Determining which screen a window is on (by checking where the most surfacearea is located) - window

I'm currently determining which screen a window is on, by checking on which screen it's very left-top position is. Now I'd like to change that so that I can find out on which scren the most surface area of the window is to be found.
Any ideas how that can be accomplished?
Here is my old code:
(it simply moves the active window between all available screens when pressing F1)
WinGetPos, X, Y,,, A
window := {x:X,y:Y}
monitors := GetMonitors()
Loop % monitors.MaxIndex() {
curMonitor := monitors[A_Index]
If IsPointInRectange(window,curMonitor) {
nextMonitorIndex := (A_Index = monitors.MaxIndex() ? 1 : A_Index+1)
nextMonitor := monitors[nextMonitorIndex]
percPos := {}
percPos.x := (window.x-curMonitor.x1)/(curMonitor.x2-curMonitor.x1)
percPos.y := (window.y-curMonitor.y1)/(curMonitor.y2-curMonitor.y1)
windowNew := {}
windowNew.x := nextMonitor.x1+(nextMonitor.x2-nextMonitor.x1)*percPos.x
windowNew.y := nextMonitor.y1+(nextMonitor.y2-nextMonitor.y1)*percPos.y
WinMove, A,, windowNew.x, windowNew.y
IsPointInRectange(point,rect) {
If point.x >= rect.x1 && point.x < rect.x2
&& point.y >= rect.y1 && point.y < rect.y2
Return True
GetMonitors() {
monitors := []
SysGet, monCount, 80 ;SM_CMONITORS
Loop % monCount {
SysGet, mon, Monitor, %A_Index%
monitors[A_Index] := {x1: monLeft, x2: monRight, y1: monTop, y2: monBottom}
Return monitors

MonitorFromWindow() Was the solution. :)
Here is new the code:
;Win+Enter to move the active window to the next screen
WinGet, activeWindowHwnd, ID, A
activeMonitorHwnd := MDMF_FromHWND(activeWindowHwnd)
monitors := MDMF_Enum()
monitorHwndList := []
For currentMonitorHwnd, info In monitors
monitorHwndList[A_Index] := currentMonitorHwnd
nextMonitorHwnd := ""
For currentMonitorHwnd, info In monitors
If (currentMonitorHwnd = activeMonitorHwnd)
nextMonitorHwnd := (A_Index=monitorHwndList.MaxIndex() ? monitorHwndList[1] : monitorHwndList[A_Index+1])
activeMonitor := MDMF_GetInfo(activeMonitorHwnd)
nextMonitor := MDMF_GetInfo(nextMonitorHwnd)
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id %activeWindowHwnd%
activeWindow := {Left:x, Top:y, Right:x+w, Bottom:y+h}
relativePercPos := {}
relativePercPos.Left := (activeWindow.Left-activeMonitor.Left)/(activeMonitor.Right-activeMonitor.Left)
relativePercPos.Top := (activeWindow.Top-activeMonitor.Top)/(activeMonitor.Bottom-activeMonitor.Top)
relativePercPos.Right := (activeWindow.Right-activeMonitor.Left)/(activeMonitor.Right-activeMonitor.Left)
relativePercPos.Bottom := (activeWindow.Bottom-activeMonitor.Top)/(activeMonitor.Bottom-activeMonitor.Top)
;MsgBox % activeWindow.Top "`n" activeWindow.Left " - " activeWindow.Right "`n" activeWindow.Bottom
;MsgBox % relativePercPos.Top*100 "`n" relativePercPos.Left*100 " - " relativePercPos.Right*100 "`n" relativePercPos.Bottom*100
activeWindowNewPos := {}
activeWindowNewPos.Left := nextMonitor.Left+(nextMonitor.Right-nextMonitor.Left)*relativePercPos.Left
activeWindowNewPos.Top := nextMonitor.Top+(nextMonitor.Bottom-nextMonitor.Top)*relativePercPos.Top
WinMove, A,, activeWindowNewPos.Left, activeWindowNewPos.Top
;Credits to "just me" for the following code:
; ======================================================================================================================
; Multiple Display Monitors Functions -> =======================
; ======================================================================================================================
; Enumerates display monitors and returns an object containing the properties of all monitors or the specified monitor.
; ======================================================================================================================
MDMF_Enum(HMON := "") {
Static EnumProc := RegisterCallback("MDMF_EnumProc")
Static Monitors := {}
If (HMON = "") ; new enumeration
Monitors := {}
If (Monitors.MaxIndex() = "") ; enumerate
If !DllCall("User32.dll\EnumDisplayMonitors", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", EnumProc, "Ptr", &Monitors, "UInt")
Return False
Return (HMON = "") ? Monitors : Monitors.HasKey(HMON) ? Monitors[HMON] : False
; ======================================================================================================================
; Callback function that is called by the MDMF_Enum function.
; ======================================================================================================================
MDMF_EnumProc(HMON, HDC, PRECT, ObjectAddr) {
Monitors := Object(ObjectAddr)
Monitors[HMON] := MDMF_GetInfo(HMON)
Return True
; ======================================================================================================================
; Retrieves the display monitor that has the largest area of intersection with a specified window.
; ======================================================================================================================
Return DllCall("User32.dll\MonitorFromWindow", "Ptr", HWND, "UInt", 0, "UPtr")
; ======================================================================================================================
; Retrieves the display monitor that contains a specified point.
; If either X or Y is empty, the function will use the current cursor position for this value.
; ======================================================================================================================
MDMF_FromPoint(X := "", Y := "") {
VarSetCapacity(PT, 8, 0)
If (X = "") || (Y = "") {
DllCall("User32.dll\GetCursorPos", "Ptr", &PT)
If (X = "")
X := NumGet(PT, 0, "Int")
If (Y = "")
Y := NumGet(PT, 4, "Int")
Return DllCall("User32.dll\MonitorFromPoint", "Int64", (X & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (Y << 32), "UInt", 0, "UPtr")
; ======================================================================================================================
; Retrieves the display monitor that has the largest area of intersection with a specified rectangle.
; Parameters are consistent with the common AHK definition of a rectangle, which is X, Y, W, H instead of
; Left, Top, Right, Bottom.
; ======================================================================================================================
MDMF_FromRect(X, Y, W, H) {
VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
NumPut(X, RC, 0, "Int"), NumPut(Y, RC, 4, Int), NumPut(X + W, RC, 8, "Int"), NumPut(Y + H, RC, 12, "Int")
Return DllCall("User32.dll\MonitorFromRect", "Ptr", &RC, "UInt", 0, "UPtr")
; ======================================================================================================================
; Retrieves information about a display monitor.
; ======================================================================================================================
MDMF_GetInfo(HMON) {
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(MIEX, 40 + (32 << !!A_IsUnicode)), MIEX, 0, "UInt")
If DllCall("User32.dll\GetMonitorInfo", "Ptr", HMON, "Ptr", &MIEX) {
MonName := StrGet(&MIEX + 40, 32) ; CCHDEVICENAME = 32
MonNum := RegExReplace(MonName, ".*(\d+)$", "$1")
Return {Name: (Name := StrGet(&MIEX + 40, 32))
, Num: RegExReplace(Name, ".*(\d+)$", "$1")
, Left: NumGet(MIEX, 4, "Int") ; display rectangle
, Top: NumGet(MIEX, 8, "Int") ; "
, Right: NumGet(MIEX, 12, "Int") ; "
, Bottom: NumGet(MIEX, 16, "Int") ; "
, WALeft: NumGet(MIEX, 20, "Int") ; work area
, WATop: NumGet(MIEX, 24, "Int") ; "
, WARight: NumGet(MIEX, 28, "Int") ; "
, WABottom: NumGet(MIEX, 32, "Int") ; "
, Primary: NumGet(MIEX, 36, "UInt")} ; contains a non-zero value for the primary monitor.
Return False


BFS algorithm, tracking the path

Anyone here familiar with BFS and tracking? I have written the algorithm for the first time and it finds the shortest path, but tracing the shortest path is the part i'm stuck at. The list below is a list of previous indexes (y, x), and when it reaches (0, 5) there are two paths, one path to the left and another to the right, i only want to include the path that leads to the destination, however i have no clue how to make it work. I keep track of previous node, but once we get to (0, 5) the setting of previous starts messing up, because there are two paths. Because of this i can't backtrace from the destination.
How have you kept track of previous and made it work? I have read so many articles but still havent found anything that really explains it to me.
Any help is greatly appreciated
(0, 0),
(1, 0),
(2, 0),
(2, 1),
(2, 2),
(2, 3),
(3, 3),
(4, 3),
(5, 3),
(5, 4),
(5, 5),
(4, 5),
(3, 5),
(2, 5),
(1, 5),
(0, 5), <-- starts to mess up here becuase there are two paths to take, left and right
(0, 6), <-- to the right
(0, 4), <-- to the left
(0, 7), <-- to the right
(0, 3), <-- to the left
(0, 8), <-- to the right
(1, 7), <-- to the left and one down
(0, 2), <-- to the left
(0, 9) <-- to the right (also happens to be the destination)
use std::collections::VecDeque;
fn bfs(arr: [[i32; 10]; 10], target: i32) -> bool {
let mut visited = [[false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]; 10];
let mut queue: VecDeque<(i32, i32)> = VecDeque::new();
queue.push_back((0, 0));
let mut previous_nodes = Vec::new();
let mut previous = (-1, -1);
while !queue.is_empty() {
let (y, x) = queue.pop_front().unwrap();
if visited[y as usize][x as usize] == true {
visited[y as usize][x as usize] = true;
previous = (y, x);
print!("{}[2J", 27 as char);
for y in 0..visited.len() {
for x in 0..visited.len() {
if arr[y][x] == target && visited[y][x] == true {
print!("X ");
} else if visited[y][x] == true {
print!("0 ");
} else if arr[y][x] == 3 {
print!("# ");
} else {
print!(". ");
if arr[y as usize][x as usize] == target {
for entry in previous_nodes {
println!("{:?}", entry);
return true;
if x + 1 < arr.len() as i32 && arr[y as usize][(x + 1) as usize] != 3 {
queue.push_back((y, x + 1));
if y + 1 < arr.len() as i32 && arr[(y + 1) as usize][x as usize] != 3 {
queue.push_back((y + 1, x));
if x - 1 >= 0 && arr[y as usize][(x - 1) as usize] != 3 {
queue.push_back((y, x - 1));
if y - 1 >= 0 && arr[(y - 1) as usize][x as usize] != 3 {
queue.push_back((y - 1, x));
fn main() {
let data = [
[0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 3],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0],
[3, 3, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0],
[0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0],
[0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0],
[0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
let b = bfs(data, 1);
println!("Found: {}", b);
First off, I started with a little bit of code cleanup to make it a bit more concise and made a rust playground to experiment with. There are two main approaches to solving this problem. Either you keep track of the path taken in the queue or the visited nodes. The easiest approach for you would likely be to simply adapt your code to have the visited nodes array point to the previous node in the path from each visited node. playground link
fn bfs(arr: [[i32; 10]; 10], target: i32) -> Option<Vec<(i32, i32)>> {
let mut visited = [[None; 10]; 10];
let mut queue: VecDeque<(i32, i32)> = VecDeque::new();
queue.push_back((0, 0));
// Put some filler into the first location
visited[0][0] = Some((0, 0));
while let Some((y, x)) = queue.pop_front() {
// Prind debug info
println!("\nExpanding ({}, {})", x, y);
for y in 0..visited.len() {
for x in 0..visited.len() {
if arr[y][x] == target && visited[y][x].is_some() {
print!("X ");
} else if visited[y][x].is_some() {
print!("0 ");
} else if arr[y][x] == 3 {
print!("# ");
} else {
print!(". ");
// Check if this position is the target
if arr[y as usize][x as usize] == target {
let mut path_taken = Vec::new();
path_taken.push((y, x));
let mut prev_x = x;
let mut prev_y = y;
while prev_x != 0 || prev_y != 0 {
let (py, px) = visited[prev_y as usize][prev_x as usize].unwrap();
path_taken.push((py, px));
prev_y = py;
prev_x = px;
return Some(path_taken.into_iter().rev().collect())
// Iterate over adjacent offsets
for (dx, dy) in &[(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)] {
// Check if offset is within bounds
if x + dx < 0
|| y + dy < 0
|| (y + dy) as usize >= arr.len()
|| (x + dx) as usize >= arr[(y + dy) as usize].len()
// Check if offset points to valid location
if arr[(y + dy) as usize][(x + dx) as usize] == 3 {
if visited[(y + dy) as usize][(x + dx) as usize].is_some() {
visited[(y + dy) as usize][(x + dx) as usize] = Some((y, x));
queue.push_back((y + dy, x + dx));
However, I personally prefer the approach of keeping track of the path taken in the queue to reduce the memory requirement for small paths. While it is not as true to your original question, my favorite version of this would be to write BFS in a way that better represents how it described mathematically using type parameters. playground link
fn bfs<N, F, R>(start: N, end: N, expand: F) -> Option<SearchPath<N>>
where N: Copy + Eq + Hash,
F: Fn(N) -> R,
R: IntoIterator<Item=N> {
let mut visited = HashSet::new();
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
queue.push_back(SearchPath(start, None));
while let Some(SearchPath(node, path)) = queue.pop_front() {
if node == end {
return Some(SearchPath(node, path))
let path = Rc::new(SearchPath(node, path.clone()));
for edge in expand(node) {
if !visited.contains(&edge) {
queue.push_back(SearchPath(edge, Some(path.clone())));
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SearchPath<N> (N, Option<Rc<SearchPath<N>>>);
impl<N: Debug> Debug for SearchPath<N> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match &self.1 {
Some(v) => write!(f, "{:?} -> {:?}", v, &self.0),
None => write!(f, "{:?}", &self.0)
Going further down the rabbit hole, we can do even more with this if we add some more type parameters. It may be a bit harder to read now, but what this lets us do is implement a bunch of different search approaches from graph theory using search as a base. Essentially, this new function search boils down the the core components of many search methods.
/// A general purpose graph search.
/// - start: Initial value to use in search queue
/// - expand: A function that takes a path, expands the edges of the top node,
/// then places the next elements in the queue according to the current search
/// approach. Additional ordering constraints may also be applied.
/// - next_node: A helper function which takes a path and evaluates if the search goal
/// has been reached. If the goal has been reached, None is returned and the current
/// path is returned. Otherwise, the top node in the given path is returned so
/// that it can be expanded.
fn search<N, P, F, R>(start: P, expand: F, next_node: R) -> Option<P>
N: Eq + Hash,
F: Fn(&P, &mut VecDeque<P>),
R: Fn(&P) -> Option<N>,
let mut visited = HashSet::new();
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(path) = queue.pop_front() {
let node = match next_node(&path) {
Some(v) => v,
None => return Some(path),
if visited.contains(&node) {
expand(&path, &mut queue);
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct WeightedSearchPath<N>(i32, N, Option<Rc<SearchPath<N>>>);
/// An example using search to find the most efficient path with weighted graph edges
fn weighted_search<N, F, R>(start: N, end: N, expand: F) -> Option<WeightedSearchPath<N>>
N: Copy + Eq + Hash,
F: Fn(N) -> R,
R: IntoIterator<Item=(i32, N)>,
WeightedSearchPath(0, start, None),
|WeightedSearchPath(cost, node, path), queue| {
let path = Rc::new(SearchPath(*node, path.clone()));
for (weight, edge) in expand(*node) {
queue.push_back(WeightedSearchPath(cost + weight, edge, Some(path.clone())));
queue.make_contiguous().sort_by_key(|x| x.0);
|WeightedSearchPath(_, node, _)| {
if *node == end {
return None;

Is there some way to set a window's focus without changing its relative zorder?

There is a bug in an application (IntelliJ IDEA) where it fails to honour focus follows mouse (X-mouse). When I move the mouse on top of IntelliJ, it flashes the window. I figure I could capture the flashing and just force it to have focus. Tried this using AHK. It almost worked (got the RegisterShellHookWindow to work and it would run the call back message), but I couldn't give the window focus using SetFocus, presumably because I was in a different process space? I've tried some other ways to give the window focus, but all seem to raise the window, which isn't acceptable.
Is there some manner which I could force a window to capture focus in a different process space or is this not possible due to some security restrictions?
Here is the AHK code (with debugging statements) if anyone is interested (though it doesn't have to be written in AHK):
; Register shell hook to detect flashing windows.
DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd)
OnMessage(DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "SHELLHOOK"), "ShellEvent")
FHex( int, pad=0 ) { ; Function by [VxE]. Formats an integer (decimals are truncated) as hex.
; "Pad" may be the minimum number of digits that should appear on the right of the "0x".
Static hx := "0123456789ABCDEF"
If !( 0 < int |= 0 )
Return !int ? "0x0" : "-" FHex( -int, pad )
s := 1 + Floor( Ln( int ) / Ln( 16 ) )
h := SubStr( "0x0000000000000000", 1, pad := pad < s ? s + 2 : pad < 16 ? pad + 2 : 18 )
u := A_IsUnicode = 1
Loop % s
NumPut( *( &hx + ( ( int & 15 ) << u ) ), h, pad - A_Index << u, "UChar" ), int >>= 4
Return h
FlashWindowEx(hWnd := 0, dwFlags := 0, uCount := 0, dwTimeout := 0) {
Static A64 := (A_PtrSize = 8 ? 4 : 0) ; alignment for pointers in 64-bit environment
Static cbSize := 4 + A64 + A_PtrSize + 4 + 4 + 4 + A64
VarSetCapacity(FLASHWINFO, cbSize, 0) ; FLASHWINFO structure
Addr := NumPut(cbSize, Addr + 0, 0, "UInt")
Addr := NumPut(hWnd, Addr + 0, A64, "Ptr")
Addr := NumPut(dwFlags, Addr + 0, 0, "UInt")
Addr := NumPut(uCount, Addr + 0, 0, "UInt")
Addr := NumPut(dwTimeout, Addr + 0, 0, "Uint")
Return DllCall("User32.dll\FlashWindowEx", "Ptr", &FLASHWINFO, "UInt")
SetFocus(HWND) {
While (HPREV := DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindow", "Ptr", HPREV, "UInt", 3, "UPtr")) ; GW_HWNDPREV = 3
If DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", HPREV, "UInt")
WinActivate, ahk_id %HWND%
DllCall("User32.dll\SetWindowPos", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", HPREV, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x0B)
ShellEvent(wParam, lParam) {
_wParam := FHex(wParam)
_lParam := FHex(lParam)
X := 0
Y := 0
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ToolTip % "1: (" . X . ", " . Y . ") Trying to activate " . _wParam . ", " . _lParam . ".", (X+1), (Y+1),1
if (wParam = 0x8006) ; HSHELL_FLASH
{ ; lParam contains the ID of the window which flashed:
;WinActivate, ahk_id %lParam%
DLLCall("User32.dll\SetFocus", "Ptr", lParam, "Ptr")
ToolTip % "2: (" . X . ", " . Y . ") Trying to activate " _wParam . ", " . _lParam . ".", (X+1), (Y+21),2

Use windows key as part of keyboard shortcut in Visual Studio 2017

I have a global hotkey (in AutoHotkey) that uses ctrl+alt+win+1, but Visual Studio 2017 registers this as ctrl+alt+1, causing a conflict between these two programs.
According to a previous question it is impossible to use # (windows) key as part of Visual Studio keyboard shortcut, but is there a way to have it not respond to commands that do use it?
It is difficult to say how to solved this, i can not see in your question what Ahk Script it is, but you can try, this on your Windows System:
1 - You can run a external Ahk Script (in the Background) [KeypressToReg.ahk] this Script can Scan All you Keyboard Movements and then put it into Only One [Windows Registry Key]
This is only a Simulation to Show you, that it Will Write the Keypress Value to a Single Register key.
2 - Then You can run Visual Studio 2017 and Look [What Value it is] if you press the key [Ctrl+Alt+Win+1]
(You can use this Ahk Script [ShowKeypressValue.ahk]) (Note - this script is only to let you see what Value it is.)
3 - Now you can Simple use that String Value "Ctrl + Alt + LWin + 1" without to must have using this ^!{LWin}1::, to execute any kind of Ahk Codes. (you can even Make a Short Script From Other Languages Like Visual Studio 2017, you only need to acces that registry key.)
RegRead, KeypressValue, HKEY_CURRENT_USER,software\GetKeypressValue,KeypressValue ; read KeypressValue
if (KeypressValue="Ctrl + Alt + LWin + 1")
; Here you can put the code.
;WriteReg_KeypressValue("He it Works")
#SingleInstance force
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -MaximizeBox
Gui, Add, Text, center y10 h50 w300 vVar, %KeypressValue%
Gui, Color, White
Gui, show
Gui, Font, s%size%
GuiControl, Font, var
RegRead, KeypressValue, HKEY_CURRENT_USER,software\GetKeypressValue,KeypressValue ; read KeypressValue
if (KeypressValue="Ctrl + Alt + LWin + 1")
; Here you can put the code.
;WriteReg_KeypressValue("He it Works")
sleep 50
GuiControl,, var, %KeypressValue%
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER,software\GetKeypressValue,KeypressValue,%a% ;Write the KeypressValue
; KeypressToReg.ahk comes from KeypressOSD.ahk By RaptorX
; The Changelog you will find it on the Bottom of the script.
;This code works with a getkeyname from a Dllcall (See Bottom Script- by Lexikos)
;you can press the esc key to exit.
#SingleInstance force
SetBatchLines, -1
ListLines, Off
; Settings
global TransN := 200 ; 0~255
global ShowSingleKey := True
global ShowMouseButton := True
global ShowSingleModifierKey := True
global ShowModifierKeyCount := true
global ShowStickyModKeyCount := false
global DisplayTime := 2000 ; In milliseconds
global GuiPosition := "Bottom" ; Top or Bottom
global FontSize := 50
global GuiHeight := 115
try {
key := GetKeyStr()
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -1 * DisplayTime
tickcount_start := A_TickCount
CreateGUI() {
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Owner +LastFound +E0x20
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Color, Black
Gui, Font, cWhite s%FontSize% bold, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, vHotkeyText Center y20
WinSet, Transparent, %TransN%
CreateHotkey() {
Loop, 95
k := Chr(A_Index + 31)
k := (k = " ") ? "Space" : k
Hotkey, % "~*" k, OnKeyPressed
Hotkey, % "~*" k " Up", _OnKeyUp
Loop, 24 ; F1-F24
Hotkey, % "~*F" A_Index, OnKeyPressed
Hotkey, % "~*F" A_Index " Up", _OnKeyUp
Loop, 10 ; Numpad0 - Numpad9
Hotkey, % "~*Numpad" A_Index - 1, OnKeyPressed
Hotkey, % "~*Numpad" A_Index - 1 " Up", _OnKeyUp
Otherkeys := "WheelDown|WheelUp|WheelLeft|WheelRight|XButton1|XButton2|Browser_Forward|Browser_Back|Browser_Refresh|Browser_Stop|Browser_Search|Browser_Favorites|Browser_Home|Volume_Mute|Volume_Down|Volume_Up|Media_Next|Media_Prev|Media_Stop|Media_Play_Pause|Launch_Mail|Launch_Media|Launch_App1|Launch_App2|Help|Sleep|PrintScreen|CtrlBreak|Break|AppsKey|NumpadDot|NumpadDiv|NumpadMult|NumpadAdd|NumpadSub|NumpadEnter|Tab|Enter|Esc|BackSpace"
. "|Del|Insert|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Up|Down|Left|Right|ScrollLock|CapsLock|NumLock|Pause|sc145|sc146|sc046|sc123"
Loop, parse, Otherkeys, |
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnKeyPressed
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField " Up", _OnKeyUp
If ShowMouseButton {
Loop, Parse, % "LButton|MButton|RButton", |
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnKeyPressed
for i, mod in ["Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt"] {
Hotkey, % "~*" mod, OnKeyPressed
Hotkey, % "~*" mod " Up", OnKeyUp
for i, mod in ["LWin", "RWin"]
Hotkey, % "~*" mod, OnKeyPressed
ShowHotkey(HotkeyStr) {
WinGetPos, ActWin_X, ActWin_Y, ActWin_W, ActWin_H, A
if !ActWin_W
text_w := (ActWin_W > A_ScreenWidth) ? A_ScreenWidth : ActWin_W
;GuiControl, , HotkeyText, %HotkeyStr%
;GuiControl, Move, HotkeyText, w%text_w% Center
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER,software\GetKeypressValue,KeypressValue,%HotkeyStr%
if (GuiPosition = "Top")
gui_y := ActWin_Y
gui_y := (ActWin_Y+ActWin_H) - 115 - 50
;Gui, Show, NoActivate x%ActWin_X% y%gui_y% h%GuiHeight% w%text_w%
GetKeyStr() {
static modifiers := ["Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt", "LWin", "RWin"]
static repeatCount := 1
for i, mod in modifiers {
if GetKeyState(mod)
prefix .= mod " + "
if (!prefix && !ShowSingleKey)
key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 3)
if (key ~= "i)^(Ctrl|Shift|Alt|LWin|RWin)$") {
if !ShowSingleModifierKey {
key := ""
prefix := RTrim(prefix, "+ ")
if ShowModifierKeyCount {
if !InStr(prefix, "+") && IsDoubleClickEx() {
if (A_ThisHotKey != A_PriorHotKey) || ShowStickyModKeyCount {
if (++repeatCount > 1) {
prefix .= " ( * " repeatCount " )"
} else {
repeatCount := 0
} else {
repeatCount := 1
} else {
if ( StrLen(key) = 1 ) {
key := GetKeyChar(key, "A")
} else if ( SubStr(key, 1, 2) = "sc" ) {
key := SpecialSC(key)
} else if (key = "LButton") && IsDoubleClick() {
key := "Double-Click"
_key := (key = "Double-Click") ? "LButton" : key
static pre_prefix, pre_key, keyCount := 1
global tickcount_start
if (prefix && pre_prefix) && (A_TickCount-tickcount_start < 300) {
if (prefix != pre_prefix) {
result := pre_prefix pre_key ", " prefix key
} else {
keyCount := (key=pre_key) ? (keyCount+1) : 1
key := (keyCount>2) ? (key " (" keyCount ")") : (pre_key ", " key)
} else {
keyCount := 1
pre_prefix := prefix
pre_key := _key
repeatCount := 1
return result ? result : prefix . key
SpecialSC(sc) {
static k := {sc046: "ScrollLock", sc145: "NumLock", sc146: "Pause", sc123: "Genius LuxeMate Scroll"}
return k[sc]
; by Lexikos -
GetKeyChar(Key, WinTitle:=0) {
thread := WinTitle=0 ? 0
: DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "ptr", WinExist(WinTitle), "ptr", 0)
hkl := DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "uint", thread, "ptr")
vk := GetKeyVK(Key), sc := GetKeySC(Key)
VarSetCapacity(state, 256, 0)
VarSetCapacity(char, 4, 0)
n := DllCall("ToUnicodeEx", "uint", vk, "uint", sc
, "ptr", &state, "ptr", &char, "int", 2, "uint", 0, "ptr", hkl)
return StrGet(&char, n, "utf-16")
IsDoubleClick(MSec = 300) {
Return (A_ThisHotKey = A_PriorHotKey) && (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < MSec)
IsDoubleClickEx(MSec = 300) {
preHotkey := RegExReplace(A_PriorHotkey, "i) Up$")
Return (A_ThisHotKey = preHotkey) && (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < MSec)
HideGUI() {
Gui, Hide
; ChangeLog : v2.22 (2017-02-25) - Now pressing the same combination keys continuously more than 2 times,
; for example press Ctrl+V 3 times, will displayed as "Ctrl + v (3)"
; v2.21 (2017-02-24) - Fixed LWin/RWin not poping up start menu
; v2.20 (2017-02-24) - Added displaying continuous-pressed combination keys.
; e.g.: With CTRL key held down, pressing K and U continuously will shown as "Ctrl + k, u"
; v2.10 (2017-01-22) - Added ShowStickyModKeyCount option
; v2.09 (2017-01-22) - Added ShowModifierKeyCount option
; v2.08 (2017-01-19) - Fixed a bug
; v2.07 (2017-01-19) - Added ShowSingleModifierKey option (default is True)
; v2.06 (2016-11-23) - Added more keys. Thanks to SashaChernykh.
; v2.05 (2016-10-01) - Fixed not detecting "Ctrl + ScrollLock/NumLock/Pause". Thanks to lexikos.
; v2.04 (2016-10-01) - Added NumpadDot and AppsKey
; v2.03 (2016-09-17) - Added displaying "Double-Click" of the left mouse button.
; v2.02 (2016-09-16) - Added displaying mouse button, and 3 settings (ShowMouseButton, FontSize, GuiHeight)
; v2.01 (2016-09-11) - Display non english keyboard layout characters when combine with modifer keys.
; v2.00 (2016-09-01) - Removed the "Fade out" effect because of its buggy.
; - Added support for non english keyboard layout.
; - Added GuiPosition setting.
; v1.00 (2013-10-11) - First release.

Autohotkey Fullscreening With Cmd.exe

Using ahk, what script can I use to fullscreen cmd on windows 7?
I have already managed to fullscreen with windows 10, but on windows 7 it looks like this.
However you can see the on the top and left side there are borders, I am using the following script.
WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A
IfWinExist %currentWindow%
WinSet, Style, ^0xC00000 ; toggle title bar
What can I do to make it work?
Perhaps you need to remove the border?
Try this:
/* YABT+ - Yet Another Borderless-Window Toggle
* by Barrow (March 30, 2012)
* rewritten by kon (May 16, 2014)
* updated by Hastarin (Dec 5, 2014)
* updated by WAZAAAAA (Sep 27, 2016)
* tested with AutoHotkey v1.1.24.01
WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A
IfWinExist %currentWindow%
Toggle_Window(Window:="") {
static A := Init()
if (!Window)
MouseGetPos,,, Window
WinGet, S, Style, % (i := "_" Window) ? "ahk_id " Window : ; Get window style
if (S & +0xC00000) { ; If not borderless
WinGet, IsMaxed, MinMax, % "ahk_id " Window
if (A[i, "Maxed"] := IsMaxed = 1 ? true : false)
WinRestore, % "ahk_id " Window
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, % "ahk_id " Window ; Store window size/location
for k, v in ["X", "Y", "W", "H"]
A[i, v] := %v%
Loop, % A.MCount { ; Determine which monitor to use
if (X >= A.Monitor[A_Index].Left
&& X < A.Monitor[A_Index].Right
&& Y >= A.Monitor[A_Index].Top
&& Y < A.Monitor[A_Index].Bottom) {
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % "ahk_id " Window ; Remove borders
WinSet, Style, -0x40000, % "ahk_id " Window ; Including the resize border
WinSet, ExStyle, -0x00000200, % "ahk_id " Window ;Also WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
; The following lines are the x,y,w,h of the maximized window
; ie. to offset the window 10 pixels up: A.Monitor[A_Index].Top - 10
WinMove, % "ahk_id " Window,
, A.Monitor[A_Index].Left ; X position
, A.Monitor[A_Index].Top ; Y position
, A.Monitor[A_Index].Right - A.Monitor[A_Index].Left ; Width
, A.Monitor[A_Index].Bottom - A.Monitor[A_Index].Top ; Height
else if (S & -0xC00000) { ; If borderless
WinSet, Style, +0x40000, % "ahk_id " Window ; Reapply borders
WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, % "ahk_id " Window
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x00000200, % "ahk_id " Window ;Also WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
WinMove, % "ahk_id " Window,, A[i].X, A[i].Y, A[i].W, A[i].H ; Return to original position
if (A[i].Maxed)
WinMaximize, % "ahk_id " Window
Init() {
A := {}
SysGet, n, MonitorCount
Loop, % A.MCount := n {
SysGet, Mon, Monitor, % i := A_Index
for k, v in ["Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom"]
A["Monitor", i, v] := Mon%v%
return A

a width of interval on each step of iteration

Tell me please , is in Mathematica a standard function which can find a width of interval?
I have to find it for each iteration.
(*Newton's method*)
step[f_, iter_, inter_] :=
Module[{x = Mean#First#(List ## inter)//N},
Print["Iteration ", iter, ".\n", "Interval is: ", inter,
"; \nx0_=", x, "; \nf(x0_)=", f[x], "; \nf'(interval)=", f'[inter],
";","\nIntervalsWidth=",(*??????????*),"\nX1=",IntervalIntersection[inter, x - (f[x])/(f'[inter])]]; IntervalIntersection[inter, x - (f[x])/(f'[inter])]]
newton[f_, inter0_, eps_] :=
Module[{iter = 0},
N#Mean#First#(List ##
NestWhile[(++iter; step[f, iter, #]) &, inter0,
Abs[Subtract ## First#(List ## #)] > eps &])];
f[x_] := x*x - 8*x + 7 ;
inter := Interval[{5, 17}] ;
newton[f, inter, 0.00001];
//////tried to do
(*Newton's method*)
step[f_, iter_, {a_, b_}] :=
Module[{inter = Interval[{a, b}],x =(a+b)/2},
Print["Iteration ", iter, ".\n", "Interval is: ", inter,";\nIntervalsWidth=",b-a,
"; \nx0_=", x, "; \nf(x0_)=", f[x], "; \nf'(interval)=", f'[inter],
";","\nX1=",IntervalIntersection[inter, x - (f[x])/(f'[inter])]]; IntervalIntersection[inter, x - (f[x])/(f'[inter])]]
newton[f_, {a_, b_}, eps_] :=
Module[{iter = 0},
N#Mean#First#(List ##
NestWhile[(++iter; step[f, iter, #]) &, {a,b},
Abs[b-a] > eps &])];
f[x_] := x*x - 8*x + 7 ;
newton[f, {5, 17}, 0.00001];
