How to configure lazily a Gradle task? - gradle

I'm trying to configure the following custom task:
task antecedeRelease(type: AntecedeReleaseTask) {
antecedeWithVersion = project.'antecede-with-version'
antecedeToVersion = project.'antecede-to-version'
The problem is that the properties antecede-with-version and antecede-to-version are to be set through the command line with a -P option. If they're not set and antecedeRelease isn't being called, that shouldn't be a cause for an error:
$ ./gradlew tasks
org.gradle.api.GradleScriptException: A problem occurred evaluating project ...
Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: Could not find property 'antecede-with-version' on project ...
I could conditionally define the antecedeRelease task such that it's defined only if those properties are defined but I'd like to keep the build.gradle file as clean as possible.

If you need the antecedeRelease task to run "lazily" as-in, at the end of the configuration phase, or at the beginning of the execution phase, your best bet is to use doFirst
task antecedeRelease(type: AntecedeReleaseTask) {
doFirst {
antecedeWithVersion = project.'antecede-with-version'
antecedeToVersion = project.'antecede-to-version'

One option might be to use Groovy's elvis operator like so:
task antecedeRelease(type: AntecedeReleaseTask) {
antecedeWithVersion = project.ext.get('antecede-with-version') ?: 'unused'
antecedeToVersion = project.ext.get('antecede-with-version') ?: 'unused'
If this fails still, you can consider project.ext.has('property') when setting the value.


Passing a gradle task arguments in command line

I'm trying to find the best way to pass a gradle task arguments from the command line.
I have this task. I want to unpack solutions from student exercises and copy them into the right place in the project to evaulate them. I call this task like this:
> gradle swapSolution -Pstudent=MyStudent -Pexercise=ex05
One Problem i have with this while doing this in IntelliJ while having the Gradle plugin enabled is that i get this error message when build the project. What could be a solution to this?
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'kprog-2020-ws'.
> Could not get unknown property 'student' for root project 'kprog-2020-ws' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
This is the gradle task:
task swapSolution(type: Copy) {
new File("${rootDir}/Abgaben").eachDir { file ->
if ("(.*)" +"student") + "(.*)")) {
def exDir = new File("/src/main/java/prog/" +"exercise"))
if (!exDir.exists()) {
delete exDir
new File(file.path).eachFile { zipSolution ->
//def zipFile = new File("./Abgaben/" + + "/" +"exercise") + "")
from zipTree(zipSolution)
into "/src/main/java/"
Do you have any suggestions to optimize this process?
-P denotes the Gradle Project Property. If you need to use project properties you can specify it as a system property in file in project root directory.
If your task is of type JavaExec you can use --args switch and pass it in Arguments text field of the Gradle Task Run Configuration togenther with the task name like swapSolution -args="-student=MyStudent -exercise=ex05". See also

Gradle clean erasing my file prior to ZIP task execution

I have the following simple task in my build:
task generateFile << {
def file = new File("$buildDir/")
file.text = "sample"
task createDistro(type: Zip, dependsOn: ['copyDependencies','packageEnvironments','jar', 'generateFile']) <<{
from generateClasspathScript {
fileMode = 0755
into 'bin'
When I run gradle clean build I see the following output:
Cannot call TaskOutputs.file(Object) on task ':generateFile' after task has started execution. Check the configuration of task ':generateFile' as you may have misused '<<' at task declaration
How do I declare the task file creation outputs as an input to the zip task while also ensuring they happen in the execution phase?
If I leave off the << then the clean task wipes the generated file before the ZIP can use it. If I keep them, I get the above error.
It's the opposite as what is being suggested in the comments. You are trying to set the outputs in execution phase. The correct way to do what you are probably trying to do is for example:
task generateFile {
def file = new File("$buildDir/")
doLast {
file.text = "sample"

Gradle variable initialization

I have got a little problem with variables / ext properties in gradle.
In my root project i have this:
task foo {
println project.fooContent
in my child project fooContent is defined like this:
ext { fooContent='somethingProjectSpecific' }
When executing :childproject:foo it says variable is not set.
Do you know how to circumvent that problem?
This variable is not set since you try to print it at configuration phase. Try with an action (<<) it will be printed on execution phase:
task foo << {
println project.fooContent

exclude tasks from the task that my task depends on

I created task which depends on build.
task packageJar(dependsOn: build, type: JavaExec) {
main = 'com.xxxx.util.KiePackageCreator'
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
But build task invokes other tasks like checkstyle, test and etc.
How to exclude them?
I can do it through console -x but how to do it inside task?
You can simply disable the tasks, by setting it's enabled property to false in the root of the script:
test.enabled = false
But in that case, those tasks won't ever run. If you just need them to not running if some other task is called, then you have to use execution graph:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
taskGraph ->
if (taskGraph.hasTask(packageJar)) {
test.enabled = false
But not sure at the moment, whether it is possible to change this property when the graph is ready. If not, then you can make a variable and in the tasks, you want to exclude, add the doFirst block, which will throw the StopExecutionException according to this variable value.

Code block in gradle.processResources conditional on whether another task was requested

We have an optional gradle task docker that depends on task war, which if executed, needs a war file generated with an extra file in it. This extra file can be added to the resources within the processResources task (or potentially directly in the war task). However, the corresponding code block must not run if task docker has not been requested and will not be run.
We need a correct condition in the following block checking if task docker is in the pipeline:
processResources {
if (/* CONDITION HERE: task docker is requested */) {
from ("${projectDir}/docker") {
include ""
task docker(type: Dockerfile) {
dependsOn build
Clarification: processResources is a standard dependency of the war task and the latter is a standard dependency of the build task. processResources is always executed on build, with or without the docker task to collect resources for assembling the war and may not be fully disabled in this case. One could move the code in question to a separate task dependent on docker and working on the output directory of processResources, yet before war is run, however, such a construct will result in much less clarity for such a simple thing.
You can simply add additional dependency to your docker task, to make it relying not only on build task, but also on processResources. In that case, your processResources task will be called only if docker should be executed.
Another solution is to use TaskExecutionGraph. This let you initialize some variable, which could tell you, whether or not some task will be executed. But you have to understand, that graph is prepared only after all the configuration is done and you can rely on it only during the execution phase. Here is a short example, how it could be used:
//some flag, whether or not some task will be executed
def variable = false
//task with some logic executed during the execution phase
task test1 << {
if (variable) {
println 'task2 will be executed'
} else {
println 'task2 will not be executed'
//according to whether or not this task will run or not,
//will differs test1 task behavior
task test2(dependsOn: test1) {
//add some logic according to task execution graph
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
taskGraph ->
//check the flag and execute only if it's true
if (taskGraph.hasTask(test2)) {
variable = true
println 'task test2 will be executed'
Furthermore, you can try to configure your custom task to make it disabled by setting is enabled property to false, if docker task is not in the execution graph. In that case you don't have to provide some flags and logic in execution phase. Like:
task test1 {
//some logic for execution
doLast {
println "execute some logic"
task test2(dependsOn: test1) {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
taskGraph ->
if (!taskGraph.hasTask(test2)) {
//Disable test1 task if test2 will not run
test1.enabled = false
But it'll be impossible to run this custom task separately without some additional configuration.
