So there are lots of squares (about 200-300) in my scene. They are moving a little, and they need not to cover each other. It's pretty hard for a computer to add Rigidbody2D to them. I tried to add BoxCollider2D and Mesh Colliders on each object and code OnCollisionEnter2D in the script, but it just doesn't work. Convex MeshColliders don't work (at 2D, I suppose. why?). So how can I deal with it without using Rigidbody? Is it a wrong way to use Collider2D?
First of all, I'm sorry for my bad english.
Secondary I want to thank all of you for your answers. These are great references and I'll spend much time to go deeper in that.
I've found the answer, it's quadtree. There's a good example/tutorial in this page
"It's pretty hard for a computer to add Rigidbody2D to them." Do you mean it has performance cost?
Rigidbodies are used for detecting collisions. You don't need both of the colliding sides to have a rigidbody. For example if you have 100 squares in your scene as obstacles, you can have collisions if your player object (e.g. a circle as a ball) has Rigidbody component. In this example, the ball needs CircleCollider2D+Rigidbody2D, the obstacles need only BoxCollider2D.
You should use box colliders instead of mesh colliders. By this way, you can gain more performance. And your collider's "Is Trigger" property should be checked. Rigidbody component's "is kinematic" property should be checked too. By this way, all gameobjects in your scene dedect collision each other.
OnTriggerEnter2D() function can help you catch collision detections between gameobjects in your scene.
I am making a version of the Atari game "Centipede" for my computer science class. I need help creating the collision for my code. I need to make it so when the bullets hit a part of the centipede, the game detects it and the part that got hit goes away.
This is a pretty broad question, but I'll try to help in a general sense.
You need to read up on collision detection.
First you probably want to break your centipede down into individual rectangles. For each rectangle, check whether it's colliding with the bullet.
You might consider point-rectangle collision detection, where you check whether the point is inside the rectangle. This will work if your bullet is a small point.
Or you might consider rectangle-rectangle collision detection, where you check whether two rectangles are overlapping. Use this if your bullets are larger than a point. Even if your bullet is a circle, you can usually get away with this kind of collision detection.
Please try something, and if you get stuck, then please post a MCVE that demonstrates where you're stuck. Good luck.
A simple implementation would be as follows:
1. Designate an array that represents the pixel positions of the centipede
2. Designate another array that represents the pixel positions of the bullet
3. Update each array's values based on the sampling rate of your game and check to see if there is any overlap. (Ideally have this as a separate thread)
4.Any overlap is indicative of a collision, so have some sort of collision handler function, which deletes the part of the centipede hit, that is triggered anytime an overlap event occurs.
Many certain resources about raytracing tells about:
"shoot rays, find the first obstacle to cut it"
"shoot secondary rays..."
"or, do it reverse and approximate/interpolate"
I didnt see any algortihm that uses a diffusion algorithm. Lets assume a point-light is a point that has more density than other cells(all space is divided into cells), every step/iteration of lighting/tracing makes that source point to diffuse into neighbours using a velocity field and than their neighbours and continues like that. After some satisfactory iterations(such as 30-40 iterations), the density info of each cell is used for enlightment of objects in that cell.
Point light and velocity field:
But it has to be a like 1000x1000x1000 size and this would take too much time and memory to compute. Maybe just computing 10x10x10 and when finding an obstacle, partitioning that area to 100x100x100(in a dynamic kd-tree fashion) can help generating lighting/shadows for acceptable resolution? Especially for vertex-based illumination rather than triangle.
Has anyone tried this approach?
Note: Velocity field is here to make light diffuse to outwards mostly(not %100 but %99 to have some global illumination). Finite-element-method can make this embarassingly-parallel.
Edit: any object that is hit by a positive-density will be an obstacle to generate a new velocity field around the surface of it. So light cannot go through that object but can be mirrored to another direction.(if it is a lens object than light diffuse harder through it) So the reflection of light can affect other objects with a higher iteration limit
Same kd-tree can be used in object-collision algorithms :)
Just to take as a grain of salt: a neural-network can be trained for advection&diffusion in a 30x30x30 grid and that can be used in a "gpu(opencl/cuda)-->neural-network ---> finite element method --->shadows" way.
There's a couple problems with this as it stands.
The first problem is that, fundamentally, a photon in the Newtonian sense doesn't react or change based on the density of other photons around. So using a density field and trying to light to follow the classic Navier-Stokes style solutions (which is what you're trying to do, based on the density field explanation you gave) would result in incorrect results. It would also, given enough iterations, result in complete entropy over the scene, which is also not what happens to light.
Even if you were to get rid of the density problem, you're still left with the the problem of multiple photons going different directions in the same cell, which is required for global illumination and diffuse lighting.
So, stripping away the problem portions of your idea, what you're left with is a particle system for photons :P
Now, to be fair, sudo-particle systems are currently used for global illumination solutions. This type of thing is called Photon Mapping, but it's only simple to implement a direct lighting solution using it :P
like many others before, I'm coding a 2D platformer at the moment, or more precise on an Engine for that. My question is about collision detection and especially the reactions to collision.
It's vital to me to have surfaces that are NOT tile based, because the world of the platformer has urgend need of surfaces that are not straight.
What do you think is the best approach for implementing such?
I've already come to a solution, but I'm only about 95% satisfied with it.
My Entity is component based so at first it calculates all the movement. Horizontal position change. Falling. Jumping speed; all that. Then it stores these values temporarily; accessible to the Collision component.
This one adds 4 hitpoints to the entity. Two for the floor collision and two for the wall collision.
Like this
I first check against the floor. When there IS collision, I iterate collision detections upwards until there is no more collision.
The I reset the Entity to this point. If both ground hitpoints collide, I reset the Entity to the lowest point to avoid the Entity floating in the air.
Then I check against the wall with the upper hitpoints. Basically, if it collides, I do the same thing as above, just horizontally.
If works quite well. Very heavy ascensions are treated like a wall and very low ascensions are just climbed. But in between, when the ascensions are around 45 degree, it behaves strange. It does not quite feel right.
Now, I could just avoid implementing 45 degree walls in my game, but that would just not be clean, as I'm programming an engine that is supposed to work right no matter what.
So... how would you implement this, algorithmically?
I think you're on the right track with the points. You could combine those points to form a polygon, and then use the resulting polygon to perform collision detection.
Phys2D is a library that happens to be in Java that does collision between several types of geometric primitives. The site includes downloadable/runnable demos on what the library is capable of.
If you look around, you can find 2D polygon collision detection implementations in most common languages. With some study, an understanding of the underlying geometry calculations, and some gusto, you could even write your own if you like.
I have a general questions regarding techniques, or approaches used in computer games to detect particles (or objects collisions). Even in a smiple examples, like currently popular angry birds, how is it programmetically achieved that the game knows that an object hits another one and works out it trajectory, while this object can hit others etc. I presume it is not constantly checking states of ALL the objects in the game map...
Thanks for any hints/answers and sorry for a little dummy/general question.
Games like Angry Birds use a physics engine to move objects around and do collision detection. If you want to learn more about how physics engines work, a good place to start is by reading up on Box2D. I don't know what engine Angry Birds uses, but Box2D is widely used and open-source.
For simpler games however you probably don't need a physics engine, and so the collision detection is fairly simple to do and involves two parts:
First is determining which objects to test collision between. For many small games it is actually not a bad idea to test every single object against every other object. Although your question is leery of this brute-force approach, computers are very fast at routine math like that.
For larger scenes however you will want to cull out all the objects that are too far away from the player to matter. Basically you break up the scene into zones and then first test which zone the character is in, then test for collision with every object in that zone.
One technique for doing this is called "quadtree". Another technique you could use is Binary Space Partitioning. In both cases the scene is broken up into a lot of smaller pieces that you can use to organize the scene.
The second part is detecting the collision between two specific objects. The easiest way to do this is distance checks; just calculate how far apart the two objects are, and if they are close enough then they are colliding.
Almost as easy is to build a bounding box around the objects you want to test. It is pretty easy to check if two boxes are overlapping or not, just by comparing their coordinates.
Now bounding boxes are just rectangles; this approach could get more complex if the shapes you want to collide are represented by arbitrary polygons. Some basic knowledge of geometry is usually enough for this part, although full-featured physics engines can get into a lot more detail, telling you not just that a collision has happened, but exactly when and how it happened.
This is one of those hard to answer questions here, but here's a very basic example in 2D as a very basic example, in pseudo-code.
for-each sprite in scene:
for-each othersprite in scene:
if sprite is not othersprite & sprite.XY = othersprite.XY
collision = true;
collision = false;
Hopefully that should be enough to get your thought muscles working!
Addendum: Other improvements would be to assume an area around the XY instead of a precise location, which then gives you a sort of support for sprites with large areas.
For 3D theory, I'll give you the article I read a while ago:
num1's answer covers most of what I would say and so I voted it up. But there are a few modifications/additional points I would make:
1) Bounding boxes are actually the second easiest way to test collision. The easiest way is distance checks; just calculate how far apart the two objects are, and if they are close enough then they are colliding.
2) Another common way of organizing the scene in order to optimize collision tests (ie. an alternative to BSP) is quadtrees. In either case, basically you break up the scene into zones and then first test which zone the character is in, then test for collision with every object in that zone. That way if the level is huge you don't test against every single object in the level; you can cull out all the objects that are too far away from the player to matter.
3) I would emphasize more that Angry Birds uses a physics engine to handle its collisions. While distance checks and bounding boxes are fine for most 2D games, Angry Birds clearly did not use either of those simple methods and instead relied on collision detection from their physics engine. I don't know what physics engine is used in that game, but Box2D is widely used and open-source.
Ok so I have bunch of balls:
What I'm trying to figure out is how to make these circles:
Rotate based on the surfaces they are touching
Fix collision penetration when dealing with multiple touching objects.
EDIT: This is what I mean by rotation
Ball 0 will rotate anti-clockwise as it's leaning on Ball 3
Ball 5 will rotate clockwise as it's leaning on Ball 0
Even though solutions to this are universal, just for the record I'm using Javascript and SVG, and would prefer implementing this myself rather than using a library.
Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks! :)
Here are a few links I think would help you out on your quest:
Advanced Character Physics
Javascript Ball Simulation
Box2D has what your looking for, and its open source I believe. You can download the files and see how they do what they do in order to achieve your effect.
Let me know if this helps, trying to get better at answering questions on here. :)
So I went ahead and thought this out just a bit more to give some insight as far as how I would approach it. Take a look at the image below:
Basically, compare the angles on a grid, if the ball is falling +30 degrees compared to the ball it falls on then rotate the ball positively. If its falling -30 degrees compared to the ball it fall on then rotate the ball negatively. Im not saying this is the correct solution, but just thinking about it, this is the way I would approach the problem off the bat.
From a physics standpoint it sounds like you want to conserve both linear and angular momentum.
As a starting point, you'll want establish ODE matrices that model both and then perform some linear algebra to solve them. I personally would use Numpy/Scipy (probably using a sparse array) for that solution. But there are many approaches (sympy comes to mind). What modules do you want to use?
You'll want to familiarize yourself with coefficient of restitution and coefficient of friction and decide if you want to conserve kinetic energy too. (do you want/care if they keep bouncing and rolling around forever?) (you'll probably need energy matrices as well)
You'll be solving these matrices every timestep all the while checking the condition that no two ball centers are closer than the sum of the two radii. (..and if they do, you adjust the momentum and energy terms for a post-collision condition)
This is just the barest of beginnings to a big project. Can I ask why you want to do this from scratch?
I would recommend checking out game physics simulation books and articles. See O'Reilly's Physics for Game Developers and the Gamasutra website, for example.