Tizen - Best approach to create NFC data Exchange - nfc

Does Samsung Tizen support native NFC app. I'd like a native app that sits on the watch to read scanned tag and do a data exchange ?
If it has to be done in html5, does it support NFC data exchange ?

Does Samsung Tizen support native NFC app. I'd like a native app that
sits on the watch to read scanned tag and do a data exchange ?
Yes it does. Please refer to the Wearable Native reference
To read a tag you should take a look at the TAG APIs. If you also want to perform data exchange then you should take a look at the Peer to Peer APIs.
If it has to be done in html5, does it support NFC data exchange ?
Similar functionality is supported using the web APIs. Take a look at the NFCTag and NFCPeer interfaces in the Web API reference.
A nice start (Native development) point could be to check the existing tutorials for NFC here.
Here you will find the tutorials for the web APIs.

The currently accepted answer is not correct. Both NFCTag and NFCPeer APIs are not supported on Samsung Gear devices.
Just SE (secure element) API - used for processing payments - is.
It's possible to verify that when registering for notifications callbacks as per the following guide. Functions nfc_manager_set_tag_discovered_cb and nfc_manager_set_p2p_target_discovered_cb returns NOT SUPPORTED.
The following SO questions mentions the same problem:
NFC Tag not working on Gear S2

You can develop rich Web applications(HTML5) using NFC available on Samsung Gear S2. Yes it does support data exchange.
You can follow following links for more info
NFC Guide
NFC API Details
NFC Tutorial/Code
Refer this link for app Tizen Wearable Web Device API Reference.


Google Pay CRYPTOGRAM_3DS integration for websites

I am trying to integrate Google Pay into one of our websites. If I provide only CRYPTOGRAM_3DS as an authentication option, the Google Pay button is not getting displayed in Desktop Chrome and even in Android Chrome also. I have read that CRYPTOGRAM_3DS is used for the cards that got stored in Android device as tokens. Does that mean that I have to use CRYPTOGRAM_3DS only for Android app integration or will it work for web integration also? I really want to understand when we have to use CRYPTOGRAM_3DS as an authentication method for Google Pay integration. If it supports for web integration, what are the things that I need to do to really see the Google Pay button with only CRYPTOGRAM_3DS as authentication option?
I have read that CRYPTOGRAM_3DS is used for the cards that got stored in android device as tokens.
This is correct, CRYPTOGRAM_3DS is only available for cards tokenized using Google Pay. This means that it is only available on Android for both web and Android integrations on an Android device.
Can you include a sample integration with sample code?

Can we send a notification to phones enrolled on the Android Management API solution (google)

I have enrolled a phone via google solutions (Android Management API: https://developers.google.com/android/management/reference/rest/v1/enterprises.policies). This one is correctly enrolled and all works correctly.
My question is very simple: Can we send an Android notification to this phone just by using google api ?
I have searched a lot on google and it doesn't seem to be implemented. Do you know if this will be implemented soon or never?
If we can't go through google api (Android Management API), what would be the most efficient way to notify a phone?
Thank you,
Unfortunately, AMAPI does not have a feature for sending notifications to the device using the cloud DPC. You will have to implement notifications in a companion app to support the desired functionality.

3D Avatar Implementation on Botframework V4

I'm searching for knowledge sharing on how to connect a 3D avatar with a bot.
Something like done on Bot Libre https://www.botlibre.com/forum-post?id=682689 .
The implementation can be on WPF, UWP or web.
I'm currently working with Botframework V4.7 and C#.
Thanks in advance,
This will likely require you to build a custom connector to pass your bot's incoming and outgoing activities thru to the Bot Libre system. There are examples out there of connectors/adapters that have been built by 3rd parties, such as this Twilio WhatsApp adapter, this Twitter adapter, or this Alexa adapter if you are planning on building in C#.
Any adapter you build won't need to be as full fledged as these are as you are only designing for what you know you need, and not for the masses.
You will also need to research Bot Libre to see which API endpoints might be relevant to you. You can see a listing of APIs here. Really, this holds true for any service like Bot Libre that you decide to land on.
Hope of help!
It depends on the Channel your bot is deployed on and what does the channel supports. For example if your bot is deployed in Facebook Messenger, you can achieve this by creating a web page that renders a 3D Avatar and using Bot Framework you can send a web_url button from which the user will press and the web page will open up inside of messenger with the rendered avatar.

Braintree and credit card payment from mobile app

I am working on an app that requires payment to be collected from customers. I have few questions related to braintree integration with my app. I am actually struggling a bit with the workings of the braintree so thought of checking here.
The PCI compliance is critical so i do not want to store anything in my app or the backend server. Can I achieve this with braintree? I also don’t want customer to retype the credit card information when they come back to the app. As I understand there is a Vault functionality which can do this but I was not sure.
Do I invoke the braintree API from iOS app directly or do I need to first send the credit card information to my backend layer and then invoke the Braintree APIs from backend. I don’t want to transmit anything to my server due to the PCI compliance so I am hoping that I can just invoke the braintree API directly from the iOS APP and when user comes back, again invoke the braintree Vault API from the APP and pull the previously used credit card.
appreciate if anyone can pls. direct me to some kind of architecture / white paper/best practice on this. I went thru the APIs document on braintree site which provides and good API documents but i could not find the high level architecture document on this.
Thanks in advance..
Yes. https://articles.braintreepayments.com/control-panel/vault/overview
Yes use from iOS. https://developers.braintreepayments.com/ios+ruby/start/hello-client
for number three... I'm not sure where to find that. Definitely ask support

How can google analytics be integrated in a desktop application (MAC)..?

Could anyone help or refer how it can be done..I searched over the net and what i felt is that its only for mobile and websites.
It's for websites. Many of the concepts of web analytics (number of pages viewed for example) don't even make any sense on a desktop app, because they're not organized like a web page.
If you want to use Google analytics data from an analytics account Google provides a data export API.
If you want to track your native application then as Catfish_Man (great name btw!) said, it is not really possible. That isn't totally true, as you could fake it, but the paradigm is so different that you would be better off creating you own solution.
You might want to see this library for GA on desktops
Google Analytics doesn't provide a native Mac app integration, but you can use the Measurement Protocol Overview to send raw data to your GA property from your account.
Just create a mobile app property and then start sending raw GA events using HTTP. There are couple Obj-C wrappers available like https://github.com/swisspol/GARawTracker or https://github.com/stephenlind/SimpleCocoaGoogleAnalytics.
