Trying to turn a blob into multiple columns in Spark - user-defined-functions

I have a serialized blob and a function that converts it into a java Map.
I have registered the function as a UDF and tried to use it in Spark SQL as follows:
sqlCtx.udf.register("blobToMap", Utils.blobToMap)
val df = sqlCtx.sql(""" SELECT mp['c1'] as c1, mp['c2'] as c2 FROM
(SELECT *, blobToMap(payload) AS mp FROM t1) a """)
I do succeed in doing it, but for some reason the very heavy blobToMap function runs twice for every row, and in reality I extract 20 fields and it runs 20 times for every row. I saw the suggestions in Derive multiple columns from a single column in a Spark DataFrame
but they are really not scalable - I don't want to create a class for every time I need to extract data.
How can I force Spark to do what's reasonable?
I tried to separate to two stages. The only thing that worked was to cache the inner select - but that's not feasible either because it is really a big blob and I need only a few dozen fields from it.

I'll answer myself hoping it will help anyone.. so after dozens of experiments I was able to force spark to evaluate the udf and turn it into a Map once, instead of recalculating it over and over again for every key request, by splitting the query and doing an evil ugly trick - turning it ti RDD and back to DataFrame:
val df1 = sqlCtx.sql("SELECT *, blobToMap(payload) AS mp FROM t1")
sqlCtx.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema).registerTempTable("t1_with_mp")
val final_df = sqlCtx.sql("SELECT mp['c1'] as c1, mp['c2'] as c2 FROM t1_with_mp")


Sorting after Repartitioning PySpark Dataframe

We have a giant file which we repartitioned according to one column, for example, say it is STATE. Now it seems like after repartitioning, the data cannot be sorted completely. We are trying to save our final file as a text file but instead of the first state listed being Alabama, now California shows up first. OrderBy doesn't seem to have an effect after running the repartition.
df = df.repartition(100, ['STATE_NAME'])\
.sortWithinPartitions('STATE_NAME', 'CUSTOMER_ID', 'ROW_ID')
I can't find a clear statement in the documentation about this, only this hint for pyspark.sql.DataFrame.repartition:
The resulting DataFrame is hash partitioned.
Obviously, repartition doesn't bring the rows in a specific (namely alphabetic) order (not even if they were ordered previously), it only groups them. That .sortWithinPartitions imposes no global order is no wonder considering the name, which implies that the sorting only occurs within the partitions, not on them. You can try .sort instead.

Partial Vertical Caching of DataFrame

I use spark with parquet.
I'd like to be able to cache the columns we use most often for filtering, while keeping the other on disk.
I'm running something like:"field1").cache"field1").count"field1").where($"field1">5).count"field1", "field2").where($"field1">5).count
The fourth line doesn't use the cache.
Any simple solutions that can help here?
The reason this will not cache is that whenever you do a transformation on a dataframe (e.g. select) you are actually creating a new one. What you basically did is cached a dataframe containing only field1 and a dataframe containing only field1 where it is larger than 5 (probably you meant field2 here but it doesn't matter).
On the fourth line you are creating a third dataframe which has no lineage to the original two, just to the original dataframe.
If you generally do strong filtering (i.e. you get a very small number of elements) you can do something like this:
cachedDF ="field1", "field2", ... "fieldn").cache
filteredDF = cachedDF.filter(some strong filter)
res = myDataFrame.join(broadcast(filteredDF), cond)
i.e. cachedDF has all the fields you filter on, then you filter very strongly and then do an inner join (with cond being all relevant selected fields or some id field) which would give all relevant data.
That said, in most cases, assuming you use a file format such as parquet, caching will not help you much.

More efficient query to avoid OutOfMemoryError in Hive

I'm getting an exception in Hive:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded.
In searching I've found that is because 98% of all CPU time of the process is going to garbage collect (whatever that means?). Is the core of my issue in my query? Should I be writing the below in a different way to avoid this kind of problem?
I'm trying to count how many of a certain phone type have an active 'Use' in a given time period. Is there a way to do this logic differently, that would run better?
select count(a.imei)
(Select distinct imei
from pingdata
where timestamp between TO_DATE("2016-06-01") AND TO_DATE("2016-07-17")
and ((SUBSTR(imei,12,2) = "04") or (SUBSTR(imei,12,2) = "05")) ) a
(SELECT distinct imei
FROM eventdata
where timestamp between TO_DATE("2016-06-01") AND TO_DATE("2016-07-17")
AND event = "Use" AND clientversion like '3.2%') b
on a.imei=b.imei
Thank you
Applying distinct to each dataset before joining them is safer because joining not unique keys will duplicate data.
I would recommend to partition your datasets by to_date(timestamp) field (yyyy-MM-dd) to make partition pruning work according to your where clause (check it works). Partition also by event field if datasets are too big and contain a lot of data where event <> 'Use'.
It's important to know on which stage it fails. Study the exception as well. If it fails on mappers then you should optimize your subqueries (add partitions as I mentioned). if it fails on reducer (join) then you should somehow improve join (try to reduce bytes per reducer:
set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=67108864; or even less) if it fails on writer (OrcWriter then try to add partition to Output table by substr from imei and 'distribute by substr(imei...)` at the end of query to reduce pressure on reducers).
Or add une more column with low cardinality and even distribution to distribute the data between more reducers evenly:
distribute by substr(imei...), col2
Make sure that partition column is in the distribute by. This will reduce the number of files written by each reducer and help to get rid of OOM
In order to improve performance, by looking at your query: I would partition the hive tables by yyyy, mm, dd, or by first two digits of imei, you will have to decide the variable according to your need of querying these tables and amount of data. but I would vote for yyyy, mm, dd, that will give you tremendous amount of improvement on performance. see improving-query-performance-using-partitioning
But for now, this should give you some improvements:
Select count(distinct(pd.imei))
from pingdata pd join eventdata ed on pd.imei=ed.imei
TO_DATE(pd.timestamp) between '2016-06-01' AND '2016-07-17'
and pd.timestamp=ed.pd.timestamp
and SUBSTR(pd.imei,12,2) in ('04','05')
and ed.event = 'Use' AND ed.clientversion like '3.2%';
if TO_DATE(timestamp) values are inserted on same day, in other words if both values are same for date than and pd.timestamp=ed.pd.timestamp condition should be excluded.
Select count(distinct(pd.imei))
from pingdata pd join eventdata ed on pd.imei=ed.imei
TO_DATE(pd.timestamp) between '2016-06-01' AND '2016-07-17'
and SUBSTR(pd.imei,12,2) in ('04','05')
and ed.event = 'Use' AND ed.clientversion like '3.2%';
Try running both queries and compare results. Do let us know the differences and if you find this helpful.

Rstudio table of means from a large dataset

I am working with a large dataset in Rstudio, with 21 columns of data each filled with information from many time points (roughly 92 rows). I can work out the mean for each column individually but am really struggling to calculate all the means at once, thus producing a table of 21 mean results. Is there a way of doing this? I'm wondering if part of the problem is that my columns have a alpha-numeric title?
(Apologies if it's really easy, I just don't seem to be getting anywhere with it).
Thanks in advance!
If your data frame is named df, you can use
You can easily store that to a dataframe itself as
means_df <- data.frame(colMeans(df))
There are many ways. If you like to do it by using base R, use this
If you like to do it by using dplyr package, try this
df %>% summarize_each(funs(mean))
If you like to use data.table package, then it will be
dt <- data.table(df)
dt[, lapply(.SD, mean)]
df <- data.frame(A=rnorm(100),B=runif(100),C=1:100)

Intersection of Intervals in Apache Pig

In Hadoop I have a collection of datapoints, each including a "startTime" and "endTime" in milliseconds. I want to group on one field then identify each place in the bag where one datapoint overlaps another in the sense of start/end time. For example, here's some data:
which I load and group as follows:
inputdata = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
grouped = GROUP inputdata BY where;
The ideal result here would be
I have written some bad code to generate an individual tuple for each second with some rounding, then do a set intersection, but this seems hideously inefficient, and in fact it still doesn't quite work. Rather than debug a bad approach, I want to work on a good approach.
How can I reasonably efficiently get tuples like (id1,id2) for the overlapping datapoints?
I am thoroughly comfortable writing a Java UDF to do the work for me, but it seems as though Pig should be able to do this without needing to resort to a custom UDF.
This is not an efficient solution, and I recommend writing a UDF to do this.
Self Join the dataset with itself to get a cross product of all the combinations. In pig, it's difficult to join something with itself, so you just act as if you are loading two separate datasets. After the cross product, you end up with data like
At this point, you need to satisfy four conditionals,
"where" field matches
id one and two from the self join don't match (so you don't get back the same ID intersecting with itself)
start time from second group being compared should be greater than start time for first group and less then end time for first group
This code should work, might have a syntax error somewhere as I couldn't test it but should help you to write what you need.
inputdataone = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
inputdatatwo = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
crossProduct = CROSS inputdataone, inputdatatwo;
crossProduct =
FOREACH crossProduct
GENERATE inputdataone::id as id_one,
inputdatatwo::id as id_two,
(inputdatatwo::start-inputdataone::start>=0 AND inputdatatwo::start-inputdataone::end<=0 AND inputdataone::where==inputdatatwo::where?1:0) as intersect;
find_intersect = FILTER crossProduct BY intersect==1;
final =
FOREACH find_intersect
GENERATE id_one,
Crossing large sets inflates the data.
A naive solution without crossing would be to partition the intervals and check for intersections within each interval.
I am working on a similar problem and will provide a code sample when I am done.
