Split pcap files automatically though tcpdump [closed] - bash

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to execute a tcpdump , which generates a new file after one 2GB file.
As much as I know from an other post it's not possible to generate files bigger than 2 GB.
That's the tcpdump I'm currently looking at:
tcpdump -C 100 -W 2048 -w /tmp/example.pcap
It should create a new pcap file(example.pcap00, example.pcap01) every 2GB, but it doesn't. Probably because I'm trying to write it on an external disk. So I think I need to create the files before I write tcpdump data in it.
How can I do that?
It should create new files with 2GB pcap data until the 1TB HD is full. So I cannot really use the -C option, because I don't know how much I need in advance.
What's the best way to go with my problem?

As much as I know from an other post it's not possible to generate files bigger than 2 GB.
That depends on the OS on which you're running, whether you're running on a 64-bit machine (for some OSes; for OS X and *BSD, it doesn't matter), the version of libpcap tcpdump is using, and how that version of libpcap was built.
tcpdump -C 100 -W 2048 -w /tmp/example.pcap
Which means "change the file you're writing to when the file gets bigger than 100 million bytes, and have no more than 2048 files". (No, -W doesn't specify the maximum file size.)
It should create a new pcap file(example.pcap00, example.pcap01) every 2GB,
No, every 100 million bytes. Read the fine manual page.
but it doesn't. Probably because I'm trying to write it on an external disk.
Why would the external disk have anything to do with this?
If "it doesn't", does that mean "it doesn't create new files, it just keeps writing to the old file" or "it reports an error and quits after writing to the first file"? If it's the latter, you might want to see the answer to this question.


Total size of all file types in a folder [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any way/too in window7 to see the total size of files of particular type ? For example if I have directory which has 5 files. 2 files are Jpg, 1 is log file and 2 are docx file. In such case, it should report something like below
jpg - 2 files- Total size -10 MB
log file - 1 file- Total size -5KM
document file - 2 file - Total -45 MB
Is there a way to do this in linux (e.g. some form of ls or grep)? If there is, it is probably supported by cygwin.
In other words, you could install cygwin and then run something like the 'find' command shown here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/558979/how-to-display-disk-usage-by-file-type.
Also, if you put the cygwin executable directory in your PATH environment you can run all of the cywin commands from a windows command prompt.
And if you just want a good way to see where all of your disk space is being used there are a number of good tools for that. I personally like spacesniffer.
You can start a command window and use dir.
dir *.txt

Linux mint terminal output disappearing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm running a script on terminal and it is supposed to produce a long output, but for some reason the terminal is just showing me the end of the result and I cannot scroll up to see the complete result. Is there a way to save all the terminal instructions and results until I type clear.
The script I'm using has a loop so I need to add the output of the loop if Ill be redirecting the output to a file.
Depending on your system, the size of the terminal buffer may be fixed and hence you may not be able to scroll far enough to see the full output.
A good alternative would be to output your program/script to a text file using:
user#terminal # ./nameofprogram > text_file.txt
Otherwise you will have to find a way to increase the number of lines. In some terminal applications you can go to edit>profiles>edit>scrolling tab and adjust your settings.
You can either redirect the output of your script in a file:
script > file
(Be careful to choose a file that does not exist otherwise the content will be erased)
Or you can buffer the output with less:
script | less

How to get more than 40 windows in GNU screen under Debian [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am using the terminal program called screen, which can create several "virtual terminals" in a single "real" terminal (the words "virtual" and "real" here are quite relative, the "real" terminal can be a konsole tab as well, not necessarily tty1-tty6). The problem is that I cannot create more than 40 windows inside a single screen. When I try to create more, screen says "No more windows." After some googling I found that that this is controlled by something called MAXWIN, but I didn't find any information how to modify this MAXWIN. How can I increase the maximal number of windows inside a single screen?
I use Debian 6 "squeeze".
PS I understand that I can run several screen's in several "real" (in the above sense) terminals, but this makes it harder to use multiple display mode (screen -x).
That's a compile time option. Using strictly packages from upstream, it can't be done. If you wanted to compile screen yourself, you could accomplish this. Look in the config.h.in file. Near the top will be # define MAXWIN 40. Change that to your new limit.
(more info)

Generate random bytes for gpg --gen-key [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm using putty to connect to a unix host where I want to generate a new gpg key.
After the Key generation started I get this message
Not enough random bytes available. Please do some other work to give
the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need 292 more bytes)
This isn't the real problem.
The real problem is now I cannot issue any more commands to the shell, it looks like this
Why is this the case, no command gets executed anymore and why does the arrow up key show up as ^[[A?
How can I fix this and issue some commands that the key can get generated?
Your client system is likely waiting for randomness before it completes its connection to the remote server, hence your commands are being ignored until it can complete the connection.
Have you tried doing what the message says? Try opening up a big folder and looking at its size (on windows) or doing a du / (unix) to generate some disk-based randomness. Some typing may also help, depending on how your system is gathering randomness.
Knowing your client would help.

Vim slow performance when dealing with remote files [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm opening a file on a remote drive - it takes 3-4 seconds to open it - that's ok.
But afterwards, a lot of commands become really slow.
I'm typing :help vimrc - it takes 3-4 seconds to display.
I'm typing :setlocal nobuflisted - it takes 3-4 seconds.
It probably has something to to with those commands accesing the filesystem. If I do :setlocal list it works ok.
Also if I switch to another buffer, everthing is back to normal again.
Is there something I can do to improve performance?
Maybe the swap file is created in the remote directory and slows down your performance.
Try setting the default directory for swap and backup files on your local drive with:
set directory=/home/john/tmp
set backupdir=/home/john/tmp
Check your 'statusline' setting and autocmds on events like CursorMoved[I] and BufWinEnter.
I once had a function in my status line that invoked expand('%:p:h'); it caused a noticeable slowness as experienced by you. I fixed this by caching the lookups in a script-local Dictionary.
