Can't import dump from mapped net drive using data pump - oracle

I'm trying to import few users from .dmp file from a net drive. Unofrtunately it seems that I lack some rights to do so since I get
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-31640: unable to open dump file "\\net\drive\directory\placeholder\my_dump.dmp" for read
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 5) Access is denied.
I'm not sure why, because I can both access that directory, and for example save a txt file there.
Directory is saved on database as '\net\drive\directory\placeholder'. Log file has other directory specified (not on net drive).
Is there any workaround to import this dump without actually moving it to local drive? Dump is really big, and I don't have space for it (not even close) and neither can I (probably) change my rights on this mapped drive.
Also I can't really make dump smaller.
On one site I've found this advice - " Remember, your OS user ID may not be the ID that is running a submitted RMAN job, in an operating system, UNIX, Linux or Windows."
The solution was to "
In the ControlPanel services:
Right click on service
Select ?properties?
Select ?logon?
Change the default user ID to an Oracle user with Windows administrator privileges"
But I'm not sure what changing this would actually do to server/database, and I'm working on client's server so I don't want to act rashly. I also don't want to reset database or server itself.
Any help with what should I do?

The problem is that your Oracle instance is running under different user account which doesn't have an access to the network drive.
Unless you don't want to run Oracle under different account, you can give the read access to the current Oracle's instance user account (usually LocalSystem for Windows platform) to your network share. Another option could be to import data from the source database via dblink (you won't need dump file in this case at all)


Open dbf file from oracle database

My instructor gave me a username and password and .dbf file and tell me to open it and try to retrieve with sqlplus and oracle database
I tried to open the dbf file from excel mysql and ms server but it i gave me an error
Speaking as a DBA: As Littlefoot stated, you can't just read a data file from an Oracle DB. At best they are proprietary binary file formats, assuming it isn't encrypted on top of that. Nor can you take a data file from one database instance and just plug it in to another database instance. You also can't import it to mySQL or any other database engine: as a stand-alone data file it can only be properly read by its original database installation (i.e. the specific database instance that created it).
Oracle has specific tools available to copy data and/or files from one database to another, but those would generally use the RMAN backup manager (used to make physical backups) or (more likely in your case) the Datapump "Transportable Tablespace" feature.
To restore it from an RMAN backup you would need a complete full backup of the entire source database instance: RMAN backup sets including all data files, redo logs (and perhaps archived logs), control files, parameter files, encryption keys,, and possibly more.
To restore a transportable tablespace dump you would need your own running Oracle database instance, the correct parameters to run the impdp import utility, and the assistance/cooperation of the DBA.
You need to confirm if the file you were given is such an export dump (though the .dbf file extension would suggest not), and how you are expected to access the data. You won't be able to just "open the file".
.DBF extension probably represents datafile; I don't think you can read it with any tool (at least, I don't know of any).
You should find an Oracle DBA who might try to help; in order to restore a database (which is contained in that file), they might need control file(s), redo log files and ... can't name what other files (I'm not a DBA).
Then, if everything goes OK, database might be started up so that you'd be able to connect to it using credentials you were given.

Can I Restore data from ORACLE datafiles folder?

my server had been attacked by a ransomware .rapid and all my data had been encrypted , luckily for me the oracle home folder is not encrypted - yet - and most of the files including the datafiles folder and tablespaces are still accessible
Can any One please tell me how to recover my database objects?
no backup is available , only oracle home folder -most of it-
The System is broken , I am trying to know witch files to collect and copy that will enable me to recover my database files from another system
when I try to log into sqlplus throw cmd I get the following error :
'sqlplus' is not recognized as an internal or external command ,
operable program or batch file.
Okay. If you can find an init.ora file on your server, that's the PFILE - initialization parameter file - that's the last thing missing to easily copy your database to a new server. If you can't find it, that's ok - it'll just be a little harder. As long as you have the datafiles, you can eventually get your database back.
Basically, you'll want to follow steps 2-8 in the link I posted. You can also find some helpful info in the Oracle guide to manually creating a database in Windows. I'll walk you through them.
Shutdown your old database (if it's still running). This will make sure your datafiles are in a consistent state for copying. Probably stopping the Windows Service would be the easiest way to do that if you can't access sqlplus.
Copy the data to your new server. I'm assuming it'll be in the same location, D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\
Make a copy of the control file CONTROL01.CTL and name it create_db.sql (EDIT: I was assuming that this was a backup to trace ascii version of the control file, but it sounds like this is the binary file)
Edit create_db.sql. Where it says CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE "MY_DB" NORESETLOGS, change it to CREATE CONTROLFILE SET DATABASE "MY_DB" RESETLOGS. Make note of whatever "MY_DB" is - this is your database name. Most people make it the same as the SID. I normally do RESETLOGS which throws out the old redo logs, but you could try keeping them with NORESETLOGS if that works for you.
Remove or comment out the lines that say RECOVER DATABASE and ALTER DATABASE OPEN;. Make sure the paths for the datafiles and logfiles look correct. Save the file.
If you couldn't find your init.ora to copy, I think this very minimal one will work for you, although you'll want to fix your memory settings later. Create it in the same folder.
CONTROL_FILES = ("D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\CONTROL01.CTL")
Create an Oracle Database Windows Service. Afterwards check Services to make sure it's running.
oradim -NEW -SID MY_DB -STARTMODE manual -PFILE "D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\init.ora"
Log in to your new Oracle instance as SYSDBA. There's no database yet.
cd D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\
sqlplus / as sysdba
Create the database, using the control file from the old server as a script.
If everything comes back OK, run:
alter database open

Oracle Data Pump Transfer Between Databases

I have a specific need for data pump and I am having a hard time searching for a solution.
Currently, I have a exp/imp program that exports tables (selectively based on queries) from one database, and imports that same data into another database. This program and the dump files reside on a common server that can access both the source and destination databases. This is a totally automated process. It works good, albeit slowly.
Due to various reasons, I must migrate this program to use data pump. The biggest change now is the location of the dmp files. I also have very limited access to the database servers themselves, but I can run data pump.
The process will be run from the same common server, but the exported files will now reside on the database server for the source database. No issue there. I can create dmp files using expdp.
My issue is how to get that same data into the destination database. When I run impdp, it is expecting a data_pump_dir in the destination area (not source area). Again, this is automated, and I don't have the luxury of being able to transfer dmp files using scp or ftp or anything like that.
What can I use to overcome this problem using datapump?
No reason you cannot configure an external directory on BOTH databases:
CREATE DIRECTORY mydumpdir AS '/whatever/the/path/is';
Then, impdp and expdp will take the DIRECTORY argument as mydumpdir
Make sure you configure permissions for the Oracle schemas/users to read/write to the directory AND the oracle process account should have OS level rights to read/write to that location also. The expdp server should also have write access as it might be trying to write reports to the locations or you might be using to do file cleanup.

Privileges for Oracle Directory

I am trying BFILE functionality in Oracle. My plan is all the files should be stored in file server, whose IP is
Based on this I created a directory in my local PC database like this
create directory TEST_DIR as `\\\c\ATTACH_FILES\STUDENT`
Directory is created. My doubt is being my db system and file server are in different locations so should I give any other privileges in Oracle?
Please give your opinion as Bfile is not working properly for me.
Note, my database server and file server are both Windows.
"My doubt is being my db system and file server in different locations "
That's a very good doubt to have. The database can only access OS directories on its local server, and directories which have been shared with that server. So you will need to share your file server directory using System Tools > Shared Folders > Shares.
As the database server is Windows you will need to map the shared directory if it isn't mapped already. The mapping must be owned by the OS user that owns the Oracle database, or the mapping owner must grant permissions to Oracle OS user( or its group). So that requires sysadmin access. Find out more. Also you may have to bounce the database.

export and import schema using expdp and impdp

I use this tuotrial to export/import schema. The steps in the tutorial are working until the expdp command, see the screenshot:
I am using oracle12c. Any Idea?
The article you linked to notes that:
The directory object is only a pointer to a physical directory, creating it does not actually create the physical directory on the file system of the database server.
You have to create the physical operating system directory separately, outside the database. That physical directory has to be readable and writable by the operating system user that is running the Oracle database; as you seem to be on Windows that will be the account the services are running under.
You can create the physical directory before or after creating the directory object as they are completely independent, except when Oracle is trying to access it through a UTL_FILE or related activity - data pump uses UTL_FILE, as you can see from the error message stack.
The CREATE DIRECTORY doesn't check that the physical directory it points to exists; and you can delete or create the physical directory without Oracle noticing; as long as it is there are accessible when you try to use it.
From the Oracle documentation:
A directory object specifies an alias for a directory on the server file system ...
For file storage, you must also create a corresponding operating system directory, an Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group, or a directory within an Oracle ASM disk group. Your system or database administrator must ensure that the operating system directory has the correct read and write permissions for Oracle Database processes.
Privileges granted for the directory are created independently of the permissions defined for the operating system directory, and the two may or may not correspond exactly. For example, an error occurs if sample user hr is granted READ privilege on the directory object but the corresponding operating system directory does not have READ permission defined for Oracle Database processes.
