Best process strategy for maintaining table access when dropping and re-creating tables - oracle

Is it possible to have permissions script all of the permissions in an Oracle 12c database without also simultaneously having the rights to modify either objects or data in the schema?
I need the ability to be able to script the existing permissions on a table before a table is dropped and recreated in order to re-apply the permissions after the table is recreated. I will have to submit the scripts to a DBA to run and need to include these permisions when dropping and re-creating a table. If I cannot see the existing permissions, I cannot include them. The DBA will not allow me to have rights to do this myself
but he will only run scripts that I write 100% myself.
When I try to view the DDL for a table while logged in using an ID that does not match the schema name, I get the following error:
To extract audit options, you must either have SELECT privilege on
DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS or log into the schema that you are extracting.
Will granting SELECT rights on DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS give me the ability to see all grants made on a table without also providing me additional rights to modify the schema or data?

Don't do a DROP TABLE/CREATE TABLE. Use DBMS_REDEFINITION instead. Here's a modified version of the sample code I keep around for this feature:
CREATE TABLE my_preexisting_table
( a number,
constraint my_preexisting_table_pk primary key (a) );
GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON my_preexisting_table TO ont;
-- Start the online redefinition process...
-- First, check whether your table is a candidate for the process
-- Create your new table with a new name. This will eventually replace the pre-existing one
--DROP TABLE apps.my_preexisting_table_redef;
CREATE TABLE apps.my_preexisting_table_redef
new_column1 NUMBER,
new_column2 DATE,
-- Let's change the primary key while we're at it
-- Unfortunately, we have to rename our constraints because they share a global namespace
constraint my_preexisting_table_pk_r primary key (new_column1, a)
-- Let's partition the table while we're at it...
PARTITION BY RANGE (new_column2)
INTERVAL (NUMTODSINTERVAL (1,'DAY')) ( partition my_preexisting_table_old values less than (to_date('01-JAN-2000','DD-MON-YYYY') ));
-- Takes long if your table is big.
DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE('apps', 'my_preexisting_table','my_preexisting_table_redef',
-- Map columns from the existing table to the new table here
'a new_column1, a a, sysdate new_column2',
num_errors PLS_INTEGER;
DBMS_REDEFINITION.COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS('apps', 'my_preexisting_table','my_preexisting_table_redef',
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Copy depenedent objects: num_errors = ' || num_errors);
-- Make sure there were no problems... or, if there were problems then they were expected. For example,
-- there will be an error listed because it cannot copy the PK constraint from the original table (because we made a new one already)
-- and that's OK.
select * from DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS where base_table_name = 'MY_PREEXISTING_TABLE';
DBMS_REDEFINITION.FINISH_REDEF_TABLE('apps', 'my_preexisting_table', 'my_preexisting_table_redef');
-- Check out the results.
select * from my_preexisting_table;
-- Verify the grants are still in place...
select * from DBA_TAB_PRIVS where table_Name = 'MY_PREEXISTING_TABLE';
-- Drop our redef table when ready...
DROP TABLE apps.my_preexisting_table_redef;

Create a function on the application schema that returns object privileges on tables owned by that schema, then grant yourself the privilege to execute that function.
That's the simplest solution to the problem. Looking at the big picture, there are better methods but these might require significant changes to the process.
User ALTER instead of DROP and CREATE. There are a lot of dependent object types, it's impossible to think of them all. For example, do the tables have any
Virtual Private Database predicates, histograms built based on column usage, etc. In an environment where the code "lives" on the database, DROPs are the enemy.
Store the "one true version" of the database in version controlled text files. This is the only way you can safely DROP tables and know exactly how to rebuild them.
Only after the schemas have been dropped and recreated a few hundred times on local databases will your organization truly understand how things work.
Here's the easiest way to get this working:
Sample Schema
drop table test1;
create table test1(a number);
grant select on test1 to system;
grant references on test1 to system with grant option;
Create Function to Generate Script
Create this function on the application schema.
create or replace function get_table_grants(p_table_name in varchar2) return clob is
--Purpose: Return the object grants for a table.
v_ddl clob;
--Enable the SQL terminator, ";" or "/".
--Get the DDL.
select dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl(
object_type => 'OBJECT_GRANT',
base_object_name => upper(trim(p_table_name)),
base_object_schema => user)
into v_ddl
from dual;
--Return the DDL.
return v_ddl;
end get_table_grants;
--Grant access to yourself.
grant execute on get_table_grants to YOUR_USERNAME;
Sample Output
select get_table_grants('TEST1') from dual;


Oracle - using synonym as variable

i need to use synonym as variable in a block. I have 2 different schemas with same tables on them and job that switches between schemas making one active. Now I want to write a block checking which schema is active with ALL_SYNONYMS and using result as part of a query.
Here is example:
But I’m getting ORA-06550 table or view does not exist, and when i run query itself where i put value from ALL_SYNONYMS it returns result.
Any idea how to fix this?
You are attempting using symptoms incorrectly. Synonyms are used so you do not need to know which is active. According to the documentation:
Synonyms provide both data independence and location transparency.
Synonyms permit applications to function without modification
regardless of which user owns the table or view and regardless of
which database holds the table or view.
You just use the synonym instead of the object itself.
create table evens( id integer generated always as identity
, val integer
) ;
create table odds( id integer generated always as identity
, val integer
) ;
insert all
when mod(val,2) = 0 then into evens(val)
when mod(val,2) = 1 then into odds(val)
select level val
from dual connect by level <= 10;
-- create the synonym then use it in Select;
create or replace synonym current_even_odd for evens;
select * from current_even_odd;
-- now change the synonym, then run the EXACT same query.
create or replace synonym current_even_odd for odds;
select * from current_even_odd;
In this case it is not quite without modification, you need to change the synonym, But it seems you are trying that already.
Note: You cannot create a synonym for a schema but must point it to a specific object.
I attempted a db<>fiddle for the above, but it appears it is having problems at the moment.
I agree with Belayer that the synonym should provide a layer of abstraction on your tables and your procedure shouldn't need to know what the schema is. But the "table or view does not exist" error is likely an issue related to privileges and definer's rights versus invoker's rights.
To directly reference an object in a procedure, the procedure's schema must have a direct grant to the table. However, an ad hoc query only needs a role with privileges on the object. This is why the SQL will work in your IDE but not in the procedure. Ensure the code that modifies objects and switches synonyms is granting privileges to both roles and directly to schemas.
If direct grants are not possible, you will need to modify the procedure to use AUTHID CURRENT_USER and change the SQL statements to use dynamic SQL - which can be a huge pain. For example:
create or replace procedure test_procedure authid current_user is
v_count number;
execute immediate
select count(*)
from some_table
into v_count;
end test_procedure;
If you really do need to manually switch between schemas, then you may want to consider using something like execute immediate 'alter session set current_schema=schema1'; in the procedure and using dynamic SQL for all of the querying.

Oracle: my DML for Index recreation puzzle

Problem anamnesis:
In order to automate index recreation for a PVJOURNAL table in oracle I wrote a procedure in a package.
The table PVJOURNAL locates in PROVIEW schema. My SPACEMAN user has enough grants in that schema. Here below is a DDL of the package:
PACKAGE spaceman.tmp_itcm4052 is
-- This proc rebuilds ALL indexes of a specific.
PROCEDURE idx_rebuild;
PACKAGE BODY spaceman.tmp_itcm4052 is
-- ===========================================================================
PROCEDURE idx_rebuild as
-- This proc rebuilds ALL indexes of a specific table. Run by Job
v_sql_str VARCHAR2(200);
FOR rec in (
select owner ||'.'|| index_name as IDX_NAME,
tablespace_name as TblSpace
from sys.all_indexes
where upper(index_type) = 'NORMAL'
and upper(table_owner) = 'PROVIEW'
and upper(table_name) in ('PVJOURNAL')
v_sql_str := 'ALTER INDEX '||rec.IDX_NAME||' rebuild tablespace '
||rec.TblSpace||' online';
dbms_output.put_line('v_sql_str = '||v_sql_str);
execute immediate v_sql_str;
end idx_rebuild;
END tmp_ITCM4052;
Problem itself:
The problem is that a call of the procedure under my SPACEMAN user
ends up with error
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges - full view of the error
But the direct run of the line, produced by the procedure, saved into v_sql_str variable and visualized by this piece of the procedure:
dbms_output.put_line('v_sql_str = '||v_sql_str);, done under the same SPACEMAN user works like a magic. proof that direct alter does work
What wrong have I done to the gods of pl/sql? Why the call to the procedure fails whilst the same command, execurted directly - is not?
UPD: Not only GRANT INDEX ON PROVIEW.PVJOURNAL TO SPACEMAN; didn't help. Moreover, for whatewer reason not yet kown to me, GRANT ALTER ANY INDEX to SPACEMAN; didn't help either.
Had doublechecked it with
FROM sys.dba_sys_privs
WHERE upper(grantee) = 'SPACEMAN'
FROM dba_role_privs rp JOIN role_sys_privs rsp ON (rp.granted_role = rsp.role)
WHERE upper(rp.grantee) = 'SPACEMAN'
the privilege ALTER ANY INDEX (as well as ALTER ANY INDEXTYPE ) is in the list.
UPD 1: as it turned out - the ALTER ANY INDEX privilege is not sufficient in this case. What did helped me is that link, kindly provided by #Wernfried Domscheit. REspect, man!
The procedure created as
PACKAGE spaceman.tmp_itcm4052 authid CURRENT_USER is
works like a spell.
Inside a PL/SQL block you have only privileges which are granted to the user directly. Privileges which are granted by ROLE (e.g. DBA) do not apply inside a PL/SQL block (except role PUBLIC).
Grant CREATE ANY INDEX directly to the user, then it should work.
The behavior described above is the default, it is called "definer's rights unit". You can change it by adding AUTHID CURRENT_USER to your procedure/package. For more information see Invoker's Rights and Definer's Rights (AUTHID Property)
N.b. COMMIT is not required after a DDL statement. Oracle performs an implicit commit.
Different grants are used when you invoke direct SQL and when it is used in the procedure.
Privileges granted through a role (such as DBA) are not available to
definer's rights stored procedures which is the default.
Only privileges that are granted directly to the user are available in a
definer's rights stored procedure.
You must grant the ALTER ANY INDEX privileges directly to your user.

How can we use oracle private temporary tables in a pl/sql block?

I see the concept of temporary table in oracle is quite different from other databases like SQL Server. In Oracle, we have a concept of global temporary table and we create it only once and in each session we fill it with data which is not the same in other databases.
In 18c, oracle has introduced the concept of private temporary tables which states that upon successful usage, tables can be dropped like in other databases. But how do we use it in a PL/SQL block?
I tried using it using dynamic SQL - EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. But it is giving me table must be declared error. what do I do here?
But how do we use it in a PL/SQL block?
If what you mean is, how can we use private temporary tables in a PL/SQL program (procedure or function) the answer is simple: we can't. PL/SQL programs need to be compiled before we can call them. This means any table referenced in the program must exist at compilation time. Private temporary tables don't change that.
The private temporary table is intended for use in ad hoc SQL work. It allows us to create a data structure we can use in SQL statements for the duration of a session, to make life easier for ourselves.
For instance, suppose I have a massive table of sales data - low level transactions - and my task is to investigate monthly trends. So I only need the total sales by month. Unfortunately, there is no materialized view providing this summary. I don't want to include the aggregating query in my select statements. In previous versions I would have had to create a permanent table (and had to remember to drop it afterwards) but in 18c I can use a private temporary table to stage my summary just for the session.
create private temporary table ora$ptt_sales_summary (
sales_month date
, total_value number )
insert into ora$ptt_sales_summary
select trunc(sales_date, 'MM')
, sum (qty*price)
from massive_sales_table
group by trunc(sales_date, 'MM')
select *
from ora$ptt_sales_summary
order by sales_month
Obviously we can write anonymous PL/SQL blocks in our session but let's continue assuming that's not what you need. So what is the equivalent of a private temporary table in a permanent PL/SQL program? Same as it's been for several versions now: a PL/SQL collection or a SQL nested table type.
Private temporary tables (Available from Oracle 18c ) are dropped at the end of the session/transaction depending on the definition of PTT.
The ON COMMIT DROP DEFINITION option creates a private temporary table that is transaction-specific. At the end of the transaction,
Oracle drops both table definitions and data.
The ON COMMIT PRESERVE DEFINITION option creates a private temporary table that is session-specific. Oracle removes all data and
drops the table at the end of the session.
You do not need to drop it manually. Oracle will do it for you.
-- or
Example of ON COMMIT DROP DEFINITION (table is dropped after COMMIT is executed)
Example of ON COMMIT PRESERVE DEFINITION (table is retained after COMMIT is executed but it will be dropped at the end of the session)
Note: I don't have access to 18c DB currently and db<>fiddle is facing some issue so I have posted images for you.
It works with dynamic SQL:
cnt int;
execute immediate 'create private temporary table ora$ptt_tmp (id int)';
execute immediate 'insert into ora$ptt_tmp values (55)';
execute immediate 'insert into ora$ptt_tmp values (66)';
execute immediate 'insert into ora$ptt_tmp values (77)';
execute immediate 'select count(*) from ora$ptt_tmp' into cnt;
execute immediate 'delete from ora$ptt_tmp where id = 66';
cnt := 0;
execute immediate 'select count(*) from ora$ptt_tmp' into cnt;
Example here:

Oracle build-automation?

I have a created number of table, function, view, and procedure scripts to support reporting. Due to the complicated environment, migrating scripts (development-->testing) can be a chore.
The DBA does not allow the developers to use the primary tablespace ('VENDOR'), nor either of main schemae ('UTIL','REPORTING'). The UTIL schema is intended for functions and procedures; REPORTING is for tables and views.
Because the development server is often recommissioned for other purposes, development is done on the testing server, using a development tablespace ('DEVL') and a schema for each developer ('CRAIG', for example).
As a result, a table's script must be converted from:
A view's script must be changed from:
A procedure's script must be changed from:
-- reference a table in REPORTING schema
The table and procedure scripts require the most intervention, as you can see.
If it makes a difference, I use SQL Developer, TextMate, and Sublime Text 2 for coding and Cornerstone to interact with our organization's Subversion (SVN) repository.
Is there a way to simplify (i.e. automate) the changes that I need to each type of script as I migrate the logic from the development environment to the testing one?
I would connect as the schema owner; not sure if you're implying you're connecting as one user and building objects in a different schema? i.e. don't qualify the table names etc. at all. And have a suitable default tablespace for that user. Then the scripts don't need to specify either. Maybe I'm missing something?
If you really want to specify them, you can prompt for and accept the values at the start of the script and use substitution variables:
accept schma char prompt 'Enter schema: '
accept tbspc char prompt 'Enter tablespace: '
create table &&schma..my_table (...) tablespace &&tbspc;
If there are a limited number of scenarios you could maybe set the values automatically based on the database name, assuming different environments are in different instances:
column q_schma new_value schma
column q_tbspc new_value tbspc
select case name when 'TEST_NAME' then 'CBUCH' else 'PROD_USER' end as q_schma,
case name when 'TEST_NAME' then 'TBSP_DEV' else 'PROD_SCHEMA' end as q_tbspc
from v$database;
create table &&schma..my_table (...) tablespace &&tbspc;
You could also change your default schema to avoid the prefixes:
alter session set current_schema = &schma
create table my_table (...) tablespace &&tbspc;
Another approach might be to use placeholders in the checked-in code, and run the code through sed or similar to put the real values in.

Oracle sample data problems

So, I have this java based data trasformation / masking tool, which I wanted to test out on Oracle 10g. The good part with Oracle 10g is that you get a load of sample schemas with half a million records in some. The schemas are : SH, OE, HR, IX and etc. So, I installed 10g, found out that the installation scripts are under ORACLE_HOME/demo/scripts.
I customized these scripts a bit to run in batch mode. That solves one half of my requirement - to create source data for my testing my data transformation software.
The second half of the requirement is that I create the same schemas under different names (TR_HR, TR_OE and so on...) without any data. These schemas would represent my target schemas. So, in short, my software would pick up data from a table in a schema and load it up in to the same table in a different schema.
Now, I have two issues in creating my target schema and emptying it.
I would like this in a batch job. But the oracle scripts you get, the sample schema names are not configurable. So, I tried creating a script, replacing OE with TR_OE, HR with TR_HR and so on. However, this approach is kind of irritating coz the sample schemas are kind of complicated in the way they are created; Oracle creates synonyms, views, materialized views, data types and lot of weird stuff.
I would like the target schemas (TR_HR, TR_OE,...) to be empty. But some of the schemas have circular references, which would not allow me to delete data. The only work around seems to be removing certain foreign keys, deleting data and then adding the constraints back.
Is there any easy way to all this, without all this fuss? I would need a complicated data set for my testing (complicated as in tables with triggers, multiple hierarchies.. for instance.. a child table that has children up to 5 levels, a parent table that refers to an IOT table and an IOT table that refers to a non-IOT table etc..). The sample schemas are just about perfect from a data set perspective. The only challenge I see is in automating this whole process of loading up the source schemas, and then creating the target schemas and emptying them. Appreciate your help and suggestions.
The main script that you are required to run for manually installing oracle sample schemas is mkplug.sql. Here is the line that loads the schemas up from a dmp file:
host imp "'sys/&&password_sys AS SYSDBA'" transport_tablespace=y file=&imp_file log=&imp_logfile datafiles='&datafile' tablespaces=EXAMPLE tts_owners=hr,oe,pm,ix,sh
Well, I tried modifying this line (after patching up path related issues on mkplug.sql and all other sql files) to this:
host imp "'sys/&&password_sys AS SYSDBA'" rows=n transport_tablespace=y file=&imp_file log=&imp_logfile datafiles='&datafile' tablespaces=EXAMPLE tts_owners=hr,oe,pm,ix,sh
And... it did NOT help. The schema got created with row data, despite rows=n attribute :(
Since you're already familiar with exp/imp (or expdp/impdp) from the Oracle scripts that use the .dmp file, why not just:
Create the empty TR_xxx schemas
Populate the TR_xxx schema from the
xxx .dmp file with the FROMUSER/TOUSER
options and ROWS=N (similar options
exist for expdp/impdp)
[Edit after reading your comment about the transportable tablespaces]
I didn't know that the Oracle scripts were using transportable tablespaces and that multiple schemas were being imported from a single file. This is probably the most straightforward way to create your new empty TR schemas:
Start with the standard, populated
database built with the Oracle
Create no-data export files on a
schema-by-schema basis (OE shown) by:
exp sys/&&password_sys AS SYSDBA
log=oe_nodata_exp.log owner=OE rows=N
(You should only have to do this once
and this dmp file can be reused)
Now, your script should:
Drop any TR_ users with the CASCADE
Re-create the TR_ users
Populate the schema objects (OE
shown) by:
host imp "'sys/&&password_sys AS
SYSDBA'" file=oe_nodata.dmp
log=tr_oe_imp.log fromuser=OE
Here is an anonymos block which - for a given schema - disables triggers and foreign keys, truncates all the tables and then re-enables triggers and foreign keys. It uses truncate for speed but obviously this means no rollback: so be careful which schema name you supply! It's easy enough to convert that call into a delete from statement if you prefer.
The script is a fine example of cut'n'paste programming, and would no doubt benefit from some refactoring to remove the repetition.
<< dis_triggers >>
for trgs in ( select owner, trigger_name
from all_triggers
where table_owner = '&&schema_name' )
execute immediate 'alter trigger '||trgs.owner||'.'||trgs.trigger_name
||' disable';
end loop dis_triggers;
<< dis_fkeys >>
for fkeys in ( select owner, table_name, constraint_name
from all_constraints
where owner = '&&schema_name'
and constraint_type = 'R')
execute immediate 'alter table '||fkeys.owner||'.'||fkeys.table_name
||' disable constraint '||fkeys.constraint_name;
end loop dis_fkeys;
<< zap_tables >>
for tabs in ( select owner, table_name
from all_tables
where owner = '&&schema_name' )
execute immediate 'truncate table '||tabs.owner||'.'||tabs.table_name
||' reuse storage';
end loop zap_tables;
<< en_fkeys >>
for fkeys in ( select owner, table_name, constraint_name
from all_constraints
where owner = '&&schema_name'
and constraint_type = 'R')
execute immediate 'alter table '||fkeys.owner||'.'||fkeys.table_name
||' enable constraint '||fkeys.constraint_name;
end loop en_fkeys;
<< en_triggers >>
for trgs in ( select owner, trigger_name
from all_triggers
where table_owner = '&&schema_name' )
execute immediate 'alter trigger '||trgs.owner||'.'||trgs.trigger_name
||' enable';
end loop en_triggers;
