How do I enable Developer Mode for Outlook 2010 by only using the registry? - outlook

I've researched this a bit and came up dry. I've checked HKCU/Software/Microsoft but Office is not listed. Our company uses Office 2010 Pro Plus. Under HKLM, I can see Office 14.0 but Outlook/Options keys are not there. I've created the DeveloperTools 32bit DWORD and set the value to 1 under HKLM and HKCU with the following paths, but neither worked:
HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/14.0/Outlook/Options/DeveloperTools = 1
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Office/14.0/Outlook/Options/DeveloperTools = 1
I am trying to use the registry because I need to modify many machines within our domain and don't want to send an email out asking everyone to "check the box" so-to-speak. Thanks for anyone's help.

It looks like you have a wrong key - at least under Outlook 2013 the key is

You can use the Process Monitor utility for monitoring the windows registry activity.
Also check out whether the Click2Run edition of Outlook is installed on the machine. See Verify Whether Outlook Is a Click-to-Run Application on a Computer for more information.


Is it necessary to have a license to use Visual Studio 2015 community edition?

I downloaded a VM from here:
I used my windows license key to activate windows 10.
When I launched Visual Studio, a box pops up saying:
License: 30 day trial (for evaluation purposes only) Your evaluation
period has ended.
I click on the option "Check for an updated license", and it asks me to :
Type the email address or phone number of the account you want to sign
in with.
What's the point of this ? I thought the Visual Studio community edition was free. Are there any restrictions based on WHICH email address or phone number I use ? How long is a license valid for ? Should I use my work or personal email address, or does it not matter? Is there a way I can just use VS without having to register anything ?
Yes, you do need a license. The license is free and requires you to register (or confirm your registration) with Microsoft.
This ensures that are you are still in compliance with the community edition.
Registration and confirmation (or re-registration) is a condition to keep the Community Edition under an active support subscription.
You only need to register it with your Microsoft email account. Then you can use it as usual. Just give it your Microsoft email and password.

Outlook Addin citrix/termianl installers

I have been developing windows application for outlook addin using MS VS2010. I need to develop installer which installs on citrix or terminal server. How do I achieve this? . Is there any third party installers available for free or paid one's ? which would be best option to implement this.
Thanks in advance.
You just need to make sure the registry entries are in HKLM rather than HKCU as the use running your addin will be different from the local user installing it.

How to find Office 2013 installation path programmatically?

I'd like to find the installation path of Office 2013 programmatically.
I saw in this discussion that the method working for Office 2007 and 2010 (looking in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\InstallRoot registry key) doesn't work anymore for Office 2013 and that the best way is to look into the registry keys
for Windows 32-bits or
for Windows 64-bits.
Is this supposed to work on every computer and for all versions of Office 2013 (Small business, Professional, etc) and Windows (7 and 8)? Or is there another solution?
You are almost there.
You can check uninstall registry key to get office install path.
As you mentioned registry key:
{91150000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE} is like a product guid, you can treat it as a pattern to retrieve office path, I think they will be same installed on win7 or win8.
However, about different office version Small business, Professional... The guid may be same or different which depends on office implementation, you need to double confirm.

Phone failed to appear in device list in MSVC 2013

Well, I have a Microsoft account that I have used when I was installing Windows 8 on my PC. That is usual, non-developer account. Now I want to begin development for Windows Phone using real device. My boss has purchased a licence and gave me login/password to paid Developer Account. I have used that paid account to register a phone device. I can see device connected in File Explorer. And I can see device registered in Developer Dashboard. But I cannot see it in MSVC 2013's combo-box. I can only see a list of emulators.
I guess I have to switch my Microsoft account to that that paid Account on my PC, but I don't know how to do it. Or maybe Microsoft uses something like Developer certificates or provisions as Apple does?
you can switch to different account in visual stodion 2012 see at the top right of the VS2013 expand your current account and click account Settings.. and from the next dialog sign out and sign in with different account.
Hope this helps.
No you could find an option called device with the set of the emulators in your combo box?
Don't you?
You don't need anything, you just need to have the VS completely installed.

visual studio 2013 windows application using ms access database

I created a visual studio 2013 windows application(Information System), and i'm planning
to install in 5 computer machine and login their own user account.
My problem is... what is/are step/s to do for the 5 computer machine to access the single
access database?
Is there any technique aside from sharing the access database via LAN?
Is there someone here who could guide me? please...
To answer the short question, just shared access to the database file itself.
Refer to the following MS articles that explains the concepts succinctly. The process is the same even if the front end is C#.
Office 2007:
Office 2010:
Office 2013:
You are specifically interested in the database portion of 'splitting a database'
