How to create a Sankey in icCube? - sankey-diagram

I tried to create a Sankey diagram using icCube reporting but everything I try is not working...
I did not find any sankey example in icCube demo...
No more on the icCube documentation...
Can someone provide a working example ?

I have a working example here.
Created for a customer that wanted to see the Bill of Material explosion.
This demo is based on a custom sankey widget from D3.

In demo3 now you can find an example (Shared / Other / Sankey).
The username and password is demo / demo.


D3 visualization does not starting

Hi I am following a simple tutorial for my first D3 graph. I have downloaded the actual code given and when I try to open it in the browser there is definetly a placeholder for the visualization but the visualization does not appear. Any idea why?
This is the link to the tutorial and the html file is called force_connected.html

D3 Collapsible tree implementation in OBIEE

Could you please help me in implementing Collapsible Tree example in OBIEE. Something like this
Thanks in anticipation.
Mohammad Rafi Ansari
we can embed the D3.js in OBIEE and call the script using the Narrative view. Also, Rittman Mead has created the plugin pack for OBIEE using D3.js it's an open source, I am not sure this Tree visualization is a part of the package.
please have a look below URL

D3 Graphs and Charts in nancyfx

How to configure nancy to run an example like this one here
The problem I have is that the data.tsv is not found.
Thank you.

how to use search bars with core data?

How do you use search bars with core data?
I have the search bar appearing above the tableview but currently it is not working
I need to be able to search through a list of meals
I'm quite new to xcode so if u could give details answers such as which method to put code etc it would be greatly appreciated
follow this tutorial
core data search tutorial
you can also check my git project, I just done use search bar with core data:
if you have questions about the project ask me and I will try to answer you (I am new too).

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Chart Advanced charts

Is it possible to get this kind of charts using ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Chart Helper?
when i am passing Presentation XML to helper as a chart theme it is just does not work.
Anything i can do?
Don't know if you're still looking for an answer to this question. Do you mean is it possible to get a chart that looks like the one you linked to? Here's a pretty nice walk-through for one that looks similar, and some example presentation xml. If this is what you're already doing, you should post your img tag, action method, xml string, and any other relevant code. You might just have something out of place.
