Spring client validation on a non DB field - spring

I have a spring flow project. On the form I want to add a check box, like "I confirm that I have provided correct details" and want to stop the flow if this check box is not checked. I don't want to add this as a DB field (validation through that is pretty simple). I cant find a way to validate the check box at client side. Any examples/options are appreciated.

jsr-303 or jsr-349 are the standards for bean validation, and is the reference yoou're looking for, from a high point of view. Youcan start reading from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bean_Validation
When it comes to implement this in Spring, you have to annotate the parameter passed to the MVC handler method as #Valid and implement a Validator. The best example you could look at, initially, is the Spring official documentation:http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/validation.html


JSR 303 vs Spring validation

I am new to Spring validation. Recently I have been exploring different approaches of validation utilities available in Spring. I found there are basically two approaches: 1. with JSR-303 and 2. by implementing Validator interface in Spring.
What I understood, with first approach one can achieve model level validation whereas the latter is more appropriate to validate String, Integer types of inputs. Is there something more, that I am missing here?
Here is an open source alternative to JSR-303.
This solution can perform all validation of the request message, but no hassle coding is required.
With Check-Point, all validation is possible without further code, just by changing the annotation of the Controller method.
After that, all validation settings can be easily made in Admin Page.
I think this video can help your understand. https://youtu.be/I1aEIztXlhE
Check-Point Admin-Page Setting Screen

Replicate JSF user input validation on business or persistence layer

I have been working on a system that does user input validation only on the JSF Managed Beans. Theoretically, on the college bench, we are told to always replicate the validation on the business layer (or when it is not possible, on the persistence layer: through Bean Validation API or Hibernate Listeners).
However, after some research, I concluded that there is no security breach on that because JSF does not allow direct access to nothing "bellow" it. But I really want to be proven wrong.
It may not be a security breach when you are only using JSF. In general I think it's best to have your validation and authorization as close to your data storage as possible. If you for example would decide to add a REST service to your application, your validation and authorization is already taken care of.
If you are using javax.validation, there is no need to replicate the validation in JSF when you are using a component library like PrimeFaces. In PrimeFaces you can simply use bean validation based on your javax.validation annotations.

How to create a specific validator for a field's model

I want to use a specific validation for a field in my class. It should assure that the username field follow some specific rules.
Can someone point me some docs that show me how to create a validator specifically for a field in a class?
I'm using Spring framework.
Whats wrong with the spring documentation.
The page for that is usually http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/validation.html
There are different ways to do that. I personally prefer the javax.validation spring integration instead of the system by spring directly. The creation of a custom validator for an object can be seen in the hibernate-validator (implementation of javax.validation) https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/validator/4.0.1/reference/en/html/validator-customconstraints.html

Adding "Logic" and throwing error in Spring Roo Fields

I have a project created with Spring roo and I have a number field in one of my entities. I need to add some logic that this field can only take numbers that are powers of two and if it isn't then an error should be thrown to the user when trying to submit i.e. "Invalid input: not a power of two". I know what formula to use I'm just having trouble executing it on a spring/roo project. i.e. Where/what file does this piece of code go into? How do I make sure an error is thrown so the user sees it.
I asked around and got a couple answers, namely this
1) client side way: In the entity create.jspx using javascript. 2)
server side way. In entity controller loading the message error in the
returning model object.
But I don't really understand how to do this.
You can use a custom validator for Spring with Spring Roo.
Take a look at the change password validator in the following article by Sujit Pal.
All the best with Roo.

Validation App Block validating NetTiers entities

Here is my question: does anyone know how to set up custom validation for NetTiers entities?
I have a NetTiers web solution that was generated with the EntLib 4.1 validation app block. The actual entities' properties are decorated with the validation attributes to ensure that the dataase integrity is maintained. What I need to do is add custom validation to the entities.
I know how to write the custom validators. I'm just not sure how to wire them up to the each entities so that I can perform custom validation. What I am looking for is an overview on how to do this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Are you using the latest release of .netTiers? Support for data annotations was added in this patch and committed to core.
I would take a look at the following documentation. I'm thinking that this is something that you would need to wire up programmatically. Well make sure that this scenario works in v3.
