I used SSRS to generate report using excel as a DataSource. Report should be only of 27 pages but I am getting 32 pages. Is there any thing that generates these extra data?
I am currently using JMeter and creating a report using the Report Dashboard for a web application but I noticed that the values are being displayed by specific request and not by transaction. I would like to ask if there is a way to combine these results into just one line item. See attached for sample screenshot. Instead of displaying individually, I would like to display it by transaction. So in this case it should be only App_Launch and not 39 App_Launch, 40 App_Launch etc. etc. Thanks.
Report Dashboard
Script - App_Launch
Need a solution to save the Jmeter Dashboard report in Confluence
I am using Jmeter 5.1 and at the end of the test run, I get a nice graphical Dashboard report containing throughput, error rate, Response time etc. I need to upload this report to confluence so that everyone has access to it. How can this be done? I see that the Dashboard uses the .jtl file, so want to know what files need to be packaged and uploaded for the report to be displayed correctly in Confluence
JMeter Dashboard report is generating also HTML, You can do i manually
You can generate the HTML report using menu item Tools → Generate HTML report
I designed invoice by PL/SQL content with HTML and CSS but I can't set up properly page. And I can't print in PDF format.
If you just started with Apex, perhaps you'd rather use its Wizards which will help you in creating process. Although you can create a page using HTML commands - why would you?
Invoice is, I presume, stored into a table. If that's so, I'd suggest you to create a "Report with form on table" page - it'll create
interactive report, which will let you browse through all invoices you created
form, which will let you create new invoices, update or delete existing ones
Try it; it shouldn't be difficult at all.
As of printing reports in PDF format: here's what I (we) do:
I create a report using Oracle Reports Builder
put a RDF onto our IAS (Internet Application Server) machine
place its entry into the CGICMD.DAT file
call the report from Apex using a dynamic action on a button, using 2 steps:
PL/SQL, which composes URL (and adds parameters' values)
JavaScript, which calls the report (using window.open)
I understand that not everyone has the IAS up and running; it isn't trivial task at all. Quite some time ago, for my own amusement, I installed Apache Tomcat and JasperReports, just to see if I can make it work. I did. However, as my company uses IAS & Oracle Reports, I abandoned that approach.
Someone else might have other suggestions; wait a little bit for them to answer.
When I'm running ords in standalone mode it's working fine, but when I try to run ords with apache tomcat i'm facing the issue below.
I am working on oracle apex 5 and I have created multiple interactive report on one page but then download functionality is not working, i found that while downloading it generate url like following:
and when only one interactive report on single page it generate url like following (which is working):
how can i manage to download report with multiple interactive report on single page?
You would need to download each Interactive Report (IR) separately; IE: if you would want to have links to download all three reports, you would need to have three links built, with the appropriate IR IDs:
I have observed a strange behavior of BIRT 4.3 pojo data source. For my courseSubjects (It is a nested collection) even without creating a separate dataset the pojo data source that came with 4.3 worked well but when i am trying add another collection for another table in the same report but nothing is working out. My total report is being empty. If i create another dataset for that collection, everything is working fine. Why is this working for one collection and why not working for another collection? The behavior is too strange. It is not displaying any error and also not displaying any data. To view pdf report i am using the viewer provided by Eclipse Birt.
I am uploading the two rpt design files. "test.rpt" is the one which is working and before adding the "documentName" field to dataset, The "testNotWorking.rpt" is the one which is not working when i add "docName" to the dataset. This is too strange. when it is working for courseSubjects why is it not working for "documents". How to understand this behaviour? As it is not allowing me to upload the documents taht are more than 111kb i am uploading to my google drive and providing the links to download. The following are the links
The following is the link for the jar file. I have hard coded the data for your convenience so that you will be able to see the report easily.