Mac OS X & Docker 1.9.1 Insecure registry location - macos

I am trying to configure my Docker instance to allow insecure registries on my Mac. However, in the new installation for Docker, I can't find which config file to place the
--insecure-registry host:port
I see in some places to put it in the /etc/default/docker file, yet the folder default doesn't exist. I've even tried reating a docker file in the /etc/defaults dir to no avail.
I could really use some insight. Thanks.

Use docker-machine with the --engine-insecure-registry to accomplish this on Mac. If you initially created your machine with name dev you will need to stop and remove it first:
docker-machine stop dev
docker-machine rm dev
Then, assuming your registry was at registry.mydomain.internal:8443 you would create the new machine using:
docker-machine create -d virtualbox --engine-insecure-registry registry.mydomain.internal:8443 dev


Docker not working in Windows10

I am using Docker version 1.12.2, build bb80604 and VirtualBox 5.1.6.
I was able to install Docker Toolbox correctly but I am not able to start the default VM.
I tried to follow the instruction given here but I am still getting The system cannot find the file specified error. I don't have Hyper-V enabled on system.
F:\>docker-machine ls
default not found Error open C:\Users\Animesh\.docker\machine\machines\default\config.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
F:\>docker-machine env --shell=cmd
open C:\Users\Animesh\.docker\machine\machines\default\config.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
F:\>docker rm default
An error occurred trying to connect: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
How can I solve this issue?
It looks like something bad happened to your docker-machine default machine.
To recover, do the following:
docker-machine rm -f default
Next, open the virtualbox GUI and make sure that there isn't a VM that corresponds with that old "default" VM, just in case. If there is, manually delete it from there.
Now, open the quickstart terminal again and it should create a new "default" virtual machine for you.
Alternatively, you can create it like this:
docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default
At that point, your sequence of commands should work as expected again.
You may need another couple of steps additional to what #programmerq mentioned.
Create empty text file: C:\Users\<user>\.docker\machine\machines\default\config.json
Stop VBoxHeadless.exe service from Windows task manager
Try docker-machine rm -f default and docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default commands afterwards to remove/add default
step 1: run: docker-machine rm -f default - (on your mac terminal or control panel)
step 2: run: docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default
It worked like miracle.
If you are a Windows Home user, you will not be able install the Docker for Windows Desktop edition, as it requires Hyper-V virtualization. This is supported only by Windows Professional and Enterprise editions.
As the Docker for Windows Desktop edition requires Hyper-V virtualization, you will not be able to install it if you are a Windows Home user. It is only supported by Windows Professional and Enterprise editions.
If you have installed Docker Toolbox and you are dealing with errors while trying to start the default machine you can create a new one by running:
docker-machine create box
the in order to see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on the virtual machine created run:
docker-machine env box
the command that you need to run in order to configure your shell will then appear:
eval $("C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe" env box)
Check that the installation is runnung correctly by running:
docker run hello-world
Then you just need to start your machine every time you need to use docker:
docker-machine start box
and follow the second and third steps above for the configuration.

Setting up docker on the mac: Cannot connect via localhost

I'm just setting up docker on my Mac. The installation worked and I got some containers running (following the getting-stared guide), but now I want to connect with my browser to localhost, to show a web app.
For that I'm following this guide:
In the last section it is said, that you simple go with your browser to: localhost:XXXXX wheras XXXXX is the port, that you found out using the command
docker ps -l
First problem: here nothing happends. The browser is showing an empty page (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)
Further more in the guide it is explained, that for Mac you can check your ip address via the command:
docker-machine ip your_vm_name
Here appears the second problem: This command results in an error-message:
Host does not exist: "your_vm_name"
So my questions are:
How to set up the virtual machine (or "your_vm_name" respectively)?
Does it have to do anything with the vhosts file on my Mac OS?
Is there mybe a conflict with MAMP (which I'm also using sometimes)?
Thanks in advance!
And thanks to GianArb for the very fast answer! That solution works as well.
Just to contribute to the community, I just found out by myself, that the solution was too simple to be true.
Instead of your-vm-name use default (obviously the default-host that is set up by docker), so I just used:
docker-machine ip default
and then I got the right IP.
Hello the process to start to use docker on mac with docker-machine is like:
Create a new docker machine on virtualbox, you can use a name like "your_vm_name" or just "default" in this way you can not use the name because "default" is a keyword that docker-machine try to use when you don't specify nothing.
The problem here is, why docker-machine ip your_vm_name doesn't provide the good ip? Can you copy the result of your command
Usually it's
thanks a lot
Actual for Mac OS:
If there is no real need in VirtualBox machine you can just remove it.
Docker can start Linux containers under Mac OS without any VirtualBox machines.
Without any VirtualBox machines, all exported ports are available on the localhost:*.
Remove docker machine
docker-machine ls
docker-machine stop default
docker-machine rm default
Make sure that you don't have the command eval $(docker-machine env ...) in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.
Otherwise, nothing will work. You will see the error Error: No machine name(s) specified and no "default" machine exists.
By the default configuration no need to have any env variables like $DOCKER_*
In my case, the only docker installed by downloading a .dmg image from the official site works without any problems. Any versions installed via brew didn't work out of the box.
PS: tested on Mac OS 10.13 and 10.14

After installing Docker, docker-machine env default fails because ca.pem is not found

Just installed Docker, but docker-machine env default doesn't work:
$ docker-machine env default
open /Users/me/.docker/machine/machines/default/ca.pem: no such file or directory
The path /Users/me/.docker/machine/machines/default exists but there's no ca.pem in it. Just a bunch of other files.
You can also try regenerating the certificates for that docker-machine (e.g. default)
docker-machine regenerate-certs default
docker-machine restart default
Usually during the creation of a machine the certs are set up. Just create a new machine from scratch like:
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
docker-machine env dev
That should work.
If you are connected to a VPN while creating the VM, that may cause networking issues that prevent the CA from being properly shared. Try disconnecting from any VPNs before creating the VM.

Docker Toolbox Mac command line and Kitematics fails

I have installed the new Docker Toolbox application for the Mac using both the graphical installer (the official one) and brew cask install.
In both cases, the Virtual Machine is correctly created, but something seems to be wrong in the environment because when I try to execute docker-machine on the command line, it fails like this:
$ docker-machine env default
open /Users/adeynack/.docker/machine/machines/default/ca.pem: no such file or directory
When I try Kitematics, it fails like this:
I tried Delete VM and retry setup, without success. Any insight or idea is welcome here.
EDIT: I am already using the test build 5.0.3 of VirtualBox.
This may have been caused by an issue with Virtualbox. The issue has been fixed with the latest testbuild for virtualbox here: Virtualbox Test build.
You have to uninstall your current version of Virtual Box and install the test build.
You may need to create a new docker machine.
Create a new docker machine:
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
Next, start the dev environment:
docker-machine env dev
Set up the environment for the dev machine:
eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
This worked for me:
docker-machine regenerate-certs default
docker-machine restart default

How to Setup a Docker Tomcat Container on Mac OS X

I'm new to Docker...
From my understanding, Docker is only compatible with Linux, is it possible to run docker for development purposes on a Mac?
I installed virtualbox using homebrew and have tried to create a virtualbox instance. I installed docker, but am having trouble getting my mac to communicate with the vm docker instance. My end goal is to get a locally debuggable instance of tomcat running on the docker container.
Any help or tips would be helpful.
Because Docker only runs on Linux you will need to install some kind of virtual instance on your local machine. An easy and popular way to do that is to install
Boot2docker and VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a dependency of Boot2docker. You can download, setup and install the latest versions from their websites or if you are using Homebrew, as you mentioned, you can quickly get the working binaries both in one step.
After installing boot2docker, you're ready to use Boot2docker to create a Tomcat Container. You can find a pre-configured tomcat image by searching Docker's community repository, docker hub registry.
Each time you execute the docker run command a new container is created.
The VM running Docker requires a ssh private/public encryption key handshake to connect to. If you follow my steps below, one will be generated for you.
Steps to Setup Tomcat using the tomcat image:
Open Terminal and run this command: brew install boot2docker
Create a new Boot2Docker VM instance using the init command: boot2docker init
Run this command in Terminal to forward local ports to the vm:
for i in {10000..10999}; do VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port$i,tcp,,$i,,$i”; VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "udp-port$i,udp,,$i,,$i";done
Start the boot2docker daemon: boot2docker start or boot2docker up
After starting docker, copy the exports that are displayed from the previous command to your clipboard
Edit your bash profile file ~/.bash_profile (or if you are using zsh, edit the resource configuration file ~/.zshrc) with a text editor (I prefer using Sublime text): subl .zshrc *note: this will permanently save the docker env variables.
Paste the exports into that file and save
Execute the source command on the file: source .zshrc
Pull the latest tomcat image to create a container and start tomcat: docker run -it --rm -p 10080:8080 tomcat:8.0 *note: this will forward your local 10080 port to the vm's 8080 port.
Go to http://localhost:10080, you should see the tomcat start page!
Useful Docker commands:
$ boot2docker status
$ docker version
$ docker ps #shows running containers
$ docker ps -a # shows all containers
$ docker exec -it NAME /bin/bash #to start a bash session on the container. -i = interactive, -t = tty
External Resources:
Most people use boot2docker to run on Macs. You may also want to take a look at Kitematic, which gives you a GUI to play with.
Finally, the future is probably to use docker machine, which can provision a VM for you.
Docker requires Linux Kernel features, hence it cannot be run natively on OSX.
See instead Boot2Docker. This link gives you instructions on how to get going.
