Program doesnt work. Prolog - prolog

I have some problem whith this code. The func3 was never invoked :
technology(board, saw, table).
technology(wood, sanded, board).
technology(water, grow, tree).
material(table, board, 20).
material(table, tree, 5).
material(wood, water, 100).
equipment(table,saw, cut, 10).
equipment(board, plane, polish, 7).
equipment(tree, watering, growing, 100).
specialization(saw, wood).
specialization(plane, wood).
specialization(watering, forestry).
potreba_u_zahotovkah1(M, V):-
write(M + V),
    technology(F, _, M),
material(M, F, C),
Z is V * C,
write(F - Z),
func3([A, B], C):-
potreba_u_zahotovkah1(A, C),
func3(B, C).
func2([A, B], C):-
findall(M, equipment(M, A, _, _), ML),
func3(ML, C),
func2(B, C).
potreba_u_zahotovkah(C, G):-
findall(X, specialization(X, C), XL),
plan_vypusku(G, S),
func2(XL, S).
?- potreba_u_zahotovkah(wood,table).
Help PLS!

I don't know what you're up to, but I have an explanation of the unexpected failure you observed.
The query you made wrote the following lines by side-effect (write/1 and nl/0) and then failed:
?- potreba_u_zahotovkah(wood,table).
The highlighted line was output by the following highlighted write/1 and nl/0:
func2([A, B], C):-
findall(M, equipment(M, A, _, _), ML),
func3(ML, C),
func2(B, C).
So above variable ML was bound to [table] when the goal func3(ML, C) was called.
Looking at your definition of func3/2 the reason for failure becomes apparent:
func3([A, B], C):-
potreba_u_zahotovkah1(A, C),
func3(B, C).
The clause head of func3/2 demands that the first argument is a list having exactly two elements. The list [table], however, has exactly one element, not two!
As no more choicepoint are open, the goal potreba_u_zahotovkah(wood,table) fails.


How do I see a detailed order (execution) for a Prolog query?

Let's say I have this Prolog program:
loves(vincent, mia).
loves(marcellus, mia).
jealous(A, B) :- loves(A, C), loves(B, C).
With query jealous(A,B). I'm very new to Prolog and I'd like to know how is it possible to see the exact order the program will be running and taking its ways for this query? I have tried using trace, jealous(A,B). command but it has only given me that:
Isn't there any more detailed solution for that? :/
Have you seen the Prolog Visualizer?
When you get to the page be sure to click on the icons in the upper right to learn more.
Screenshot after step 10 of 49.
Screenshot for example given after all steps.
The Prolog Visualizer uses a slightly nonstandard way to enter a query by ending the query with a question mark (?), e.g.
If you do not post a query in the input area on the left you will receive an error, e.g.
The input for the Prolog Visualizer for your example is
loves(vincent, mia).
loves(marcellus, mia).
jealous(A, B) :- loves(A, C), loves(B, C).
When the Prolog Visualizer completes your example, notice the four results in green on the right
If you are using SWI-Prolog and after you understand syntactic unification, backtracking and write more advanced code you will find this of use:
Overview of the SWI Prolog Graphical Debugger
For other useful Prolog references see: Useful Prolog references
If the Prolog system has callable_property/2 and sys_rule/3, then one can code
a smart "unify" port as follows, showing most general unifiers (mgu's`):
:- op(1200, fx, ?-).
% solve(+Goal, +Assoc, +Integer, -Assoc)
solve(true, L, _, L) :- !.
solve((A, B), L, P, R) :- !, solve(A, L, P, H), solve(B, H, P, R).
solve(H, L, P, R) :- functor(H, F, A), sys_rule(F/A, J, B),
callable_property(J, sys_variable_names(N)),
number_codes(P, U), atom_codes(V, [0'_|U]), shift(N, V, W),
append(L, W, M), H = J, reverse(M, Z), triage(M, Z, I, K),
offset(P), write_term(I, [variable_names(Z)]), nl,
O is P+1, solve(B, K, O, R).
% triage(+Assoc, +Assoc, -Assoc, -Assoc)
triage([V=T|L], M, R, [V=T|S]) :- var(T), once((member(W=U, M), U==T)), W==V, !,
triage(L, M, R, S).
triage([V=T|L], M, [V=T|R], S) :-
triage(L, M, R, S).
triage([], _, [], []).
% shift(+Assoc, +Atom, -Assoc)
shift([V=T|L], N, [W=T|R]) :-
atom_concat(V, N, W),
shift(L, N, R).
shift([], _, []).
% offset(+Integer)
offset(1) :- !.
offset(N) :- write('\t'), M is N-1, offset(M).
% ?- Goal
(?- G) :-
callable_property(G, sys_variable_names(N)),
shift(N, '_0', M),
solve(G, M, 1, _).
Its not necessary to modify mgu's retrospectively, since a solution to a
Prolog query is the sequential composition of mgu's. Here is an example run:
?- ?- jealous(A,B).
[A_0 = X_1, B_0 = Y_1]
[H_1 = mia, X_1 = vincent]
[Y_1 = vincent]
A = vincent,
B = vincent ;
[Y_1 = marcellus]
A = vincent,
B = marcellus ;
This is a preview of Jekejeke Prolog 1.5.0 the new
predicate sys_rule/3, its inspired by the new
predicate rule/2 of SWI-Prolog, but keeps the
clause/2 argument of head and body and uses a predicate

How add finitely failed branches to a Prolog visualizer?

Assume we want to visualize this Prolog execution. No goals from the fidschi islands, or something else exotic assumed, only good old SLDNF
with the default selection rule:
?- \+ p(c).
But we have only a Prolog visualizer that can show derivations
without negation as failure, like here. How can we boost
the Prolog visualizer to also show negation as failure?
The good thing about negation as failure, writing a meta interpreter for negation as failure is much easier, than writing a meta interpreter for cut (!). So basically the vanilla interpreter for SLDNF can be derived from the vanilla interpreter for SLD by inserting one additional rule:
solve(true) :- !.
solve((A,B)) :- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve((\+ A)) :- !, \+ solve(A). /* new */
solve(H) :- functor(H, F, A), sys_rule(F/A, H, B), solve(B).
We can now go on and extend solve/3 from here in the same vain. But we do something more, we also write out failure branches in the search tree, similar like Prolog visualizer does by strikethrough of a clause. So the amended solve/3 is as follows:
% solve(+Goal, +Assoc, +Integer, -Assoc)
solve(true, L, _, L) :- !.
solve((A, B), L, P, R) :- !, solve(A, L, P, H), solve(B, H, P, R).
solve((\+ A), L, P, L) :- !, \+ solve(A, L, P, _). /* new */
solve(H, L, P, R) :- functor(H, F, A), sys_rule(F/A, J, B),
callable_property(J, sys_variable_names(N)),
number_codes(P, U), atom_codes(V, [0'_|U]), shift(N, V, W),
append(L, W, M),
(H = J -> true; offset(P), write(fail), nl, fail), /* new */
reverse(M, Z), triage(M, Z, I, K),
offset(P), write_term(I, [variable_names(Z)]), nl,
O is P+1, solve(B, K, O, R).
Here is an example run:
?- ?- \+ p(c).
See also:
AI Algorithms, Data Structures and Idioms
CH6: Three Meta-Interpreters
Georg F. Luger - Addison-Wesley 2009

Prolog: find and put into the list duplicates

Good day, guys. Can't figure out, why prolog predicate is putting all duplicates into my new list. F.e. I have to pick all duplicates:
?- duplicates([a, b, a, a, d, d], R).
R = [a, d]
I have wrote this prolog program:
duplicates([], []).
duplicates([First|Rest], NewRest) :-
not(member(First, Rest)),
duplicates(Rest, NewRest).
duplicates([First|Rest], [First|NewRest]) :-
member(First, Rest),
duplicates(Rest, NewRest).
But it returns:
R = [a, a] .
I think I need to put a (!) sign somewhere, but cannot understand, where. Any suggestions?
library(aggregate) allows a compact solution for your problem.
duplicates(L,D) :- findall(K,(aggregate(count,member(K,L),C),C>1),D).
?- duplicates([a, b, a, a, d, d], R).
R = [a, d].
Clearly, it's less immediate to grasp than #Raubsauger' good answer, and not available in every Prolog out there.
Try this:
duplicates([], []).
duplicates([First|Rest], NewRest) :-
\+ member(First, Rest),
duplicates(Rest, NewRest).
duplicates([First|Rest], NewRest) :-
duplicates(Rest, NewRest),
member(First, NewRest).
duplicates([First|Rest], [First|NewRest]) :-
member(First, Rest),
duplicates(Rest, NewRest),
\+ member(First, NewRest).
?- duplicates([a, b, a, a, d, d], R).
R = [a, d] ;
I have choosen a version where you don't need cuts (the !). Also I added another rule: elements in NewRest can appear only once. Note: membership in NewRest can be testet only after unification of all of its entries.

Prolog: Swapping two halves of a list

I am writing a predicate in prolog that will break a list with an even number of variables into two halves and swap them. For example [a,b,c,d] --> [c,d,a,b].
append([], List, List).
append([Head|Tail], List, [Head|Rest]) :-
append(Tail, List, Rest).
divide(L, X, Y) :-
append(X, Y, L),
length(X, N),
length(Y, N).
swap([], []).
swap([A], D) :-
divide(A, B, C),
append(C, B, D).
I would expect this to work by dividing [A] into two smaller equal sized lists, then appending them together in the reverse order, and then assigning the variable "D" to the list.
What I am getting is "false", why does this not work?
I'm very new to prolog so this might be a silly/simple question, thanks!
Your question is why swap([a,b,c,d],[c,d,a,b]) fails. And here is the actual reason:
?- swap([_/*a*/,_/*b*/|_/*,c,d*/],_/*[c,d,a,b]*/).
:- op(950, fy, *).
swap([], _/*[]*/).
swap([A], D) :-
* divide(A, B, C),
* append(C, B, D).
So, not only does your original query fail, but even this generalization fails as well. Even if you ask
?- swap([_,_|_],_).
you just get failure. See it?
And you can ask it also the other way round. With above generalization, we can ask:
?- swap(Xs, Ys).
Xs = []
; Xs = [_A].
So your first argument must be the empty list or a one-element list only. You certainly want to describe also longer lists.
Maybe this helps
:- use_module(library(lists), []).
divide(L, X, Y) :-
append(X, Y, L),
length(X, N),
length(Y, N).
swap([], []).
swap(L, D) :-
divide(L, B, C),
append(C, B, D).

Change goal execution order in Prolog Interpreter

I'm attempting to write a Prolog meta-interpreter to choose the order of goal execution, for example executing first all goals with the minimum number of parameters.
I started from the vanilla meta-interpreter:
solve2(A) :- builtin(A), !, A.
solve2((A,B)) :- solve2(A), solve2(B).
solve2(A) :- clause(A,B), solve2(B).
Then i went to something like
solve2(A) :- builtin(A), !, A.
solve2((A,B)) :- count(A,Args), count(B,Args2), Args<Args2, solve2(A), solve2(B).
solve2((A,B)) :- count(A,Args), count(B,Args2), Args>Args2, solve2(B), solve2(A).
solve2(A) :- clause(A,B), solve2(B).
But if the 4th line is executed then the whole block B is executed before A which is wrong.
Ex. A=a(x,y), B=(b(x,y,z), c(x)) I'd like to execute c, then a, then b. - while in this method i'd get c, b and then a.
I'm thinking about transforming the goals in a list but i'm not too sure.
Any ideas?
Here is an (untested) vanilla meta interpreter, with conjunction order changed. I would be glad if you could try with your data.
solve2(A) :- builtin(A), !, A.
solve2((A,B)) :- ordering(A,B, C,D), ! /* needed */, solve2(C), solve2(D).
solve2(A) :- clause(A,B), solve2(B).
ordering(A,B, C,D) :-
minargs(A, NA),
minargs(B, NB),
( NA =< NB -> C/D=A/B ; C/D=B/A ).
minargs((A,B), N) :-
minargs(A, NA),
minargs(B, NB),
!, ( NA =< NB -> N=NA ; N=NB ).
minargs(T, N) :-
functor(T, _, N).
edit I tested with this setting:
test :-
and got the expected output:
?- test.
true .
edit I had to resort to a list representation, but then it make sense to preprocess the clauses and get the right order before, then stick to plain vanilla interpreter:
test :-
sortjoin((b(A,B),a(A),c(A,B,_)), X),
sortjoin(J, R) :-
findall(C-P, (pred(J, P), functor(P,_,C)), L),
sort(L, T),
pairs_values(T, V),
join(V, R).
join([C], C).
join([H|T], (H,R)) :- join(T, R).
pred((A, _), C) :-
pred(A, C).
pred((_, B), C) :-
!, pred(B, C).
pred(C, C).
where solve2((A,B)) :- ... it's the original solve2(A),solve2(B)
