Codeigniter php7 errors - codeigniter

I've got a site on Codeigniter 2 and when I switch server's version to PHP7 I get the following two errors:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Only variables should be assigned by reference
Filename: core/Controller.php
Line Number: 51
$this->load->_base_classes =& is_loaded();
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; CI_DB_driver has a deprecated constructor
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
Line Number: 31
Does anyone know how to fix them?

Eventually I just updated CI core to CodeIgniter 2.2.6. Had to change DB driver to mysqli (since mysql is no longer supported in php7) and re-added the ci_sessions table in database (no idea why). And works like a charm!

Only variables should be assigned by reference
This error isn't PHP 7-exclusive, you'd get it in older versions too. Anyway, I think the issue here is in is_loaded() and it is not returning a reference properly. Does it return by-reference (is it like function &is_loaded())? If not, it needs to. Does it return a variable or an expression? If it's not a variable, you need to put it in one before you can return a reference to it.
PHP manual page for this error:
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; CI_DB_driver has a deprecated constructor
In PHP 4, you made a constructor method by naming it the same as the class. So if your class was class FooBar, your constructor would be public function FooBar. In PHP 5 and beyond, though, the recommended name for a constructor is __construct. So, go and edit that class and rename its constructor to get rid of the deprecation errors. Be sure to look at any extending classes to see if they call that constructor method, too, so you can change them.
See the upgrading guide:
Also see the RFC:


Laravel can't see existing vendor class after update

I am no longer able to send email from my Laravel app once I updated to v6.10, 6.11. I have not changed any code, nor have I required or removed anything new from composer recently. This appears to be potentially something with the new build of Laravel, as this exact code is functional and sending email on v6.7 and below.
Error msg:
Class 'League\CommonMark\Environment' not found (View: /home/ww/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/resources/views/html/footer.blade.php)
{"exception":"[object] (Facade\Ignition\Exceptions\ViewException(code:
0): Class 'League\CommonMark\Environment' not found (View:
The line from my footer from my published vendor file that is causing the issue:
{{ Illuminate\Mail\Markdown::parse($slot) }}
Inside the vendor file Markdown.php
use League\CommonMark\Environment;
class Markdown
public static function parse($text)
$environment = Environment::createCommonMarkEnvironment();
// etc...
Looking at League\CommonMark\Environment, I find the class (as does my IDE):
final class Environment implements EnvironmentInterface, ConfigurableEnvironmentInterface { }
I'm beyond my level of understanding here as to why Laravel is unable to see one of its vendor classes.
Anyone able to help?
Turns out this is the result of a significant (slightly breaking) change made to the Laravel build as of v6.10.
Due to a potential XSS vulnerability, it looks like they changed the root parser to League CommonMark. This is causing other issues with existing email published templates due to excess white space being parsed differently in the new CommonMark parser. Bugs are reported here, here, here.
My particular problem was extremely strange, but it is being reported elsewhere in addition to those reported back to Laravel. It was not consistent across my servers, but a complete rebuild (vagrant) solved the issue.
For the others with their previously published email templates showing raw HTML, a re-publish may resolve the issue if lucky and no changes were made to the templates.
Run the following to regenerate the list of all classes that need to be included in your project.
php artisan clear-compiled -o
composer dump-autoload
If still not working, maybe try reinstalling the package.
composer require league/commonmark
What version of Laravel did you upgrade from? Laravel 6.7?

Fatal:Class Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods

I didn't change any backend code .I dont know it triggers when I hit any url of laravel app it will show this error.I dont know why this happend and also need solution for this .My laravel version in 5.8 and php 7.2
Fatal error : Class Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods C:\xampp\htdocs\pmf\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection.php on line 14 this is file it is saying.
Reinstall or update composer wont solve the problem. In my case, you just need to restart the local development server, because the problem is just temporary.
Just need to restart the local development server.

Can't clear cache Symfony in production

Despite of all my attempts to understand the problem, I still can't figure out what is happening.
I developped a website with Symfony 2.7 which perfectly works in dev mode. When I tested it in production mode, an error 500 is returned.
The exception is :
Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException:
"Error: Call to a member function getCacheFactory() on a non-object" at
/home/admdev-php/public_html/sfSUAPS/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php line 3039
{"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException(code: 0):
Error: Call to a member function getCacheFactory() on a non-object at
/home/admdev-php/public_html/sfSUAPS/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php:3039)"} []
So I've tried to clear the cache and I had the same message :
Compile Error: require(): Failed opening required
I've tried to clear doctrine's cache but this doesn't solve the problem.
There are severals roles : One for students, one for teachers and one for admins. I only get this error when my role is student. So I looked closer to methods which are concerned and I commented everything related to studies and it worked. So I think the error is linked with my Entity Repository since "findBy" and "findAll" are failing.
I've took a look into Symfony's code but the error seems to be on my side. I really don't know what is going on, thank you if you can help me.
Problem solved
Turns out someone used an entity directly from cache...
Turns out someone used an entity directly from cache...
use Proxies\__CG__\AppBundle\Entity\Place;

Scaffolding error with CodeIgniter_2.1.2

I am using codeigniter 2.1.2 and I want to use scaffolding feature to add information to table. When I set this $route['scaffolding_trigger'] = 'scaffolding'; in routes.php and call it in controller $this->load->scaffolding('applicants'); I get the following Error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method CI_Loader::scaffolding() in C:\xampp\htdocs\hmplatform\application\controllers\Applicant.php on line 6 So I am asking if I can find a library that contains scaffolding features because in this version I downloaded from GIT there is no scaffolding folder.
Scaffolding was depreciated in codeigniter. It isn't longer offered. The tutorials are outdated, so I'm guessing this is where you saw it?

Codeigniter 1.7.2: function image() seems to no longer exist, what is the replacement?

A society I belong to have a website which someone who left a few years ago set up. It was done using codeigniter (which was probably rather excessive given that the website is pretty simple.)
The server it is hosted on updated Php recently, which resulted in the website completely breaking. It now simply returns a page full of deprecated function error messages like
"A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated
Filename: codeigniter/CodeIgniter.php
Line Number: 60
Reading the CodeIgniter documentation it seemed the new version would work fine with the latest PhP installed on the server. I installed a the latest version of CodeIgniter (1.7.2) and copied over the views and database settings. I now get an error message about the image() function being undefined:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function image() in /public_html/newSystem/application/views/welcome_index.php on line 32"
I tried searching through all the CodeIgniter documentation, and couldn't find any reference to this function.
it is used in the following fasion:
which led me to believe it was related to the img() function which converts text into an element, but replacing image() with img() gave the same error message. (Well, with img being undefined instead of image)
Since I have never used CodeIgniter before, there is probably a very simple fix, but it doesn't seem readily available from the UsersGuide.
The lesson would be not to use a framework like CodeIgniter when static HTML would have done, but it wasn't my decision to set it up like this in the first place!
Thank you for any help.
Codeigniter has a helper function called img() which returns the HTML code for the image provided as argument. If you get that error you're probably not including the right helper library like this:
in your controller.
