Error trying to rebase msys-2.0.dll: - windows

Using Cygwin on Windows 7 64 bit.
Trying to rebase msys-2.0.dll: for Git with the below command.
However I am getting the message saying its skipped because its wrong machine type.
cd /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin
$ rebase.exe -b 0x50000000 /cygdrive/c/"Program Files (x86)"/Git/bin/msys-2.0.dll
/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/msys-2.0.dll: skipped because wrong machine type.
What does this mean? Trying to look up on Google but didn't find much information anywhere - so hoping someone in this community can help.

As mentioned here, it could be a Cygwin issue depending on your current version of Cygwin.
But you can also try the alternative without cygwin, using the latest git-for-windows:
unzip PortableGit-2.6.3-64-bit.7z.exe anywhere you want
add to your %PATH% the folders C:\path\to\PortableGit-2.6.3-64-bit\bin and C:\path\to\PortableGit-2.6.3-64-bit\usr\bin (that last path comes with 200+ Linux gnu commands: ls, xargs, awk,... all accessible from your CMD.exe session!)
Then try again your git commands.


transcrypt issue - cannot run the sample program

Followed the instructions in transcrypt "getting started" docs, I entered the examples 'hello.html' and '' in a separate directory.
Entering from the command line: "transcrypt -b -m" resuleds in the error message: "'transcrypt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
I'm using python3.6, with transcrypt installed in: C:\program files\python36\lib\site-packages\transcrypt
Any help to activate the sample hello.html would be appreciated.
Could you try python -m transcrypt -b -m
and tell me what the console output is?
Also: are you on Windows, Linux or OsX?
Answer: Windows 10
[EDIT 1]
Looks like Transcrypt was installed under a different Python distro. Would be good to know what's going on, so please keep us informed. I also have several Python installs on my Windows 10 computer and it can be confusing indeed.
[EDIT 2]
Another possibility is manual installation (although it isn't elegant...). From the docs
Alternatively, for manual installation under Windows or Linux, follow
the steps below:
Download the Transcrypt zip and unpack it anywhere you like
Add ../Transcrypt-/transcrypt to your system path
To enable minification, additionally the Java Runtime Environment 6 or later has to be installed
Note If you install Transcrypt manually, Trancrypt is started by typing run_transcrypt rather than transcrypt. This allows a pip
installed Transcrypt and a manually installed Transcrypt to be used
side by side selectively
BTW Thanks for the suggestion on Github. We'll look into it and try to improve the docs on this point. It seems to be quite difficult to really draw up a bullet proof installation procedure for each platform.
You might also find it easier to use python3's built in virtual env, so that you install Transcrypt and other python modules only into one project folder at a time. It's much easier to use than it at first sounds.
Here's how you might do that on Windows 10.
mkdir mynewproject
cd mynewproject
py -3 -m venv myvirtualenv # installs venv files into myvirtualenv
myvirtualenv\Scripts\activate # activates the virtual env
The py -3 command uses the python windows launcher to use the latest version of python 3. The launcher is defined in Pep 397 and the docs are here.
Once the virtual environment is activated, the prompt will change to show that. After which any 'pip install' commands will install packages into 'myvirtualenv', instead of the system wide location. If you want to deactivate it, just type 'deactivate' or close the shell window. You can also just use 'python' to refer to python3 from within the virtual env. This has saved many people from madness.
In case this helps for other newbies. A few problems I encountered when setting up transcrypt.
Path issues: I had multiple versions of python, in different folders: \python26, \python27, and \Program Files\python36.
This caused all sorts of grief, despite setting the environmental path to include the python36 distro. I fixed this issue by renaming the other versions \python26x and \python27x. This left those distros intact if ever I needed to use them, but stopped the system from finding them. Thus, it only found python36
My earlier suggestion of py -3 didn't really solve the multiple distro issue completely after all.
After doing that, I reinstalled transcrypt and it seemed OK (sort of: read on)
Second issue was trying to run the sample I tried "transcrypt -b" and got a "'transcrypt' is not recognized.." message.
But this worked: python -m transcrypt -b -m
That worked because the system had finally found the correct version of python, due to the above fix.
Similarly, trying to run the sample as recommended in the docs caused a problem. run_transcrypt -b
The reason for this was that run_transcrypt resolved to "python $(dirname $0)/ $*"
But, because I had python v3.6 installed in c:\Program Files, the batch file run_transcrypt caused this output:
c:\transcrypt>python C:\Program Files\Python36\Lib\site-packages\ -b
python: can't open file 'C:\Program': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Consequently, I had to place Program Files in quotes and run it this way:
"C:\Program Files"\Python36\Lib\site-packages\ -b
or else, as above: python -m transcrypt -b -m
I think, with respect, the docs should raise a warning flag here for users who have python installed in \Program Files, rather than, for example, in c:\python[x]
Third issue Changing to "play around" with the code -
I found the files in transcrypt\demos\ to be read-only. To fix this:
1: I opened the command prompt as administrator
2: I ran the attrib command to change the file attributes:
"c:\Program Files\Python36\Lib\site-packages\transcrypt\demos\hello>attrib -r -s -a"
(Without doing this as administrator you get an access-denied message)
The whole exercise caused a few hours of toing and froing, but it seems that things are better now.

CLion - GDB: current version is GNU gdb (GDB) (Cygwin 7.10.1-1) 7.10.1; supported version is 7.8.x

I am trying to use CLion on Windows and I installed my environment using cygwin but I'm getting this warning in the settings. Moreover, it's almost impossible to debug because the debugger just stops showing debugger info in the middle.
I had the very same problem. I wasn't able to make CLion work with gdb 7.10.x but I was able to make cygwin install gdb 7.8-1. My method should work to install any version you want.
The following steps describe the way I managed to do it, I'm a newbie using cygwin, so maybe some of them are unnecessary.
Create a cache directory for cygwin and place the cygwin setup.exe in it (in my case C:\cygwinCache). [Source]
Execute the setup.exe and follow the usual steps for installing from Internet. Select Install from Internet, select your cygwin root directory (in my case C:\cygwin64), create and select a directory inside your cygwin cache directory (in my case C:\cygwinCache\downloaded), select the connection option your Internet connection requires, then select any server with gdb available (I selected and click Next. This will download and parse a setup.ini file that contains the available packages in the server you selected. This setup.ini file will be located in your cache directory in a sub directory named after the server you selected (C:\cygwinCache\downloaded\\x86_64).
From the link that #H. DJEMAI found (this one) download the gdb installation and source files of the version you want (I downloaded gdb-7.8-1.tar.xz and gdb-7.8-1-src.tar.xz). As a backup, I uploaded these files in here.
In the directory where the setup.ini file is located create the \release\gdb directory. In this newly created \release\gdb directory place both of the gdb files you downloaded in the last step. Now you have the gdb installation and source files in the following paths:
Open the setup.ini file, and look for a line with this string: # gdb. This section has the information of the gdb package and information about the files it may contain. It should look like this:
# gdb
sdesc: "The GNU Debugger"
ldesc: "The GNU debugger, allows you to debug programs written in C, C++,
and other languages, by executing them in a controlled fashion
and printing their data."
category: Devel
requires: cygwin libexpat1 libiconv2 libintl8 liblzma5 libncursesw10 libreadline7 python
version: 7.10.1-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1.tar.xz 2670932 cd1fa152888faa3e4cb8e1d075604fb2e039d73acdd159d7c9553741fd7710778c742495c93476b234e3386d54bd5bdc5275007290b6eb940d70197feb21b573
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1-src.tar.xz 18542336 758428a83148af8425cff2712ac15d842f449d824f0edc9bb8db1d1d84bf963e2f371372d0c645408c202914ffb088a9da32be5a9b62a637a71f2fe9b7d4614f
version: 7.9.1-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.9.1-1.tar.xz 2550148 f62f65865a11757b945f431a3662e16d0357dc9a0cbc720d16f5e99543cd3231f34bacd245daeb113ad38501358d9b1e7d128a1a45871d02c2bfb1c15891fbcb
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.9.1-1-src.tar.xz 17888340 b90d198404a0a16268b443f4a4ec9672dac1d531f3fbda848f807fee7c004f5394e1985253c64ab0cdc2dcf7c088645c60edbf8e9f39dce0f149bce4b11f5085
Now edit the file to make cygwin install the version you want. To achieve this modify the lines where it says version, install and source with the information of the files you want to install. I modified the lines after the [prev] string replacing 7.8-1 instead of 7.9.1-1 so cygwin points to the correct location. Note that the lines that start with install: and source: contain the relative location of the files you previously downloaded and placed in the \release\gdb directory. After this relative location the setup.ini file contains the byte size and SHA-512 of the specified file. You can get the bite size for your file in the file properties. To get the SHA-512 you have to use other software like this one. In the case of the 7.8-1 files I got the following:
# gdb
sdesc: "The GNU Debugger"
ldesc: "The GNU debugger, allows you to debug programs written in C, C++,
and other languages, by executing them in a controlled fashion
and printing their data."
category: Devel
requires: cygwin libexpat1 libiconv2 libintl8 liblzma5 libncursesw10 libreadline7 python
version: 7.10.1-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1.tar.xz 2670932 cd1fa152888faa3e4cb8e1d075604fb2e039d73acdd159d7c9553741fd7710778c742495c93476b234e3386d54bd5bdc5275007290b6eb940d70197feb21b573
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1-src.tar.xz 18542336 758428a83148af8425cff2712ac15d842f449d824f0edc9bb8db1d1d84bf963e2f371372d0c645408c202914ffb088a9da32be5a9b62a637a71f2fe9b7d4614f
version: 7.8-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.8-1.tar.xz 2491984 4c8d81984fe2ccbf92614c857737a42c4ec0c4016a5f8cf1dbc0fd117a1978baa7a8eadd2415a6d52041a1eecbe6b4e1373ba6850db6584869311a5e02a6e3b2
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.8-1-src.tar.xz 17669132 a71b6886774cb004baa7dc88ed767983a72fc94c7585bd79ff64c2bd2071c411cf0de76584c56aa3553d9541172eaf31f1dd142a6dedec50c5446ff2986c6d48
Don't forget to save the setup.ini file after you modified it.
Open the cygwin setup inside the cache directory. Now instead of selecting the install from Internet option select Install from Local Directory, then set your root directory and as local package directory select your cache directory (C:\cygwinCache\downloaded). It will parse the setup.ini file, and if you edited it successfully, it will show you the grid to install, upgrade or uninstall packages. If the parsing fails an error will be shown.
Look for the gdb package under Devel category, it should appear installed with a current version:
Click it where it says Keep until you see the version you want. Then click next, this will start the installation, when the process is done, click finish.
You're done. You can open the cygwin terminal and type gdb --version and see that the correct version is installed:
After all these steps, now you can open clion and go to Settings > Toolchains and see the result:
PS. I achieved this with cygwin setup version 2.873 (64 bits).
While LuissRicardo's answer seems like it will work, I stumbled upon a solution online that is a lot more straightforward. See:
Download gdb-7.8-2.tar.xz from and put it somewhere in your Cygwin filesystem.
Open a Cygwin terminal at that location, and run: tar Jxvf gdb-7.8-2.tar.xz. The instructions use zxvf, but that won't work for .xz archives.
cd into the folder you just extracted (for me this was just cd usr).
Run the command cp -R * /usr/ to copy this to the correct location in the filesystem.
Run gdb --version just to make sure it's set to 7.8.2. If it's not then maybe try restarting Cygwin, and if that doesn't work then maybe post on StackOverflow or something :p

Temp file with moniker 'svn_delta' already in use at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.14/ line 1024

I am trying to use git svn clone with cygwin 64 on a svn repository and I keep getting this message which errors out:
Temp file with moniker 'svn_delta' already in use at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.14/ line 1024.
How do I resolve this issue? I found this one that's related to macs, but I'm on windows. The two main answers there say:
"Change ~/.subversion/servers" I don't know where this is in Windows 7.
"a general upgrade to latest Git (1.8.5 should be out next week) and latest SVN 1.8 can help make things run smoothly" But in cygwin I'm stuck with git version 1.7.9.
I have a feeling the latter isn't a necessary step or else everyone using the git svn bridge in cygwin would be complaining like me.
The first answer I linked to in my question had the solution. I had to find the .subversion/servers file which existed in my cygwin path of ~/.subversion/servers. I also have a SilkSVN client and I changed that servers file there too. I found the path for that in this answer.

SVN error while taking checkout using script

I am getting below error when taking checkout from svn using a script.
**[Test] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ sh /cvsrx/rxapp/build_dir/Jenkins_Scripts/
Could not load program svn:
Could not load module /opt/freeware/lib/
Dependent module /usr/lib/libcrypto.a( could not be loaded.
Member is not found in archive
Could not load module svn.
Dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/ could not be loaded.
Could not load module .
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE**
In I have written just one line svn co /path to svn branch/
I am in middle of some test so please don't ask why am not using jenkins in build svn plugin.
here,I am able to take checkout on command prompt using svn co /path to svn branch/
But not if I write this command line in script and run in execute shell of jenkins.
Any help please ?
Am using jenkins on AIX 7 platform.
I had softlinks from /usr/bin/svn to /opt/freeware/bin/svn.SVN installed at /opt/freeware/bin/svn ..... By default when i do which svn its showing /usr/bin/svnBut When i deleted those softlinks and exported path,Jenkins didnt recognize SVN at all.And which svn command doesnot show any svn installed . PFB logs of jenkins :
/bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ export PATH=/opt/freeware/bin/svn/:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion:/opt/freeware/bin/svn:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion/:/usr/java5/lib:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R7/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/opt/gnome/bin:/opt/kde3/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/sbin:/
+ echo /opt/freeware/bin/svn/:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion:/opt/freeware/bin/svn:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion/:/usr/java5/lib:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R7/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/opt/gnome/bin:/opt/kde3/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/sbin:/opt/freeware/bin/svn/:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion:/opt/freeware/bin/svn:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion/:/usr/java5/lib:/opt/freeware/bin/svnversion/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R7/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/opt/gnome/bin:/opt/kde3/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/sbin
+ cd /usr/local/apps/Jenkins_new/scripts
+ ./
Could not load program /opt/freeware/bin/svn:
Could not load module /opt/freeware/lib/
Dependent module /usr/lib/libcrypto.a( could not be loaded.
Member is not found in archive
Could not load module svn.
Dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/ could not be loaded.
Could not load module .
./[3]: svn: not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE`
ReInstalling Jenkins solved my problem !! It was due to corrupt plugin which happened due to server restart.
Thanks Everyone
I have not seen the exact command of svn you have used in, but would advice you to give full path of SVN in your calling line, eg /usr/bin/svn co .....
And if also possible make an entry in your for export PATH and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting them to values which are paths of the mentioned .so files
I see you're using Hudson/Jenkins. Hudson and Jenkins use SVNKit internally when checking stuff in and out of Subversion. This means that the command line svn client may not be installed on your system, or that it may have other problems.
It is also possible that there are multiple svn clients on your system. For example, you may have one under /usr/bin/svn and one under /usr/local/bin/svn. If Subversion is working from the command line, but not in the script, you may have a different $PATH setup when you're executing from the command line vs. the script from Hudson/Jenkins. You can add to your script (if it's BASH) the line type svn to see where your executing svn from. It may be different from what you are using from the command line. It may also be nice to print out $PATH as part of your script.
It would also be helpful to see the svn command that your script is executing, and tell us what you're trying to do. You can also add to your script the following lines:
PS4="\$LINE: "
set -xv
These lines will turn on shell script debugging, and help you locate where your script is having problems.
This will give you some clues as to what is going wrong in your script.
Thanks David. Here only 1 svn path exists (usr/bin/svn)but created as a softlink see -->cd /usr/bin/svn lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 26 Jul 1 14:34 svn -> ../../opt/freeware/bin/svn. Also soflink of is created see --> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 15 Sep 13 18:15 -> .......... Is it possible that softlink is creating these problems ?? Before requesting to remove these softlinks ,i need confirmation that these softlinks are creating problems.
Softlinking isn't unusual for Unix. For example, I have Ant, Grails, Maven, Subversion, and many other packages installed under /opt on my Mac. In order not to have to include each and every one of these in my path, I soft link all of the binaries for those programs under /usr/local/bin. About 80% of the programs under /usr/local/bin are merely soft links elsewhere.
Library soft links are also very common. This usually has to do with version numbering. When a program requests a library, it may or may not include the library's version number. So, you have on your drive. This is the actual version of foo. However, few programs will request that particular version. Instead, they may simply request they need Version #2 of foo or just say they need to link to foo.
To handle this, you will have soft linked to for programs that specify they need version 2 of foo. Then, will be soft linked to This way, libfoo will be called no matter what. If I install,, I can change the link to to point to version 2.0.4 instead of version 2.0.3, and anything that depends upon Foo will be picking up the correct version.
Instead, let's look at the error message:
Could not load module /opt/freeware/lib/
   Dependent module /usr/lib/libcrypto.a( could not be loaded.
   Member is not found in archive
For some reason, it couldn't access the file /usr/lib/libcryto.a. Is this file on you machine? Is it in /usr/lib? If not, where is it located?
So, where did you get this version of Subversion from? Why is the link to the /opt/freeware/bin/ directory? Was this part of your system?
It could be that Subversion on your system is not complete and never did work. In Jenkins, the Subversion repository is accessed by the SVNKit Jarfile which is embedded inside Jenkins/Hudson itself, so it wouldn't really be a surprise to find that the Subversion binary didn't work.
Are you able to do anything with Subversion from the command line? If not, you may have to install a new version of Subversion from Perzl which is where CollabNet points to for an AIX version of Subversion. (It's at least up to date at version 1.8.4).
You may even want to change the soft link at /usr/bin/svn to point to the newer, working version of Subversion.

How to set env variables when compiling Node on Windows, from Mingw32?

I'm following the instructions from various Wikis on how to compile Node so I can eventually get it running as a service on Windows.
My steps so far:
(which lead to...)
(successfully compiled via cygwin, but lead to...)
(which apparently is better than the so far successful cygwin compile)
So - I've managed to compile Node.exe using Cygwin but not the preferred Mingw. I concur this isn't an ideal situation, building on Windows isn't the ideal. Nevertheless.
The error I see in Mingw, once I've followed all of the steps above, occurs when I try to ./configure --without-ssl. The error message is:
Danjah#PC /c/cygwin/home/Danjah/node-v0.4.7/node
$ ./configure –without-ssl
/usr/bin/env: python: No such file or directory
I understand from step 3's URL, that I must take steps to provide the environment variables for both Python and Git - using help from the provided URL I managed to input the Python path var, but I don't think I have the Git path var right. Either way, in no install directories for Python, Cygwin or Mingw32 do I see the path specified in the error msg: "/usr/bin/env".
Googling didn't really bring much to the table in terms of env variables or Mingw32, best I got was: PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin where my install directory is at C:\MingW\.
The path I added to Windows environment vars for Python was: PythonPath=C:\Python27;C:\Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Lib;C:\Python27\Lib\lib-tk where Python 2.7 is installed in C:\Python27\.
I hate it when a file path stops you from doing things, as I suspect is the problem here. So please set me straight here - is it a file path problem I have or something else? And if its something else, please try and help me to get Node up and running... keen as to get experimenting.
I should probably also mention that I do also have a previously installed version of Git on my Windows XP SP3 machine, but had not previously had Cygwin, Mingw32 or Python installed, and I do not have IIS running as a service - my usual testing environment is a WAMP stack.
Windows uses the PATH environment variable to locate programs that are invoked without a fully qualified file path, i.e. 'python' rather than 'C:\Python27\python'.
So you need to add python's home directory to the Windows PATH variable, as well as MinGW, git and anything else your script requires.
Also by setting the PATH variable explicitly in your shell session or script, you are overwriting its original contents (in the local context) which limits which programs your shell can find to only those available within the PATH which is usually a bad idea.
See for details on modifying your PATH so you can always run your Python scripts from the command line.
