UWP Unable to debug .NET compilation code (Release) - debugging

My UWP apps were running flawlessly on debug but instant crash on release, I've uploaded the package to app store twice and they tell me that my app doesn't work too. Unticking that .NET Native stuff helps but I'm not sure it will work on other users' pc and I have no idea what that does, I think something goes wrong.
My other projects can run Release build flawlessly, I've tried clean up everything and re-build but I get the same error.
Thank you
edit: tried running on my laptop, stuck at splashscreen then got the same error, I even tried removing anything on MainPage constructor and OnNavigatedTo.
Running flawlessly on debug but instant crash on release:
Unticking this helps:

I found the solution, I think this is a bug where Visual Studio passes command line to compiler which I suspect they forgot to put quote "" to cover the path.
Project with spaces in path
Project without spaces in path
Be aware that spaces must not exist neither in the path to the project file nor in the Assembly name.

Your app should be able to run on .NET Native because it will be compiled that way in the store (before users are able to install it).
Release builds do have code optimizations enabled, which will make it harder to debug. If you want to debug .NET Native, you should disable the optimizations.
For the full guide on debugging .NET Native, check the msdn article. I hope this helps in hunting down the actual problem (which can be plenty).


Xamarin application crashes on startup on release mode

as I said in the title, my application simply works fine in debug mode, but when I extract a release mode apk it just crashes on startup.
I have tried every possible fix I could found on google and none worked, that's what I tried so far:-
Setting linking to None / SDK Assemblies Only.
Setting code shrinker to None / ProGaurd.
Enabling support architectures armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a.
Adding Internet permission.
Cleaning the whole solution and rebuilding everything.
Setting projects assemblies (PCL & Android & IOS) to lowercase names fails the archiving.
Enabling the Use Shared Runtime fails the archiving.
Enabling the Bundle assemblies into native code.
Uninstalling the Mono Shared Runtime from the device.
I also cleaned the solution and did a rebuild after each of these tries...
Nothing worked...
What am I missing here ?!
Thanks in advance ^_^
As #MohamedAshraf mentioned, when he tried to build it on an emulator in the release configuration, the app still crashed.
So, he was able to enable debug symbols and debugging in the release configurations as well, and was able to catch the exception and fix the issue.
Don't forget to turn debugging off in the release config again afterwards.

How do I compile PCSXR source code on Windows into an executable?

TLDR at the bottom.
I've been running an application I've found on codeplex.com called PCSXR. However, I believe a Windows update has caused the program not to function properly or it's missing some Windows Visual Basic add-on since it was fine before I cleaned installed Windows 10 for fixing a problem that recovery couldn't fix.
I've tried version 1.9.92 executable but it has crash issues playing cinematics.
Version 1.9.93, which is most stable and I was using, no longer can read the DLL plugins in the folder. Making it unusable.
After browsing around. I found this post that this person solved the problem using Dev C++ to compile the source code. I've attempted to build it but I keep getting thrown errors. Wrong architecture which I've solved by setting it to 32 bit compile but other errors prevented it compiling.
After Googling how-to around and talking with some other programmers. I've been going back and forth with different tools on how to compile it. Code Blocks, Dev C++, MinGW and an old Git program on Windows to run Bash. I even ended up having missing config.h which is in the header and even winres.h missing.
I somehow managed to compile it through WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with Ubuntu, XFCE4 Desktop through VcXsrv to display XFCE4 through a window. PCSXR starts, has plugins but crashes when I run it. From what I've been told, the error due to WSL not supporting sound. So WSL failed.
I've tried Ubuntu "Try It" CD environment but fails to compile at all.
VirutalBox on latest version no longer works since they disabled it working on my machine since it doesn't have BIOS virtualization setting.
I've been following their program documentation but it's not really detailed for Windows users.
So my question is: How do I build, in detailed steps, PCSXR either from updated source code here or 1.9.93 source here into a working Windows executable with its DLL plugins working? What programs I need, what do I type in what, what settings, where I find missing files etc.
I know this isn't probably the best question here but I've been at this for 2 whole days, Googling and asking.
I'm using Windows 10, AMD CPU, 64 bit with no BIOS virtualization support.
I managed to do it by following these steps on this forum post:
You need Dev C++ 5.11.
1).Go to File>Open>Directory of Pcsxr>win32>pcsxr.dev
2).Under Project select pcsxr. Right click and select project options.
3.In Project Options select compiler. Set Base compiler to "TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32bit Release" then click ok.
4).In the main menu of Dev C++ 5.11 look for Execute. Select Compile.
5).Wait for it to compile. If you were successful there should a
pcsxr.exe in pcsxr source directory>win32.
After following the steps and trying out all the most recent versions of the source codes available. This is my research results I posted after.
Thanks for the reply. It really helped a lot.
I've tried the 1.9.93 beta source code "pcsxr-1.9.93.tar.bz2"
(extracted with 7zip) and got a compile error about "#include
" not found.
I've tried the 1.9.94 alpha source code "pcsxr-1.9.94.zip" and it
compiled successfully. I got a "pcsxr\libpcsxcore\gte_divider.h"
missing error when loading the dev file in win32 folder but it seems
to work okay.
I've tried the up-to-date source code (last modification Feb 18, 2017)
and it compiled successfully. I got a
"pcsxr\libpcsxcore\gte_divider.h" missing error when loading the dev
file in win32 folder but it seems to work also. The background logo
that covers the main window seems to be blank grey until I start a
I solved the winres.h issue by getting this missing Windows h Sample
file from github here:
and just added it to the root of the project folder. I had to replace
'#include ' with '#include "winres.h"'.
I don't know about the built-in plugins source code. Some don't have a
dev file and they always throw errors when compiling. I've managed to
add working third party ones from emulator zone and the ones from
1.9.93 beta release "pcsxr-1.9.93-win32.zip" and managed to get 1.9.93 working great.

The Following Module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information after frame work is changed to 4.0 from 3.5

I am using VS2010.I was changed my project and its dependent projects .Net Framework to 4.0 from 3.5.Now I could not attach the process,due to this I am not able to debug the code.
I have cleaned all the bin folders and rebuild the projects ,but still I am having following error.
Please help me to resolve this..
I'm not sure what the question is here. The error message clearly tells you that you need to
Turn off (disable) optimizations
Turn on (enable) debug info
Rebuild your project so those changes take effect.
Apparently you only did step #3.
Also see vs2010 debugging module was built without debugging information?, which may provide more information.
I also received this error, and did all the right things as described above - those have been my settings all along anyway. I even went so far as deleting the assembly from the long C:\Users... path in the error message - it still didn't cause that message to go away.
Then I tried putting a breakpoint in the source, which should not be allowed if the module really WAS built without debug information. And then ran the program and it stopped at the break point and I could do all the usual debugging.
So right now I'm just ignoring the message. I could do as suggested and disable the 'Warn if no user code on launch' option as suggested in the message, but I'm not doing that until I can spend some time working out why the message comes up at all.
Uncheck this option in Visual Studio 2012.This would solve this issue

QBSDK Distribution for VB6 App

Ok, I went through great lengths but I finally got my integration to quickbooks working on my VB6 application. It works perfectly on my build machine. I actually installed the qbdsk11 on my build machine and worte and tested the code. The ONLY new reference in the project is the QBFC11.dll.
So, I added the QBFC11.dll to my innosetup, told it to do a regsvr on the dll, and hoped this was enough.
First, during install, I get a failure to register the dll. Apparently, this DLL isnt meant to be registered?
But the .DLL was put in Windows System32, so I tried my program anyways...
NOPE. Doesnt work. I get a runtime 91, about an object variable not set. Which makes sense, if it cant create the object.
So, for grins, I moved a copy of the .DLL into the program folder, next to my executable.
Same thing. Runtime error 91.
So, i then grab the whole qbsdk11 installer and install it on this machine. I figure I can make it an additional download for people who want to use this extra functionality.
But no, even with the whole SDK installed, I still get the same runtime error.
I have not been able to find any CLEAR information on how to proceed. I'd prefer for this to be part of my base install. But apparently something still just isn't right.
What did I miss? How do I fix this? I don't even know what to try next.
If you're using QBFC11, you must install the QBFC11 redistributable components with your application. You can find instructions on how to do this in the QBSDK Programmer's Guide in the section titled Redistributing SDK Components With Your Application, subsection Using Installers and Merge Modules.
The most likely cause of the runtime error you're currently getting is the manipulation of the QBFC11.DLL that you did before you installed the SDK. I would start again with a clean OS image so that you can get the proper procedure down.

Breakpoints not working in xcode 4

I just started using Xcode to program a C++ openCV project.
The project is set up with an external makefile, /usr/bin/gnumake as build tool, and the program compiles and runs fine.
However, breakpoints gets skipped no matter what i do.
I have tried making a new project, selecting between gdb and LLDB, restarting Xcode++
There are numerous threads about this issue, but most talk about "Load Symbols Lazily", but as far as I know, this is not an issue in Xcode 4.5.2.
It is probably my limited Xcode knowledge that causes the error.
Help is greatly appreciated.
I could resolve my similar problem by disabling "Link-Time Optimization" for the Debug build settings.
Make sure that any kind of code optimization is disabled in your debug build settings (code stripping, optimization, etc). Then check that you really run the debug build and not the release version.
It would be great if XCode could automatically warn you when you have build settings that possible break the debugger...
