OLA Money API Hash Code Error - ruby

While integrating OLA Money API, when I hit url with all parameter am getting error
"Hash Code mismatched"
The main problem is when we send generated hash code through url, then last 2 characters of hash key == are changed into %3D%3D. Could you please give me solution of this.
Both Hash key are given below:
Generated Hash Key before URL-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Generated Hash Key in URL--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I look forward to solution from you,

Issue here is - one of the Hash is getting URL encoded. Easiest way is to URL decode both the strings and then match. Here:
require 'uri'
h1 = "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"
h2 = "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%3D%3D"
h1 == h2
# => false
URI.unescape(h1) == URI.unescape(h2)
# => true


How to use get_object in ruby for AWS?

I am very new to ruby. I am able to connect to AWS S3 using ruby. I am using following code
filePath = '/TMEventLogs/stable/DeviceWiFi/20160803/1.0/20160803063600-2f9aa901-2ce7-4932-aafd-f7286cdb9871.csv'
s3.get_object({bucket: "analyticspoc", key:"TMEventLogs/stable/DeviceWiFi/20160803/1.0/"}, target:filePath ) do |chunk|
puts "1"
In above code s3 is client. "analyticspoc" is root bucket. My path to csv file is as follows All Buckets /analyticspoc/TMEventLogs/stable/DeviceWiFi/20160803/1.0/20160803063600-2f9aa901-2ce7-4932-aafd-f7286cdb9871.csv.
I have tried above code. I above code I was getting error Error getting objects: [Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey] - The specified key does not exist. Using above code I want to read the contents of a file. How to do that ? Please tell me what is the mistake in above code
Got the answer. You can use list_objects for accessing array of file names in chunk(1000 at a time) where as get_object is used for accessing the content of a single file as follows
BUCKET = "analyticspoc"
path = "TMEventLogs/stable/DeviceWiFi/20160803/1.0/"
s3.list_objects(bucket:BUCKET, prefix: path).each do |response|
contents = response.contents
file_name = "TMEventLogs/stable/DeviceWiFi/20160803/1.0/012121212121"
response = s3.get_object(bucket: BUCKET, key: file_name)
As far as I can tell you're passing in the arguments incorrectly. It should be a single options hash according to the documentation for get_object:
bucket: "analyticspoc",
key: "TMEventLogs/stable/DeviceWiFi/20160803/1.0/",
target: filePath
) do |chunk|
puts "1"
I believe it was trying to use your hash as a string key which is obviously not going to work.
With Ruby the curly braces { } are only necessary in method calls if additional arguments follow that need to be in another hash or are non-hash in nature. This makes the syntax a lot less ugly in most cases where options are deliberately last, and sometimes first and last by virtue of being the only argument.

Cookie in rest-client Ruby

Is it possible to add cookie like
Here is my code
options[:headers][:cookies] = {:cookie_key => 'cookie_value'}
This code works fine but when I try something like
options[:headers][:cookies] = {:cookie_key => {} }
I get /../../util.rb:16:in 'unescape': undefined method 'tr' for #<Hash:0x0000000195f7d0> (NoMethodError)
Cookies basically can only store strings (for each first-level key).
In order to store hash in cookies values, you need serialize/deserialize the data, for example, with JSON
cookies[:i_need_to_store_hash] = hsh.to_json
and than
i_need_to_get_my_hash_back = JSON.parse(cookies[:i_need_to_store_hash])
but remember that cookies very limited in size (4096 bytes)

how to find a hash key with one of the predefined names?

I have a hash with an arbitrary key:
{'GET': [1,2,3]}
{'POST': ['my data 0', 'my data 1']}
The hash is generated from JSON which is sent in the request body. There is just one key, or rather, I ignore any keys but one.
I want to find which key it is, and this is the code that I wrote:
items = data['GET'] || data['get'] || data['POST'] || data['post']
this does not look neat. If the number of keys that I want to process grows the expression will be long. I want it to be short. I am new to Ruby, is there a better way?
If you think it might grow, you may want to separate the HTTP methods from the finding of that method in the data:
methods = [:get, :post]
def find_method(data)
keys = methods.map{|m| [m.to_s.upcase, m.to_s]}.flatten
You could just get the first value (assuming there's only one) like this:
item = data.values.first
You could use the Hash#values_at method.
data.values_at('GET','get', 'POST','post').first

Sinatra can't convert Symbol into Integer when making MongoDB query

This is a sort of followup to my other MongoDB question about the torrent indexer.
I'm making an open source torrent indexer (like a mini TPB, in essence), and offer both SQLite and MongoDB for backend, currently.
However, I'm having trouble with the MongoDB part of it. In Sinatra, I get when trying to upload a torrent, or search for one.
In uploading, one needs to tag the torrent — and it fails here. The code for adding tags is as follows:
def add_tag(tag)
if $sqlite
unless tag_exists? tag
$db.execute("insert into #{$tag_table} values ( ? )", tag)
id = $db.execute("select oid from #{$tag_table} where tag = ?", tag)
return id[0]
elsif $mongo
unless tag_exists? tag
$tag.insert({:tag => tag})
return $tag.find({:tag => tag})[:_id] #this is the line it presumably crashes on
It reaches line 105 (noted above), and then fails. What's going on? Also, as an FYI this might turn into a few other questions as solutions come in.
So instead of returning the tag result with [:_id], I changed the block inside the elsif to:
id = $tag.find({:tag => tag})
puts id.inspect
return id
and still get an error. You can see a demo at http://torrent.hypeno.de and the source at http://github.com/tekknolagi/indexer/
Given that you are doing an insert(), the easiest way to get the id is:
id = $tag.insert({:tag => tag})
id will be a BSON::ObjectId, so you can use appropriate methods depending on the return value you want:
return id # BSON::ObjectId('5017cace1d5710170b000001')
return id.to_s # "5017cace1d5710170b000001"
In your original question you are trying to use the Collection.find() method. This returns a Mongo::Cursor, but you are trying to reference the cursor as a document. You need to iterate over the cursor using each or next, eg:
cursor = $tag.find_one({:tag => tag})
return cursor.next['_id'];
If you want a single document, you should be using Collection.find_one().
For example, you can find and return the _id using:
return $tag.find_one({:tag => tag})['_id']
I think the problem here is [:_id]. I dont know much about Mongo but `$tag.find({:tag => tag}) is probably retutning an array and passing a symbol to the [] array operator is not defined.

How do I extract a value from a JSON response?

I am writing some tests in Ruby using RestClient. The test is working fine and the response is in JSON however when I parse the JSON and try to extract the values I am looking for I get an error saying IndexError: key not found
IMO, my code should work. The JSON is:
{"user":{"#xmlns":{"dvi":"http:\/\/xxxx","a":"http:\/\/xxxx","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},"link":[{"#rel":"self","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"user","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"usage","$":"xxxx"},{"#rel":"repositories","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"shares","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"shareMemberships","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"}],"phone":{"$":"3518012343001"},"email":{"$":""},"firstName":{"$":"Jim"},"lastName":{"$":"Joe"},"uid":{"$":"91bc7a72bc724e5e9b53e688dd105ed4"},"accountName":{"$":"3518012343001"},"notificationMethod":{"$":"email sms"},"accountStatus":{"$":"Active"},"serviceLevel":{"$":"5"},"repositoryCount":{"$":"1"},"usage":{"allowed":{"$":"5368709120"},"total":{"$":"1024"}},"contactEmail":{"$":"jim#joe.com"}}}
and my code is:
result = jsonabove
jdoc = JSON.parse(result)
notificationMethod = jdoc.fetch("notificationMethod")
return notificationMethod
That's happening because the notificationMethod key isn't the first level key in your hash. After preparing theJSON#parse method, you have a hash with only one key called user. You should get the value by this key and then apply your notificationMethod key. It looks like this:
require 'json'
result = <<HERE
jdoc = JSON.parse(result)
notificationMethod = jdoc.fetch("user").fetch("notificationMethod")
puts notificationMethod
