Is my method of casting rays efficiant? Is there a better way? - raytracing

So, ive been delving into the depths of ray tracing and ive come to find that my solution of casting a ray is very in-efficient.
for(int y = 0; y < screenHeight; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < screenWidth; x++) {
vec3 ray((x * (2 / screenWidth)) - 1, (y * (2 / screenHeight)) - 1, 0);
window.setPixel(x, y, RGB(1, 1, 1));
for(int i = 0; i < castDistance; i++) {
ray.z += 1; //ray position goes in diagnol line(Forwards-left)
ray.x -= 1;
if(ray.x >= quad.x && ray.x <= quad.x + quad.size.x &&
ray.y >= quad.y && ray.y <= quad.y + quad.size.y &&
ray.z >= quad.z && ray.z <= quad.z + quad.size.z) {
window.setPixel(x, y, RGB(1, 0, 0));
Is there a better way for me to do an operation like this?

There are a couple of things, you want to take into consideration:
First not all rays are sent parallel to the z axis, while doing ray
casting. Instead you shoot them from an origin (eye) through your
virtual screen.
Second the checking for intersections is not done by tracing the ray
step by step but by checking for collisions with objects of your
scene. In your case this would be one single axis aligned box and it
is easy to calculate the intersection of a ray and an axis aligned
box. For example it is described here:


Grid - Obstacle / How to Calculate "Field of view"

My english is not my native language, I have no idea how title it, how to explain it clearly and not sure if it's the right term. I've tried to search on google first but for the reason quoted above, I couldn't find anything related.
Could you guys first please check the imgur album :
Black square is an "obstacle"
Red Square is a "player"
Grey square are "area where player is not able to see"
Depending on the distance of the player from the obstacle, the player can see more or less "things"
Is there a general formula to determine the area that he can see or can't see ?
Or I have to write a unique formula depending on the player position relative to the obstacle
I'm sorry If what I wrote doesn't make sense
Thanks for your help
point player(5, 0);
point obstacle(4, 2);
This needs a little work. I'll say the steps to make it work:
(1) Let's define the player position p and the obstacle position o.
We know we want to paint a "triangle" after the obstacle.
(2) Let's define the angle according to proximity.
The nearer, the bigger the angle is, so I set the angle to 45 if the distance is 1 and it decreases as the player gets further from the obstacle. The angle is 5 + (max(0, 50 - distance * 10)). You can tune this angle.
(3) Let's build a big triangle. The first vertex is the obstacle. Then, throw a big line from the player through the obstacle. Rotate this line around the obstacle half angle clockwise (to get the second vertex) and half angle anti-clockwise (to get the third vertex), as shown in the image:
(4) Lastly, iterate to the matrix and for each position, ask if that coordinates are inside the triangle.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct point{
float x, y;
point(float x, float y){this->x = x; this->y = y;}
//point(int x, int y){this->x = x; this->y = y;}
point rotate(point pivot, float angle, point p, bool clockwise){
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
p.x -= pivot.x;
p.y -= pivot.y;
return point(p.x * c + p.y * s + pivot.x, -p.x * s + p.y * c + pivot.y);
return point(p.x * c - p.y * s + pivot.x, p.x * s + p.y * c + pivot.y);
float triangleArea(point p1, point p2, point p3) { //find area of triangle formed by p1, p2 and p3
return abs((p1.x*(p2.y-p3.y) + p2.x*(p3.y-p1.y)+ p3.x*(p1.y-p2.y))/2.0);
bool inside(point p1, point p2, point p3, point p) { //check whether p is inside or outside
float area = triangleArea (p1, p2, p3); //area of triangle ABC
float area1 = triangleArea (p, p2, p3); //area of PBC
float area2 = triangleArea (p1, p, p3); //area of APC
float area3 = triangleArea (p1, p2, p); //area of ABP
return abs(area - area1 + area2 + area3) < 1; //when three triangles are forming the whole triangle
char m[9][9];
point player(4, 0);
point obstacle(4, 2);
float angle(){
float dist = sqrt(pow(player.x - obstacle.x, 2) + pow(player.y - obstacle.y, 2));
cout<<"dist: "<<(5.0 + max(0.0, 50.0 - 10.0 * dist))<<endl;
return (5.0 + max(0.0, 50.0 - 10.0 * dist)) * 0.0174533;
void print(){
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++){
int main(){
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++){
m[i][j] = '.';
m[(int)player.y][(int)player.x] = 'o';
m[(int)obstacle.y][(int)obstacle.x] = '#';
float rad = angle();
point end(20.0 * (obstacle.x - player.x) + obstacle.x, 20.0 * (player.y - obstacle.y) + obstacle.y);
point p2 = rotate(obstacle, rad / 2.0, end, true);
point p3 = rotate(obstacle, rad / 2.0, end, false);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++){
if(i == (int) player.y && j == (int) player.x) continue;
if(i == (int) obstacle.y && j == (int) obstacle.x) continue;
if(inside(obstacle, p2, p3, point(j, i))) m[i][j] = '#';
return 0;
Suppose the player is at (0,0), and the obstacle is at (j,k), with j>0 and k>=0.
Then a square at (x, y) will be visible if either (2j-1)y >= (2k+1)x or (2k-1)x >= (2j+1)y.
Applying this rule to the other three quadrants is straightforward.

Polygon contains point algorithm explanation

I have seen variants of this solution on many different SO questions about polygons containing a point, but the issue is none of the authors give any explanation. I cannot seem to figure out how this function works, and seeing that many other commenters have had their questions about this go unanswered, I thought it best to just ask so there would be a concrete explanation.
Also, are there any cases where this function fails?
I do know how the raycasting method works, there are some very good resources for that, but I am really confused how this code works specifically.
public static bool(ean) PolygonContainsPoint(Point[] polygon, Point point)
bool(ean) result = false;
int j = polygon.Count - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count; i++)
if (polygon[i].Y < point.Y && polygon[j].Y >= point.Y || polygon[j].Y < point.Y && polygon[i].Y >= point.Y)
if (polygon[i].X + (point.Y - polygon[i].Y) / (polygon[j].Y - polygon[i].Y) * (polygon[j].X - polygon[i].X) < point.X)
result = !result;
j = i;
return result;
It is the ray casting algorithm described on Wikipedia.
The number of intersections for a ray passing from the exterior of the polygon to any point; if odd, it shows that the point lies inside the polygon. If it is even, the point lies outside the polygon; this test also works in three dimensions.
int j = polygon.Count - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count; i++)
// ...
j = i;
Explanation: The code loops through each line segment of the polygon, with i being index of current point, and j being index of previous point (previous of first point is the last point, since polygon is closed).
if (polygon[i].Y < point.Y && polygon[j].Y >= point.Y ||
polygon[j].Y < point.Y && polygon[i].Y >= point.Y)
Explanation: If the polygon line segment crosses line O, i.e. if it starts above and ends below, or starts below and ends above.
if (polygon[i].X + (point.Y - polygon[i].Y)
/ (polygon[j].Y - polygon[i].Y)
* (polygon[j].X - polygon[i].X)
< point.X)
Explanation: Calculate the X coordinate where the polygon line segment crosses line O, then test if that is to the left of target point.
result = false;
for each segment:
if segment crosses on the left:
result = !result;
return result;
Explanation: If the number of polygon line segments crossing line O to the left of the target point is odd, then the target point is inside the polygon.

Optimise straight corners A* algorithm for pathfinding

I'm working on the pathfinding for placing roads in a grid based RTS city building game, since I already used the A* algorithm for the pathfinding of vehicles I figured it would be convenient to use it for this task as well. Since our roads are just simple squares I couldn't use the original algorithm since the road would be like the picture: Roadplacement
The original algorithm checks every grid square next to it like this:
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
if (x == 0 && y == 0))
{ continue; }
//the rest of the code goes here
I figured the easiest way to avoid those diagonal placements was to block the option to use then, every grid square wouldn't check the 8 squares around it but just 4, in a plus sign:
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
if ((x == 0 && y == 0)|| (x != 0 && y != 0))
{ continue; }
//the rest of the code goes here
The only problem with this is that the time to find the path increases dramatically, I mean over large distances it jumps from 6 ms to ~70 ms.
Does anyone have a solution that I could use, or a suggestion for another algorithm better suited for this kind of problems?
Thanks in advance!
You can use XOR to optimize this line:
if ((x == 0 && y == 0)|| (x != 0 && y != 0))
by doing something like this:
if (!(x ^ y))
I'm not sure how much this will speed things up, but it's worth a shot!

Processing For loop sequence

I am attempting to draw several ellipses in sequence along the y and x axis of the canvas. The dots are drawn at randomised y positions.
I previously had the ellipses drawing at random heights sequentially along the x-axis. However, all ellipses along the y-axis were drawn at once.
for (int x = 0; x < xStep; x++) {
int mh = int(map(noise(offset+(x*0.05)), 0, 1, 0, h));
for (int y = mh; y > mh - 3; y--) {
ellipse(x*diam, y*diam, diam, diam);
if (xStep > w) {
xStep = 0;
offset = random(1000);
I then moved on to add another for loop to try sequence the ellipses along the y-axis as well as the x-axis. So visually each ellipse is drawn one after the other on the y-axis before the next column (x-axis) is drawn. However, using the code below what I get instead is the y and x-axis 'drawing' in sequence but at the same time so visually it does not look like one row completes before the next column is drawn.
//count rows and frames
if (counter > 7) {
counter = 0;
for (int j=0; j<7; j++) { //set values to match counter
if (j == counter){
for (int x = 0; x < xStep; x++) {
int mh = int(map(noise(offset+(x*0.05)), 0, 1, 0, h));
for (int y = mh; y > mh - 3; y--) {
ellipse(x*diam, y*diam, diam, diam);
if (rowCounter > 7) {
rowCounter = 0;
if (xStep > w) {
xStep = 0;
offset = random(1000);
Or if I try using a conditional for the xStep I only get one row of ellipses drawn.
//count rows and frames
if (counter > 7) {
counter = 0;
for (int j=0; j<7; j++) { //set values to match counter
if ((j == counter) && (xStep != lastXstep)) {
for (int x = 0; x < xStep; x++) {
int mh = int(map(noise(offset+(x*0.05)), 0, 1, 0, h));
for (int y = mh; y > mh - 3; y--) {
ellipse(x*diam, y*diam, diam, diam);
if (rowCounter > 7) {
rowCounter = 0;
if (xStep > w) {
xStep = 0;
offset = random(1000);
Can anyone help point me in the direction of where I am going wrong with the for loop construction?
Keep in mind that every call to the draw() function draws a single frame. Processing is double-buffered, so the screen is not updated until the very end of the draw() function. That's why you're only seeing the end result instead of the in-between steps.
If you want to render the in-between steps, you're going to have to split it up into multiple frames. You'd do that by keeping track of the state of your program in a set of variables, changing those variables over time, and using those variables to draw each frame.
Shameless self-promotion: here is a tutorial on animation in Processing that describes the above approach in greater detail.

Obtaining orientation map of fingerprint image using OpenCV

I'm trying to implement the method of improving fingerprint images by Anil Jain. As a starter, I encountered some difficulties while extracting the orientation image, and am strictly following those steps described in Section 2.4 of that paper.
So, this is the input image:
And this is after normalization using exactly the same method as in that paper:
I'm expecting to see something like this (an example from the internet):
However, this is what I got for displaying obtained orientation matrix:
Obviously this is wrong, and it also gives non-zero values for those zero points in the original input image.
This is the code I wrote:
cv::Mat orientation(cv::Mat inputImage)
cv::Mat orientationMat = cv::Mat::zeros(inputImage.size(), CV_8UC1);
// compute gradients at each pixel
cv::Mat grad_x, grad_y;
cv::Sobel(inputImage, grad_x, CV_16SC1, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
cv::Sobel(inputImage, grad_y, CV_16SC1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
cv::Mat Vx, Vy, theta, lowPassX, lowPassY;
cv::Mat lowPassX2, lowPassY2;
Vx = cv::Mat::zeros(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type());
// estimate the local orientation of each block
int blockSize = 16;
for(int i = blockSize/2; i < inputImage.rows - blockSize/2; i+=blockSize)
for(int j = blockSize / 2; j < inputImage.cols - blockSize/2; j+= blockSize)
float sum1 = 0.0;
float sum2 = 0.0;
for ( int u = i - blockSize/2; u < i + blockSize/2; u++)
for( int v = j - blockSize/2; v < j+blockSize/2; v++)
sum1 +=<float>(u,v) *<float>(u,v);
sum2 += (<float>(u,v)*<float>(u,v)) * (<float>(u,v)*<float>(u,v));
}<float>(i,j) = sum1;<float>(i,j) = sum2;
double calc = 0.0;
if(sum1 != 0 && sum2 != 0)
calc = 0.5 * atan(<float>(i,j) /<float>(i,j));
}<float>(i,j) = calc;
// Perform low-pass filtering
float angle = 2 * calc;<float>(i,j) = cos(angle * pi / 180);<float>(i,j) = sin(angle * pi / 180);
float sum3 = 0.0;
float sum4 = 0.0;
for(int u = -lowPassSize / 2; u < lowPassSize / 2; u++)
for(int v = -lowPassSize / 2; v < lowPassSize / 2; v++)
sum3 +=<float>(u,v) *<float>(i - u*lowPassSize, j - v * lowPassSize);
sum4 +=<float>(u, v) *<float>(i - u*lowPassSize, j - v * lowPassSize);
}<float>(i,j) = sum3;<float>(i,j) = sum4;
float calc2 = 0.0;
if(sum3 != 0 && sum4 != 0)
calc2 = 0.5 * atan(<float>(i, j) /<float>(i, j)) * 180 / pi;
}<float>(i,j) = calc2;
return orientationMat;
I've already searched a lot on the web, but almost all of them are in Matlab. And there exist very few ones using OpenCV, but they didn't help me either. I sincerely hope someone could go through my code and point out any error to help. Thank you in advance.
Here are the steps that I followed according to the paper:
Obtain normalized image G.
Divide G into blocks of size wxw (16x16).
Compute the x and y gradients at each pixel (i,j).
Estimate the local orientation of each block centered at pixel (i,j) using equations:
Perform low-pass filtering to remove noise. For that, convert the orientation image into a continuous vector field defined as:
where W is a two-dimensional low-pass filter, and w(phi) x w(phi) is its size, which equals to 5.
Finally, compute the local ridge orientation at (i,j) using:
This is the output of orientationMat after changing the mat type to CV_16SC1 in Sobel operation as Micka suggested:
Maybe it's too late for me to answer, but anyway somebody could read this later and solve the same problem.
I've been working for a while in the same algorithm, same method you posted... But there's some writting errors when the papper was redacted (I guess). After fighting a lot with the equations I found this errors by looking other similar works.
Here is what worked for me...
Vy(i, j) = 2*dx(u,v)*dy(u,v)
Vx(i,j) = dx(u,v)^2 - dy(u,v)^2
O(i,j) = 0.5*arctan(Vy(i,j)/Vx(i,j)
(Excuse me I wasn't able to post images, so I wrote the modified ecuations. Remeber "u" and "v" are positions of the summation across the BlockSize by BlockSize window)
The first thing and most important (obviously) are the equations, I saw that in different works this expressions were really different and in every one they talked about the same algorithm of Hong et al.
The Key is finding the Least Mean Square (First 3 equations) of the gradients (Vx and Vy), I provided the corrected formulas above for this ation. Then you can compute angle theta for the non overlapping window (16x16 size recommended in the papper), after that the algorithm says you must calculate the magnitud of the doubled angle in "x" and "y" directions (Phi_x and Phi_y).
Phi_x(i,j) = V(i,j) * cos(2*O(i,j))
Phi_y(i,j) = V(i,j) * sin(2*O(i,j))
Magnitud is just:
V = sqrt(Vx(i,j)^2 + Vy(i,j)^2)
Note that in the related work doesn't mention that you have to use the gradient magnitud, but it make sense (for me) in doing it. After all this corrections you can apply the low pass filter to Phi_x and Phi_y, I used a simple Mask of size 5x5 to average this magnitudes (something like medianblur() of opencv).
Last thing is to calculate new angle, that is the average of the 25ith neighbors in the O(i,j) image, for this you just have to:
O'(i,j) = 0.5*arctan(Phi_y/Phi_x)
We're just there... All this just for calculating the angle of the NORMAL VECTOR TO THE RIDGES DIRECTIONS (O'(i,j)) in the BlockSize by BlockSize non overlapping window, what does it mean? it means that the angle we just calculated is perpendicular to the ridges, in simple words we just calculated the angle of the riges plus 90 degrees... To get the angle we need, we just have to substract to the obtained angle 90°.
To draw the lines we need to have an initial point (X0, Y0) and a final point(X1, Y1). For that imagine a circle centered on (X0, Y0) with a radious of "r":
x0 = i + blocksize/2
y0 = j + blocksize/2
r = blocksize/2
Note we add i and j to the first coordinates becouse the window is moving and we are gonna draw the line starting from the center of the non overlaping window, so we can't use just the center of the non overlaping window.
Then to calculate the end coordinates to draw a line we can just have to use a right triangle so...
X1 = r*cos(O'(i,j)-90°)+X0
Y1 = r*sin(O'(i,j)-90°)+Y0
X2 = X0-r*cos(O'(i,j)-90°)
Y2 = Y0-r*cos(O'(i,j)-90°)
Then just use opencv line function, where initial Point is (X0,Y0) and final Point is (X1, Y1). Additional to it, I drawed the windows of 16x16 and computed the oposite points of X1 and Y1 (X2 and Y2) to draw a line of the entire window.
Hope this help somebody.
My results...
Main function:
Mat mat = imread("nwmPa.png",0);
mat.convertTo(mat, CV_32F, 1.0/255, 0);
int blockSize = 6;
int height = mat.rows;
int width = mat.cols;
Mat orientationMap;
orientation(mat, orientationMap, blockSize);
void Normalize(Mat & image)
Scalar mean, dev;
meanStdDev(image, mean, dev);
double M = mean.val[0];
double D = dev.val[0];
for(int i(0) ; i<image.rows ; i++)
for(int j(0) ; j<image.cols ; j++)
if(<float>(i,j) > M)<float>(i,j) = 100.0/255 + sqrt( 100.0/255*pow(<float>(i,j)-M,2)/D );
else<float>(i,j) = 100.0/255 - sqrt( 100.0/255*pow(<float>(i,j)-M,2)/D );
Orientation map:
void orientation(const Mat &inputImage, Mat &orientationMap, int blockSize)
Mat fprintWithDirectionsSmoo = inputImage.clone();
Mat tmp(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type());
Mat coherence(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type());
orientationMap = tmp.clone();
//Gradiants x and y
Mat grad_x, grad_y;
// Sobel(inputImage, grad_x, CV_32F, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
// Sobel(inputImage, grad_y, CV_32F, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
Scharr(inputImage, grad_x, CV_32F, 1, 0, 1, 0);
Scharr(inputImage, grad_y, CV_32F, 0, 1, 1, 0);
//Vector vield
Mat Fx(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type()),
Fy(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type()),
Mat smoothed(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type());
// Local orientation for each block
int width = inputImage.cols;
int height = inputImage.rows;
int blockH;
int blockW;
//select block
for(int i = 0; i < height; i+=blockSize)
for(int j = 0; j < width; j+=blockSize)
float Gsx = 0.0;
float Gsy = 0.0;
float Gxx = 0.0;
float Gyy = 0.0;
//for check bounds of img
blockH = ((height-i)<blockSize)?(height-i):blockSize;
blockW = ((width-j)<blockSize)?(width-j):blockSize;
//average at block WхW
for ( int u = i ; u < i + blockH; u++)
for( int v = j ; v < j + blockW ; v++)
Gsx += (<float>(u,v)*<float>(u,v)) - (<float>(u,v)*<float>(u,v));
Gsy += 2*<float>(u,v) *<float>(u,v);
Gxx +=<float>(u,v)*<float>(u,v);
Gyy +=<float>(u,v)*<float>(u,v);
float coh = sqrt(pow(Gsx,2) + pow(Gsy,2)) / (Gxx + Gyy);
float fi = 0.5*fastAtan2(Gsy, Gsx)*CV_PI/180;<float>(i,j) = cos(2*fi);<float>(i,j) = sin(2*fi);
//fill blocks
for ( int u = i ; u < i + blockH; u++)
for( int v = j ; v < j + blockW ; v++)
{<float>(u,v) = fi;<float>(u,v) =<float>(i,j);<float>(u,v) =<float>(i,j);<float>(u,v) = (coh<0.85)?1:0;
} ///for
GaussConvolveWithStep(Fx, Fx_gauss, 5, blockSize);
GaussConvolveWithStep(Fy, Fy_gauss, 5, blockSize);
for(int m = 0; m < height; m++)
for(int n = 0; n < width; n++)
{<float>(m,n) = 0.5*fastAtan2(<float>(m,n),<float>(m,n))*CV_PI/180;
if((m%blockSize)==0 && (n%blockSize)==0){
int x = n;
int y = m;
int ln = sqrt(2*pow(blockSize,2))/2;
float dx = ln*cos(<float>(m,n) - CV_PI/2);
float dy = ln*sin(<float>(m,n) - CV_PI/2);
arrowedLine(fprintWithDirectionsSmoo, Point(x, y+blockH), Point(x + dx, y + blockW + dy), Scalar::all(255), 1, CV_AA, 0, 0.06*blockSize);
// qDebug () <<<float>(m,n) <<<float>(m,n) <<<float>(m,n);
// imshow("Orientation", fprintWithDirectionsSmoo);
// waitKey(0);
normalize(orientationMap, orientationMap,0,1,NORM_MINMAX);
imshow("Orientation field", orientationMap);
orientationMap = smoothed.clone();
normalize(smoothed, smoothed, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
imshow("Smoothed orientation field", smoothed);
imshow("Coherence", coherence);
imshow("Orientation", fprintWithDirectionsSmoo);
seems nothing forgot )
I have read your code thoroughly and found that you have made a mistake while calculating sum3 and sum4:
sum3 +=<float>(u,v) *<float>(i - u*lowPassSize, j - v * lowPassSize);
sum4 +=<float>(u, v) *<float>(i - u*lowPassSize, j - v * lowPassSize);
instead of inputImage you should use a low pass filter.
