How to use shell variables with GNU parallel? - shell

This is the content of list.csv:
Suppose I have this GNU parallel command:
parallel -a list.csv -j0 -C, \
color=`echo {2} | sed 's/e/eee/g' | ./` ";" \
echo "{2}" ";" \
echo "$color" ";"
To get:
Why isn't the color variable being defined/printed?
EDIT 20151218:
Now that I got the quoting right, I'd like to introduce a function reading a variable from another function, and reading $0.
This is a working example without GNU parallel (I made grep case-insensitive before posting, to facilitate testing without ./
while read line; do
doit() {
color=`echo $1 | cut -d, -f2 | sed 's/e/eee/g' | ./`
export -f doit
get_key() {
key=`grep -i $color $0 | cut -d, -f2`
export -f get_key
#note that I would use parallel's `-C,` here instead of `cut`.
doit $line #get CSV's 2nd element and make it look like the one in script.
get_key #extract this element's value from the script's comments.
echo "color: $color"
echo "key: $key"
done < list.csv
#Key database in the shell script
# REEED,r-key
# YEEELLOW,y-key
# WHITEEE,w-key
Working output:
color: REEED
key: r-key
key: y-key
color: WHITEEE
key: w-key

This should work:
parallel -a list.csv -j0 -C, 'color=`echo {2} | sed "s/e/eee/g" | ./`' ";" echo "{2}" ";" echo '"$color"' ";"
You are being hit by inadequate quoting. It might be easier to use a function:
doit() {
color=`echo $2 | sed 's/e/eee/g' | ./`
echo "$2"
echo "$color"
export -f doit
parallel -a list.csv -j0 -C, doit
If this is the real goal you might want to use {= =} instead which is made for similar situations:
parallel -a list.csv -j0 -C, echo {2}";" echo '{=2 s/e/eee/g; $_=uc($_) =}'
If you are using $color several times, then --rpl can introduce a shorthand:
parallel --rpl '{clr} s/e/eee/g; $_=uc($_)' -a list.csv -j0 -C, echo {2}";" echo '{2clr} and again: {2clr}'
From the xargs afficionados I would really like to see a solution using xargs that:
guarantees not mixing output from different jobs - even if the lines are 60k long (e.g. the value of $color is 60k long)
sends stdout to stdout, and stderr to stderr
does not skip jobs even if the list of jobs (list.csv) is bigger than the number of available processes in the process table - even if takes a full minute to run (xargs -P0)

The idea is to use a single function to do everything.
#Key database in the shell script
# REEED,r-key
# YEEELLOW,y-key
# WHITEEE,w-key
doit() {
# get CSV's 2nd element and make it look like the one in script.
color=`echo $3 | cut -d, -f2 | sed 's/e/eee/g' | ./`
#extract this element's value from the script's comments.
key=`grep -i $color $1 | cut -d, -f2`
echo "color: $color"
echo "key: $key"
export -f doit
#note that I would use parallel's `-C,` here instead of `cut`.
parallel -C, doit $0 < list.csv


bash or zsh: how to pass multiple inputs to interactive piped parameters?

I have 3 different files that I want to compare
For each file, I run a command like so, which I iterate on constantly to compare the results.
For example, I would do this:
$ cat words_freq | grep -v '[soe]'
$ cat words_freq_deduped | grep -v '[soe]'
$ cat words_freq_alpha | grep -v '[soe]'
and then review the results, and then do it again, with an additional filter
$ cat words_freq | grep -v '[soe]' | grep a | grep r | head -n20
$ cat words_freq_deduped | grep -v '[soe]' | grep a | grep r | head -n20
$ cat words_freq_alpha | grep -v '[soe]' | grep a | grep r | head -n20
This continues on until I've analyzed my data.
I would like to write a script that could take the piped portions, and pass it to each of these files, as I iterate on the grep/head portions of the command.
e.g. The following would dump the results of running the 3 commands above AND also compare the 3 results, and dump additional calculations on them
$ myScript | grep -v '[soe]' | grep a | grep r | head -n20
the letters were in all 3 runs, and it took 5 seconds
How can I do this using bash/python or zsh for the myScript part?
EDIT: After asking the question, it occurred to me that I could use eval to do it, like so, which I've added as an answer as well
The following approach allows me to process multiple files by using eval, which I know is frowned upon - any other suggestions are greatly appreciated!
$ myScript "grep -v '[soe]' | grep a | grep r | head -n20"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function doIt(){
CMD="cat $1 | $2"
echo processing file "$FILE"
eval "$CMD"
doIt words_freq "$#"
doIt words_freq_deduped "$#"
doIt words_freq_alpha "$#"
You can't avoid your shell from running pipes itself, so using it like that isn't very practical - you'd need to either quote everything and then eval it, which would make it hard to pass arguments with spaces, or quote every pipe, which you can then eval, making it so you have to quote every pipe. But yeah, these solutions are kinda hacky.
I'd suggest doing one of these two:
Keep your editor open, and put whatever you want to run inside the doIt function itself before you run it. Then run it in your shell without any arguments:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
doIt() {
# grep -v '[soe]' < "$1"
grep -v '[soe]' < "$1" | grep a | grep r | head -n20
doIt words_freq
doIt words_freq_deduped
doIt words_freq_alpha
Or, you could always use a "for" in your shell, which you can use Ctrl+r to find in your history when you want to use:
$ for f in words_freq*; do grep -v '[soe]' < "$f" | grep a | grep r | head -n20; done
But if you really want your approach, I tried to make it accept spaces, but it ended up being even hackier:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
doIt() {
local FILE=$1
echo processing file "$FILE"
local args=()
for n in $(seq 1 $#); do
if [[ $arg == '|' ]]; then
eval "cat '$FILE' | ${args[#]}"
doIt words_freq "$#"
doIt words_freq_deduped "$#"
doIt words_freq_alpha "$#"
With this version you can use it like this:
$ ./myScript grep "a a" "|" head -n1
Notice that it need you to quote the |, and that it now handles arguments with spaces.
Not fully understood problem correctly.
I understood you want to write a script without pipes, by including the filtering logic into the script.
And feeding the filtering patterns as arguments.
Here is a gawk script (standard Linux awk).
With one sweep on 3 input files, without piping.
# set record separator to something unlikely matched, causing each file to be read entirely as a single record
$0 !~ excludeRegEx # if file does not match excludeRegEx
&& $0 ~ includeRegEx1 # and match includeRegEx1
&& $0 ~ includeRegEx2 { # and match includeRegEx2
system "head -n20 "FILENAME; # call shell command "head -n20 " on current filename
Running script.awk
awk -v excludeRegEx='[soe]' \
-v includeRegEx1='a' \
-v includeRegEx2='r' \
-f script.awk words_freq words_freq_deduped words_freq_alpha
The following approach allows me to process multiple files by using eval, which I know is frowned upon - any other suggestions are greatly appreciated!
$ myScript "grep -v '[soe]' | grep a | grep r | head -n20"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function doIt(){
CMD="cat $1 | $2"
echo processing file "$FILE"
eval "$CMD"
doIt words_freq "$#"
doIt words_freq_deduped "$#"
doIt words_freq_alpha "$#"

Passing args to defined bash functions through GNU parallel

Let me show you a snippet of my Bash script and how I try to run parallel:
parallel -a "$file" \
-k \
-j8 \
--block 100M \
--pipepart \
--bar \
--will-cite \
_fix_col_number {} | _unify_null_value {} >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$new_filename"
So, I am basically trying to process each line in a file in parallel using Bash functions defined inside my script. However, I am not sure how to pass each line to my defined functions "_fix_col_number" and "_unify_null_value". Whatever I do, nothing gets passed to the functions.
I am exporting the functions like this in my script:
declare -x NUM_OF_COLUMNS
export -f _fix_col_number
export -f _add_tabs
export -f _unify_null_value
The mentioned functions are:
_string=$(echo "$1" | perl -0777 -pe "s/(?<=\t)\.(?=\s)//g" | \
perl -0777 -pe "s/(?<=\t)NA(?=\s)//g" | \
perl -0777 -pe "s/(?<=\t)No Info(?=\s)//g")
echo "$_string"
for (( c=1; c<=$1; c++ ))
echo -e "$_tabs"
line_cols=$(echo "$1" | awk -F"\t" '{ print NF }')
if [[ $line_cols -gt $NUM_OF_COLUMNS ]]; then
new_line=$(echo "$1" | cut -f1-"$NUM_OF_COLUMNS")
echo -e "$new_line\n"
elif [[ $line_cols -lt $NUM_OF_COLUMNS ]]; then
missing_columns=$(( NUM_OF_COLUMNS - line_cols ))
new_line="${1//$'\n'/}$(_add_tabs $missing_columns)"
echo -e "$new_line\n"
echo -e "$1"
I tried removing {} from parallel. Not really sure what I am doing wrong.
I see two problems in the invocation plus additional problems with the functions:
With --pipepart there are no arguments. The blocks read from -a file are passed over stdin to your functions. Try the following commands to confirm this:
seq 9 > file
parallel -a file --pipepart echo
parallel -a file --pipepart cat
Theoretically, you could read stdin into a variable and pass that variable to your functions, ...
parallel -a file --pipepart 'b=$(cat); someFunction "$b"'
... but I wouldn't recommend it, especially since your blocks are 100MB each.
Bash interprets the pipe | in your command before parallel even sees it. To run a pipe, quote the entire command:
parallel ... 'b=$(cat); _fix_col_number "$b" | _unify_null_value "$b"' >> ...
_fix_col_number seems to assume its argument to be a single line, but receives 100MB blocks instead.
_unify_null_value does not read stdin, so _fix_col_number {} | _unify_null_value {} is equivalent to _unify_null_value {}.
That being said, your functions can be drastically improved. They start a lot of processes which becomes incredibly expensive for larger files. You can do some trivial improvements like combining perl ... | perl ... | perl ... into a single perl. Likewise, instead of storing everything in variables, you can process stdin directly: Just use f() { cmd1 | cmd2; } instead of f() { var=$(echo "$1" | cmd1); var=$(echo "$var" | cmd2); echo "$var"; }.
However, don't waste time on small things like these. A complete rewrite in sed, awk, or perl is easy and should outperfom every optimization on the existing functions.
tabs=$(perl -e "print \"\t\" x $n")
perl -pe "s/\r?\$/$tabs/; s/\t\K(\.|NA|No Info)(?=\s)//g;" file |
cut -f "1-$n"
If you still find this too slow, leave out file; pack the command into a function, export that function and then call parallel -a file -k --pipepart nameOfTheFunction. The option --block is not necessary as pipepart will evenly split the input based on the number of jobs (can be specified with -j).

calling shell function using parallel with list of quoted filenames as input

Using Bash.
I have an exported shell function which I want to apply to many files.
Normally I would use xargs, but the syntax like this (see here) is too ugly for use.
...... | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
In that discussion, parallel had an easier syntax:
..... | parallel -P 10 echo_var {}
Now I have run into the following problem: the list of files to which I want to apply my function is a list of files on one line, each quoted and separated by spaces thus:
"file 1" "file 2" "file 3".
how can I feed this space-separated, quoted, list into parallel?
I can replicate the list using echo for testing.
echo '"file 1" "file 2" "file 3"'|parallel -d " " my_function {}
but I can't get this to work.
How can I fix it?
How can I fix it?
You have to choose a unique separator.
echo 'file 1|file 2|file 3' | xargs -d "|" -n1 bash -c 'my_function "$#"' --
echo 'file 1^file 2^file 3' | parallel -d "^" my_function
The safest is to use zero byte as the separator:
echo -e 'file 1\x00file 2\x00file 3' | xargs -0 ' -n1 bash -c 'my_function "$#"' --
printf "%s\0" 'file 1' 'file 2' 'file 3' | parallel -0 my_function
The best is to store your elements inside a bash array and use a zero separated stream to process them:
files=("file 1" "file 2" "file 3")
printf "%s\0" "${files[#]}" | xargs -0 -n1 bash -c 'my_function "$#"' --
printf "%s\0" "${files[#]}" | parallel -0 my_function
Note that empty arrays will run the function without any arguments. It's sometimes preferred to use -r --no-run-if-empty option not to run the function when input is empty. The --no-run-if-empty is supported by parallel and is a gnu extension in xargs (xargs on BSD and on OSX do not have --no-run-if-empty).
Note: xargs by default parses ', " and \. This is why the following is possible and will work:
echo '"file 1" "file 2" "file 3"' | xargs -n1 bash -c 'my_function "$#"' --
echo "'file 1' 'file 2' 'file 3'" | xargs -n1 bash -c 'my_function "$#"' --
echo 'file\ 1 file\ 2 file\ 3' | xargs -n1 bash -c 'my_function "$#"' --
And it can result in some strange things, so remember to almost always specify -d option to xargs:
$ # note \x replaced by single x
$ echo '\\a\b\c' | xargs
$ # quotes are parsed and need to match
$ echo 'abc"def' | xargs
xargs: unmatched double quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option
$ echo "abc'def" | xargs
xargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option
xargs is a portable tool available quite everywhere, while parallel is a GNU program, which has to be installed separately.
The problem boils down to the values can contain space, and space is the value separator. So we need something that can parse the input into separate values containing space. Since they are bash-quoted the obvious choice is to use bash for unquoting the values.
You have several options:
(echo "file 1";
echo "file 2";
echo "file \"name\" \$(3)") | parallel my_function
printf "%s\n" "file 1" "file 2" "file \"name\" \$(3)" |
parallel my_function
If the input is in a variable:
var='"file 1" "file 2" "file \"name\" \$(3)"'
eval 'printf "%s\n" '"$var" |
parallel my_function
Or you can convert the variable to an array:
var='"file 1" "file 2" "file \"name\" \$(3)"'
eval arr=("$var")
And if the input is in an array:
parallel my_function ::: "${arr[#]}"

GNU parallel with custom script doing string comparison

The follwoing compares part of a string (coming from stdin by cating a csv file) to a defined string and reports the differences in a certain format
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ref_transp=$(echo "$reference" | sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g')
while read line; do
line_transp=$(echo "$line" | cut -d',' -f2 | sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g')
output=$(paste -d ' ' <(echo "$ref_transp") <(echo "$line_transp") | grep -vnP '([A-Z]) \1' | sed -E 's/([0-9][0-9]*):([A-Z]) ([A-Z]*)/\2\1\3/' | grep '^[A-Z][0-9][0-9]*[A-Z*]$')
echo "$(echo ${line:0:35}, $output)"
done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"
It is intendet to be executed on a number of rows from a very large file in the format
and it works well when i use it in a pipe:
cat large_file | ./
However, when I try to use it with parallel, i get this error:
$ cat large_file | parallel ./
./ line 9: XYZ, ABMDEFG : No such file or directory
What is causing this? Is parallel supposed to work for something like this, if I want to redirect the output to a single file afterwards?
Less important side note: I'm rather proud of my string comparison method, but if someone has a faster way to get from comparing ABCDEFG and XYZ,ABMDEFG to obtain XYZ,C3M I'd be happy to hear that, too.
I should have said, I also want to preserve the order of each line in the output, corresponding to the input. Is that possible using parallel?
Your script accepts its input from a file (defaulting to stdin), whereas parallel will pass input as arguments, not via stdin. In that sense, parallel is closer to xargs.
Presumably, you want each of the lines in large_file to be processed as a unit, possibly in parallel.
That means you need your script to only process one such line at a time, and let parallel call your script many times, once for each line.
So your script should look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ref_transp=$(echo "$reference" | sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g')
line_transp=$(echo "$line" | cut -d',' -f2 | sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g')
output=$(paste -d ' ' <(echo "$ref_transp") <(echo "$line_transp") | grep -vnP '([A-Z]) \1' | sed -E 's/([0-9][0-9]*):([A-Z]) ([A-Z]*)/\2\1\3/' | grep '^[A-Z][0-9][0-9]*[A-Z*]$')
echo "$(echo ${line:0:35}, $output)"
Then you can redirect to a file as follows:
cat large_file | parallel ./ > output_file
-k keeps the order.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
doit() {
ref_transp=$(echo "$reference" | sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g')
while read line; do
line_transp=$(echo "$line" | cut -d',' -f2 | sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g')
output=$(paste -d ' ' <(echo "$ref_transp") <(echo "$line_transp") | grep -vnP '([A-Z]) \1' | sed -E 's/([0-9][0-9]*):([A-Z]) ([A-Z]*)/\2\1\3/' | grep '^[A-Z][0-9][0-9]*[A-Z*]$')
echo "$(echo ${line:0:35}, $output)"
export -f doit
cat large_file | parallel --pipe -k doit
parallel --pipepart -a large_file --block -10 -k doit

why shell for expression cannot parse xargs parameter correctly

I have a black list to save tag id list, e.g. 1-3,7-9, actually it represents 1,2,3,7,8,9. And could expand it by below shell
for i in {1..3,7..9}; do for j in {$i}; do echo -n "$j,"; done; done
but first I should convert - to ..
echo -n "1-3,7-9" | sed 's/-/../g'
then put it into for expression as a parameter
echo -n "1-3,7-9" | sed 's/-/../g' | xargs -I # for i in {#}; do for j in {$i}; do echo -n "$j,"; done; done
zsh: parse error near `do'
echo -n "1-3,7-9" | sed 's/-/../g' | xargs -I # echo #
but for expression cannot parse it correctly, why is so?
Because you didn't do anything to stop the outermost shell from picking up the special keywords and characters ( do, for, $, etc ) that you mean to be run by xargs.
xargs isn't a shell built-in; it gets the command line you want it to run for each element on stdin, from its arguments. just like any other program, if you want ; or any other sequence special to be bash in an argument, you need to somehow escape it.
It seems like what you really want here, in my mind, is to invoke in a subshell a command ( your nested for loops ) for each input element.
I've come up with this; it seems to to the job:
echo -n "1-3,7-9" \
| sed 's/-/../g' \
| xargs -I # \
bash -c "for i in {#}; do for j in {\$i}; do echo -n \"\$j,\"; done; done;"
which gives:
Could use below shell to achieve this
# Mac newline need special treatment
echo "1-3,7-9" | sed -e 's/-/../g' -e $'s/,/\\\n/g' | xargs -I# echo 'for i in {#}; do echo -n "$i,"; done' | bash
echo "1-3,7-9" | sed -e 's/-/../g' -e 's/,/\n/g' | xargs -I# echo 'for i in {#}; do echo -n "$i,"; done' | bash
but use this way is a little complicated maybe awk is more intuitive
# awk
echo "1-3,7-9,11,13-17" | awk '{n=split($0,a,","); for(i=1;i<=n;i++){m=split(a[i],a2,"-");for(j=a2[1];j<=a2[m];j++){print j}}}' | tr '\n' ','
echo -n "1-3,7-9" | perl -ne 's/-/../g;$,=",";print eval $_'
