how to configure SNMP services on F5 server - snmp

Need instructions on how i can install and configure SNMPD service on the logical F5s servers.
on RHEL servers, I can update /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file and restart the snmpd process with command # service snmpd restart.
but in my F5 server i can't find /etc/snmp/ directory and snmpd does not appear to be a valid service. Kindly provide steps for updating the snmp.conf file and how to restart the process on F5 node.

snmpd is a service that already exists on the F5 device, it just needs to be configured. This is done via the gui or cli with tmsh, not direct edit of the snmp config file.
GUI steps
CLI assistance - tmsh help /sys snmp


How to keep logstash service running when I logout from remote server

I configure logstash service following the instructions in the link (logstash as a service using nssm) but I noted that the service does actually not running when I am disconnected from the remote server I installed it.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
The same thing happens also running logstash manually (I mean , running the appropriate bat file in command prompt).

how to restart teamcity server

I am a beginner to teamcity. Our Teamcity 9 server stopped working after I installed Gradle. I doubt that it was problem with port or something like that. I removed Gradle but Teamcity didn't work. So I tried to restart Teamcity server. We have two teamcity agents. I stopped agents with:
sudo ./ stop
and I stopped the server with sudo ./
after that I started server again with ./ and agents with
sudo ./ start
Now when I am writing url address in browser I am getting either connection_timout or connection refused But when I am writing url with explicit IP address like then I am getting
My questions:
1- How can I restart Teamcity and agents so that I am getting same agents and project as before restart in TeamCity UI? Or If I am creating Administrator account now after that I should reconfigure all projects or my projects before restart will be there?
2- Why URL with IP-address is working but URL with domain name server name is not working?
You can restart TeamCity right from the UI: Administration > Diagnostics > Server Restart. You will need to have server admin permissions for that.
using command line
cd /opt/teamcity/bin
(sudo) ./ stop
(sudo) ./ start

failing to start docker engine open //./pipe/docker_engine

I'm receiving the following error in docker on windows 10 laptop.
I've try to reinstall and restart but nothing helps.
The docker service is running OK but what i understand that i have a problem with the docker daemon (from what i read)
The whole issue started when i run the 2 commands:
net stop com.docker.service
net start com.docker.service
from there on i keep getting the error below and cannot solve it.
C:\Users\xxxx>docker images error during connect: Get
http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.30/images/json: open
//./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In
the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be
run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker
daemon is not running.
anyone succeed to solve it?
docker client must be run elevated to connect
This indicates that you do not have enough permissions. Try starting the terminal as administrator.
I run Docker remotely as a non admin user.
For this the user running docker should have full permission to location where Docker is installed.
User should be part of docker_users group
docker daemon runs on port 2375 by default. Try to whitelist this port. Allow incoming connections to 2375 in Windows Firewall settings
Restart your docker daemon and Docker service.
Restart the running Docker instance[Docker for Windows] if required. You do not have to reinstall.

Jenkins doesn't recognize slave being down and thus does not allow for it to reconnect

We have a Jenkins instance running on Ubuntu that has several slaves in different systems. One of them is a Windows 7 host, having jenkins slave instance configured as a service.
We have a problem that when that machine is rebooted, master Jenkins doesn't realize it's gone. It looks to be just fine in the nodes view. Then, when a build is issued that is supposed to use that slave it gets stuck. If that is stopped, the next build fails immediately
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Ping started at 1457016721684 hasn't completed by 1457016961684
... 2 more
[EnvInject] - [ERROR] - SEVERE ERROR occurs: channel is already closed
When the slave has started up and it tries to connect back to master, connection is refused, and in the logs there is an error saying connection with that name already exists:
Server didn't accept the handshake: xxx is already connected to this master. Rejecting this connection.
There is issue JENKINS-5055 which claims a fix was committed allowing the same JNLP slave to reconnect without getting rejected, apparently this commit, and according to changelog, it was introduced in version 1.396 (2011/02/02). We are however using version 1.639 and seeing this. Somebody else seems to be seeing it as well. By looking at current codebase, I see where the error is coming from, but don't see the fix done in Jenkins-5055.
Any ideas on resolving this?
Edit: also asked on jenkins user mailing list, but no responses.
We faced the same issue. Used as workaround
Reinstalling the slave on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine shows no signs of this behavior, so it seems that either there was a mistake done during installation steps or this is something caused by using a workstation Windows version.
Regardless, here were the steps to get it working, assuming a brand new installation of Windows, with no network connectivity, and master instance using a self-signed certificate:
Install JRE on the machine. If you have 64-bit operating system, install both 32-bit and 64-bit, otherwise go with 32-bit. Download link here
Install .NET 3.5 on the machine. This is needed by the Jenkins service. You can follow the steps outlined by my other answer for this.
Install Jenkins using Windows installer (.zipped) to C:\Jenkins. It can be downloaded from here.
Check your installation is responding by navigating to http://localhost:8080 . In case of trouble, check for logs in the jenkins folder. If there is a port conflict, edit jenkins.xml and change the httpPort to something else.
From the Windows computer, navigate to your master jenkins and configure a new node there.
Start a slave agent using Java Launch Agent in configure -> node screen (you need to be still using your Windows slave computer)
You should see a visible window opening. From there, select File -> Install as a service. (details and screenshots) If you experience an error without proper explanation, confirm .NET 3.5 is properly installed. If you see "WMI.WmiException: AccessDenied", save the jnlp file locally and start it from administrator prompt or otherwise with elevated privileges (details).
From the Administrative tools -> Services, stop and disable the Jenkins service, and stop Jenkins Slave Agent but leave it on Automatic so it will start up when starting up the computer.
This is only relevant if you're using a self-signed or otherwise problematic certificate:
download the previously mentioned Java Launch Agent file (.jnlp file) again and save it to C:\jenkins
open c:\jenkins\jenkins-slave.xml to your editor
change it to refer to your local .jnlp file by changing jnlp url parameter (file:/C:/jenkins/jenkins-slave.jnlp)
add -noCertificateCheck to parameters
replace the -secret parameter with -auth "user:pass", since otherwise automatic url get parameters will be added which will mess finding the .jnlp file
Start the Jenkins Slave Agent service again
For problems with jenkins slave service, check out jenkins-slave.err.log. For Windows Server 2012 R2, you can get the functionality of tail by using Get-Content .\jenkins-slave.err.log -Wait -Tail 10 in Powershell prompt. For older versions of Powershell, leave out -Tail 10.

ProFTPD can't connect after install

Installed Webmin successfully on a Debian system.
Created a virtual server, added some users and a domain.
Installed ProFTPD via Webmin's unused modules.
Added a new user with same named group via System -> Users and Groups.
Tried to connect via ftp using my server's external ip and my new user's credentials.
This should work according to most tutorials but it doesn't.
I'm suspecting some other service handles FTP requests before ProFTPD.
Is there a way to monitor protocol handlers? Could it be something else?
Thanks in advance.
because webmin try start it as deamon, but maybe (like me on archlinux) you need to start it as system service... on root:
systemctl start proftpd.service
If you want to look at the logs error (if there is errors, but if server is not start, it should ne have error...) then use:
journalctl -xe command (as root), or
systemctl --failed , or
systemctl status proftpd.service (all of these commands under root user or sudoers users).
So first of all, check that service is running:
systemctl status
then check the config file of webmin service for proftpd use the correct protocol for call service (systemd for example), and then use correct sentence code for start/stop it. Check also it goes to look at the correct config file of proftpd current install place (depend of your distribution or the way you install it).
proftpd is not installed by webmin, proftpd is installed, then from webmin, you install a module who has to communicate with allready installed application proftpd. If this module is well configured for point on actual proftpd installation and correct call of service, then all will have to works.
(please, if this answer help you, do up vote for my answer, without notation when i help, i can not help more because i'm locked by the system, hope you understand)
Have a look at the server's log, check le ProFTP daemon status, check the firewall
