Number of Reducers and output order - hadoop

When I use the function job.setNumReduceTasks(1);, I get the output sorted by key. However, the output is not sorted by key when I remove this function.
So, should we expect to get sorted output from the reducer when we have more than one reducer task?

Output is sorted on the key within a single Reducer. However the default Partitioner is the result of a hash function, and so whilst each file will be sorted if using multiple Reducers, one file will not be a sorted continuation of the last. For example:
We have a word count job with three Reducers. The Mapper outputs:
The Partitioner looks like the following
public int getPartition(K key, V value, int numReduceTasks) {
return (key.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % numReduceTasks;
and so it could allocate the keys in the following way:
(A,1) (frog,1) (bat,1)
Notice that Reducer 1 doesn't contain A-F, Reducer 2 doesn't contain G-M and Reducer 3 doesn't contain N-Z, i.e. it's not splitting alphabetically. And that's why the overall output won't be sorted, but data will be sorted within each Reducer's output.
This makes sense as otherwise we could end up with a big skew. Say for example you're running a MapReduce job on some customer services data where the ID always starts with C - you wouldn't want everything to go to the same Reducer.


How can I put One Input file of data in one Reducer and another input file data in another reducer

I have two text file lets say file1.txt in which I have written all the capital letter word ,another one file name is file2.txt ,in which I have written all the small letter word ,so how can I do this input split for all the capital letter of file1.txt in one reducer and all the small letter of file2.txt in diffrent reducer.
can any one please help me out .
create custom partitionser.
The main purpose of partitioner is partitions the key,value pairs of mapper output intermediate keys,The partitioner will divided the data based on our user defined conditions,which works like a hash function.The total number of partitions is equal to total number of reducers in a job. ( job.setNumReduceTasks(n)) . The partitioner phase takes place after the map phase and before the reduce phase in our mapreduce program.The default partitioning function is the hash partitioning function where the hashing is done on the key. However it might be useful to partition the data according to some other function of the key or the value.
//Set number of reducer tasks in drive program
then create custom partitioner class and add the logic for partition the map data on the bases of Upper/lower case of data value.
public static class customPartitioner extends Partitioner<Text,Text>{
public int getPartition(Text key, Text value, int numReduceTasks){
return 0;
return 1;
For example of custom partitioner ->

Hadoop reduce individual record counts

How to get individual output record count for each reducer output file when map reduce has multiple reducers?
For now I can get total reducer recorder count using REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS counter. But how to get individual reducer counts? I tried to increment reducer output record count in reducer but I could not get output part file name to write to custom counter.
I looking for count of output records of each reducer... Say in total sort order partitioning I want count of records each reducer is emitting... For example total records are 7.. 2 are from reducer 1 and 5 are from reducer 2, kind of statistics..
I hope you are looking for number of records each reducer is processing. Each reducer is called once for each key/ The size of the list is the one which you need as per what I understood. Then with programming, you need to emit 1 as output of the map for each record read, and then sum them in result and emit it.
You can also use LongSumReducer class provided in hadoop API. Hope this helps for further understanding
To Answer to my own question below are the steps:
make a static variable "count" in reduce method and increment the counter whenever emit a key value from reducer.
in cleanup method, create a custom counter and use below method to find the reducer part name.
getConfiguration().getInt( "mapreduce.task.partition", 0)
for ex: for reducer output filename part-r-00000 above method returns 0
So using this we can identify different reduce part files counts.
Below is the code:
MyReduce extends Reducer<..>{
private static int count = 0;
<your code>
cleanup(Context output){

Hadoop Mapreduce count distinct vector elements for big data

I have data consisting of n-length vector of integer/real numbers. Data is typically in GB level and feature size of a vector is more than 100. I want to count distinct elements of every vector feature. For example if I have data like:
1.13211 22.33 1.00 ... 311.66
1.13211 44.44 4.52 ... 311.66
1.55555 22.33 5.11 ... 311.66
I want the result like (2,2,3,...,1) just one vector. Since there is 2 distinct value in first feature of a vector, 2 distinct value in second feature and etc.
The way I think to do it with mapreduce is , to send the values from mapper ("$val$+{feature_vector_num}",1). For example like (1.13211+1,1) or (2.33+2,1). And in reducer just sum them up and probably the second mapper and reducer to wrap up the all reducer results from previous step.
The problem is that, if I have data of size N, with my solution, its size sent to reducer will be
|V| * N in worst case,(|V| is the length of feature vector) and this is also the number of reducers and number of keys at the same time. Therefore for big data, this is quite a bad solution.
Do you have any suggessions?
Without considering any implementation detail (MapReduce or not), I would do it in 2 steps with a hashtable per feature (probably in Redis).
The first step would list all values and corresponding counts.
The second would then run through each vector and see if the element is unique or not in the hastable. If you have some margin for error, and want a light memory footprint, I would even go with a bloom filter.
The two steps are trivially parallelized.
I would agree with lejlot is that 1GB would be much more optimally solvable using other means (e.g. memory algorithms such as hash map) and not with m/r.
However in case if your problem is 2-3+ orders of magnitude larger, or if you just want to practice with m/r, here is one of the possible solutions:
Phase 1
Input key: irrelevant (for TextInputFormat I think it is LongWritable that
represents a position in a file but you can just use Writable)
Input value: a single line with vector components separated by space (1.13211 22.33 1.00 ... 311.66)
Output key: a pair <IntWritable, DoubleWritable>
where IntWritable holds an index of the component, and DoubleWritable holds a value of the component.
Google for hadoop examples, specifically, which demonstrates how to implement a pair of IntWritable. You just need to rewrite this using DoubleWritable as a second component.
Output value: irrelevant, you can use NullWritable
Mapper Function
Tokenize the value
For each token, emit <IntWritable, DoubleWritable> key (you can create a custom writable pair class for that) and NullWritable value
The framework will call your reducer with <IntWritable, DoubleWritable> pair as keys, only one time for each key variation, effectively making dedupe. For example, <1, 1.13211> key will come only once.
Input Key: Pair <IntWritable, DoubleWritable>
Input Value: Irrelevant (Writable or NullWritable)
Output Key: IntWritable (component index)
Output Value: IntWritable (count corresponding to the index)
Reducer Setup
initialize int[] counters array of size equal to your vector dimension.
Reducer Function
get an index from key.getFirst()
increment count for the index: counters[index]++
Reducer Cleanup
for each count in counters array emit, index of the array as a key, and value of the counter.
Phase 2
This one is trivial and only needed if you have multiple reducers in the first phase. In this case the counts calculated above are partial.
You need to combine the outputs of your multiple reducers into a single output.
You need to set up a single-reducer job, where your reducer will just accumulate counts for corresponding indices.
Input key: IntWritable (position)
Input value: IntWritable (partial count)
Output key: IntWritable (position)
Output value: IntWritable (total count)
Reducer Function
for each input key
int counter = 0
iterate over the values
counter += value
emit input key (as a key) and counter (as a value)
The resulting output file "part-r-00000" should have N records, where each record is a pair of values (position and distinct count) sorted by position.

hadoop job with single mapper and two different reducers

I have a large document corpus as an input to a MapReduce job (old hadoop API). In the mapper, I can produce two kinds of output: one counting words and one producing minHash signatures. What I need to do is:
give the word counting output to one reducer class (a typical WordCount reducer) and
give the minHash signatures to another reducer class (performing some calculations on the size of the buckets).
The input is the same corpus of documents and there is no need to process it twice. I think that MultipleOutputs is not the solution, as I cannot find a way to give my Mapper output to two different Reduce classes.
In a nutshell, what I need is the following:
WordCounting Reducer --> WordCount output
Input --> Mapper
MinHash Buckets Reducer --> MinHash output
Is there any way to use the same Mapper (in the same job), or should I split that in two jobs?
You can do it, but it will involve some coding tricks (Partitioner and a prefix convention). The idea is for mapper to output the word prefixed with "W:" and minhash prefixed with "M:". Than use a Partitioner to decide into which partition (aka reducer) it needs to go into.
Pseudo code
MAIN method:
Set number of reducers to 2
.... parse the word ...
... generate minhash ..
context.write("W:" + word, 1);
context.write("M:" + minhash, 1);
IF Key starts with "W:" { return 0; } // reducer 1
IF Key starts with "M:" { return 1; } // reducer 2
IF Key starts with "W:" { iterate over values and sum; context.write(Key, SUM); return;}
Iterate and context.write all of the values
IF Key starts with "W:" { iterate over values and sum; context.write(Key, SUM); return;}
IF Key starts with "M:" { perform min hash logic }
In the output part-0000 will be you word counts and part-0001 your min hash calculations.
Unfortunately it is not possible to provide different Reducer classes, but with IF and prefix you can simulate it.
Also having just 2 reducers might not be an efficient from performance point of view, than you could play with Partitioner to allocate first N partitions to the Word Count.
If you do not like the prefix idea than you would need to implement secondary sort with custom WritableComparable class for the key. But it is worth the effort only in more sophisticated cases.
AFAIK this is not possible in a single map reduce job , only the default out-put files part--r--0000 files will be fed to reducer, so so if you are creating two multiple named outputs naming WordCount--m--0 and MinHash--m--0
you can create two other different Map/Reduce job with Identity Mapper and the respective Reducers, specifying the inputs as hdfspath/WordCount--* and hdfspath/MinHash--* as a input to the respective jobs.

How can I get an integer index for a key in hadoop?

Intuitively, hadoop is doing something like this to distribute keys to mappers, using python-esque pseudocode.
# data is a dict with many key-value pairs
keys = data.keys()
key_set_size = len(keys) / num_mappers
index = 0
mapper_keys = []
for i in range(num_mappers):
end_index = index + key_set_size
send_to_mapper(keys[int(index):int(end_index)], i)
index = end_index
# And something vaguely similar for the reducer (but not exactly).
It seems like somewhere hadoop knows the index of each key it is passing around, since it distributes them evenly among the mappers (or reducers). My question is: how can I access this index? I'm looking for a range of integers [0, n) mapping to all my n keys; this is what I mean by an "index".
I'm interested in the ability to get the index from within either the mapper or reducer.
After doing more research on this question, I don't believe it is possible to do exactly what I want. Hadoop does not seem to have such an index that is user-visible after all, although it does try to distribute work evenly among the mappers (so such an index is theoretically possible).
Actually, your reducer (each individual one) gets an array of items back that correspond to the reduce key. So do you want the offset of items within the reduce key in your reducer, or do you want the overall offset of the particular item in the global array of all lines being processed? To get an indeex in your mapper, you can simply prepend a line number to each line of the file before the file gets to the mapper. This will tell you the "global index". However keep in mind that with 1 000 000 items, item 662 345 could be processed before item 10 000.
If you are using the new MR API then the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.partition.HashPartitioner is the default partitioner or else org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.HashPartitioner is the default partitioner. You can call the getPartition() on either of the HashPartitioner to get the partition number for the key (which you mentioned as index).
Note that the HashPartitioner class is only used to distribute the keys to the Reducer. When it comes to a mapper, each input split is processed by a map task and the keys are not distributed.
Here is the code from HashPartitioner for the getPartition(). You can write a simple Java program for the same.
public int getPartition(K key, V value, int numReduceTasks) {
return (key.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % numReduceTasks;
Edit: Including another way to get the index.
The following code from should also work. To be included in the map or the reduce function.
public void configure(JobConf job) {
partition = job.getInt( "mapred.task.partition", 0);
