How to run command in Screen with parameters - bash

I'm trying to run a command on detached Screen. The problem is that it does not work when the command has additional parameters, e. g.:
screen -L "ls"
It produces a file (screenlog.0) with directory listing. But when I'm running
screen -L "ls -la"
Screen fails with error: Cannot exec 'ls -la': No such file or directory
Is there any way to run it properly in a Screen session?

You should use screen without quotes, then should be ok.


Lua Mac os.execute open Terminal and run command

I need to open the Mac Terminal and run some commands with os.execute in Lua
export VAMP_PATH=/path/to/plugin/directory
cd /path/to/script
./sonic-annotator -l
EDIT: got it to work without terminal with this
os.execute('export VAMP_PATH="'..script_path..'sonic/mac64/vamp"; cd "'..script_path..'sonic/mac64/"; ./sonic-annotator -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-barbeattracker:beats -w csv "'..filename..'"')
To answer your actual question, you can start a Terminal and run some bash commands in it like this:
os.execute("osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd /Users/mark && ls\"'")
But, as I said in the comments, you don't necessarily need a Terminal to run a script, so you can just run a command like this:
os.execute("export V=fred; cd /Users/mark && ./")
If you are running a script because you just want the user to see the output of the script, it is often easier and involves far less quoting if you run your command and pipe the result to open -f like this, which displays the output in a text editor:
os.execute("cd /Users/mark; ls | open -f")

Creating screen and execute command in it without actually open that screen

Is it possible to create a screen and execute a command in it without actually open it?
What I need to perform is the following:
Open a screen (screen -S screen_name)
Execute command in that screen
At the moment I need to manually create the screen, then enter it, and then execute the desired command.
Is it possible to do that only via 1 bash command?
Create a screen with in detached mode:
screen -S "scr1" -d -m
Send the command to be executed on your screen:
screen -r "scr1" -X stuff $'ls -lrt \n'
The $ before the command is to make the shell parse the \n inside the quotes, and the newline is required to execute the command (like when you press enter).

Start a screen then run a command from the screen

I want to use the screen -x command to enter a screen then run a command. I thought this would be easy:
screen -x
cd /ftb
java -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -jar mcpc.jar
However that didn't work. It outputs the screen help and says Error: Unknown option x and : No such file or directory 2: cd: /ftb (including the :)
First, your script file has DOS line endings; the unknown option is actually -x\r. You'll need to remove them, either by saving the file in your editor with UNIX line endings or running dos2unix on the file
Second, when screen -x succeeds, you are attached to the screen session, and the screen -x command will not exit until you detach, at which point your script can continue with the cd command. I think what you actually want is the -X option, which sends a command to an existing session.
screen -X 'cd /ftb; java -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -jar mcpc.jar'
screen -x
Send the command to the session, then attach to it.

bash show output only during runtime

I am trying to write a script that displays its output to the terminal only while it's running, much like the 'less' or 'ssh' commands.
When I launch said script, it would take over the whole terminal, print what it needs to print, and then when I exit the script, I would return to my terminal where the only record that my script has run will be the line that shows the command itself. When I scroll up, I don't want to see what my script output.
[snoopdougg#machine /home/snoopdougg/logs]$ ls
alog.log blog.log clog.log
[snoopdougg#machine /home/snoopdougg/logs]$ whoami
[snoopdougg#machine /home/snoopdougg/logs]$ ./
[snoopdougg#machine /home/snoopdougg/logs]$
(Like nothing ever happened... but would have print things to the terminal while it was running).
How can I do this?
You're talking about the alternate screen, which you can access with a pair of terminal attributes, smcup and rmcup. Put this in a script and run it for a small demo:
tput smcup
echo hello
sleep 5
tput rmcup
Use screen:
screen ./

How do you start Unix screen command with a command?

According to the docs for the Unix "screen" command, you can configure it in .screenrc to start with a bunch of default screens, each running a command that you specify.
Here's my cofig:
# Default screens
screen -t "shell_0" 1
screen -t "autotest" 2 cd ~/project/contactdb ; autotest
It will not run the autotest command. That window where I'm trying to run autotest just closes instantly when I start screen.
I also tried it with just...
screen -t "autotest" 2 cd ~/project/contactdb
Same result.
I also tried...
screen -t "autotest" 2 ls
Same result there too.
What's the secret to getting it to run a command in a given screen on startup?
Your program is being run (well, except the cd), it's just that it's being run without a parent shell, so as soon as it completes, it exits and you're done.
You could do:
screen -t "autotest" 2 bash -c 'cd ~/project/contactdb ; autotest'
Spawns two shells, but life will probably go on.
Try this:
$ screen -S 'tailf messages' -d -m tailf /var/log/messages
Then later you can do:
$ screen -ls
1234.tailf messages
Followed by:
$screen -r 1234
This might help but may not be entirely what you want.
Put "zombie az" or "defzombie az" as the first line of your .screenrc. "az" can be whatever 2 keys you'd like. Now, when a screen ought to close (command finished executing, for instance), it won't actually close; hitting 'a' will close it, hitting 'z' will re-execute the command attached to that screen.
I found that at the screen user's manual.
You can also "stuff" characters into the screen as if you had typed them.
Here's how you can do that with your example:
screen -t "shell_0" 1
# create the following screen in the desired dir, instead of cd-ing afterwards :)
chdir ~/project/contactdb
screen -t "autotest" 2
# (without this sometimes screens fail to start correctly for me)
sleep 5
# paste some text into screen number 2:
select 2
stuff "autotest\012"
Here's how mine looks. It seems to work fine. I think either the parenthesis might be causing the problem or screen will not open a window if the command "autotest" does not exist.
screen -t zsh 1
screen -t emacs 2 emacs -nw
screen -t mutt 3 mutt
monitor on
screen -t mc 4 mc -s
screen -t elinks 4 elinks
Here's how I'd do it.
screen -t shell_0
chdir ~/project/contactdb
screen -t autotest autotest
The above appears to be evaluated procedurally by screen. First we establish a new screen with the title shell_0. Since we gave no other options, current working directory will be that of the parent shell or the user's home directory. We then set the default directory for new screens to ~/project/contactdb. Next, we establish a new screen running the autotest command.
Window number (n) is optional, I generally omit it.
