how to render and dump the file sls with salt stack without applying it - render

Given how flexible jinja templating can be with saltstack and the numerous pillar variables are merged into the template; I would find it useful to be able to get salt to 'render' the full sls out to screen before i push it out. Is there a way of doing this?

Just to answer my own question: I knew that state.show_top existed. So I tried state.show_sls, and voila! Exactly what I'm after.


Remove key from dictionary

I want to remove key from dictionary in Parse cloud code, as we can achieve this by calling removeObjectForKey: in objective-C. Sorry as this is very simple, but I am new to js, and also not able to find out solution for this.
As I have found the answer, so I am posting it for others, who want to do the same thing.By following command, we can do this
delete dictionary[key];

Rainmeter: How to concatenate strings

I am getting data from a broken RSS feed that gives me wrong link. I wanted to fix this link so I made this code:
and the link could be like:;tid=120
But the real working link is in this form:
The thing that I'm asking is if my measure thing looks like this:
StringIndex=2 ;now I only get
How am I supposed to concatenate the strings together to complete the url?
I'm guessing rather than &burrrdurrrr;, the link has &, which is how you have to write & in an HTML or XML file.
If that's the case, you just need to set the DecodeCharacterReference option, as described in this handy-looking tutorial. Another option mentioned there is Substitute, which would be able to strip it out even if it really was &burrrdurrrr;.
None of this is a particularly sensible way of dealing with HTML or XML - a much better approach would be a plugin which actually parsed the document structure and let you reference nodes using XPath or CSS rules - but you work with what you've got, I guess. (I've never heard of this "Rainmeter" before, despite its claim to be "the best known and most popular desktop customization program for Windows"; maybe because nobody else calls their program that, instead almost universally using the word "widget"?)

Overflow after using "FillSampleValues()" in Teechart(VC++6.0,Teechart8.ocx environment)

I'm a very beginner of TeeChart.
When I add a member variable called m_chart for the chart,it looks okay.
Then I add "m_chart.Series(0).FillSampleValues(50);" in CMy312Dlg::OnInitDialog()......
and overflow ocurred.
What's wrong?
So sad to find that I don't describe my question well.(Well I'm a freshman on StackOverflow,and cannot add image for my poor reputation.)
But if you need more details,I will try to describe for you.:)
Before adding data to a series you must create this series and add it to the chart to access it the way you do. You'll find examples at the Visual C++ sections in the tutorials and examples folders. If the problem persists please send us an example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here.

How to use the MultipleTextOutputFormat class to rename the default output file to some meaningful names?

After the reduce phase in Hadoop, I wanted the output file names to be something meaningful depending on the input key value. However I'm not successful on following the example on "Hadoop: The Definative Guide" which used MultipleTextOutputFormat to do this. The reason is that it's based on old API and it doesn't work on the new API ?
Can anybody hint on the solution or point me to the relevant documentation ?
You are probably right. Most things that worked in the old API don't always work in the new one.
There is a "new way" of doing this now, called MultipleOutputs.

How to detect if an element exists in Watir

I'm relatively new to Watir but can find no good documentation (examples) regarding how to check if an element exists. There are the API specs, of course, but these make precious little sense to me if I don't find an example.
I've tried both combinations but nothing seems to work...
if browser.image (:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists
if browser.image (:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
If anyone has a concrete suggestion as per how to implement this, please help! Thanks!
It seems you are missing a comma between parameters.
Should be
if browser.image(:src, "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
Also you can find this page useful in future to know what attributes are supported.
The code you posted should work just fine.
Edit: Oops, wrong. As Katmoon pointed out, there is a missing comma.
browser.image(:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
One problem you may get caught up in is if the browser variable you specified is actually an element that doesn't exist.
b = Watir::IE.start(ipAddress)
b.frame(:name, "doesntExist).image(:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
The above code will throw a Watir::UnknownFrameException. You can get around this by first verifying the frame exists or by surrounding the code in a begin/rescue block.
Seems like you are using it correctly. Here is an old RDoc of Watir.
Does it not work because Watir cannot find it? Hard to tell because there is no source or link to the page that is being tested. I think that I only use image.exists?. In general, errors that come from when the image exists but is not found are:
The how is not compatible with the element type. There is a cheatsheet to help you see which object types can be found with different attributes here.
The what is not correct. You may have to play with that a little bit. Consider trying a regex string to match it such as browser.image(:src, /editreview.jpg/). As a last resort, maybe use element_by_xpath, but there are maintenance costs with that.
The location is not correct. Maybe the element is in a frame or something like that. browser.frame("detail").image(:src, /editreview.jpg/).
Try those, but please let me know what worked. One more thing, what are you checking for? If it's part of the test criteria, you can handle it that way. If you need to click on it, then forget the .exists? and just click on it. Ruby will let you know if it's not there. If you need it to be grace, learn about begin/rescue.
Good luck,
