gimp script to square multiple images, maintaining aspect ratio and minimum dimensions - image

I have hundreds of jpgs of varying sizes (e.g. 2304px x 2323px).
In gimp I can use a batch filter to change these to certain sizes, relative or absolute. But for some configurations I have to do the following manually, which for all the images takes forever:
Change the size of the shortest side to 500px, maintaining the aspect ratio so the longer side is at least 500px. So if the image was 1000 x 1200, it will now be 500 x 600. The images come in both portrait and landscape.
Change the canvas size so the image is a 500px x 500px square, centered. This will cut off part of the image (which is fine, most images are almost square anyway).
Export the file with a -s appended to the file name.
Is there a script I can use to automate these steps?

Something like this in ImageMagick. It's not as hard as it looks as most of it is comment. Try to on a COPY of your files - it does all the JPEGs in the current directory.
shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s nocaseglob
for f in *.jpg; do
echo Processing $f...
# Get width and height
read w h < <(convert "$f" -format "%w %h" info: )
echo Width: $w, Height: $h
# Determine new name, by stripping extension and adding "s"
echo New name: $new
# Determine lesser of width and height
if [ $w -lt $h ]; then
convert "$f" -resize $geom -gravity center -crop 500x500+0+0! "$new"

Unless you find your way with gimp, you may want to look into ImageMagick: the mogrify tool allows to modify and resize images.
Beware: mogrify will overwrite your file, unless you use stdin/stdout. You probably want a script like this:
for image in `ls /your/path/*jpg`; do
mogrify -resize ... - < "$image" > "${image%%.png}-s.jpg"


Only cropping/appending a subset of images from an image sequence

I have a numbered image sequence that I need to crop and append, but only certain frame ranges.
Example, sequence of 100 images named as follows:
Sometimes might only need to crop and append images 20-30, or other time, 5-75.
How can I specify a range? Simply outputting to a PNG.
For examle, if you want to pick the jpg files in the range of 20-30
and generate a png file appending them, would you please try:
declare -a input # an array to store jpg filenames
for i in $(seq 20 30); do # loop between 20 and 30
input+=( "$(printf "frame%03d.jpg" "$i")" ) # append the filename one by one to the array
echo convert -append "${input[#]}" "output.png" # generate a png file appending the files
If the output command looks good, drop echo.
If you are unsure how to run a bash script and prefer a one-liner, please try instead:
declare -a input; for i in $(seq 20 30); do input+=( "$(printf "frame%03d.jpg" "$i")" ); done; echo convert -append "${input[#]}" "output.png"
If you want to crop the images with e.g. 720x480+300+200,
then please try:
declare -a input
for i in $(seq 20 30); do
input+=( "$(printf "frame%03d.jpg" "$i")" )
convert "${input[#]}" -crop 720x480+300+200 -append "output.png"
The order of options and filenames doesn't matter here, but I have followed
the modern style of ImageMagick usage to place the input filenames first.

sed to manipulate output of imagemagick in bash

I'm trying to write a bash script to trim the scanner white space around some old photos that were scanned in ages ago. I've got hundreds of photos so I'm not doing it manually.
Fred's imagemagick scripts don't manage to select the appropriate area.
I am no programmer so please dont be too offended by my terrible attempts at scripting!
I've found a combination of commands using imagemagick that does it.
first I use a blurring filter to confuse imagemagick into correctly selecting the photo size:
convert input -virtual-pixel edge -blur 0x15 -fuzz 15% -trim info:
This spits out data as follows:
0001.jpeg JPEG 3439x2437 4960x6874+1521+115 8-bit DirectClass 0.070u 0:00.009
I then use the numbers to do a crop which has been very accurate on my scans. The following is an example using the numbers from above.
convert inputfile -crop 3439x2437+1521+115 +repage outputfile
My problem is in writing the bash file to go through a directory of pictures and automate the process.
Here's what I have so far:
ls *.jpeg > list
cat list | while read line; do
convert $line -virtual-pixel edge -blur 0x15 -fuzz 15% -trim info: > blurtrim.txt
#need a line to manipulate the output of the above to spit out the crop coordinates for the next command
convert $line -crop $crop +repage trim$line.jpeg
rm blurtext.txt
rm crop.txt
rm list
The key bit I can't do is changing the string output of the first imagemagick command.
the file goes along the lines of:
input fileformat 1111x2222 3333x4444+5555+666 and then a load of crap i dont care about
the numbers I need in my script are:
the cherry on the top is that while most of the numbers are four digits long not all of them are so I cant rely on that.
any ideas on how to use sed or preferably something else less demonic to get the above numbers in my script?
an explanation of the syntax would be nice (but i understand if the explantion is the size of a book then its best left out).
thanks in advance!
You don't need to parse anything! ImageMagick can tell you the trim box directly itself, using the %# format:
convert image.jpg -virtual-pixel edge -blur 0x15 -fuzz 15% -format "%#" info:
So, you can say:
trimbox=$(convert image.jpg -virtual-pixel edge -blur 0x15 -fuzz 15% -format "%#" info:)
convert image.jpg -crop $trimbox ...
Benefits include the fact that this approach works on Windows too, where there is no sed.
So, the full solution would be something like:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in *.jpeg; do
trimbox=$(convert "$f" -virtual-pixel edge -blur 0x15 -fuzz 15% -format "%#" info:)
convert "$f" -crop "$trimbox" +repage "trimmed-$f"
This will parse your file line by line, extract the desired parameters, concatenate them together, and use it as the argument value to 'crop' for the convert program:
regex='([0-9]+x[0-9]+) [0-9]+x[0-9]+\+([0-9]+\+[0-9]+)'
while read line
if [[ $line =~ $regex ]]
convert inputfile -crop $cropParam +repage outputfile
echo "ERROR: Line was not in the expected format ($line)"
exit 1;
done < blurtrim.txt
The regex variable holds a regular expression (brief introduction to regular expressions in bash here: which describes the format of the numbers you describe in your question. The () around parts of the pattern denotes something called a capture group. If the pattern matches, the part that is in the first () is captured in a bash variable BASH_REMATCH[1], and the second () is captured in BASH_REMATCH[2]. BASH_REMATCH[0] contains the whole match, in case you're wondering why we start at index 1.
The line [[ $line =~ $regex ]] is what actually executes the pattern matching algorithm for us. In Bash [[ is called the extended test command, and the operator =~ is called the regular expression matching operator. This article explains the operator in more detail:
I would propose a similar solution to Jonathan:
re='([0-9x]+) [0-9x]+(\+[0-9+]+)'
for file in *.jpeg; do
output=$(convert "$file" -virtual-pixel edge -blur 0x15 -fuzz 15% -trim info:)
if [[ $output =~ $re ]]; then
convert "$file" -crop "$crop" +repage "trim$file.jpeg"
The regular expression captures any group containing characters within the range 0-9 or x and then a + followed by numbers and + characters. It is a less strict pattern as it includes the x and + inside the bracket expressions, so technically would allow things like 0x9x9x0 but I can't imagine that this would present a problem based on the output you've shown us.
The other differences between this and your original attempt are that no temporary files are created and the loop is run over the list of files, rather than using ls, the parsing of which should generally be avoided in scripts.

ImageMagick change image width and height

I am using ImageMagick to resize image resolution by using below command-line option
convert abc.png -set units PixelsPerInch -density 75 abc_a.png
I am in need of this: if any images has more than 300 width OR more than 100 height, I want to convert it to width 300 width and 100 height, with changing above dpi (i.e. 75dpi).
Can any one help me on this?
If you are on Linux/OSX, you can get the image dimensions like this:
identify -format "%w %h" input.jpg
So, if you want the width and height in variables w and h, do this:
read w h < <(identify -format "%w %h" input.jpg)
Now you can test the width and height and do further processing if necessary:
[ $w -gt 300 -o $h -gt 100 ] && convert input.jpg -set units ...
Or, if you want to be more verbose:
if [ $w -gt 300 -o $h -gt 100 ]; then
convert ...
So, the total solution I am proposing looks like this:
read w h < <(identify -format "%w %h" input.jpg)
[ $w -gt 300 -o $h -gt 100 ] && convert input.jpg -set units ...
JPEG or PNG makes no difference, so just replace my JPG with PNG if that is the format of your choice.
Updated for Windows
Ok, no-one else is helping so I will get out my (very) rusty Windows skills. Get the image width something like this under Windows:
identify -format "%w" input.png > w.txt
set /p w=<w.txt
Now get the height:
identify -format "%h" input.png > h.txt
set /p h=<h.txt
You should now have the width and height of image input.png in 2 variables, w and h, check by typing
echo %w%
echo %h%
Now you need to do some IF statements:
if %w% LEQ 300 GOTO SKIP
if %h% LEQ 100 GOTO SKIP
convert ....
Note:: You may need ^ in front of the percent sign in Windows.
Note: You may need double # signs in scripts because Windows is illogical.
You cannot control the -density and the width plus height at the same time!
Density (or resolution), when creating an image, will automatically resize the image to a certain number of pixels in width and height (or it will have been ignored).
Density (or resolution), when displaying an image (like in a browser window, within a HTML page, or on a PDF page), will not change the original images dimensions: instead it will zoom in or zoom out the respective view on the image.
Density (or resolution), when used in the metadata of an image (which is not supported by every file format), does not change the image dimensions -- it just gives a hint to the displaying software, at what zoom level the image wants to be displayed (which is not supported by every image viewer).
Now to your question...
Try this command:
convert abc.png -scale 300x100\> abc_a.png
This will scale the image only if
either the original image's width is larger than 300 pixels,
or the original image's height is larger than 100 pixels.
The scaling will preserve the aspect ratio of the original image. -- Is this what you are looking for?
If the image is smaller, then no scaling will happen and abc_a.png will have the original dimensions.
If you want to *emphatically scale the image to 300x100, no matter what, and loose the aspect ratio, bearing with some distortion of the original image, the use:
convert abc.png -scale 300x100\! abc_b.png
(However, this will also scale smaller images...)

imagemagick font metrics -- how to place a text in a grid?

let's have a look at the following image:
I have a horizontal grid and i want to place a text in this grid. The above example is wrong, because what i would like to have is that each character is placed exactly in one of the cells of the grid.
I wonder, if i can adjust the text-output in imagemagick to achieve this, without having to place each of the characters with it's own command.
Some additional facts:
i am using imagemagick from some shell script
i am doing rather complex drawings with imagemagick's MVG -- so it would be nice if the text could be still placed with the MVG commands
i am able to adjust the width of the grid by a few pixel, if this would be required with your solution, but all cells of course need to have the same width
i am always using the same fixed-width font (Courier) for this
i am able parse the font-metrics in my shell script and use this information to apply values to my text-commands
i only care about horizontal placement, vertical placement is not important because i render each row individual
With all this in mind -- is there any solution for my problem?
Thanks a lot!
You can use the kerning option - setting inter-character spacing.
for i in 0 3 6 9 12 15
convert -kerning $i -font Courier -pointsize 24 label:":Kerning $i:" label_$i.jpg
will generate the following images. You must simply find the right kerning value for match the grid. (for monospaced font - like your Courier)
If you have a non mono-typed font that you want to force into a grid, you can use this script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm test*png
chr() {
case "$1" in
64 ) echo '\#' ;;
92 ) echo '\\' ;;
* ) printf \\$(printf '%03o' $1)
for i in {32..127}; do
c=$( chr $i )
echo -n "$c: "
convert -background transparent -density 90 -pointsize 12 -gravity center -font "$font" label:"$c" -extent $gridsize test-$i.png
convert test-{32..127}.png +append test.png

Shell script for adjusting image size

Is there a way to adjust all image sizes in a directory?
If I set the max size to 800x600 it will make larger ones smaller and leave smaller ones at their original size.
for img in *.png; do
convert "$img" "800x600>" $(basename "$img" .png)_new.png
convert is from ImageMagick. ">" says it's only resized if larger. See here for its other options.
image magick package needs to be installed:
mogrify -resize 320x240 *.jpg
where 320 = width, 240 = height
or you can just leave width parameter:
mogrify -resize 320 *.jpg
and rest will be taken care of.
Various packages exist for command line or script driven manipulation of image files.
I'd suggest looking at netpbm, or ImageMagick. Personally I prefer the former as it's far simpler to use.
