How to architecture file processing in laravel - laravel

I have task observe folder where files are coming from SFTP. File are big and processing one file is relatively time consuming. I am looking for best approach to do it. Here are some ideas how to do it, but I am not sure what is the best way.
Run scheduller each 5 min to check for new files
For each new file trigger event that there is new file.
Create listener which will listen for this event and which will using queues. In the listener for new files copy new file in the processing folder and process it. When processing of new files start insert record in the DB with status processing. When processing is done change record status and copy file to processed folder.
I this solution I have 2 copy operations for each file. This is because it is possible if second scheduler executes before all files are processed than some files could overlap in 2 processing jobs.
What is the best way to do it? Should I use another approach to avoid 2 copy operations? Something like to put database check during scheduler execution to see if the file is already in the processing state?

You should use the ->withoutOverlapping(); as stated in the manual of task Scheduler here.
Using this you will make sure that only one instance of the task run at any given time.


Spring batch file resume after Server failure

I have configured Spring Boot Batch to process Fixed length flat file. I read and split columns by using FlatFileItemReader, FixedLengthTokenizer and Writing data into Database by using ItemWriter, JPA Repository.
I have a scenario like, My Server was crashed or it was stopped at the time of file processing. At this point half of the file was processed(means half of the data wrote into DB). When it comes to next Job(when server was running up) the file has to start from where it stops.
For Example, A file having 1000 lines, Server was shutdown after processing 500 rows. In the next Job, The file has to start from 501 row.
I googled for solution but nothing relevant. Any help appreciated.
As far as I know, what you are asking ( restart at chunk level ) doesn't automatically exist in Spring Batch API & is something that programmer has to implement on his/her own.
Spring Batch provides Job restart feature via JobOperator.restart . This is a job level restart and a new execution id will be created for next run & whole of the job will rerun as there are other concerns like somebody put in a new file or renamed existing file to process in place of old file , how batch will know that its same input file content wise or db not changed since last run?
Due to these concerns , its imperative that programmer handles these situations via custom code.
Second concern is that when there is a server failure, job status would still be STARTED & not FAILED since it happens all of a sudden and framework couldn't update status correctly.
Following steps you need to implement ,
1.Implement a custom logic to decide if last job execution was successful or restart is needed.
2.If restart is needed, mark previous job execution as FAILED & then use JobOperator.restart(long executionId) - For a non - partitioned job , only useful impact would be the marking of job status to be correct as FAILED but whole job will restart from beginning.
There are many scenarios like,
a)job status is STARTED but all steps are marked COMPELTEDetc
b)For a partitioned job, few steps are completed , few failed & few in started etc
3.If restart is not needed, launch a new job using -
So with above steps, you see that a real chunk level job restart is not achieved but above steps are primary things that you first need to understand & implement.
Next would be to changing your input at job restart i.e. you devise a mechanism to mark input records as processed for processed chunks ( i.e. read , processed & written ) & have a way to know what input records are not processed - then in next job run you feed modified input that is still unprocessed. So its all going to be your use case specific custom logic.
I am not aware of any inbuilt mechanism in the framework itself to achieve this. To me a Job Restart is a brand new job execution with modified / reduced input.

Synchronize NiFi process groups or flows that don't/can't connect?

Like the question states, is there some way to synchronize NiFi process groups or pipelines that don't/can't connect in the UI?
Eg. I have a process where I want to getFTP->putHDFS->moveHDFS (which ends up actually being getFTP->putHDFS->listHDFS->moveHDFS, see However, listHDFS does not seem to take any incoming connections. Trying to do something with process groups like P1{getFTP->putHDFS->outport}->P2{inport->listHDFS->moveHDFS} also runs into the same problem (listHDFS can't seem to take any incoming connections). We don't want to moveHDFS before we ever even get anything from getFTP, but given the above, I don't see how these actions can be synchronized to occur in the right order.
New to NiFi, but I imagine this is a common use case and there must be some NiFi-ish way of doing this that I am missing. Advice in this would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm not sure what requirement is preventing you from writing the file retrieved from FTP directly to the desired HDFS location, or if this is a "write n files to HDFS with a . starting the filename and then rename all when some certain threshold is reached" scenario.
ListHDFS does not take any incoming relationships because it should not be triggered by an incoming event, but rather on a timer/CRON schedule. Every time it runs, it will produce n flowfiles, where each references an HDFS file that has been detected to be written to the filesystem since the last execution. To do this, the processor stores local state.
Your flow segments do not need to be connected in this case. You'll have "flow segment A" which performs the FTP -> HDFS writing (GetFTP -> PutHDFS) and you'll have an independent "flow segment B" which lists the HDFS directory, reads the file descriptors (but not the content of the file unless you use FetchHDFS as well) and moves them (ListHDFS -> MoveHDFS). The ListHDFS processor will run constantly, but if it does not detect any new files during a run, it will simply yield and perform a no-op. Once the PutHDFS processor completes the task of writing a file to the HDFS file system, on the next ListHDFS execution, it will detect that file and generate a flowfile describing it.
You can tune the scheduling to your liking, but in general this is a very common pattern in NiFi flows.

mapreduce: customize task outofmemory failure

I have a map-only job which operates as one task per file. Sometimes a file causes task out-of-memory type exceptions.
Imagine an input directory has 10 files. Therefore the job will have 10 tasks. Now imagine 9 "good" files will succeed and 1 "bad" file cause out-of-memory exception.
Ideally I want the one "bad" file to move to a quarantine directory. The 9 "good" files write output. The job succeeds with warnings in the logs.
Partial success can come from using mapreduce.reduce.failures.maxpercent setting which is good.
But how to copy the "bad file" to quarantine when the container fails with out-of-memory?
I was thinking a custom FileOutputCommitter overriding the taskAbort method would provide the proper hook.
Anyone else done this before?
I tried to find the answer in job history server rest api, but unfortunately task attempts do not store info about their input paths.
If you won't find a better solution, you can do this:
create a special directory on hdfs for your job
in mapper setup method get input split name and store it in a special marker file inside this directory
when mapper finishes successfully, in cleanup method delete this marker file
after job finishes, check the directory and process bad files which names are there

Watch new files in directory NIFI

I'm having a use case where I have new files everyday at differents moments like every hour or two hours so I need to watch a directory in my folder, and on adding new files it triggers an event which sends those new files paths to my webservice on NIFI , any idea how to implement this and what tool to use for this ?
Or maybe this is not the best approach ?
Take a look at the ListFile and FetchFile processors:
Complete NiFi documentation can be found at
If your file is in file sytem then use 'GETFILE' processor which on adding new file on provided 'input directory' triggers an event and immediately feed data into NIFI without any delay.
If your requirement is to schedule it like every hour or any specific time then use 'Scheduling' tab present on each processor's configuration and schedule it using 'Cron-Driven' strategy and set cron for every hour like this
*/60 * * * *?
If your file is in S3 bucket then you have to use SQS queue notification using 'GETSQS' processor documented in detailed in below link

How to delete input files after successful mapreduce

We have a system that receives archives on a specified directory and on a regular basis it launches a mapreduce job that opens the archives and processes the files within them. To avoid re-processing the same archives the next time, we're hooked into the close() method on our RecordReader to have it deleted after the last entry is read.
The problem with this approach (we think) is that if a particular mapping fails, the next mapper that makes another attempt at it finds that the original file has been deleted by the record reader from the first one and it bombs out. We think the way to go is to hold off until all the mapping and reducing is complete and then delete the input archives.
Is this the best way to do this?
If so, how can we obtain a listing of all the input files found by the system from the main program? (we can't just scrub the whole input dir, new files may be present)
. . .
(we're done, delete input files, how?)
return 0;
Couple comments.
I think this design is heartache-prone. What happens when you discover that someone deployed a messed up algorithm to your MR cluster and you have to backfill a month's worth of archives? They're gone now. What happens when processing takes longer than expected and a new job needs to start before the old one is completely done? Too many files are present and some get reprocessed. What about when the job starts while an archive is still in flight? Etc.
One way out of this trap is to have the archives go to a rotating location based on time, and either purge the records yourself or (in the case of something like S3) establish a retention policy that allows a certain window for operations. Also whatever the back end map reduce processing is doing could be idempotent: processing the same record twice should not be any different than processing it once. Something tells me that if you're reducing your dataset, that property will be difficult to guarantee.
At the very least you could rename the files you processed instead of deleting them right away and use a glob expression to define your input that does not include the renamed files. There are still race conditions as I mentioned above.
You could use a queue such as Amazon SQS to record the delivery of an archive, and your InputFormat could pull these entries rather than listing the archive folder when determining the input splits. But reprocessing or backfilling becomes problematic without additional infrastructure.
All that being said, the list of splits is generated by the InputFormat. Write a decorator around that and you can stash the split list wherever you want for use by the master after the job is done.
The simplest way would probably be do a multiple input job, read the directory for the files before you run the job and pass those instead of a directory to the job (then delete the files in the list after the job is done).
Based on the situation you are explaining I can suggest the following solution:-
1.The process of data monitoring I.e monitoring the directory into which the archives are landing should be done by a separate process. That separate process can use some metadata table like in mysql to put status entries based on monitoring the directories. The metadata entries can also check for duplicacy.
2. Now based on the metadata entry a separate process can handle the map reduce job triggering part. Some status could be checked in metadata for triggering the jobs.
I think you should use Apache Oozie to manage your workflow. From Oozie's website (bolding is mine):
Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
Oozie Coordinator jobs are recurrent Oozie Workflow jobs triggered by time (frequency) and data availabilty.
