parse command line values - bash

I'm having a problem with my script and i can't seem to see where the problem occurs.
rules=$(echo "$result" | grep '^[[:space:]]\{2\}[0-9]\|^\*' | sed 's/^.//' | \
awk '{ x = $0 "\n" x } END { printf "%s", x }' | awk '{print $1}')
numRules=$(echo "$rules" | wc -l)
This is my script for the data below this would be the value of $result
ID Action Category From Hits
100 deny trial1 herb 0
200 deny trial2222 herb.patrick 0
300 deny triaaaals herb.patrick.hernandez 0
My goal is to be able to get the id which is 100, 200, 300 to be placed in $rules and for me to be able to get the total count of ids for this example: 3 would be the right return for $numRules.
$rules= 100 200 300
$numRules = 3

With GNU grep and an array:
rules=($(grep -o '^[0-9]\+' file))
echo ${rules[#]}
echo $numRules
100 200 300


Calculating percentile for each request from a log file based on start time and end time using bash script

I have a simulation.log file where it will have below results and I want to calculate 5th, 25th, 95th, 99th percentile of each request using shell script by reading the file.
Below is a sample simulation.log file where 1649410339141 and 1649410341026 are start and end time in milliseconds.
REQUEST1 somelogprinted TTP123099SM000202 002 1649410339141 1649410341026 OK
REQUEST2 somelogprinted TTP123099SM000202 001 1649410339141 1649410341029 OK
I tried below code but did not give me any result and I am not a Unix developer:
sort -n $* > $FILE
N=$(wc -l $FILE | awk '{print $1}')
P50=$(dc -e "$N 2 / p")
P90=$(dc -e "$N 9 * 10 / p")
P99=$(dc -e "$N 99 * 100 / p") echo ";;
50th, 90th and 99th percentiles for
$N data points" awk "FNR==$P50 || FNR==$P90 || FNR==$P99" $FILE
Sample output:
Request | 5thpercentile | 25Percentile | 95Percentile | 99Percentile
Request1 | 657 | 786 | 821 | 981
Request2 | 453 | 654 | 795 | 854

Bash - Removing empty columns from .csv file

I have a large .csv file in which I have to remove columns which are empty. By empty, I mean that they have a header, but the rest of the column contains no data.
I've written a Bash script to try and do this, but am running into a few issues.
Here's the code:
total="$(head -n 1 Reddit-cleaner.csv | grep -o ',' | wc -l)"
while [ $i -le $total ]; do
cat Reddit-cleaner.csv | cut -d "," -f$i | while read CMD; do if [ -n CMD ]; then count=$count+1; fi; done
if [ $count -eq 1 ]; then
cut -d "," -f$i --complement <Reddit-cleaner.csv >Reddit-cleanerer.csv
Firstly I find the number of columns, and store it in total. Then while the program has not reached the last column, I loop through the columns individually. The nested while loop checks if each row in the column is empty, and if there is more than one row that is not empty, it writes all other columns to another file.
I recognise that there are a few problems with this script. Firstly, the count modification occurs in a subshell, so count is never modified in the parent shell. Secondly, the file I am writing to will be overwritten every time the script finds an empty column.
So my question then is how can I fix this. I initially wanted to have it so that it wrote to a new file column by column, based on count, but couldn't figure out how to get that done either.
Edit: People have asked for a sample input and output.
Sample input:
User, Date, Email, Administrator, Posts, Comments
a, 20201719,, Yes, , 3
b, 20182817,, No, , 4
c, 20191618, , No, , 4
d, 20190126, , No, , 2
Sample output:
User, Data, Email, Administrator, Comments
a, 20201719,, Yes, 3
b, 20182817,, No, 4
c, 20191618, , No, 4
d, 20190126, , No, 2
In the sample output, the column which has no data in it except for the header (Posts) has been removed, while the columns which are either entirely or partially filled remain.
I may be misinterpreting the question (due to its lack of example input and expected output), but this should be as simple as:
$ x="1,2,3,,4,field 5,,,six,7"
$ echo "${x//,+(,)/,}"
1,2,3,4,field 5,six,7
This requires bash with extglob enabled. Otherwise, you can use an external call to sed:
$ echo "1,2,3,,4,field 5,,,six,7" |sed 's/,,,*/,/g'
1,2,3,4,field 5,six,7
There's a lot of redundancy in your sample code. You should really consider awk since it already tracks the current field count (as NF) and the number of lines (as NR), so you could add that up with a simple total+=NF on each line. With the empty fields collapsed, awk can just run on the field number you want.
$ echo "1,2,3,,4,field 5,,,six,7" |awk -F ',+' '
{ printf "line %d has %d fields, the 6th of which is <%s>\n", NR, NF, $6 }'
line 1 has 7 fields, the 6th of which is <six>
This uses printf to denote the number of records (NR, the current line number), the number of fields (NF) and the value of the sixth field ($6, can also be as a variable, e.g. $NF is the value of the final field since awk is one-indexed).
It is actually job of a CSV parser but you may use this awk script to get the job done:
cat removeEmptyCellsCsv.awk
FS = OFS = ", "
NR == 1 {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
e[i] = 1 # initially all cols are marked empty
FNR == NR {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
e[i] = e[i] && ($i == "")
s = ""
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
s = s (i==1 || e[i-1] ? "" : OFS) (e[i] ? "" : $i)
print s
Then run it as:
awk -f removeEmptyCellsCsv.awk file.csv{,}
Using sample data provided in question, it will produce following output:
1, User, Date, Email, Administrator, Comments
2, a, 20201719,, Yes, 3
3, b, 20182817,, No, 4
4, c, 20191618, , No, 4
5, d, 20190126, , No, 2
Note that Posts columns has been removed because it is empty in every record.
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
if ( NR > 1 ) {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if ( $i ~ /[^[:space:]]/ ) {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if (i in gotValues) {
printf "%s%s", (c++ ? OFS : ""), $i
print ""
$ awk -f tst.awk file file
User, Date, Email, Administrator, Comments
a, 20201719,, Yes, 3
b, 20182817,, No, 4
c, 20191618, , No, 4
d, 20190126, , No, 2
See also What's the most robust way to efficiently parse CSV using awk? if you need to work with any more complicated CSVs than the one in your question.
You can use Miller ( and its remove-empty-columns verb.
Starting from
| User | Date | Email | Administrator | Posts | Comments |
| a | 20201719 | | Yes | - | 3 |
| b | 20182817 | | No | - | 4 |
| c | 20191618 | - | No | - | 4 |
| d | 20190126 | - | No | - | 2 |
and running
mlr --csv remove-empty-columns input.csv >output.csv
you will have
| User | Date | Email | Administrator | Comments |
| a | 20201719 | | Yes | 3 |
| b | 20182817 | | No | 4 |
| c | 20191618 | - | No | 4 |
| d | 20190126 | - | No | 2 |

awk command to print multiple columns using for loop

I am having a single file in which it contains 1st and 2nd column with item code and name, then from 3rd to 12th column which contains its 10 days consumption quantity continuously.
Now i need to convert that into 10 different files. In each the 1st and 2nd column should be the same item code and item name and the 3rd column will contain the consumption quantity of one day in each..
input file:
Code | Name | Day1 | Day2 | Day3 |...
10001 | abcd | 5 | 1 | 9 |...
10002 | degg | 3 | 9 | 6 |...
10003 | gxyz | 4 | 8 | 7 |...
I need the Output in different file as
file 1:
Code | Name | Day1
10001 | abcd | 5
10002 | degg | 3
10003 | gxyz | 4
file 2:
Code | Name | Day2
10001 | abcd | 1
10002 | degg | 9
10003 | gxyz | 8
file 3:
Code | Name | Day3
10001 | abcd | 9
10002 | degg | 6
10003 | gxyz | 7
and so on....
I wrote a code like this
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" } ; {print $1,$2,$3}' FILE_NAME > file1;
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" } ; {print $1,$2,$4}' FILE_NAME > file2;
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" } ; {print $1,$2,$5}' FILE_NAME > file3;
and so on...
Now i need to write it with in a 'for' or 'while' loop which would be faster...
I dont know the exact code, may be like this..
for (( i=3; i<=NF; i++)) ; do awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" } ; {print $1,$2,$i}' input.tsv > $i.tsv; done
kindly help me to get the output as i explained.
If you absolutely need to to use a loop in Bash, then your loop can be fixed like this:
for ((i = 3; i <= 10; i++)); do awk -v field=$i 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" } { print $1, $2, $field }' input.tsv > file$i.tsv; done
But it would be really better to solve this using pure awk, without shell at all:
awk -v FS='\t' '
NR == 1 {
for (i = 3; i < NF; i++) {
fn = "file" (i - 2) ".txt";
print $1, $2, $i > fn;
print "" >> fn;
NR > 2 {
for (i = 3; i < NF; i++) {
fn = "file" (i - 2) ".txt";
print $1, $2, $i >> fn;
}' inputfile
That is, when you're on the first record,
create the output files by writing the header line and a blank line (as in specified in your question).
For the 3rd and later records, append to the files.
Note that the code in your question suggests that the fields in the file are separated by tabs, but the example files seem to use | padded with variable number of spaces. It's not clear which one is your actual case. If it's really tab-separated, then the above code will work. If in fact it's as the example inputs, then change the first line to this:
awk -v OFS=' | ' -v FS='[ |]+' '
bash + cut solution:
input.tsv test content:
Code | Name | Day1 | Day2 | Day3
10001 | abcd | 5 | 1 | 9
10002 | degg | 3 | 9 | 6
10003 | gxyz | 4 | 8 | 7 script:
n=$(cat $1 | head -1 | awk -F'|' '{print NF}') # total number of fields
for ((i=3; i<=$n; i++))
fn="Day"$(($i-2)) # file name containing `Day` number
$(cut -d'|' -f1,2,$i $1 > $fn".txt")
bash input.tsv
$cat Day1.txt
Code | Name | Day1
10001 | abcd | 5
10002 | degg | 3
10003 | gxyz | 4
$cat Day2.txt
Code | Name | Day2
10001 | abcd | 1
10002 | degg | 9
10003 | gxyz | 8
$cat Day3.txt
Code | Name | Day3
10001 | abcd | 9
10002 | degg | 6
10003 | gxyz | 7
In pure awk:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++) {f="file" (i-2); print $1,$2,$i >> f; close(f)}}' file
$ awk '
FS=OFS="|" } # set delimiters
for(i=3;i<=NF;i++) { # loop the consumption fields
f="file" (i-2) # create the filename
print $1,$2,$i >> f # append to target file
close(f) } # close the target file
}' file

Split a column into separate columns based on value

I have a tab delimited file that looks as follows:
cat my file.txt
1 299
1 150
1 50
1 57
2 -45
2 62
3 515
3 215
3 -315
3 -35
3 3
3 6789
3 34
5 66
5 1334
5 123
I'd like to use Unix commands to get a tab-delimited file that based on values in column#1, each column of the output file will hold all relevant values of column#2
(I'm using here for the example the separator "|" instead of tab only to illustrate my desired output file):
299 | -45 | 515 | 66
150 | 62 | 215 | 1334
50 | | -315 |
57 | | -35 |
| | 3 |
The corresponding Headers (1,2,3,5; based on column#1 values) could be a nice addition to the code (as shown below), but the main request is to split the information of the first file into separated columns. Thanks!
1 | 2 | 3 | 5
299 | -45 | 515 | 66
150 | 62 | 215 | 1334
50 | | -315 |
57 | | -35 |
| | 3 |
Here's a one liner that matches your output. It builds a string $ARGS containing as many process substitutions as there are unique values in the first column. Then, $ARGS is used as the argument for the paste command:
HEADERS=$(cut -f 1 file.txt | sort -n | uniq); ARGS=""; for h in $HEADERS; do ARGS+=" <(grep ^"$h"$'\t' file.txt | cut -f 2)"; done; echo $HEADERS | tr ' ' '|'; eval "paste -d '|' $ARGS"
You can use gnu-awk
awk '
d[$1][length(d[$1])+1] = $2;
max = length(d[$1]);
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_num_asc";
line = "";
flag = 0;
for(j in d){
line = line (flag?"\t|\t":"") j;
flag = 1;
print line;
for(i=1; i<=max; ++i){
line = "";
flag = 0;
for(j in d){
line = line (flag?"\t|\t":"") d[j][i];
flag = 1;
print line;
}' file.txt
you get
1 | 2 | 3 | 5
299 | -45 | 515 | 66
150 | 62 | 215 | 1334
50 | | -315 |
57 | | -35 |
| | 3 |
Or, you can use python .... for example, in
import sys
records = [line.split() for line in open(sys.argv[1])]
import collections
records_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for key, val in records:
from itertools import izip_longest
print "\t|\t".join(records_dict.keys())
print "\n".join(("\t|\t".join(map(str,l)) for l in izip_longest(*records_dict.values(), fillvalue="")))
python file.txt
you get same result
#Jose Ricardo Bustos M. - thanks for your answer! I unfortunately couldn't install on my Mac the gnu-awk, but based on your suggestive answer I've performed something similar using awk:
HEADERS=$(cut -f 1 try.txt | awk '!x[$0]++');
H=( ${HEADERS// / });
MAXUNIQNUM=$(cut -f 1 try.txt |uniq -c|awk '{print $1}'|sort -nr|head -1);
awk -v header="${H[*]}" -v max=$MAXUNIQNUM
split(header,headerlist," ");
for (q = 1;q <= length(headerlist); q++)
{for (z = 1; z <= length(headerlist); z++){
if (headerlist[z] == $1){
arr[counter[z],headerlist[z]] = $2;
for (x = 1; x <= max; x++){
for (y = 1; y<= length(headerlist); y++){
printf "%s\t",arr[x,headerlist[y]];
printf "\n"
}' try.txt
This is using an array to keep track of the column headings, using them to name temporary files and paste everything together in the end:
while read -r key value; do
if [[ "${filenames[$idx]}" != "$key" ]]; then
(( ++idx ))
echo -e "$key\n----" > "$key"
echo "$value" >> "$key"
done < "$1"
paste "${filenames[#]}"
rm "${filenames[#]}"

Sum of Columns for multiple variables

Using Shell Script (Bash), I am trying to sum the columns for all the different variables of a list. Suppose I have the following input of a Test.tsv file
Win Lost
Anna 1 1
Charlotte 3 1
Lauren 5 5
Lauren 6 3
Charlotte 3 2
Charlotte 4 5
Charlotte 2 5
Anna 6 4
Charlotte 2 3
Lauren 3 6
Anna 1 2
Anna 6 2
Lauren 2 1
Lauren 5 5
Lauren 6 6
Charlotte 1 3
Anna 1 4
And I want to sum up how much each of the participants have won and lost. So I want to get this as a result:
Sum Win Sum Lost
Anna 57 58
Charlotte 56 57
Lauren 53 56
What I would usually do is take the sum per person and per column and repeat that process over and over. See below how I would do it for the example mentioned:
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bAnna\b' | cut -f2 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc > Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bCharlotte\b' | cut -f2 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bLauren\b' | cut -f2 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bAnna\b' | cut -f3 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc > Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bCharlotte\b' | cut -f3 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bLauren\b' | cut -f3 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
However I would need to repeat this line for every participant. This becomes a pain when you have to many variables you want to sum it up for.
What would be the way to write this script?
This is pretty straightforward with awk. Using GNU awk:
awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } NR > 1 { won[$1] += $2; lost[$1] += $3 } END { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"; print "", "Sum Win", "Sum Lost"; for(p in won) print p, won[p], lost[p] }' filename
-F '\t' makes awk split lines at tabs, then:
BEGIN { OFS = FS } # the output should be separated the same way as the input
NR > 1 { # From the second line forward (skip header)
won[$1] += $2 # tally up totals
lost[$1] += $3
END { # When done, print the lot.
# GNU-specific: Sorted traversal or player names
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"
print "", "Sum Win", "Sum Lost"
for(p in won) print p, won[p], lost[p]
