Time complexity of one recursive algorithm - algorithm

here we have an algorithm
T(n) = n-1 + T(i-1) + T(n-i)
T(1) = 1
How to calculate it's time complexity?
i is between 1 and n

I can recognise this as quick sort algorithm (randomized quick sort).
I am sure the question somehow missed the summation part.
Okay! you can use substitution method over here..check with O(n^2). you will get the idea that O(n^2) is the worst case time complexity.
The average case is a bit tricky. Then the pivot can be any element from 1 to n. Then analyse it. Here also you can apply substituin with T(n)=O(nlogn).

I think we should solve it like this
if i = 2 then we have
T(n) = n + T(n-2) = Theta(n^2)
if i = n/2 then we have
T(n) = n-1 + T(n/2 -1) + T(n/2) = Theta(n.logn)
then we have upper bound O(n^2) and algorithm is in order of O(n^2)


Calculate the time complexity of recurrence relation f(n) = f(n/2) + f(n/3)

How to calculate time complexity of recurrence relation f(n) = f(n/2) + f(n/3). We have base case at n=1 and n=0.
How to calculate time complexity for general case i.e f(n) = f(n/x) + f(n/y), where x<n and y<n.
Edit-1 :(after first answer posted) every number considered is integer.
Edit-2 :(after first answer posted) I like the answer given by Mbo but is it possible to answer this without using any fancy theorem like master theorem etc.Like by making tree etc.
However users are free to answer the way they like and i will try to understand.
In "layman terms" you can get dependence with larger coefficient:
T(n) = T(n/2) + T(n/2) + O(1)
build call tree for n=2^k and see that the last tree level contains 2^k items, higher level 2^k-1 items, next one 2^k-2 and so on. Sum of sequence (geometric progression)
2^k + 2^k-1 + 2^k-2 + ... + 1 = 2^(k+1) = 2*n
so complexity for this dependence is linear too.
Now get dependence with smaller (zero) second coefficient:
T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1)
and ensure in linear complexity too.
Seems clear that complexity of recurrence in question lies between complexities for these simpler examples, and is linear.
In general case recurrences with complex branching might be solved with Aktra-Bazzi method (more general approach than Master theorem)
I assume that dependence is
T(n) = T(n/2) + T(n/3) + O(1)
In this case g=1, to find p we should numerically solve
(1/2)^p + (1/3)^p = 1
and get p~0.79, then integrate
T(x) = Theta(x^0.79 * (1 + Int[1..x]((1/u^0.79)*du))) =
Theta(x^0.79 * (1 + 4.8*x^0.21 - 4.8) =
Theta(x^0.79 + 4.8*x) =
So complexity is linear

Expected running time value of a random algorithm

Given this algorithm, I am required to :
Find the recursion formula of the expected value of the running time.
Find the closest upper bound as possible.
I am actually a bit lost so if someone could help...
Recursive formula for worst case: T(n) = T(n/2) + n
Recursive formula for best case: T(n) = T(1) + n
Recursive formula for expected case: T(n) = T(n/4) + n
Worst case: 2n = O(n)
Best case: n = O(n)
Expected case: 4n/3 = O(n)
Some people here seem to be confused about the log(n) factor. log(n) factor would only be required if T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n i.e. if the function was called TWICE recursively with half the input.

Time complexity for modification on quicksort

Let a function named QUARTERSORT which gets an array and sort it in the following way:
If n<100` it uses the regular QUICKSORT
Otherwise, we split the array to on A1 = A[1,...,n/4] and A2 = A[(n/4)+1,...,n].
Then, we call QUARTERSORT twice: B1 = QUARTERSORT(A1) and B2 = QUARTERSORT(A2).
Finally, we merge B1 and B2.
Now, why is the recurrence T(n) = T(0.25n) + T(0.75n) + O(n) and not T(n) = T(0.25n) + T(0.75n) + O(nlogn)?
Intuitively, you can ignore the part about quicksort, because it only happens for small n, and the big-O notation only talks about values of n that are "big enough". So the parts of the algorithm are:
Recursive invocation on 1/4 of input: T(1/4 * n)
Recursive invocation on 3/4 of input: T(3/4 * n)
Merging: O(n)
A bit more formally: time complexity of quicksort is O(1). This addition can be safely ignored, because there are larger parts in the time complexity, like O(n).
The recurrence is T(n) = T(0.25n) + T(0.75n) + O(n), because every step of the algorithm by its own is O(n). Splitting the array to 2 parts is O(n), and merging the two parts is O(n), so each step by its own is O(n), which gives us total of T(n) = T(0.25n) + T(0.75n) + O(n) as expected.
Quick Sort takes O(n) to find the pivot. Once the pivot is found, it remains unchanged.
The size of 2 subproblems are O(N/4) and O(3N/4), so the recurrence is
T(n) = T(0.25n) + T(0.75n) + O(n)

How often does the maximum get updated?

Given the below algorithm:
Algorithm Find-Max(Array, size)
for k:= 1 to n do
if(A[k] > Max-sf) Then
end if
The question is what is the average times is the variable max updated?
I am practicing algorithm analysis and below is my thought but I am not sure about it so I would like to ask for advice.
Let T(n) be the number of comparisons in each call on find-Max with size = n.
T(n) = T(n-1) + 1/n
where 1/n is the probability such that the the largest number is at the index n. Therefore,
T(n-1) = T(n-2) + 1/(n-1)
T(n-2) = T(n-3) + 1/(n-2)
By telescoping,
T(n) = 1/n + 1/(n-1)+ 1/(n-2) + .... + 1
, which is harmonic series. Therefore the average times the variable Max-sf updated is log(n))
This is how i prove it.
So, I would like to ask 3 questions:
(1) Is the proof above correct?
(2) Is there a way to get precise value of the number of comparisons?
(3) Supposed that we use the divide and conquer method by using similar idea as merge sort instead of scanning an array, will the number of updates still the same?
1) I'm not sure regarding your proof, but I find this one to be the most formal and convincing one.
2) The precise number of comparisons seems to be fixed. You always do n comparisons in the loop.
3) Regarding the divide and conquer option, it can't be better than the worst case number of updates (which is n), since it behaves like:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1
Which results in T(2^n) = 2*2^n-1, which means Theta(n) complexity.

Worst Case Performance of Quicksort

I am trying to prove the following worst-case scenario for the Quicksort algorithm but am having some trouble. Initially, we have an array of size n, where n = ij. The idea is that at every partition step of Quicksort, you end up with two sub-arrays where one is of size i and the other is of size i(j-1). i in this case is an integer constant greater than 0. I have drawn out the recursive tree of some examples and understand why this is a worst-case scenario and that the running time will be theta(n^2). To prove this, I've used the iteration method to solve the recurrence equation:
T(n) = T(ij) = m if j = 1
T(n) = T(ij) = T(i) + T(i(j-1)) + cn if j > 1
T(i) = m
T(2i) = m + m + c*2i = 2m + 2ci
T(3i) = m + 2m + 2ci + 3ci = 3m + 5ci
So it looks like the recurrence is:
T(n) = jm + ci * sum k - 1
At this point, I'm a bit lost as to what to do. It looks the summation at the end will result in j^2 if expanded out, but I need to show that it somehow equals n^2. Any explanation on how to continue with this would be appreciated.
Pay attention, the quicksort algorithm worst case scenario is when you have two subproblems of size 0 and n-1. In this scenario, you have this recurrence equations for each level:
T(n) = T(n-1) + T(0) < -- at first level of tree
T(n-1) = T(n-2) + T(0) < -- at second level of tree
T(n-2) = T(n-3) + T(0) < -- at third level of tree
The sum of costs at each level is an arithmetic serie:
n n(n-1)
T(n) = sum k = ------ ~ n^2 (for n -> +inf)
k=1 2
It is O(n^2).
Its a problem of simple mathematics. The complexity as you have calculated correctly is
O(jm + ij^2)
what you have found out is a parameterized complextiy. The standard O(n^2) is contained in this as follows - assuming i=1 you have a standard base case so m=O(1) hence j=n therefore we get O(n^2). if you put ij=n you will get O(nm/i+n^2/i) . Now what you should remember is that m is a function of i depending upon what you will use as the base case algorithm hence m=f(i) thus you are left with O(nf(i)/i + n^2/i). Now again note that since there is no linear algorithm for general sorting hence f(i) = omega(ilogi) which will give you O(nlogi + n^2/i). So you have only one degree of freedom that is i. Check that for any value of i you cannot reduce it below nlogn which is the best bound for comparison based.
Now what I am confused is that you are doing some worst case analysis of quick sort. This is not the way its done. When you say worst case it implies you are using randomization in which case the worst case will always be when i=1 hence the worst case bound will be O(n^2). An elegant way to do this is explained in randomized algorithm book by R. Motwani and Raghavan alternatively if you are a programmer then you look at Cormen.
