how do I place my turtles within a square of 5 x 5 patches and 10 x 10 patches? - random

I am trying to randomly place my turtles within a square of 5 by 5 patches, I have 2 questions as below:
Is below code correct?
setxy (50 + random 5) (60 + random 5)
How do I make a 10 x 10 patch square?

Your code would place the turtles running it in a 5 X 5 square centered on patches with the bottom-left corner on patch 50 60.
If you want it to be 10 x 10
setxy (50 + random 10) (60 + random 10)
if you want them not to be have to centered on patches use random-float
thus. The patch center coordinates are integers.
setxy (50 + random-float 5) (60 + random-float 5)
If your world is not big enough they will wrap around.


Where is the midpoint of random-float 1?

Netlogo dictionary says:
"If number is positive, reports a random floating point number greater than or equal to 0 but strictly less than number."
random-float 1
will generate a number greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1. To evenly split the results, is the proper split
if x < 0.5
if x <= 0.5
My guess is that the distance from 0 to just before 0.5 is equal to the distance from 5 to just before 1.0, so that x < 0.5 is the correct answer.
I just tested it to see how many decimel places the normal random-float 1 goes to and i got :
show random-float 1
the odds of actually landing on a 0.50000000000000000 vs. 0.50000000000000001 is incredibly low and I would not worry about using 0.5<= or 0.5>=. If you reaaally want to have it be even, you could use
set blah .5
while [blah = .5] [
set blah random-float 1 ]
to make it re-roll a number if it truely lands on 0.5. Or you can one-of to select one of 2 possible outcomes.
Perhaps a developer will pipe in with more explicit technical advice.

Matlab - Algorithm for calculating 1d consecutive line segment edges from midpoints?

So I have a rectilinear grid that can be described with 2 vectors. 1 for the x-coordinates of the cell centres and one for the y-coordinates. These are just points with spacing like x spacing is 50 scaled to 10 scaled to 20 (55..45..30..10,10,10..10,12..20,20,20) and y spacing is 60 scaled to 40 scaled to 60 (60,60,60,55..42,40,40,40..40,42..60,60) and the grid is made like this
e.g. x = 1 2 3, gridx = 1 2 3, y = 10 11 12, gridy = 10 10 10
1 2 3 11 11 11
1 2 3 12 12 12
so then cell centre 1 is 1,10 cc2 is 2,10 etc.
Now Im trying to formulate an algorithm to calculate the positions of the cell edges in the x and y direction. So like my first idea was to first get the first edge using x(1)-[x(2)-x(1)]/2, in the real case x(2)-x(1) is equal to 60 and x(1) = 16348.95 so celledge1 = x(1)-30 = 16318.95. Then after calculating the first one I go through a loop and calculate the rest like this:
for aa = 2:length(x)+1
celledge1(aa) = x(aa-1) + [x(aa-1)-celledge(aa-1)]
And I did the same for y. This however does not work and my y vector in the area where the edge spacing should be should be 40 is 35,45,35,45... approx.
Anyone have any idea why this doesnt work and can point me in the right direction. Cheers
Edit: Tried to find a solution using geometric alebra:
We are trying to find the points A,B,C,....H. From basic geometry we know:
c1 (centre 1) = [A+B]/2 and c2 = [B+C]/2 etc. etc.
So we have 7 equations and 8 variables. We also know the the first few distances between centres are equal (60,60,60,60) therefore the first segment is 60 too.
B - A = 60
So now we have 8 equations and 8 variables so I made this algorithm in Matlab:
edgex = zeros(length(DATA2.x)+1,1);
edgey = zeros(length(DATA2.y)+1,1);
edgex(1) = (DATA2.x(1)*2-diffx(1))/2;
edgey(1) = (DATA2.y(1)*2-diffy(1))/2;
for aa = 2:length(DATA2.x)+1
edgex(aa) = DATA2.x(aa-1)*2-edgex(aa-1);
for aa = 2:length(DATA2.y)+1
edgey(aa) = DATA2.y(aa-1)*2-edgey(aa-1);
And I still got the same answer as before with the y spacing going 35,45,35,45 where it should be 40,40,40... Could it be an accuracy error??
Edit: here are the numbers if ur interested and I did the same computation as above only in excel:
It seems you're just trying to interpolate your data. You can do this with the built-in interp1
x = [30 24 19 16 8 7 16 22 29 31];
xi = interp1(2:2:numel(x)*2, x, 1:(numel(x)*2+1), 'linear', 'extrap');
This just sets up the original data as the even-indexed elements and interpolates the odd indices, including extrapolation for the two end points.
xi =
Columns 1 through 11:
33.0000 30.0000 27.0000 24.0000 21.5000 19.0000 17.5000 16.0000 12.0000 8.0000 7.5000
Columns 12 through 21:
7.0000 11.5000 16.0000 19.0000 22.0000 25.5000 29.0000 30.0000 31.0000 32.0000

What kind of algorithm is used to generate a square matrix?

I need generate a matrix and fill with numbers and inactive cells, but that the sum of each columns or rows are equal. I know the magic box and sudoku, but is different. Can you help me please? What kind algorithm I need use for generate this matrix?
X = 0 = block inactive
Matrix ( 4x4 )
0 8 4 X | 12
2 0 8 2 | 12
10 1 X 1 | 12
0 3 X 9 | 12
12 12 12 12
Other example:
Matrix ( 5x5 )
0 2 2 3 5 | 12
2 4 0 5 1 | 12
8 2 0 2 0 | 12
0 4 2 0 6 | 12
2 0 8 2 0 | 12
12 12 12 12 12
The result can be any other number, it is not always 12. Just as in Example I was easier to do for me. It's not be symmetrical.
Note: This is not magic box, also is not sudoku.
1) I need build this box and fill with number and block inactive.
2) Always matrix is square(3x3, 4x4, 5x5, NxN, ...)
3) When I fill of space is not block, I can use number one, two or three digits.
4) The sum of all sides must be equal.
5) In the above example, X is block. Block mean not use for player.
6) you can inactive block can be 0, however does not affect the sum.
7) There is also no restriction on how many blocks or inactive will have no
8) To fill cells with numbers, this can be repeated if you want. There is not restriction.
9) The matrix is ​​always a square and may be of different dimensions. (2)
Thanks guys for your help. And sorry that the problem is incomplete and for my english is too bad, but that's all.
In terms of agorithms, I would approach it as a system of linear equations. You can put the box as a matrix of variables:
x11 x12 x13 x14
x21 x22 x23 x24
x31 x32 x33 x34
x41 x42 x43 x44
Then you would make the equations as:
row1 = row2 (x11 + x12 + x13 + x14 = x21 + x22 + x23 + x24)
row1 = row3 (...)
row1 = row4
row1 = col1
row1 = col2
row1 = col3
row1 = col4
For N = 4, you would have 16 variables and 7 equations, so you would have a solution with a number of degrees of freedom (at least 9, as pointed out by #JamesMcLeod, and exactly 9, as stated by #Chris), so you could generate every possible matrix satisfying the restrictions just giving values to every free parameter. In the resulting matrix, you could mark every cell with 0 as an inactive cell.
To do this however you would need a library or software package with the ability to solve systems of linear equations with degrees of freedom (several math software packages can do this, but right now only Maple comes to my mind).
PD: I've just read that numbers must have one, two or three digits (and be positive, too?). To address this, you could just "take care" when choosing the values for the free parameters once the system of equations is solved, or you could add inequalities to the problem like:
x11 < 1000
x11 >= 0 (if values must be positive)
x12 < 1000
But then it would be a linear programming problem. You may approach it like this too.
PD2: You can also make simple cases with diagonal matrices:
7 X X X
X 7 X X
X X 7 X
X X X 7
But I guess you already knew that...
Edit: Thanks James McLeod and Chris for your corrections.
do you fill the matrix with random numbers? You need a function that has an argument as 1 dimension vector which will verify if the sum of the row's elements is 12, then you can still use this function for columns(with a loop) into your main.

Using Bi-cubic Interpolation

I read about it on Wikipedia, theory sounds good, but I don't know to apply to practice.
I have an small example like this one:
Original Image Matrix
1 2
3 4
If I want to double size the image, then the new matrix is
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
Now, the fun part is how to transfer old values in original matrix to the new matrix, I intend to do like this
1 x 2 x
x x x x
3 x 4 x
x x x x
Then applying the Bi cubic Interpolation on it (at this moment just forget about using 16 neighbor pixel, I don't have enough space to demonstrate such a large matrix here).
Now my questions are:
1. Do I do the data transferring (from old to new matrix) right? If not, what should it look like?
2. What should be the value of x variables in the new matrix? to me , this seems correct because at least we have some values to do the calculation instead of x notations.
1 1 2 2
1 1 2 2
3 3 4 4
3 3 4 4
3. Will all of the pixels in new matrix be interpolated? Because the pixels at the boundary do not have enough neighbor pixels to perform the calculation.
Thank you very much.
Interpolation means estimating a value for points that don't physically exist. You need to start with a coordinate system, so let's just use two incrementing integers for X position and Y position.
0, 0 1, 0
0, 1 1, 1
Your output requires 4x4 pixels which should be spaced at 0.5 intervals instead of the 1.0 intervals of the input:
-0.25,-0.25 0.25,-0.25 0.75,-0.25 1.25,-0.25
-0.25, 0.25 0.25, 0.25 0.75, 0.25 1.25, 0.25
-0.25, 0.75 0.25, 0.75 0.75, 0.75 1.25, 0.75
-0.25, 1.25 0.25, 1.25 0.75, 1.25 1.25, 1.25
None of the coordinates in the output exist in the input, so they'll all need to be interpolated.
The offset of the first coordinate of -0.25 is chosen so that the first and last coordinate will be equal distances from the edges of the input, and is calculated by the difference between the output and input intervals divided by 2. For example if you wanted a 10x zoom the interval is 0.1, the initial offset is (0.1-1)/2 and the points would be (-0.45, -0.35, -0.25, -0.15, ... 1.35, 1.45).
The Bicubic algorithm will require data for points outside of the original image. The easiest solution comes when you use a premultiplied alpha representation for your pixels, then you can just use (0,0,0,0) as the value for anything outside the image boundaries.

Matrix linear indexing

I need to traverse a rectangular grid in continuous manner. Here is an example of what I want, the number means sequence:
+ x
y 0 1 2
5 4 3
6 7 8
At each step I know the index in matrix. Is there any way to calculate the coordinates? The inverse mapping for [x + y * width] doesn't help, beacuse it creates "steps" or "jumps". Is there any solution?
Here is explanation for "steps" mentioned above:
+ x
y 0 1 2
3 4 5 //at this moment the X coordinate changes by 3, thus create step
6 7 8
y = index / width
if( y % 2 == 0 )
x = index % width
x = width - index % width - 1
I think that should do it. It's a single modification of the standard way of calculating with "steps" as you call them. You are only changing the way the calculation is done based upon the row.
so you need to first increase the "x" component and then decrease right - so that you get a kind of snake-behavior? You will need an if statement (or some kind of modulo - magic). Let my try the magic:
y := floor(i/columnCount)
x = (y mod 2)*(i - y*columCount) + ((y+1) mod 2)*((columnCount -1) - (i - y*columnCount))
