I'm porting over a grammar from flex/bison, and mostly seem to have everything up and running (in particular, my token stream seems fine, and my parser grammar is compiling and running), but seem to be running into problems of runaway stack/memory usage even with very small/moderate sized inputs to my grammar. What is the preferred construct for chaining together an unbounded sequence of the same nonterminal? In my Bison grammar I had production rules of the form:
statements: statement | statement statements
words: | word words
In ANTLR, if I maintain the same rule setup, this seems to perform admirably on small inputs (on the order of 4kB), but leads to stack overflow on larger inputs (on the order of 100kB). In both cases the automated parse tree produced is also rather ungainly.
I experimented with changing these production rules to have an explicitly additive (rather than recursive form):
statements: statement+
words: word*
However this seems to have lead to absolutely horrific blowup in memory usage (upwards of 1GB) on even very small inputs, and the parser has not yet managed to return a parse tree after 20 minutes of letting it run.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Your rewritten statements are the optimal ANTLR 4 form of the two rules you described (highest performing and minimum memory usage). Here is some general feedback regarding the issues you describe.
I developed some very advanced diagnostic code for numerous potential performance problems. Much of this code is included in TestPerformance, but it is geared towards expert users and requires a rather deep understanding of ANTLR 4's new ALL(*) algorithm to interpret the results.
Terence and I are interested in turning the above into a tool that users can make use of. I may be able to help (run and interpret the test) if you provide a complete grammar and example inputs, so that I can use that grammar and input pair as part of evaluating the usability of a tool further down the road that automates the analysis.
Make sure you are using the two-stage parsing strategy from the book. In many cases, this will vastly improve the parsing performance for correct inputs (incorrect inputs would not be faster).
We don't like to use more memory than necessary, but you should be aware that we are working under a very different definition of "excessive" - e.g. we run our testing applications with -Xmx4g to -Xmx12g, depending on the test.
Okay, so I've gotten it working, in the following manner. My YACC grammar had the following constructions:
lines: lines | line lines;
words: | word words;
However, this did not make the recursive parsing happy, so I rewrote it as:
lines: line+;
words: word*;
Which is in line with #280Z28's feedback (and my original guess). This hung the parser, which is why I posted the question in the first place, but the debugging procedure outlined in my comments to #280Z28's answer showed that in fact it was only the lines parsing which was causing the problem (words) was fine. On a whim, I tried the following rewrite:
lines : stmt (EOL stmt)+ EOL*;
(where line had originally been defined as:
line : stmt (EOL | EOF);
This seems to be working quite well, even for large inputs. However it is entirely unclear to me WHY this is the Right Thing To Do(tm), or why it makes a difference compared to the revision which prompted this question. Any feedback on this matter would still be appreciated.
I'm working on a slot-machine mini-game application. The rules for what constitutes a winning prize are rather complex (n of a kind, n of any kind, specific sequences), and to make matters even more complicated, this code should work for a slot-machine with (n >= 3) reels.
So, after some thought, I believe defining a context-free language is the most efficient and extensible way to go. This way I could define the grammar in an XML file.
So my question is, given a string of symbols S, how do I go about testing if S is in a given Context-Free Language? Would I simply exhaust rules until I'm out of valid rules/symbols, or is there a known algorithm that could help. Thanks.
Also, a language like this seems non-regular, am I correct? I've never been good at proofs, so I've avoided trying.
Any comments on my approach would be appreciated as well.
"...given a string of symbols S, how do I go about testing if S is in
a given Context-Free Language?"
If a string w is in L(G); the process of finding a sequence of production rules of G by which w is derived is call parsing. So, you have to create a parse tree to search for some derivation. To do this you perform an exhaustive Breadth-First-Search. There is a serious issue that arises: The searching process may never terminate. To prevent endless searches you have to transform the grammer into what is known as normal form.
"Also, a language like this seems non-regular, am I correct?"
Not necessarily. Every regular language is context-free (because it can be described by a CTG), but not every context-free language is regular.
General cases of context free grammers are hard to evaluate.
However, there are methods to parse grammers in subsets of the context free grammers.
For example: SLR and LL grammers are often used by compilers to parse programming languages, which are also context free languages. To use these, your grammer must be in one of these "families" (remember - there are infinite number of grammers for each context free language).
Some practical tools you might want to use that are generally used for compilers are JavaCC in java and bison in C++.
(If I remember correctly, Bison is SLR parser and JavaCC is LL Parser, but I could be wrong)
For a specific slot machine, with n slots and k symbols - the language is definetly regular, since there are at most kn "words" in it, and every finite language is regular. Things obviously get compilcated if you are looking for a grammer for all slot machines.
Your best bet is to actually code this with a proper programming language. A CFG is overkill, because it can be extremely hard to code some, as you say, "rather complex" rules. For example, grammars are poorly suited to talking about the number of things.
For example, how would you code "the number of cherries is > the number of any other object" in such a language? How would the person you're giving the program to do so? CFGs cannot easily express such concepts, and regular expressions cannot sanely do so by any stretch.
The answer is that grammars are not right for this task, unless the slot machines is trying to make English sentences.
You also have to consider what happens when TWO or more "prize sequences" match! Assuming you want to give out the highest prize, you need an ordered list of recognizers. This is not to say you can't code your recognizers with (for example) regular expressions in addition to arbitrary functions. I'm just saying that general CFG parsing is overkill, because what CFGs get you over regular languages (i.e. regular expressions) is the ability to consider parse trees of arbitrary depth (like nested parentheses of level N or more), which is probably not what you care about.
This is not to say that you don't, for example, want to allow regular expressions. You can make that job easy by using a parser generator to recognize regexes involving cherries bananas and pears, see, which you can then embed, though you might want to simply roll your own recursive descent parser (assuming again you don't care about CFGs, especially if your tokens are bounded length).
For example, here is how I might implement it in pseudocode (ideally you'd use a statically typechecked language with good list manipulation, which I can't think of off the top of my head):
rules = []
function Rule(name, code) { = name
this.code = code
rules.push(this) # adds them in order
Rule("All the same", regex(.*))
Rule("No two-in-a-row", function(list, counts) {
not regex(.{2}).match(list)
Rule("More cherries than anything else", function(list, counts) {
counts[cherries]>counts[x] for all x in counts
for token in [cherry, banana, ...]:
Rule("At least 50% "+token, function(list, counts){
counts[token] >= list.length/2
Evolutionary programming seems to be a great way to solve many optimization problems. The idea is very easy and the implementation does not make problems.
I was wondering if there is any way to evolutionarily create a program in ruby/python script (or any other language)?
The idea is simple:
Create a population of programs
Perform genetic operations (roulette-wheel selection or any other selection), create new programs with inheritance from best programs, etc.
Loop point 2 until program that will satisfy our condition is found
But there are still few problems:
How will chromosomes be represented? For example, should one cell of chromosome be one line of code?
How will chromosomes be generated? If they will be lines of code, how do we generate them to ensure that they are syntactically correct, etc.?
Example of a program that could be generated:
Create script that takes N numbers as input and returns their mean as output.
If there were any attempts to create such algorithms I'll be glad to see any links/sources.
If you are sure you want to do this, you want genetic programming, rather than a genetic algorithm. GP allows you to evolve tree-structured programs. What you would do would be to give it a bunch of primitive operations (while($register), read($register), increment($register), decrement($register), divide($result $numerator $denominator), print, progn2 (this is GP speak for "execute two commands sequentially")).
You could produce something like this:
progn2( #add the input to the total
progn2( #increment number of values entered, read again
progn2( #calculate result
divide($1 $2 $3)
You would use, as your fitness function, how close it is to the real solution. And therein lies the catch, that you have to calculate that traditionally anyway*. And then have something that translates that into code in (your language of choice). Note that, as you've got a potential infinite loop in there, you'll have to cut off execution after a while (there's no way around the halting problem), and it probably won't work. Shucks. Note also, that my provided code will attempt to divide by zero.
*There are ways around this, but generally not terribly far around it.
It can be done, but works very badly for most kinds of applications.
Genetic algorithms only work when the fitness function is continuous, i.e. you can determine which candidates in your current population are closer to the solution than others, because only then you'll get improvements from one generation to the next. I learned this the hard way when I had a genetic algorithm with one strongly-weighted non-continuous component in my fitness function. It dominated all others and because it was non-continuous, there was no gradual advancement towards greater fitness because candidates that were almost correct in that aspect were not considered more fit than ones that were completely incorrect.
Unfortunately, program correctness is utterly non-continuous. Is a program that stops with error X on line A better than one that stops with error Y on line B? Your program could be one character away from being correct, and still abort with an error, while one that returns a constant hardcoded result can at least pass one test.
And that's not even touching on the matter of the code itself being non-continuous under modifications...
Well this is very possible and #Jivlain correctly points out in his (nice) answer that genetic Programming is what you are looking for (and not simple Genetic Algorithms).
Genetic Programming is a field that has not reached a broad audience yet, partially because of some of the complications #MichaelBorgwardt indicates in his answer. But those are mere complications, it is far from true that this is impossible to do. Research on the topic has been going on for more than 20 years.
Andre Koza is one of the leading researchers on this (have a look at his 1992 work) and he demonstrated as early as 1996 how genetic programming can in some cases outperform naive GAs on some classic computational problems (such as evolving programs for Cellular Automata synchronization).
Here's a good Genetic Programming tutorial from Koza and Poli dated 2003.
For a recent reference you might wanna have a look at A field guide to genetic programming (2008).
Since this question was asked, the field of genetic programming has advanced a bit, and there have been some additional attempts to evolve code in configurations other than the tree structures of traditional genetic programming. Here are just a few of them:
PushGP - designed with the goal of evolving modular functions like human coders use, programs in this system store all variables and code on different stacks (one for each variable type). Programs are written by pushing and popping commands and data off of the stacks.
FINCH - a system that evolves Java byte-code. This has been used to great effect to evolve game-playing agents.
Various algorithms have started evolving C++ code, often with a step in which compiler errors are corrected. This has had mixed, but not altogether unpromising results. Here's an example.
Avida - a system in which agents evolve programs (mostly boolean logic tasks) using a very simple assembly code. Based off of the older (and less versatile) Tierra.
The language isn't an issue. Regardless of the language, you have to define some higher-level of mutation, otherwise it will take forever to learn.
For example, since any Ruby language can be defined in terms of a text string, you could just randomly generate text strings and optimize that. Better would be to generate only legal Ruby programs. However, it would also take forever.
If you were trying to build a sorting program and you had high level operations like "swap", "move", etc. then you would have a much higher chance of success.
In theory, a bunch of monkeys banging on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time will output all the works of Shakespeare. In practice, it isn't a practical way to write literature. Just because genetic algorithms can solve optimization problems doesn't mean that it's easy or even necessarily a good way to do it.
The biggest selling point of genetic algorithms, as you say, is that they are dirt simple. They don't have the best performance or mathematical background, but even if you have no idea how to solve your problem, as long as you can define it as an optimization problem you will be able to turn it into a GA.
Programs aren't really suited for GA's precisely because code isn't good chromossome material. I have seen someone who did something similar with (simpler) machine code instead of Python (although it was more of an ecossystem simulation then a GA per se) and you might have better luck if you codify your programs using automata / LISP or something like that.
On the other hand, given how alluring GA's are and how basically everyone who looks at them asks this same question, I'm pretty sure there are already people who tried this somewhere - I just have no idea if any of them succeeded.
Good luck with that.
Sure, you could write a "mutation" program that reads a program and randomly adds, deletes, or changes some number of characters. Then you could compile the result and see if the output is better than the original program. (However we define and measure "better".) Of course 99.9% of the time the result would be compile errors: syntax errors, undefined variables, etc. And surely most of the rest would be wildly incorrect.
Try some very simple problem. Say, start with a program that reads in two numbers, adds them together, and outputs the sum. Let's say that the goal is a program that reads in three numbers and calculates the sum. Just how long and complex such a program would be of course depends on the language. Let's say we have some very high level language that lets us read or write a number with just one line of code. Then the starting program is just 4 lines:
read x
read y
write total
The simplest program to meet the desired goal would be something like
read x
read y
read z
write total
So through a random mutation, we have to add "read z" and "+z", a total of 9 characters including the space and the new-line. Let's make it easy on our mutation program and say it always inserts exactly 9 random characters, that they're guaranteed to be in the right places, and that it chooses from a character set of just 26 letters plus 10 digits plus 14 special characters = 50 characters. What are the odds that it will pick the correct 9 characters? 1 in 50^9 = 1 in 2.0e15. (Okay, the program would work if instead of "read z" and "+z" it inserted "read w" and "+w", but then I'm making it easy by assuming it magically inserts exactly the right number of characters and always inserts them in the right places. So I think this estimate is still generous.)
1 in 2.0e15 is a pretty small probability. Even if the program runs a thousand times a second, and you can test the output that quickly, the chance is still just 1 in 2.0e12 per second, or 1 in 5.4e8 per hour, 1 in 2.3e7 per day. Keep it running for a year and the chance of success is still only 1 in 62,000.
Even a moderately competent programmer should be able to make such a change in, what, ten minutes?
Note that changes must come in at least "packets" that are correct. That is, if a mutation generates "reax z", that's only one character away from "read z", but it would still produce compile errors, and so would fail.
Likewise adding "read z" but changing the calculation to "total=x+y+w" is not going to work. Depending on the language, you'll either get errors for the undefined variable or at best it will have some default value, like zero, and give incorrect results.
You could, I suppose, theorize incremental solutions. Maybe one mutation adds the new read statement, then a future mutation updates the calculation. But without the calculation, the additional read is worthless. How will the program be evaluated to determine that the additional read is "a step in the right direction"? The only way I see to do that is to have an intelligent being read the code after each mutation and see if the change is making progress toward the desired goal. And if you have an intelligent designer who can do that, that must mean that he knows what the desired goal is and how to achieve it. At which point, it would be far more efficient to just make the desired change rather than waiting for it to happen randomly.
And this is an exceedingly trivial program in a very easy language. Most programs are, what, hundreds or thousands of lines, all of which must work together. The odds against any random process writing a working program are astronomical.
There might be ways to do something that resembles this in some very specialized application, where you are not really making random mutations, but rather making incremental modifications to the parameters of a solution. Like, we have a formula with some constants whose values we don't know. We know what the correct results are for some small set of inputs. So we make random changes to the constants, and if the result is closer to the right answer, change from there, if not, go back to the previous value. But even at that, I think it would rarely be productive to make random changes. It would likely be more helpful to try changing the constants according to a strict formula, like start with changing by 1000's, then 100's then 10's, etc.
I want to just give you a suggestion. I don't know how successful you'd be, but perhaps you could try to evolve a core war bot with genetic programming. Your fitness function is easy: just let the bots compete in a game. You could start with well known bots and perhaps a few random ones then wait and see what happens.
Is there a good coding technique that specifies how many lines a function should have ?
No. Lines of code is a pretty bad metric for just about anything. The exception is perhaps functions that have thousands and thousands of lines - you can be pretty sure those aren't well written.
There are however, good coding techniques that usually result in fewer lines of code per function. Things like DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and the Unix-philosophy ("Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface." from Wikipedia). In this case replace "programs" with "functions".
I don't think it matters, who is to say that once a functions lengths passes a certain number of lines it breaks a rule.
In general just code clean functions easy to use and reuse.
A function should have a well defined purpose. That is, try to create functions which does a single thing, either by doing the thing itself or by delegating work to a number of other functions.
Most functional compilers are excellent at inlining. Thus there is no inherent price to pay for breaking up your code: The compiler usually does a good job at deciding if a function call should really be one or if it can just inline the code right away.
The size of the function is less relevant though most functions in FP tend to be small, precise and to the point.
There is a McCabe metric of Cyclomatic Complexity which you might read about at this Wikipedia article.
The metric measures how many tests and loops are present in a routine. A rule of thumb might be that under 10 is a manageable amount of complexity while over 11 becomes more fault prone.
I have seen horrendous code that had a Complexity metric above 50. (It was error-prone and difficult to understand or change.) Re-writing it and breaking it down into subroutines reduced the complexity to 8.
Note the Complexity metric is usually proportional to the lines of code. It would provide you a measure on complexity rather than lines of code.
When working in Forth (or playing in Factor) I tend to continually refactor until each function is a single line! In fact, if you browse through the Factor libraries you'll see that the majority of words are one-liners and almost nothing is more than a few lines. In a language with inner-functions and virtually zero cost for calls (that is, threaded code implicitly having no stack frames [only return pointer stack], or with aggressive inlining) there is no good reason not to refractor until each function is tiny.
From my experience a function with a lot of lines of code (more than a few pages) is a nightmare to maintain and test. But having said that I don't think there is a hard and fast rule for this.
I came across some VB.NET code at my previous company that one function of 13 pages, but my record is some VB6 code I have just picked up that is approx 40 pages! Imagine trying to work out which If statement an Else belongs to when they are pages apart on the screen.
The main argument against having functions that are "too long" is that subdividing the function into smaller functions that only do small parts of the entire job improves readability (by giving those small parts actual names, and helping the reader wrap his mind around smaller pieces of behavior, especially when line 1532 can change the value of a variable on line 45).
In a functional programming language, this point is moot:
You can subdivide a function into smaller functions that are defined within the larger function's body, and thus not reducing the length of the original function.
Functions are expected to be pure, so there's no actual risk of line X changing the value read on line Y : the value of the line Y variable can be traced back up the definition list quite easily, even in loops, conditionals or recursive functions.
So, I suspect the answer would be "no one really cares".
I think a long function is a red flag and deserves more scrutiny. If I came across a function that was more than a page or two long during a code review I would look for ways to break it down into smaller functions.
There are exceptions though. A long function that consists of mostly simple assignment statements, say for initialization, is probably best left intact.
My (admittedly crude) guideline is a screenful of code. I have seen code with functions going on for pages. This is emetic, to be charitable. Functions should have a single, focused purpose. If you area trying to do something complex, have a "captain" function call helpers.
Good modularization makes friends and influences people.
IMHO, the goal should be to minimize the amount of code that a programmer would have to analyze simultaneously to make sense of a program. In general, excessively-long methods will make code harder to digest because programmers will have to look at much of their code at once.
On the other hand, subdividing methods into smaller pieces will only be helpful if those smaller pieces can be analyzed separately from the code which calls them. Splitting a method into sub-methods which would only be meaningful in the context where they are called is apt to impair rather than improve legibility. Even if before splitting the method would have been over 250 lines, breaking it into ten pieces which don't make sense in isolation would simply increase the simultaneous-analysis requirement from 250 lines to 300+ (depending upon how many lines are added for method headers, the code that calls them, etc.) When deciding whether a method should be subdivided, it's far more important to consider whether the pieces make sense in isolation, than to consider whether the method is "too long". Some 20-lines routine might benefit from being split into two ten-line routines and a two-line routine that calls them, but some 250-line routines might benefit from being left exactly as they are.
Another point which needs to be considered, btw, is that in some cases the required behavior of a program may not be a good fit with the control structures available in the language it's written in. Most applications have large "don't-care" aspects of their behavior, and it's generally possible to assign behavior that will fit nicely with a language's available control structures, but sometimes behavioral requirements may be impossible to meet without awkward code. In some such cases, confining the awkwardness to a single method which is bloated, but which is structured around the behavioral requirements, may be better than scattering it among many smaller methods which have no clear relationship to the overall behavior.
Like lots of you guys on SO, I often write in several languages. And when it comes to planning stuff, (or even answering some SO questions), I actually think and write in some unspecified hybrid language. Although I used to be taught to do this using flow diagrams or UML-like diagrams, in retrospect, I find "my" pseudocode language has components of C, Python, Java, bash, Matlab, perl, Basic. I seem to unconsciously select the idiom best suited to expressing the concept/algorithm.
Common idioms might include Java-like braces for scope, pythonic list comprehensions or indentation, C++like inheritance, C#-style lambdas, matlab-like slices and matrix operations.
I noticed that it's actually quite easy for people to recognise exactly what I'm triying to do, and quite easy for people to intelligently translate into other languages. Of course, that step involves considering the corner cases, and the moments where each language behaves idiosyncratically.
But in reality, most of these languages share a subset of keywords and library functions which generally behave identically - maths functions, type names, while/for/if etc. Clearly I'd have to exclude many 'odd' languages like lisp, APL derivatives, but...
So my questions are,
Does code already exist that recognises the programming language of a text file? (Surely this must be a less complicated task than eclipse's syntax trees or than google translate's language guessing feature, right?) In fact, does the SO syntax highlighter do anything like this?
Is it theoretically possible to create a single interpreter or compiler that recognises what language idiom you're using at any moment and (maybe "intelligently") executes or translates to a runnable form. And flags the corner cases where my syntax is ambiguous with regards to behaviour. Immediate difficulties I see include: knowing when to switch between indentation-dependent and brace-dependent modes, recognising funny operators (like *pointer vs *kwargs) and knowing when to use list vs array-like representations.
Is there any language or interpreter in existence, that can manage this kind of flexible interpreting?
Have I missed an obvious obstacle to this being possible?
Thanks all for your answers and ideas. I am planning to write a constraint-based heuristic translator that could, potentially, "solve" code for the intended meaning and translate into real python code. It will notice keywords from many common languages, and will use syntactic clues to disambiguate the human's intentions - like spacing, brackets, optional helper words like let or then, context of how variables are previously used etc, plus knowledge of common conventions (like capital names, i for iteration, and some simplistic limited understanding of naming of variables/methods e.g containing the word get, asynchronous, count, last, previous, my etc). In real pseudocode, variable naming is as informative as the operations themselves!
Using these clues it will create assumptions as to the implementation of each operation (like 0/1 based indexing, when should exceptions be caught or ignored, what variables ought to be const/global/local, where to start and end execution, and what bits should be in separate threads, notice when numerical units match / need converting). Each assumption will have a given certainty - and the program will list the assumptions on each statement, as it coaxes what you write into something executable!
For each assumption, you can 'clarify' your code if you don't like the initial interpretation. The libraries issue is very interesting. My translator, like some IDE's, will read all definitions available from all modules, use some statistics about which classes/methods are used most frequently and in what contexts, and just guess! (adding a note to the program to say why it guessed as such...) I guess it should attempt to execute everything, and warn you about what it doesn't like. It should allow anything, but let you know what the several alternative interpretations are, if you're being ambiguous.
It will certainly be some time before it can manage such unusual examples like #Albin Sunnanbo's ImportantCustomer example. But I'll let you know how I get on!
I think that is quite useless for everything but toy examples and strict mathematical algorithms. For everything else the language is not just the language. There are lots of standard libraries and whole environments around the languages. I think I write almost as many lines of library calls as I write "actual code".
In C# you have .NET Framework, in C++ you have STL, in Java you have some Java libraries, etc.
The difference between those libraries are too big to be just syntactic nuances.
There has been attempts at unifying language constructs of different languages to a "unified syntax". That was called 4GL language and never really took of.
As a side note I have seen a code example about a page long that was valid as c#, Java and Java script code. That can serve as an example of where it is impossible to determine the actual language used.
Besides, the whole purpose of pseudocode is that it does not need to compile in any way. The reason you write pseudocode is to create a "sketch", however sloppy you like.
foreach c in ImportantCustomers{== OrderValue >=$1M}
Now tell me what language it is and write an interpreter for that.
To detect what programming language is used: Detecting programming language from a snippet
I think it should be possible. The approach in 1. could be leveraged to do this, I think. I would try to do it iteratively: detect the syntax used in the first line/clause of code, "compile" it to intermediate form based on that detection, along with any important syntax (e.g. begin/end wrappers). Then the next line/clause etc. Basically write a parser that attempts to recognize each "chunk". Ambiguity could be flagged by the same algorithm.
I doubt that this has been done ... seems like the cognitive load of learning to write e.g. python-compatible pseudocode would be much easier than trying to debug the cases where your interpreter fails.
a. I think the biggest problem is that most pseudocode is invalid in any language. For example, I might completely skip object initialization in a block of pseudocode because for a human reader it is almost always straightforward to infer. But for your case it might be completely invalid in the language syntax of choice, and it might be impossible to automatically determine e.g. the class of the object (it might not even exist). Etc.
b. I think the best you can hope for is an interpreter that "works" (subject to 4a) for your pseudocode only, no-one else's.
Note that I don't think that 4a,4b are necessarily obstacles to it being possible. I just think it won't be useful for any practical purpose.
Recognizing what language a program is in is really not that big a deal. Recognizing the language of a snippet is more difficult, and recognizing snippets that aren't clearly delimited (what do you do if four lines are Python and the next one is C or Java?) is going to be really difficult.
Assuming you got the lines assigned to the right language, doing any sort of compilation would require specialized compilers for all languages that would cooperate. This is a tremendous job in itself.
Moreover, when you write pseudo-code you aren't worrying about the syntax. (If you are, you're doing it wrong.) You'll wind up with code that simply can't be compiled because it's incomplete or even contradictory.
And, assuming you overcame all these obstacles, how certain would you be that the pseudo-code was being interpreted the way you were thinking?
What you would have would be a new computer language, that you would have to write correct programs in. It would be a sprawling and ambiguous language, very difficult to work with properly. It would require great care in its use. It would be almost exactly what you don't want in pseudo-code. The value of pseudo-code is that you can quickly sketch out your algorithms, without worrying about the details. That would be completely lost.
If you want an easy-to-write language, learn one. Python is a good choice. Use pseudo-code for sketching out how processing is supposed to occur, not as a compilable language.
An interesting approach would be a "type-as-you-go" pseudocode interpreter. That is, you would set the language to be used up front, and then it would attempt to convert the pseudo code to real code, in real time, as you typed. An interactive facility could be used to clarify ambiguous stuff and allow corrections. Part of the mechanism could be a library of code which the converter tried to match. Over time, it could learn and adapt its translation based on the habits of a particular user.
People who program all the time will probably prefer to just use the language in most cases. However, I could see the above being a great boon to learners, "non-programmer programmers" such as scientists, and for use in brainstorming sessions with programmers of various languages and skill levels.
Programs interpreting human input need to be given the option of saying "I don't know." The language PL/I is a famous example of a system designed to find a reasonable interpretation of anything resembling a computer program that could cause havoc when it guessed wrong: see
Note that in the later language C++, when it resolves possible ambiguities it limits the scope of the type coercions it tries, and that it will flag an error if there is not a unique best interpretation.
I have a feeling that the answer to 2. is NO. All I need to prove it false is a code snippet that can be interpreted in more than one way by a competent programmer.
Does code already exist that
recognises the programming language
of a text file?
Yes, the Unix file command.
(Surely this must be a less
complicated task than eclipse's syntax
trees or than google translate's
language guessing feature, right?) In
fact, does the SO syntax highlighter
do anything like this?
As far as I can tell, SO has a one-size-fits-all syntax highlighter that tries to combine the keywords and comment syntax of every major language. Sometimes it gets it wrong:
def median(seq):
"""Returns the median of a list."""
seq_sorted = sorted(seq)
if len(seq) & 1:
# For an odd-length list, return the middle item
return seq_sorted[len(seq) // 2]
# For an even-length list, return the mean of the 2 middle items
return (seq_sorted[len(seq) // 2 - 1] + seq_sorted[len(seq) // 2]) / 2
Note that SO's highlighter assumes that // starts a C++-style comment, but in Python it's the integer division operator.
This is going to be a major problem if you try to combine multiple languages into one. What do you do if the same token has different meanings in different languages? Similar situations are:
Is ^ exponentiation like in BASIC, or bitwise XOR like in C?
Is || logical OR like in C, or string concatenation like in SQL?
What is 1 + "2"? Is the number converted to a string (giving "12"), or is the string converted to a number (giving 3)?
Is there any language or interpreter
in existence, that can manage this
kind of flexible interpreting?
On another forum, I heard a story of a compiler (IIRC, for FORTRAN) that would compile any program regardless of syntax errors. If you had the line
= Y + Z
The compiler would recognize that a variable was missing and automatically convert the statement to X = Y + Z, regardless of whether you had an X in your program or not.
This programmer had a convention of starting comment blocks with a line of hyphens, like this:
C ----------------------------------------
But one day, they forgot the leading C, and the compiler choked trying to add dozens of variables between what it thought was subtraction operators.
"Flexible parsing" is not always a good thing.
To create a "pseudocode interpreter," it might be necessary to design a programming language that allows user-defined extensions to its syntax. There already are several programming languages with this feature, such as Coq, Seed7, Agda, and Lever. A particularly interesting example is the Inform programming language, since its syntax is essentially "structured English."
The Coq programming language allows "syntax extensions", so the language can be extended to parse new operators:
Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B).
Similarly, the Seed7 programming language can be extended to parse "pseudocode" using "structured syntax definitions." The while loop in Seed7 is defined in this way:
syntax expr: .while.().do.().end.while is -> 25;
Alternatively, it might be possible to "train" a statistical machine translation system to translate pseudocode into a real programming language, though this would require a large corpus of parallel texts.