How to map multiple Controller in java Spring MVC in context.xml - spring

I have 2 controllers(Home,Rest) in my application and I would like to add mapping for both of them in web.xml and applicationContext.xml.How would I do that ?

Please read and include this guide in your project it is helpfull for your.
Please define your class is controller using #Controller annotation
include this in web.xml file
3.Write this in servlet-context.xml file
<context:component-scan base-package="mypack.controller" />
In base-package you can give your root package name.
When your web request is arrived in servlet-context.xml file, it is redirected to specific controller using base-package attribute you have defined.


Autowired not working if used inside class that extends Spring security class

I wasn't able to "autowire" inside a class that extends Spring security class (
I made it working by adding, in security-config.xml, the following code, already written inside the xml spring configuration file: <context:annotation-config />, <context:component-scan base-package="packagename...."/> and the beans that I autowired.
I have two questions:
Why have I to write twice that code (both inside the xml spring
configuration file and security-config.xml)
Is there a way to tell security-config.xml to "look" for the code
written inside the xml spring configuration file? This way I
shouldn't write the code twice.
Thank you
Try to import your security-beans.xml from your main beans.xml.
Both files should be in the same folder. the import, for example:
<import resource="spring-security.xml"/>
In your web.xml, write something like this:
<!-- to integrate Spring -->
2nd Approach - single beans.xml
Another approach, if you are afraid of imports, is to hold a single beans.xml that will include all beans - both the security beans as well as other beans. In this case, your web.xml will look like this:
and your spring beans file will be spring-servlet.xml.

How to make Spring MVC and plain JSP live together in one application

Say I have a Spring MVC application with JPA as backend. Now here we want to provide simple UI to user to perform simple configuration to some properties file. It would make sense to make it separate from the main Spring application because some configuration is related to Spring MVC so it will fail when start the main application by the main UI through Spring MVC.
But how to register both servlet(Spring and plain JSP)in the same web application?
<!-- Handles Spring requests -->
<servlet-name>PlainJSPApplication</servlet-name> <!--Is it ok to separate request to different servlet like this?-->
<url-pattern>/config</url-pattern> <!--How to handle mapping so not conflict to Spring main application-->
I think it is common to register another servlet class to in the SAME web.xml, is it OK? and also how to handle that request URL pattern, as "/" has been assign to Spring servlet?
Any advice would be appreciated.
You can separate Spring managed controllers and your own servlet by mapping both with different url patterns.
The requests for Spring controllers are managed by DispatcherServlet. Basically, it is just a Servlet that, when you map urls to it, it will automatically be seen by Spring, thus mapping it to the right controller, views etc.
<servlet-name>PlainJSPApplication</servlet-name> <!--Is it ok to separate request to different servlet like this?-->
<!-- other url pattern ... -->
<!-- other url pattern ... -->
<!-- other url pattern ... -->
Here, all the requests end with .do will be seen by Spring. Others will then be seen by your servlets.
So, as long as you don't harm this mapping, Spring MVC & your normal servlets will integrate gracefully.

How to configure CXF servlet outside of web.xml

I want to be able to disable webservices using spring profile. I have surrounded all the cxf related beans with:
<beans profile="webservices">...</beans>
But what is left is cxf servlet in web.xml:
I'm thinking to replace it with:
I need to configure webservicesDispather to do the same thing as the CXFServlet does. So far contents of webservicesDispatcher-servlet.xml looks like this:
<beans xmlns="... >
<beans profile="webservices">
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml" />
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml" />
So, any idea what contents of webservicesDispatcher-servlet.xml should be?
AFAIK CXFServlet will have to be the front controller for CXF flow, DispatcherServlet cannot replace the functionality that CXFServlet performs - any reason why you want the DispatcherServlet alone to handle both Spring MVC flow and CXF WS flow - CXF servlet can refer to the beans in the context file defined by the DispatcherServlet either way.

Difference between dispatcher-servlet and spring-servlet

As the title says what is the difference between dispatcher-servlet.xml and spring-servlet.xml They seem very similar in terms of structure. When should one be used over the other ?
Here's an explanation from spring forums
Basically it's just the name. Dispather is autoloading context called [servletname]-servlet.xml so in this case there's a servlet called 'spring' and another called 'dispatcher'.
You name your servlets in web.xml.
For example if you had:
<servlet-class> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet </servlet-class>
in your web.xml then DispatcherServlet would try to load babubiba-servlet.xml by default.
If you can change context name by adding contextConfigLocation init-param to your servlet config.

spring 3 mvc multiple application context instances

here is my web.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><web-app version="2.5" xmlns=""
<!-- Enables clean URLs with JSP views e.g. /welcome instead of /app/welcome -->
<!-- Handles all requests into the application -->
<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>
<!-- Maps all /app requests to the DispatcherServlet for handling -->
<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>
Why there are two instances of application context created?
When I add a scheduled method with #Scheduled it is invoked twice, because of those two application contexts.
You are loading twice times the same spring config files. Of course you have two separate application contexts. At first I would rename the servlet name for the DispatcherServerlet to "spring3mvc". The servlet definition should look like this:
If you have it in this way, you should have a spring config file "spring3Mvc-servlet.xml" in your "WEB-INF" directory. Spring will find this file automatically because of the right naming convention. In this file you should just have the beans who are important for springMVC. It could look like this:
<context:component-scan base-package=""/>
<bean id="jspViewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
<property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView"/>
<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/>
<property name="suffix" value=".view.jsp"/>
This should fix your problem.
I noticed that you have
in the following block
<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>
try removing that... it worked for me
Do you have any other spring filters or jsp pages in your web.xml not shown in your code snippet?
I ask, to answer your question, because I believe this quote from Spring documentation could explain what might be happening...
"In the web MVC framework, each
DispatcherServlet has its own
WebApplicationContext, which inherits
all the beans already defined in the
root WebApplicationContext. These
inherited beans defined can be
overridden in the servlet-specific
scope, and new scope-specific beans
can be defined local to a given
servlet instance."
If you answered "yes" to my web.xml question, then my guess is that Spring instantiates a root WebApplicationContext when a spring filter is created (via ContextLoaderListener). So, this would happen BEFORE...
Then, when the DispatcherServlet is created, the "contextConfigLocation" refers to the same files (that is, the same bean names), so a new WebApplicationContext gets overridden bean names local to that servlet!
I wonder, even if you answered "no", whether this might still happen anyway. Since you set "contextConfigLocation" (used by the ContextLoaderListener) and "override" it in DispatcherServlet configuration; I assume Spring is not checking whether those configurations are using the same file set.
You can run these scenarios through a debugger and put breakpoints on WebApplicationContext methods to find out for sure.
To solve the problem, either:
1) make sure your 2 contextConfigLocations don't overlap in files they use
2) break out the Scheduling bean in its own xml file and make sure it's referred to by only one of the 2 contextConfigLocations
