Cocoapods No such module 'Siesta' - xcode

I've just installed Siesta (1.0-beta.4) using cocoapods, but when I try to import it with import Siesta inside a swift file I receive this error: No such module 'Siesta'
This is my Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Siesta', '~>1.0-beta.4'
I'm using xcode 7.2.

The problem was that I'm using a wrong .xcworkspace file.
Cocoapods requires to use open myapp.xcworkspace in order to open your xcodeproject correctly (with dependencies enabled correctly).
The right .xcworkspace file is in the project root.


error in xcode after pod install firebase

I am getting this error in the screenshot after trying to pod install firebase
My xcode version is 8.2
this is the content of my podfile
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'Forsa' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for Forsa
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Messaging'
You need to open the file that cocoapods created: PROJECTNAME.xcworkspace (instead of the PROJECTNAME.xcodeproj file) to get access to the installed frameworks.
Or like they say in their documentation:
Make sure to always open the Xcode workspace instead of the project
file when building your project:
$ open App.xcworkspace

No such module ZFDragableModalTransition in Swift

I have a xCode project. I am trying to run FolioReaderKit. I've installed the all project requirements such as CocoaPods and Carthage and I've fixed the errors except ZFDragableModalTransition.
I've downloaded it and added into my project over and over, I've added it as a Link Binary but I'm still getting same error. "No such module ZFDragableModalTransition in Swift"
I am very new in swift and Xcode therefore I might be make a mistake but I didn't manage it yet.
Do you have any suggestion?
You can see the error attached images.
If you want to run the FolioReaderKit Example project and you are new to Swift and Xcode I suggest you to use Cocoapods instead of Carthage. You don't have to run FolioReaderKit.xcodeproj.
Just go to Example folder and follow this steps:
Open the Terminal on Example folder;
Run pod install (you need Cocoapods installed);
Open Example.xcworkspace file on your Xcode and run;
To add this you your project using Cocoapods create a Podfile and add:
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'FolioReaderKit', '~> 0.7'
Then use pod install to install it to your project, the usage documentation is in the Example project.

fail to find header file when using Cocoapods version 1.0 - works fine with Cocoapods version 0.39

I'm trying to use libFLAC compiled to iOS in my project, using CocoaPod to install as a dependancy.
The trouble is the workspace is created just fine if I use CocoaPod version 0.39 but there is a build error if I use CocoaPod version 1.0 (see below for details about the error)
I'm using the project
My podfile contains:
source ''
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'ExampleApp' do
pod 'JSQMessagesViewController', '~>7.0'
pod 'libFLAC', '~>1.3.0'
pod 'RXPromise', '~>0.13.0'
The compile error is of a missing header file (inside the libFlac source) -
#include "private/bitmath.h" << 'private/bitmath.h' not found
This header file does exist in the Pods project under Pods/libFlac/CorePrivateHeaders
The libFlac podspec is at
I'm using Xcode Version 7.3.1
I guess the blame is some breaking change between version 0.39 and version 1.0, but looking at the changelog and the Podspec I failed to find the breaking change.
Did a quick test. I think you have to remove the "use_frameworks!" line from your podfile. Since none of the other libraries are built using Swift you should be fine.
For me, it's caused by Xcode cache data. You can copy your project to a new file path and run to test this. Or delete the cache and run. This is how to delete:
Open Xcode Preference and select Locations:
Click arrow to Derived Data, and delete all files in DeriveData folder:

Pods.framework in red, doesn't exist in DerivedData

I am trying to using Cocoapods 0.39.0 for the dependencies of my project. I have followed the steps, but I end up with a red Pods.framework in my project. If I look at the path where XCode 7.2.1 says it should be, it doesn't exist:
I have looked around at other entries in Stackoverflow, but I am not find anything indicating how the framework should be generated.
The contents of my Podfile are:
source ''
target 'myproject' do
platform :osx, '10.11'
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 3.0'
Any ideas?
Edit, also tried with Cocoapods 1.0.0.beta and no change, even after updating the Podfile to confirm to 'target' being a requirement now.
Build your project with "Generic iOS Device" selected.
If this happens it's most likely because you are using <your_project>.xcproject. When you run pod install CocoaPods creates a <your_project.xcworkspace file that you need to use to have dependencies installed via CocoaPods be available when compiling.

Use of private header from outside its module error in CPTBorderedLayer.m of CorePlot

I upgraded to a new laptop with El Capitan, XCode 7.1, and Cocoapods 0.39.0. When I check out an existing project that uses the CorePlot framework, run pod install, and build the project, I get the following error messages in the CPTBorderedLayer.m file of CorePlot:
Use of private header from outside its module: '_CPTBorderLayer.h'
Use of private header from outside its module: '_CPTMaskLayer.h'
Below is a snippet of my podfile:
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'my_project' do
pod 'CorePlot', :git => ''
This project was compiling fine using Xcode 7.0 and cocoapods 0.37.2, but I'd really rather not downgrade everything unless there are no other options.
This error has something to do with the way CocoaPods sets up the framework project. A temporary fix is to remove the use_frameworks! line from the pod file to let it build the dependencies as a static library.
Please report the problem on the Core Plot issue tracker and we'll see if this can be fixed.
