Changing design layout in realtime? - xcode

Just curious - is it possible to change the color/design of elements in storyboard and see them reflected on the app that is running?
For example, changing the background color of a label, and then seeing that result on my iPhone (assuming Xcode is currently running the app) WITHOUT rebuilding the whole app?

You want to see changes made in your source reflected in the application running on your device, without having to rebuild and deploy the app (I think). If so, you cannot do that at this time using Xcode and iOS.


Swift UI Canvas not showing with macOS 10.15 and Xcode 11.1

Canvas does not appear in my 2-year old project even though I recently upgraded to macOS 10.15 (19A547) and Xcode 11.1 (15405). I have selected Editor menu/Canvas to show it. Simulator works fine, and building a new project shows Canvas working properly. Must I enable/select/configure other parts of my project?
Read before looking at image
Canvas is actually for SwiftUI, Also you can use the benefits of it by porting your UIKit elements into the SwiftUI preview. But sometimes for some un/known reason, canvas can not reload the view in time and it's not working.
For example:
When you work on a catalyst project and select mac as a target.
When you use a custom run script that cause a change on the xcworkspace during the build process (like auto build number increment script or etc.)
When you have a long task that triggers the watch dog event. (like recursion or massive loop)
Syntax error
Complex swift code
These are just a few of them that I faced and conformed. For more information about the issue, most of the time the canvas itself reports the issue and you can read about it with clicking on Diagnostics button above the canvas window:
But some times you can't even see this pan. Sometimes disable and enable the canvas works for that situation and sometimes restarting Xcode (or even mac) works, but some times not!
Hope it helps you save some time.

Macos app displays view in Xcode, but is totally blank when launched outside of Xcode

I'm working on a small macos app, which I'm building with storyboards/interface builder in Xcode 10.2.1 on MacOS 10.14.5 (though I've set a deployment target of 10.13, if that matters).
When I run the app within Xcode, i.e., by hitting the "play" button, it loads up just fine and is visible and operates.
However, when I "archive" it to a freestanding executable and then try to run the app from the hard drive, it opens up on a blank screen. (See screenshots below.)
I've cleaned the build folder. I've also made sure to clear any/all build warnings and autolayout constraint warnings.
Here it is, running perfectly fine within xcode:
And here it is, displaying nada when run on its own:
The app uses no third-party libraries, no bundle assets, and only has one ViewController---nothing fancy at all happening here. The only weird UI thing that I'm doing is that there's a very small webview in the bottom-right corner that I'm using as a hack to load js-based web content (the mysterious white dot in the working screenshot).
Ok, I figured this one out myself, so for the purposes of google/if someone else has this problem: there seems to be a bug in WKWebView of some kind, adding it to IB kills everything else in the view. (Or maybe this is intended, and WKWebView requires it's own independent view? Dunno.)
The solution is to create it programmatically and never put it in the view at all. You can still load web content in the background, scrape information from pages, etc. without it ever being part of a view.
Not only WKWebView, also AVPlayerView should not placed int IB, too.
it cause same result.

Running the app on a real Apple Watch and infinite spinner

I wanted to make a clickable prototype of an app on (storyboard only). I have just added two interface controllers and some images and buttons. I filled xcassets with several images (overall less than 150kB) and tried to run the app. When there was a single interface controller with 3 buttons (images in background) + 1 imageView (around 100kB all) it took some time but the app lauched. I added 1 more interface controller and a few images to it (the biggest are around 9kB) and this time Xcode displayed me a message that it lost a connection with an iPhone but the watch is still running or the watch app timed out error. At the same time I have the app name on the watch screen and a spinner. And it's spinning for ages without any result... I've tried to delete the app from both devices, restarting, cleaning folders etc. and no success. Is there a limit of images one can put in the watch's xcassets? So frustrating...
I was also facing same issue where spinner on real devices was never ending.
This was because watch extension and watch app were missing arm64 architecture, make sure you select Standard Architectures(armv7 and arm64)in build setting.
Here is what you could do/check:
You should use the xcassets that is located in your WatchKit app, not the one in your WatchKit extension.
Build and run your main iPhone app as the primary target once.
Yeah, i've been struggling with this too...
the only way i found : i click on digital crownd of the AppleWath, then re-tap on my app and magically the app launching (and the debugger work.)
if this is not working the hard way : Reboot xcode, Clean, if still not working same as you clean, restart devices... this is so annoying.
first solution take less time, and work 7/10 times
if someone knows a beter solution i'll take it !! ;-)

App launched from Xcode always starting behind all other apps?

A specific project I've been working on for a while now all of a sudden would display the application - when launched via 'Run' from Xcode 4 - behind all other running apps, in particular behind the Xcode IDE.
This happen regardless of the Debug Workflow setting. Changing it to Xcode always behind only causes Xcode to be hidden behind the other running apps as well. Very weird.
I couldn't find a scheme setting changing the app's behaviour, deleting all from the build folder had no effect either. Launching the app directly via Finder works just fine and brings it to the front.
Edit #1:
Deleting the app's prefs, user and system caches, the general clean using Onyx didn't help at all -
of all apps this particular one keeps launching behind all other running apps.

How to setup correctly iPad Launch Images in xCode 4.2 for both orientations

Ok. So I have iPad app in Xcode 4.2 targeted for iOS 5.1. I provided it with launch images for both landscape and portrait modes and it has some serious trouble with using them properly.
First in landscape mode it shows proper landscape image but rotated by 90 degrees CW and cropped on the right side. Then when it starts to display it properly but does it also in portrait mode (as if it doesn't recognize portrait mode at all anymore).
I've seen some suggestions like providing portrait image with rotated content for landscape mode, etc. but the problem is I can't for the life of me make xCode use both images in right moments.
Is there some voodoo for that? Like setting them in proper order, use plist directly or the slots in GUI, putting them in some special directory or two different directories, I don't know - anything? Fighting xCode over such things will make me puke with blood one day...
Ok, one thing to know is that xCode seems to be very capricious when it comes to updating settings, resources etc. I deleted references to the launch images from the project, cleaned the product in xCode and removed the app from simulator but it still somehow managed to use the launch images even though it didn't show copying the images in build log.
I'm not sure if it took the pictures from derived data or what but I had to delete derived data and remove the images manually from the app bundle in ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/5.1/Applications/ to make it stop. Then I pasted the images manually into the app bundle and now after publishing both images work properly in the simulator ignoring the fact that I didn't set them up at all in xCode!
I'm still not sure how to proceed with the device version - it obviously doesn't have the launch images now...
Apparently xCode doesn't care at all about setting anything about the launch images apart from including properly named images in the project so they get copied to the bundle. As I wrote above you can even inject the images into the app bundle and it still works.
The other side is that once you get the images there it may by hard to get rid of them.
So anyway now I have nothing in my plist about the images, nor anything in the slots in the Target Info and I have four working launch images in my app (both orientations and retina).
Hope it helps someone sometime..
