windows mobile 6 sdk install issue - visual-studio-2013

I have visual studio 2013 professional.
I want to install windows mobile sdk 6, but the error is:
Not Installed: Visual Studio 2005 SP1 or Later
How can I install mobile 6 sdk?

You have to use VS 2008 to address devices running on Windows Mobile 6.x


How to Update from windows phone 8 to windows phone 8.1 in visual studio 2013

I have installed visual studio 2013 with windows phone target os version 8.but i need windows phone target os version 8.1 ,i installed windows 8.1 updates sdk toolkit and vs2013.4 was installed but could not opened
Install the latest Visual Studio 2013 update. Currently: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Update 4
Install Visual studio 2015,This is the latest one for creating windows universal app, You have to use anything

Visual Studio 2013 no emulators appear

I am using Windows 7 and Visual Studio Express 2013. I have installed Windows Phone 7.1 SDK and Windows Phone 8.1 SDK. When i go to VS menu under DEBUG->Other Debug Targets->Debug Windows phone internet Explorer nothing appear under Target Device Dropdown list in order to choose emulator. Any ideas how to configure them?.
The Windows Phone 8.0 SDK include the ability to create apps for 7.1 and 8.0 so there should be no need to install the 7.1 SDK.
Developing apps for 7.x is not supported in Visual Studio 2013. If you must target 7.x devices you'll need to use VS2010 or VS2012.
If you want o build for Windows Phone 7.x you should use Visual Studio 2012. You can install this AND Visual Studio 2013 on the same machine.
Again one more thing is you can not build Windows Phone 8.1 apps on Windows 7 OS. So it is advisable to install windows 8.1 / 10 OS and install both VS2012 and VS2013.

Install Windows Phone 7.1 SDK on Windows 8.1 RTM with Visual Studio 2013 RC

Does anyone know how to develop for Windows Phone 7, with Visual Studio 2013 (thus without installing Visual Studio 2010) on Windows 8.1 RTM?
I've checked the WP8.0 box when I was installing Visual Studio 2013, but it does not provide me the 7.1 SDK which is needed for my solution.
It would be great if I could do it without installing Visual Studio 2010. :D
Thank you in advance :-)
The Windows Phone 8.0 SDK include the ability to create apps for 7.1 and 8.0 so there should be no need to install the 7.1 SDK.
Developing apps for 7.x is not supported in Visual Studio 2013.
If you must target 7.x devices you'll need to use VS2010 or VS2012.
If you want o build for Windows Phone 7.x you should use Visual Studio 2012. You can install this AND Visual Studio 2013 on the same machine. The only thing you may not end up being able to do is having a single solution with all projects in that you can use in both versions of VS.

how to install windows phone SDK 7

I am trying to install Windows Phone 7 SDK on my PC which has a Windows 7 Home Premium operating system.
I tried to install the software, but I got an error that I don't have the Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1. I installed the Service Pack but I still can't install the Windows Phone SDK. Does It have to do with the fact that my OS is "home premium"? Or is there any other reason there should be a problem?
Go here and download visual studio express 2010 for windows phone. This should be the complete package of what you need
You cant just download the SDK without visual studios

Windows Phone development in Visual Studio 2012 RC

Today Microsoft released Windows 8 Release Preview and visual studio 2012 rc. I'm a Windows phone developer. What dev tool I have to use for create my apps in Windows 8 rp?
In Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 express download page, it is mentioned like
"A Visual Studio 2012 Express product for Windows Phone will be available in conjunction with the next Windows Phone release. Until then, you can continue to use Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone to create Windows Phone apps."
The Windows Phone 8 SDK is out now, for those that are still reading this. It includes the 7.1 and 7.1.1 as well, and all runs within Visual Studio 2012. You can get it here:
For Windows 8, install VS2010, the Windows Phone SDK, and don't forget the 7.1.1 SDK update that fixes problems with Windows 8.
