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Closed 7 years ago.
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In my Xamarin forms application I want to handle some functionality while bluetooth state change state. Is there any event which will fire when bluetooth is on/off. Please help me.
Xamarin Forms doesn't have the capacity built-in so you will need to use a 3rd party package or create your own native handlers for each platform and use dependency injection to access it from forms. Some good links to get you started are
And this is an open source project with example code on interacting with Bluetooh on 2 platforms. Bluetooth and BLE are different with WP8 not supporting BLE but I believe UWP does, though thats only in preview.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am starting development of mobile application in xamarin using Xamarin Studio. I have created a sample xamarin.forms project. The project has 3 packages. Sample, Sample.droid and Sample.iOS. Sample.Droid has layout folder and Sample.iOS has storyboards. The package named Sample does not have UI related files Do I need to develop UI in both the packages separately? If yes, what about the logic/code? Please provide a link which explains me this properly. Thanks in advance.
No.Never.No Need to Create UI separately for different platform .if you will do then there is no meaning of xamarin.
Xamarin.forms is used for creating cross platform mobile application.where you can create common code for UI as well as back end logic in shared project and that will be runnable for all platform like IOS,Android,UWP.Thats the the main concept of xamarin.forms.
and of course if you want some UI changes according to platform want some different UI for button in Ios and android then you can use customrenderer for that
That will provide differnt look for differnt plateform runtime.
Here you can study in detail about custom renderer.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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of :
- an Android class library
- an iOS class library
- and an pcl.
Can i create an fully functionnal app with these three projects in a solution instead of simply create a blank app ?
It's just for my education.
A blank Xamarin app template (Portable) consists of a shared PCL and a platform app (not a library) for each selected platform. You're correct that there is nothing in the template that you couldn't create by hand.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it possible to develop a custom Backdrop App for Google Chromecast instead of using Google's Backdrop feature? It doesn't support some features and I have some ideas, so want to see if that is possible. Documentation didn't provide me that information. Thanks.
No, that area is not open to developers to change; users can decide on the source of content there (images from various sources, news, etc) but beyond that, there is no access to backdrop for developers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to find the main difference between MVVMlight and MVVMCrossthose frameworks. I am planning to develop for Android and Windows Phone. I will use the Xamarin framework. (and Xamarin.Forms)
The project should be a vehicle tracking application that talks to Azure-run server. The app itself will be (as usual in the beginning of a project) very simple (start, stop, keep recorded locations).
Why should I use one over the other?
Other details: VS2012
Completely up to you. People have gotten MvvmCross working with Forms here but still early days. Do you need any of the nice plugins of MvvmCross? Will there be screens that you'll need to manage per platform because they are too complicated for Forms? I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here....
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a few questions for building apps.
Can u make apps using c++?
How do I get an app from my testing environment onto my windows phone 8?
Do I have to worry about cross phone compatibility?
paying $200 to put apps on the marketplace is extremely out of the question. I just want to test my app on my actual phone.
I assume you are trying to develop windows phone 8 apps, and yes you can develop using c++, but you have to read up on async await, as the sdk have tons of it in order to give the fluid user experience.
And the last time I checked, the developer account only costs $25 now
Well Yes!
You need to unlock your Windows Phone to actually test in on a Hardware Device.
You don't need to worry about the compatibility, but you should take note of the High-Res Phones that are in the Market too.