Git colors don't display in Windows command prompt - windows

I assume that it's because of the color setting in my config file, but I've tried changing that to no avail. Maybe I'm not doing that right?
Notice that Git Bash shows branch color in green, but on window cl it's not showing at all!
$ git branch
* add_bower *<~~~ only the asterisk appears on the windows prompt.*

git in cmd should work just fine. I would check both your gitconfig local and gitconfig global before giving up here.
the first thing I would do is a
git branch --color
git diff --color
you can also use the -c option
git -c color.ui=always status
if you see colors then what is likely happening is your local gitconfig is overriding the setting in your global gitconfig
at that point do a
git config --local --edit
if things say auto or true and you still don't see colors. set the output to always. I recommend this b\c it is possible for git to make mistakes and not treat cmd as a terminal
from git-config:
If this is set to always, git-diff(1), git-log(1), and git-show(1)
will use color for all patches. If it is set to true or auto, those
commands will only use color when output is to the terminal. Defaults
to false.
like so
branch = always
diff = always
interactive = always
status = always
ui = always
hope this helps!

I don't think the command prompt will support coloring different parts of the output out of the box. You'd probably need some extension or add-on to handle it. Have you considered using Powershell? In addition to the built-in support for the coloring you're looking for, it's also much more versatile and powerful than the normal command prompt.

I'm seeing the exact same problem, only for some command prompts. (By default it works, but when I run my team's "razzle" customization script the output is broken like your screenshot. Oddly, coloring in git log and status works fine; just branch is broken.)
I created a new shortcut that launched the same customization script, and the output is fixed for my new shortcut. Very weird.
If you run git branch --no-color you see the right output, just without color?
You can run git config --local --add color.branch never to set that as the default for this repo.


Write Git commit message in different editor than default

I'd like to be able to occasionally use a different editor when writing commit messages. I've found plenty of answers on how to change the default editor, but I don't want to change that - VIM is normally fine. What I'd like is some option like git commit --editor=<editor_name> where <editor_name> is the editor I want to use when writing the commit message for that commit only.
The only thing I've found that is similar to what I'd like is opening a new file with <editor_name> <newcommitfilename>, write message, save and close file, then use git commit -F <newcommitfilename>.
Is there an easier way to achieve this?
All Git commands use the form:
git <verb>
You may insert options before the verb, e.g.,
git -c core.pager=cat show
The -c option in particular takes a configuration item name, such as core.pager, core.editor,, and so on, and a value, joined with an equals sign = like this.
Since your goal is to use a particular editor, git -c core.editor=whatever commit does the trick.
As several commenters noted, there are other ways to do this. For the editor in particular, the environment variable $GIT_EDITOR overrides core.editor, so:
GIT_EDITOR=nano git commit
runs git commit with GIT_EDTIOR set to nano for the duration of the one command (assuming POSIX-style shell).

Mac: git diff - better colors?

Is there a way to get better colors for git diff on a Mac? Something more like Linux' colors. In the diff, the lines that are removed are highlighted and colored, but added lines are grey. Grey?! :) (Granted, it's slightly bolded, but it's still hard to parse through the information when it's grey...)
The style of the parts of Git's diff are set with the color.diff.<slot> config parameters, where <slot> is the part of the diff, in this case new. git help config provides further information, but in short, set something like this in your Git config file:
[color "diff"]
new = green
Or to set it with a command:
git config --global green
If, for some reason, you only want to set it in a certain repo, just run it without --global.
I recommend spending some time reading the configuration documentation: There are many things one can set in one's Git configuration to make Git more like one wants it.

How to get colored output with git+mintty+mingw on windows?

I have installed the official windows git distribution, and I installed a recent mingw, and into that the mintty terminal. Then I have copied my git installation to this mingw installation, and now it works from within mintty. My only problem is that the git output is not colored. I suspect that this is because the windows git port tries to use the windows console color thingie and not the ANSI color codes which mintty would be able to interpret. Is it possible to make git use the ANSI color codes instead?
(I have tried a cygwin setup prior to this, but the performance was very, very bad, and I could not find any solution to that).
from git-config:
If this is set to always, git-diff(1), git-log(1), and git-show(1) will use color for all patches. If it is set to true or auto, those commands will only use color when output is to the terminal. Defaults to false.
It looks like git isn't treat mintty as terminal. For me using always instead of true/auto helps:
status = always
Forcing color by adding --color flag to diff command work as well (with diff=true):
git diff --color
It's simple. Config git to always show color in any ui.
git config --global color.ui always
Works for me.

Why does git diff on Windows warn that the "terminal is not fully functional"?

I'm using msysgit on Windows. I get an error when using git diff. What is causing this? Is there no diff tool included in msysgit? What should I do?
WARNING: terminal is not fully functional
If you are having issues in cmd.exe, for instance, see the warning here:
Then simply set your environment variables and include TERM=msys. After that, each time you open a cmd.exe, your variable will be set correctly.
NOW YOU MUST RESTART YOUR SHELL (CMD.EXE). Just run a new one. And from there, you should have no more issues. Again:
For Git Bash, this can be fixed by adding the following line to ~/.bashrc:
export TERM=cygwin
export TERM=msys
The first seems to be the original by git for windows, the second a popular known form to "heal" as well.
The problem can be caused if some other program (like for example Strawberry Perl) sets the TERM system environment variables.
Above answers was not fully worked for me, so I did:
export TERM=msys
to "[githome]/etc/profile" at the top but it made changes only for git bash. Then I added
#set TERM=msys
to "[githome]/cmd/git.cmd" after #setlocal (I installed only git run from command line). May be this decision not truly good but it works for me and there are not any terminal warnings. (I use git version 1.7.10.msysgit.1).
The answer can be found here, in which the author of the solution claims that:
the environment variable TERM was set to dumb
that was instead of
You can change that to
to solve the problem at hand.
I work in powershell and I have the git executable directly in my path.
None of the suggested answers worked, but I found a solution that works for me.
I added a line in my powershell profile:
Which fixed the problem for me.
A quick & dirty solution in my case turned out to be to use the --no-pager option.
By default, some git commands (like log) will use a pager like less if they expect the output to be long. Pagers require things like scrolling text up and down with the arrow keys, which sometimes doesn't work if the assumptions about what kind of terminal you're on are wrong (this is what the "not fully functional" means).
If you know ahead of time that your output will be short, or you just want it to dump output to the terminal and leave the scrolling up to your terminal program, you can override this and not use a pager at all, e.g.:
git --no-pager log
In case someone gets this launching bash from Git Extensions, check the setting for Path to linux tools.... Mine was set to C:\cygwin. Changing it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\ fixed it for me. I didn't have to set the TERM variable to launch bash this way.

Git Windows Command Prompt gets stuck during Git commands with (END)

I've got Git for Windows setup (msysgit) and it was working fine for the last few days and today I've encountered an odd error.
When issuing a Git command in the Windows Command Prompt or in the Git Bash that comes bundled with msysgit, I get a strange '(END)' line appear and then I cannot issue any other comamnds.
At this point all I get are system beeps.
Any ideas?
Thanks, P.
Git want to show more than one screen of information to you, to do so it call the standard unix pager program less. Just type q to return to the prompt when you no longer want to navigate in the output.
j move one line down
k move one line up
<space> move one page down
b move one page up
h show the help
If you want to use git efficiently you should learn the basic unix tools. Even if git build and run on windows it's pretty much an alien software on the platform.
If you don't want less just replace it with another pager in the configuration. If you don't want a pager at all just use cat :
git config --global --add core.pager cat
Press q to exit the pager (which is less in git by default).
I first came across this question when I was looking for the same thing; to not have to exit out of the log command. I have since found the answer I like, so even though it is well after the original asking I will add this answer to provide an additional solution that I didn't find quickly in my own search.
Others have stated why the (END) is present -- the results are being piped thru a pager, one that can be configured for a different pager.
However, I sometimes don't want it to stop at all; because I've specified other options that do the limiting. I found that for this git has a global option --no-pager to turn off the whatever pager is defined in the config file.
This global option is on the git command itself, is available for all subcommands and is placed before the subcommand like this:
git --no-pager log
Git is using the "pager" called less, which allows you to scroll through large amount of program output easily. However, the default settings on Git for Windows seem to be to keep the pager running even when there is less than one screen of output.
Here is the default setting I had before, which would always show the (END) and wait for you to hit q before returning you to your prompt:
$ git config --get core.pager
less -+F
You can change the behavior so that less will only keep running (and take control of the keyboard) when there is more than a screenful of output by changing the option to -F instead of -+F.
Fix the pesky pager with
$ git config --global core.pager "less -F"
(The -+X option syntax for less is documented to reset the -X option to its "default", although that is not the behavior I observed with -+F since removing the option altogether was equivalent to -F, not -+F.)
