Prevent hiding for cytoscape qtip - events

I'm using the Cytoscape Qtip extension to display qtips when you click nodes.
Usually you can prevent qtips from hiding when with the hide: false option. When this is used, you can still hide the qtips if it has a button.
However, when using cytoscape, this appears to not work. When clicking else where, a hide event will be triggered.
content: function(event, api){
api.set('content.button', true);
return 'Example qTip on ele ' +;
position: {
my: 'top center',
at: 'bottom center'
hide: false,
style: {
classes: 'qtip-bootstrap',
tip: {
width: 16,
height: 8
events: {
hide: function(event, api){
I can prevent the hide event from following through with event.preventDefault(), but this will also stop the the close button from hiding the event, which is a bit messy.
Any idea while it's behaving this way?

Here's the quick and dirty to make this work (closes on button close only) if you need it:
hide: function(event, api){
if( != this[0].id){
Any mouse clicks will trigger a hide event all visible qtips.
We look at target of that mouse click ( to see it close box of the qtip that is currently try to close. If it's not then we preventDefault().
This is potentially pretty bed performance wise, because it run these preventDefault() for every open qtip on every mouse click.

Remember that because this wraps Qtip on non-DOM elements, bindings to Cytoscape graph elements must be made. These bindings are outside of the DOM and outside of Qtip's control (for example, the hide case).
Did you try setting the hide event to the empty string ""?

Cleanest solution I've found is to give a garbage event for the hide event.
Using null, false or "" all don't seem to work.
hide: {
event: "asdf" //garbage event to allow hiding on close button click only


Prevent the delete key from working on Kendo ListBox

I'm using Kendo on Razor pages using MVVM. On a particular page I have a pair of ListBoxes. I want to stop users from deleting items from the boxes with the delete key.
If I trap and prevent the remove event from working, that solves the problem, except you can't then use the toolbox or drag and drop to transfer items from one box to the other (edit: because move is a combination of change & remove events).
This is how I was stopping the remove event...
<select style="min-width: 600px" id="listboxImports" data-role="listbox"
data-toolbar='{tools: ["transferTo", "transferFrom"]}'
data-bind="source: imports, events: {remove:}"></select>
var viewmodel = new kendo.observable({
events: {
remove: function(e) {
I've also tried to trap the delete key's keydown event, but I cannot identify which of the many elements rendered when the ListBox is rendered is actually handling the event.
Can anyone tell me how I can have my cake and eat it please?
Took ma a while, inspired by the same question for kendo's Multiselect:
$("#listBoxA").parent().get(0).addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == kendo.keys.DELETE) {
}, true)
Full dojo:
The _keyDown handler is attached to the <ul> element. My solution attaches a new handler to its parent, using event capturing, so that handler will be executed before Kendo's, and thus stopping the event's propagation if the pressed key was delete.
Alternatively, a possible workaround is to set navigatable to false, but you obviously lose all keyboard functionality. Example:

Sencha Touch 2: tap on container doesn't work (tap on button works fine)

I have read the SO question: Controller for Buttons Sencha Touch 2 [Solved] to achieve tapping the button. It works!
Unfortunately, I need tapping on the container, not the button. Once I change xtype:'container', to xtype:'button', it taps fine and I see the console.log message so everything works fine. Once I change it back to xtype:'container', it stops working, there is no console.log message.
So, my question is: how to make tap event working for my xtype:'container'? Why does it work for buttons only? Am I missing something?
P.S. As far as I see there is no tap event for container. What's the solution then? Would making a button to have several strings of a text and a background be a solution?
OK, based on your answers, it is still unclear, how to make the button look like the container. The container is an image with two strings above. Here is my container:
id: 'home-img',
layout : {
type : 'vbox',
align: 'middle'
{ xtype:'container',
html:'Your current rate is:'
{ xtype:'container',
Once I replace xtype:'container', with xtype:'button', I'm having difficulties to show {rate} parameter and unable to make two strings.
I'm not a pro at sencha touch, but in this case i think you need a listener on the element.
this is what works for me:
Ext.define('RSSFramework.view.ListContainer', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
config: {
layout: {
type: 'fit'
element: 'element',
event: 'tap',
fn: function() {
In Sencha, there is no tap event available for a container. A container basically works like something which can hold different inner components/elements. However, you can indeed workaround if you want a tap event to be placed on container. As you have mentioned, you can go ahead and create a button, set a background, and set some strings (But that's not what a button should be used for, though). Or you can just set HTML with the desired string and background, make it a div and set Onclick event on it.

Cancel panel opening from toolbar widget onClick handler

I have a Firefox extension which adds a toolbar Widget with a panel which should display when the widget is clicked. Under certain circumstances, the panel should not show when the toolbar widget is clicked.
I am instantiating the toolbar and panel like so:
var popup = panel.Panel({
width: 310,
height: 400,
// NOTE: You can't use the contentStyleFile option here.
var toolbarOptions = {
id: 'someid',
label: 'Some Label',
panel: popup
// There doesn't seem to be a way to remove the toolbar in PB mode.
var toolbar = widgets.Widget(toolbarOptions);
How can I cancel the panel opening from the widget click handler? It seems to always open no matter what logic I put in there.
toolbar.on('click', function() {
if (dontShowPanel()){
// I want to somehow cancel the panel opening at this point.
} else {;
I have tried to return false; from the click hander which doesn't seem to work. I have also tried to call panel.hide(). That doesn't seem to work either.
I'm using version 1.10 of the add-on SDK.
Your click event handler is called before the panel shows up which means that you can still change the panel at this point. However, something that is non-obvious: changing the panel of the Widget object won't have any immediate effect, you need to change it for the WidgetView object (the widget instance in the particular browser window). That object is being passed as a parameter to the click event handler. So your toolbar options could look like this:
var toolbarOptions = {
id: 'someid',
label: 'Some Label',
onClick: function(view) {
if (dontShowPanel()){
view.panel = null;
} else {
view.panel = popup;
When you create the widget, you need to add the panel instance as a property:
var panel = require("panel").Panel({
width: 250,
height: 250,
contentURL: data.url('panel.html')
id: 'id',
label: 'my-label',
contentURL: data.url(''),
panel: panel
Update: sorry I didn't understand the entire question. As far as I know there is no way to conditionally prevent show the panel based on the click event, in a way that will preserve the anchoring.

JQgrid on refresh button click

I want to write code on Refresh button click of JQGrid. Is there any event for that?
If you need to do some actions before refresh will be started you should use beforeRefresh callback:
$("#grid_id").jqGrid('navGrid', '#gridpager', {
beforeRefresh: function () {
// some code here
If you need absolute another implementation of grid Refreshing where you will not call $("#grid_id").trigger("reloadGrid"); (which sound strange) you can do this by the usage of refresh: false option to remove the standard Refresh button and using navButtonAdd to add your custom button which looks exactly like the original one:
$("#grid_id").jqGrid('navGrid', '#gridpager', {refresh: false});
$("#grid_id").jqGrid('navButtonAdd', "#gridpager", {
caption: "", title: "Reload Grid", buttonicon: "ui-icon-refresh",
onClickButton: function () {
alert('"Refresh" button is clicked!');
The css for refresh button is ui-icon-refresh
so you can write your custom code on this css like
// do your work

backbone.js click and blur events

I'm having some trouble with blur and click events in backbone. I have a view (code below) that creates a little search entry div with a button. I pop open this div and put focus on the entry field. If someone clicks off (blur) I notify a parent view to close this one. If they click on the button I'll initiate a search.
The blur behavior works fine, however when I click on the button I also get a blur event and can't get the click event. Have I got this structured right?
BTW, some other posts have suggested things like adding timers to the div in case its being closed before the click event fires. I can comment out the close completely and still only get the blur event. Do these only fire one at a time on some kind of first-com-first-served basis?
PB_SearchEntryView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template("<div id='searchEntry' class='searchEntry'><input id='part'></input><button id='findit'>Search</button></div>"),
events: {
"click button": "find",
"blur #part": "close"
initialize: function(args) { =;
render: function(){
return this;
close: function(event){; },
find: function() {
I am not sure what the problem was, but here is the jsbin code.
