Spring MVC: (If is possible) search form on submit event generate a URI instead of URL pattern format - spring

I have a #Controller with the following #RequestMapping annotation
public String findOneById(#PathVariable String id, Model model){
return "some view";
Observe it uses #PathVariable, based on URI, it works around /persons/{id}, for example for:
it retrieves an expected person.
that #RequestMapping method works fine when:
I put the URL/URI in the same Web Browser address bar (.../persons/200)
when I generate a report of items including for each one a link to see the details (.../persons/200).
I am trying to create a search form such as follows:
<spring:url var="findOne" value="/persons/" >
<form action="${findOne}" method="get">
<td><label for="id"><spring:message code="persona.id.label"/></label></td>
<td><input name="id" id="id" value=""/></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="search"/></td>
My problem is, when I press submit the form always generates/creates the URL to do the search in the format /persons?id=100. I know it is normal and is expected.
But just being curious and of course if is possible:
What would be the new configuration to generate a URI pattern such as /persons/100 instead of /persons?id=100 when I press the submit button?
I want avoid create a new #RequestMapping method working around with a #RequestParam (it for ?id=100). It to complement the #RequesMapping method working with #PathVariable (it for /100) version.


How to use spring mvc with thymeleaf to iterate over a list?

My goal is to cycle through a list of objects, some to be displayed on the screen, others to be passed into a form as an object of which I can define certain aspects and then return to the controller the object and attribute to be modified.
The problem with the following approach is that the object in the list is not passed correctly to the form and thus gives an error because it is trying to make changes to a non-existent object.
If, on the other hand, I try to pass it as an object via ModelAndView it obviously works but does not have all the characteristics of the object I passed via the list.
public ModelAndView home() throws IOException {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
List<Comics> allComics = cs.getAll();
mv.addObject("comics", allComics);
return mv;
public ModelAndView update(Comics com, #RequestParam("attr") String attr) throws IOException {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
List<Comics> allComics = cs.getAll();
mv.addObject("comics", allComics);
return mv;
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<tr th:each="comic : ${comics}">
<td th:text="${comic.title}"></td>
<td th:text="${comic.lastChapter}"></td>
<a th:href="${comic.lastChapterLink}" target="_blank"
role="button" class="btn btn-md btn-block btn-info"> Link
<form th:action="#{/update}" th:object="${comic}" method="post">
<input type="text" name="attr" id="attr"/>
<button type="submit">Sub</button>
PS: I cut out the head of the html page because it was full of non-relevant CDNs
How can I integrate Spring MVC with Thymeleaf to achieve the result whereby passing a list of objects can be displayed on the screen and used for other purposes within the html page without throwing errors?
Obviously if you know of more efficient methods to achieve the result I'm listening; I only used this method because I didn't know of any others.
Thank you
Answer to #RafaeldaSilva:
I agree, but that does not solve the problem.
Let me explain: the attribute I am going to modify through the form already has its name to allow what you wrote.
But the object iterated through:
tr th:each="comic : ${comics}">
cannot be passed directly as input, as it is a value that is taken from a list and exists individually only in the html page.
One might think of passing it as hidden input, but in this case the result would be the same (I have tried):
<form th:action="#{/update}" th:object="${comic}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" value="${comic}" name="com"/>
<input type="text" name="attr" id="attr"/>
<button type="submit">Sub</button>
public ModelAndView update(#RequestParam("com") Comics com, #RequestParam("attr") String attr) throws IOException {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
System.out.println("Comic: " + com);
List<Comics> allComics = cs.getAll();
mv.addObject("comics", allComics);
return mv;
[org.springframework.web.bind.MissingServletRequestParameterException: Required request parameter 'com' for method parameter type Comics is present but converted to null]
try removing the type="hidden" to see what is present in this input, as I understand you are inserting an object by doing value="${comic}", this way the input should not send the value wanted..
change this: <input type="hidden" value="${comic}" name="com"/>
for this: <input type="text" value="${comic}" name="com"/>
so you can see what the form is sending to the controller, I believe it's the object's memory path, and not the data that exists in it.
in the input you must inform the attributes of the object, not the complete object..

<option> returning emptyin UI form:select of spring mvc3

I've a list of values to be passed from my controller to the jsp page. I've the below controller:
#RequestMapping(value="/addClient.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
protected ModelAndView Submit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
MyForm = new MyForm();
System.out.println("Size of list : "+MyForm.getClientList().size()); //-- Displayed as 10 which is correct
ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("feeMaintenance");
model.addObject("selectedMenu", "MenuSelected");
return model;
And my jsp form is as below:
<form:form method="post" modelAttribute="clientForm" action="${userActionUrl}">
<tr> <td align="left">
<form:select path="clientList">
<form:option value="-" label="------Select Client ------">
<form:options items="${clientsLists}">
</tr> </td>
I've removed the additional unrelated code. The drop down only shows ----Select Client--- even though the controller shows the correct values of the clientList. Unable to figure out whats missing.
if MyForm.getClientList() is successfully return list of client data than
rewrite this line into jsp page.
you write key name into controller is clientsList and you write this into jsp page is clientsLists this is wrong.
I hope this is work.
try this code.
model.addObject("country", projectservice.getallCountry());
**Note:**itemLabel name is same as property name into pojo class and also itemValue name.

Simple JSP-Spring 3 dropdown list not working

I know this should be pretty easy but I'm stuck after trying several things.
I'm only trying to display in my jsp a basic dropdown list. Spring version is 3 so I want everything to work with annotations.
JSP form with dropdown list:
<form:form method="post" commandName="countryForm">
<td>Country :</td>
<td><form:select path="country">
<form:option value="Select" label="Select" />
<td colspan="3"><input type="submit" /></td>
CountryForm.java is a plain object with a single String attribute "country", with its getters and setters.
Controller who deals with the GET request is the following:
public class CountryFormController {
#RequestMapping(value = "MainView", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showForm(Map model) {
CountryForm cform = new CountryForm();
model.put("countryForm", cform);
return "MainView";
However, when I redirect to the JSP "MainView" I get the typical error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'countryForm' available as request attribute
What am I doing wrong?
The select tag in the Spring TagLib needs to be provided with a collection, map or array of options. I'm not sure what you would like these to be so I will make some assumptions.
You need to include a collection, map or array of objects in your controller. Ideally you would have a Country class and create new instances for a set of countries. For the example to work with your code, I just created a static list of countries. Add the list to your model and then modify the select tag, setting the options to ${countries}. Assuming country is a field of type String on CountryForm with appropriate get/set methods, the country should data-bind to field when the form is submitted.
public class CountryFormController {
#RequestMapping(value = "MainView", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showForm(Map model) {
List<CountryForm> cfs = new ArrayList<CountryForm>();
cfs.add("United States");
model.put("countries", cfs);
model.put("countryForm", cform);
return "MainView";
<form:select path="countryForm.country" options="${countries}"/>
I have sample code at GitHub, try it an let me know. Look at landing.jsp and UserController
<form:select path="users[${status.index}].type" >
<form:option value="NONE" label="--- Select ---"/>
<form:options itemValue="name" itemLabel="description" />

Spring 3.1 Form and List Binding

I have not been able to find a solution on this yet after searching and searching.
Using Spring 3.1
I have a form where I would like the user to be able to add multiple point of contacts (poc). In my JSP I have a submit button for adding a poc. It goes to a Spring Controller, gets the current list of pocs from the domain object (which will be empty at first), adds the poc to the list and then puts the domain object back into the model before returning to the same view. Then the user will ultimately submit the entire page which will go to the controller and save the entire object to persistence.
I have tried various attempts and come up with different results from only being able to add one poc with a new one overwriting the existing, to not being able to get the entered poc displayed on the form. I will put the code I currently have.
<form:form method="post" commandName="request">
<input type="text" name="newPoc"/>
<input type="submit" name="addPoc" value="Add POC"/>
<c:forEach items="${request.pointOfContacts}" var="poc" varStatus="vs">
<td><form:label path="pointOfContacts[${vs.index}].name/></td>
Spring Controller:
#RequestMapping(value="/request", method=RequestMethod.POST, param="addPoc")
public Sring addPoc(#RequestParam String newPoc, MyRequest req, Model model) {
PointOfContact poc = new PointOfContact();
List<PointOfContact> pocs = req.getPointOfContacts();
model.addAttribute("request", req);
return "requestForm";
Domain Objects
public class MyRequest {
private List<PointOfContact> pointOfContacts = new ArrayList<PointOfContact>();
public class PointOfContact {
private String name;
Does anybody have any solutions? I have seen various posts about AutoPopulatingList, is this a solution? If so how would I use it in this example.
Yes you should use AutoPopulatingList, example. This will require change in MyRequest entity.

SpringMVC - JSP Iteration Issue

I have the following class that I am attempting to use as a command object
public class Member {
private String datePeriod;
private String status;
private ArrayList <Project> projectList;
On the JSP, I would like the form to prefill with a pre-existing values.
<c:forEach items="${member.projectList}" var="project">
<td><form:input path="**<var???>**" value="${project.projectEntry.projectDesc}" /></td>
I am making an error with path which is causing an error in jsp. Does anyone know the proper syntax with regards to each iteration? Thanks.
My Spring MVC is bit rusty but if I remember correctly, path gets translated as the input name property in HTML eventually. So you can put any Label value in there and that should work.
<form:input path="ProjectDescription" value="${project.projectEntry.projectDesc}" type="text" />
This should get translated to:
<input name="ProjectDescription" type="text" value="<whatever_you_have_in_backing_bean>"/>
Do you want to look up name from a backing bean instead? If so you should be able to do something like below. Without knowing your data structure I am assuming it to be status.
<form:input path="member.status" value="${project.projectEntry.projectDesc}" type="text" />
More on the form tag here.
