tmp/fix-composer.patch
If it does not work, write it in the comments.
Step-by-step explaination
Your Composer version has a bug: you are able to save a valid GitHub token, but then it's not able to read that token again because Composer thinks that your GitHub token cannot contain underscores or stuff like that. Moreover, it's strange that Composer checks its syntax only the second time. Why? that's another story.
The fix is simple. You can temporary disable that wrong validation in your Composer version. Also because GitHub is a proprietary service and their specifications can change over time (as you demonstrated today). So it makes sense not to validate the syntax of GitHub tokens. The only person who should hard-validate GitHub tokens is GitHub itself, not Composer.
If you installed Composer via apt install composer, probably you will not have any update available and surely you cannot use self-update because Composer is read-only for security reasons (and for a similar reason, you should not execute Composer from root). Instead, you can create a safe hot-patch to fix that specific issue.
To create a patch, create a file called /tmp/fix-composer.patch with this exact content:
< if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) {
< throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"');
< }
> // if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) {
> // throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"');
> //
That content can also be seen from here:
Then run this command to apply that patch:
sudo patch /usr/share/php/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php /tmp/fix-composer.patch
If it does not work, probably you have not installed composer via apt.
In short, whatever operating system, and whatever installation method, locate the file BaseIO.php in your Composer and comment out the validation check.

Custom templates with phpDocumentor 2

I've been trying to get a custom template to work with PHPDocumentor (2) without much luck. The documentation on their site is incomplete and I'm kind of stumped.
What I've done is downloaded a copy of a complete template and reference it in my command, like so:
php phpdoc.php
-d /path/to/php/source/files
-t /path/to/generated/content/
The command runs fine: it generates the documentation correctly but appears to be ignoring the --template option - at least, any changes I make to the template files in the /customtemplate folder are ignored.
Anyone have any idea?
(Thanks in advance!)
Instead of declaring the template command on the CLI you might try changing your phpdoc.dist.xml configuration file so that it pulls the template name or path from there directly.

phpDocumentor on legacy code

Can phpDocumentor be used to generate HTML docs for some legacy code that does not necessarily conform to its standard?
I'd like to generate some preliminary documentation for an old code tree and later on start improving my comments and add the appropriate # tags as I get fluent with phpDocumentor. I've never used this piece of software before and the examples I've found focus on how to write new code that conforms to its syntax and generate HTML file by file with the -f parameter.
I've installed latest phpDocumentor through the PEAR command line installer and tried this little *.bat file on Windows XP:
#echo off
phpdoc ^
--directory "\\server\project\trunk" ^
--target "C:\tests\project-doc"
... but this is all I get:
PHP Version 5.3.5
phpDocumentor version 1.4.3
Parsing configuration file phpDocumentor.ini...
(found in C:\Archivos de programa\PHP\pear\data/PhpDocumentor/)...
Maximum memory usage set at 256M after considering php.ini...
using tokenizer Parser
directory: '' not found
I've also tried mapping the UNC path to a drive letter:
#echo off
phpdoc ^
--directory "I:\" ^
--target "C:\tests\project-doc"
... but:
PHP Version 5.3.5
phpDocumentor version 1.4.3
Parsing configuration file phpDocumentor.ini...
(found in C:\Archivos de programa\PHP\pear\data/PhpDocumentor/)...
Maximum memory usage set at 256M after considering php.ini...
using tokenizer Parser
a target directory must be specified
try phpdoc -h
This error message is the same if I create "C:\tests\project-doc" before.
What's exactly wrong in my syntax?
phpDocumentor can indeed run against "undocumented" code. It builds its docs based on the code itself, and uses the docblocks as additional info (and additional organization, in the case of #package and #subpackage tags).
I'd suggest starting with phpDocumentor against your existing code, and work towards clearing out the warnings you see in the errors.html file that results -- this file is generated in the top level of your output docs, but there isn't any link to it from the output docs.
Once you have those cleared, you can start running phpDocumentor with the -ue argument (--undocumentedelements), which will add new warnings to errors.html, highlighting (in much greater detail) things that still need to be documented in docblocks.
Now, as for the issue you're having trying to run the program against code on a shared drive, I'm not sure what's wrong there. The script is clearly able to execute PHP and find the phpDocumentor code itself. You might try putting the arguments in the same line, rather than using the ^ as a line-feed escape character, and perhaps remove the quotes around the paths (since no spaces exist in the paths).
I think I've found what the issue is. The parameter parser is very picky and it doesn't like neither UNC paths nor bare root directories. If I replace this:
--directory "I:\"
... with this:
--directory "I:\."
... it finally starts running.
I suppose it's a bug. Their bug tracker doesn't seem to be public so I don't know if it's a known issue.
