How to close CMD when another program is exited? - windows

I want to close a cmd window when the program csgo.exe is exited. There is one cmd window open, which is ( node server.js ) and I would like the program to be stopped when csgo.exe is quit.
Here is the full .bat.
start steam://rungameid/730
start cmd /K "cd C:\CSGO-HUD-master & node server.js"
start cmd /K "cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox & start firefox.exe http://localhost:2626/ & exit"

The is doable if you know the task name of the program you want to watch. Here is the code:
#echo off
tasklist|findstr calc.exe > nul
if %errorlevel%==1 goto ENDLOOP
ping -n 2 > nul
goto LOOP
In this example we want our bat to terminate after the calculator (calc.exe) is closed.
To achieve this, we first execute tasklist which gives us a list of all running programs. Then we check the output for the occurrence of calc.exe. If it is still running, findstr calc.exe will set %errorlevel% to 0 so we can just jump back and check again. If calc.exe is not running, %errorlevel% will be set to 1 so we know that we can jump out of the loop and terminate.
I've added the line ping -n 2 > nul to avoid busy waiting. This line will make your code "wait" for one second between two iterations. Consider that to adjust the waiting time you'll have to replace 2 by the desired amount of seconds to wait +1. So if you want to wait for five seconds the code would be ping -n 6 > nul.


Is there a way to run a batch of asynchronous commands a few at a time? [duplicate]

I have a main batch file than calls 4 other batch files so we can run in parallel.
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
I want the Main.bat to exit after all the batch1 to batch 4 has stopped executing. In this way, I can get the total run time of the batch file. Problem is Main.bat exits even before batch1 to batch4 finishes executing.
I tried to compute for %errorlevel% for each batch file, but it always return 0 even though the 4 .bat files are still running.
Hoping someone could help me!
Thank you! :)
I think this is the simplest and most efficient way:
#echo off
echo %time%
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
) | set /P "="
echo %time%
In this method the waiting state in the main file is event driven, so it does not consume any CPU time!
EDIT: Some explanations added
The set /P command would terminate when anyone of the commands in the ( block ) outputs a line, but start commands don't show any line in this cmd.exe. This way, set /P keeps waiting for input until all processes started by start commands ends. At that point the pipe line associated to the ( block ) is closed, so the set /P Stdin is closed and set /P command is terminated by the OS.
give a unique title string to the new processes, then check if any processes with this string in the title are running:
start "+++batch+++" batch1.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch2.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch3.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch4.bat
timeout /t 1 >nul
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq +++batch+++*" |find "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :loop
echo all tasks finished
(find is used, because tasklist does not return a helpful errorlevel)
Give this a try.
#echo off
echo %time%
start "" /wait cmd /c bat1.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat2.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat3.bat
echo %time%
You could have batch1..batchn4 create flag files when they finish running.
e.g echo y > flag1 in batch1.bat
Then in the main batch file check for the existence of the flag files before exiting. You would need some sort of sleep utility to do something like this at the end of the main batch file:
IF EXIST flag1 GOTO check2
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check1
IF EXIST flag2 GOTO check3
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check2
IF EXIST flag3 GOTO check4
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check3
IF EXIST flag4 GOTO xit
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check4
The downside of this technique is that your timing is going to be off a little because you're polling for the flag files instead of being event driven. This may or may not be a problem in your situation. Batch files are pretty limited in this way. You might be better off trying to do it in PowerShell or python or some other more capable scripting language.
No one mentioned this solution, which I find to be the best. Put this at the end of your script, modify your process name if needed and the search strings.
This includes modifications necessary to have this work remotely too which was a headache. Originally I used tasklist instead of WMIC and checked named window titles defined when START is called, but windowName is N/A in tasklist when using it remotely. The powershell command worked better than timeout in our circumstances, which required us to run from this from a Jenkins agent.
ECHO Waiting...
powershell -command "Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000" > nul
WMIC PROCESS WHERE Name="cmd.exe" GET commandline | findstr "searchString1 searchString 2" > nul && goto :WAIT_FOR_FINISH
ECHO Processes are Complete!

My batch file that runs other batch file won't wait before the first is finished (using /WAIT command). Can anyone help me do it? [duplicate]

I have a main batch file than calls 4 other batch files so we can run in parallel.
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
I want the Main.bat to exit after all the batch1 to batch 4 has stopped executing. In this way, I can get the total run time of the batch file. Problem is Main.bat exits even before batch1 to batch4 finishes executing.
I tried to compute for %errorlevel% for each batch file, but it always return 0 even though the 4 .bat files are still running.
Hoping someone could help me!
Thank you! :)
I think this is the simplest and most efficient way:
#echo off
echo %time%
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
) | set /P "="
echo %time%
In this method the waiting state in the main file is event driven, so it does not consume any CPU time!
EDIT: Some explanations added
The set /P command would terminate when anyone of the commands in the ( block ) outputs a line, but start commands don't show any line in this cmd.exe. This way, set /P keeps waiting for input until all processes started by start commands ends. At that point the pipe line associated to the ( block ) is closed, so the set /P Stdin is closed and set /P command is terminated by the OS.
give a unique title string to the new processes, then check if any processes with this string in the title are running:
start "+++batch+++" batch1.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch2.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch3.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch4.bat
timeout /t 1 >nul
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq +++batch+++*" |find "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :loop
echo all tasks finished
(find is used, because tasklist does not return a helpful errorlevel)
Give this a try.
#echo off
echo %time%
start "" /wait cmd /c bat1.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat2.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat3.bat
echo %time%
You could have batch1..batchn4 create flag files when they finish running.
e.g echo y > flag1 in batch1.bat
Then in the main batch file check for the existence of the flag files before exiting. You would need some sort of sleep utility to do something like this at the end of the main batch file:
IF EXIST flag1 GOTO check2
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check1
IF EXIST flag2 GOTO check3
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check2
IF EXIST flag3 GOTO check4
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check3
IF EXIST flag4 GOTO xit
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check4
The downside of this technique is that your timing is going to be off a little because you're polling for the flag files instead of being event driven. This may or may not be a problem in your situation. Batch files are pretty limited in this way. You might be better off trying to do it in PowerShell or python or some other more capable scripting language.
No one mentioned this solution, which I find to be the best. Put this at the end of your script, modify your process name if needed and the search strings.
This includes modifications necessary to have this work remotely too which was a headache. Originally I used tasklist instead of WMIC and checked named window titles defined when START is called, but windowName is N/A in tasklist when using it remotely. The powershell command worked better than timeout in our circumstances, which required us to run from this from a Jenkins agent.
ECHO Waiting...
powershell -command "Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000" > nul
WMIC PROCESS WHERE Name="cmd.exe" GET commandline | findstr "searchString1 searchString 2" > nul && goto :WAIT_FOR_FINISH
ECHO Processes are Complete!

batch - run command series on new window

First thing fist, this is the first attempt with batch.
I am writing a small utility script that executes very simple tasks, and I have already pretty much everything in place.
What I want to do is execute some of the actions in a different command window.
I managed to get a new window to open, but the problem I've got is that it exectues the first command only, and the second one still runs on the first window.
Here's some code:
ECHO 1 - tail - Error
ECHO 2 - tail - Access
ECHO -----------------------------
ECHO X - Close
SET /P M=Select the action number then press ENTER:
IF %M%==1 GOTO error
IF %M%==2 GOTO access
start cmd /K ssh web
sleep 5
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
start cmd /K ssh web
sleep 5
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
with this code, the new window opens and the ssh command runs. It waits 5 seconds and then it tries to tail the first window (the one with the menu) and not the newly opened ssh window.
How do I change this? any help?
Thanks in advance
When you run the command start cmd /K ssh web the control is passed straight back to your menu script. (your sleep command, which BTW isn't a default command within cmd, is also run on the menu script)
You may need to either try concatenating your commands using & or instead call another script.
concatenation example:
ECHO 1 - tail - Error
ECHO 2 - tail - Access
ECHO -----------------------------
ECHO X - Close
CHOICE /C 12X /N /M "Select the action number."
START "" /WAIT CMD /C "ssh web & sleep 5 & tail -f /var/log/apache2/%1.log"
you have to give all the commands to the new window:
start cmd /K "ping & timeout 5"
& is to run one command after the other. See here for some more useful options: &&, ||)
(I used commands, that work on my computer to show the principle)
Note: cmd /k will keep the window open. Use cmd /c if you want it to close when finished.

How Can I Write a Batch File Where I Start one Program and When that Program Finishes or Closes, Start Another

For example:
#echo off
start C:\Windows\system32\dfrgui.exe /C
Wait for defragmentation to finish.
start C:\"Program Files (x86)"\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTO
Wait for CCleaner to finish.
start C:\Windows\system32\cleanmgr.exe /sagerun:1
and so on..
You get the point.
How I can do this?
Start can take a command line argument /WAIT e.g.
#echo off
title Test cmd start
start /WAIT wait.cmd 5
start /WAIT cmd /k echo launched second command
This simple example uses another script I have written (wait.cmd shown below) as the first command executed, as you will see if you test this with the /WAIT option specified the script allows the first command to finish before continuing:
#echo off
rem call with # of seconds to wait
set /a secs=%1
set /a ms=%secs%*1000
echo Process will wait for %secs% seconds and then continue...
ping -n 1 -w %ms% > nul
As a side note if you open a cmd session you can find out about the arguments that a command such as start accepts e.g.
Update following comment
So to adapt the commands you listed in your question to finish before starting the next command in the script you could use:
#echo off
start /WAIT C:\Windows\system32\dfrgui.exe /C
start /WAIT C:\"Program Files (x86)"\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTO
start /WAIT C:\Windows\system32\cleanmgr.exe /sagerun:1

Making command prompt wait

#call JBOSSbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_err
start cmd /c #call WeblogicbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_err
start cmd /c #call FEBAPortletWebWar.bat > ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_out 2> ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_err
start cmd /c #call buildStaticJBoss.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_err
I have this set of batch files getting executed in order. I want to fork out this so that they execute in parallel. I have done that using start cmd /c. Now this will fork out new command prompt window for each of them. Assume there are some set of statements after this. I want to make sure they get executed only after all the forked batch files are finished. How to achieve this?
Lets say average time taken by each file is:
JBOSSbuildWar- 30 minutes
WeblogicbuildWar- 35 minutes
FEBAPortletWebWar- 30 minutes
buildStaticJBoss- 35 minutes
Since the main command prompt window has completed its task in 30 minutes, and the forked batch files needs another 5 minutes to complete, I want the main cmd to wait until the others are done. Kindly help.
there's multiple commands, you can choose what one to use,
Will pause cmd until the user presses any key.
Displays message, "Press any key to continue..."
I use a certain variation of this command called pause>nul.
What it does is pauses the .bat, but doesn't show a message, You just get a blank screen!
Multiple syntaxes, very useful command, use this one quite a bit.
Sample code: TIMEOUT 10
Can be bypassed by a key press
Pauses the execution of command by 10 seconds.
You can also structure it like this: TIMEOUT 10 /nobreak
Which does not allow the user to press a key to skip it, they must endure it!
Very nice one.
Syntax is like this: PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL
Probably most complex of the three.
PING can be used to delay execution for a number of seconds.
Hope I helped!
Easy way:
In your main batch,
del "%temp%\*.processfinished" >nul 2>nul
start ....whatever1.bat...
start ....whatever2.bat...
start ....whatever3.bat...
for /L %%a in (1,1,3) do if not exist "%temp%\%%a.processfinished" timeout /t 1 >nul &goto wait4all
:: continues here when all (3) processes have finished.
del "%temp%\*.processfinished" >nul 2>nul
Then in each of the (3) subsidiary .bat files, create a file "%temp%\x.processfinished" where x=1 for the first process, 2 for the second and so on.
When the sub-processes have started, the procedure waits until each has created its own ".processcompleted" file by checking whether any of the 3 is missing, if it it, timeout for 1 second and look again. Only if the 3 files are present will it continue.
In all probability, it would be best if the subsidiary processes could take an extra parameter (the name of this sub-process's "processfinished" file) rather than having a fixed number for each.
You could extend this, and use say the date and time to augment the filename so that this entire process could itself be run many times in parallel.
BTW - by starting the procedure with
#echo off
you can remove all of the leading #s (all that does is suppress the command-reporting for that one line.)
Also, start is happier as start "" ....., that is, with an empty window title in quotes as its first argument. This allows other arguments to be "quoted" as necessary - the very first "quoted" argument used is used as the "window title" for the process and is likely to be lost to the sub-process. Routinely assigning a dummy (empty if necessary) "window title" means you don't trip over this problem in the future.
You can add this timer function before each of the commands:
#call JBOSSbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_err
Timeout /t 60 /nobreak >nul
start cmd /c #call WeblogicbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_err
Timeout /t 60 /nobreak >nul
start cmd /c #call FEBAPortletWebWar.bat > ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_out 2> ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_err
Timeout /t 60 /nobreak >nul
start cmd /c #call buildStaticJBoss.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_err
Ps: 60 stands for 1 minute, if you want 30 minutes, change it to 1800
