Boot2Docker: Can't create directory: Protocol Error - windows

Trying to learn Docker in a windows machine. When I was trying create a new directory inside the shared User folder (/c/Users) by executing sudo mkdir sample but getting an error saying Can't create directory 'sample': Protocol Error.
Any pointers to resolve this issue would be helpful.

VirtualBox does mount automatically C:\users (see VirtualBox Guest Additions), but that does not mean you can create anything directly in C:\Users (not without Administrative privilege, and sudo don't apply here)
You can create anything you want in your own folder: C:\Users\mylogin


How to configure as Docker volume a directory on the Desktop in Windows?

I started to work with Docker and I have a problem when I set a volume.
I use windows OS with virtual box.
I would like to create a directory and use the as directory for the volume for a specific image.
The image is Jenkins and I would like to set as volume a directory on the desktop called volume.
I have tried a lot of commands but for the last one I tried on this:
docker run --name MyJenkins1 -v /C/Users/Alessandro/Desktop/volume:/var/jenkins_home -p 9191:8080 -p 40000:50000 jenkins
But I receive the follow result:
'touch: cannot touch '/var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log': Permission denied
Can not write to /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log. Wrong volume permissions?'
I have also tried to set the shared virtual machine directory as follow:
DIRECTORY PATH: C:\Users\Alessandro\Desktop\volume
Read_only: no
Auto-mount: yes
Make Permanent: yes
Can somebody help me, please?
Best Regards
Does the user running Docker have permission to write to the "C:\Users\Alessandro\Desktop\volume" directory?
If not, run this from a command line:
set DOCKER_SHARED_DRIVE_USER=...put in the name of the OS user for docker or shared drive if using Docker Desktop...
icacls "C:\Users\Alessandro\Desktop\volume" /grant %DOCKER_SHARED_DRIVE_USER%:(OI)(CI)F

Connecting folder in a Docker container with a folder on local machine - Permission Denied

I'm new to docker and am trying to bind mount a folder in my docker container with a folder on my local machine. Using the code below, I was able to create the container with no issue.
docker run -it -v /Users/bdbot/Documents/mount_demo/:/mount_demo nycdsa/linux-toolkits bash
However, when I tried to create a txt file within the container folder, I got this error:
bash: demo.txt: Permission denied
Seeing that it was an access issue, I ran
sudo chmod 777 ../mount_demo
This allowed me to create the file, however when I checked the folder on my local machine it was not there. So the folders are not syncing.
I've also made sure the docker settings "Shared Drives" had the correct credentials. I'm not familiar enough with Docker to know how to trouble shoot further and have not been able to find anything online. I am using Windows, and everything is up to date.
The answer ended up being a really simple fix. The combination of using unix on a windows machine required that I add an additional slash(/) before the folder path. The below fixed this issue for me:
docker run -it -v //Users/bdbot/Documents/mount_demo/:/mount_demo nycdsa/linux-toolkits bash

Vagrant SSH Permissions

I am new to Vagrant and get the following error on vagrant up or vagrant ssh:
The private key to connect to this box via SSH has invalid permissions
set on it. The permissions of the private key should be set to 0600, otherwise SSH will
ignore the key. Vagrant tried to do this automatically for you but failed. Please set the
permissions on the following file to 0600 and then try running this command again:
I have run:
$ sudo chmod 666 [...]/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
I also tried (600, 777) but still get the same error.
Please can someone tell me what is wrong and how to fix it?
I just had this issue, and I worked around it moving the private_key file to another place, changing its permission, and then creating a symbolic link at the original place.
$ mv [...]/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key /some/path/where/you/can/change/permissions
$ ln -s /some/path/where/you/can/change/permissions [...]/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
If you're using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), this error can occur when you're trying to vagrant up in a directory that is outside the user's home directory.
From the Vagrant docs:
If a Vagrant project directory is not within the user's home directory on the Windows system, certain actions that include permission checks may fail (like vagrant ssh). When accessing Vagrant projects outside the WSL Vagrant will skip these permission checks when the project path is within the path defined in the VAGRANT_WSL_WINDOWS_ACCESS_USER_HOME_PATH environment variable.
Changing the VAGRANT_WSL_WINDOWS_ACCESS_USER_HOME_PATH to the current working directory (or a directory above it) can fix this. For example, if your project is in /mnt/c/www, then set the environment variable accordingly:
I got the same error now. The problem happened because i was trying to do vagrant up in an NTFS partition, just like the error message tell me.
So i created an directory link in my ext4 partition and an simbloc link in my NTFS to solve this. Works Fine now!
I had this same problem and turns out chmod seems to be working fine but is not actually changing permissions, my files where at an NTFS partition, try changing them to an ext4 or similar.
Got this error using otto (which layers on vagrant)
It is def filesystem related, have a fat partition to allow use with windows (used to, no longer). When the permissions couldn't be set on the partition I just copied the whole directory over to my user directory (as I always should have).
Was using git so I just reset to head to get back to my starting place... re-ran:
otto compile
otto dev
up and running now.

Cannot access Vagrant shared folders

I just trying to add Vagrant to my workflow and I have following probably noob problem. I pull standard hashicorp standard 14.04 image, vagrant up it, SSH to it install my python requirements on it and then then try to execute build commands against code in Vagrant shared folder and run in to problems. Basic errors I get say those locations don't exist or cannot be found.
First action I, go ls /vagrant and can see my shared folders. I cannot cd to them from Vagrant machine I have tried to halt the machine.
Vagrantfile shared folder code.
I am using Virtualbox as provider newest version.
My dev machine is OSX 10.9.5
There are not access limitations on the folder itself.
Thanks for you help in advance :)
Does /vagrant exists inside the VM just after you start it ?
If no you can add this parameter : "create":true. According to the doc, for the create: true paramater : If true, the host path will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to false.
If the folder /vagrant exists but you can cd or ls it, you can add parameters wich will define the right/owner of this folder:
owner: (string) the user who should be the owner of this synced folder. By default this will be the SSH user. Some synced folder types don't support modifying the owner.
group: (string) the group that will own the synced folder. By default this will be the SSH user. Some synced folder types don't support modifying the group.
Also for the hostpath parameter you have to give him a folder path, not a file path. In your conf I can see: "hostpath":"/Users/Kimmo/Documents/". If is a file and you want to access this file inside your VM, just give the path to the folder containing this file, /Users/Kimmo/Documents in your case.

How can I set permissions for Magento using a Vagrant shared folder?

I am trying to install a Magento instance using vagrant. I used the MageVagrant repository found here, then modified it so that the default installtion directory on the vagrant machine points to a folder in the /vagrant folder, which is the shared folder (I did this so that I could edit the Magento files on my local machine and store them in version control), so that on my vagrant machine I have a symlink that looks like the following:
/srv/www/ -> /vagrant/
When I try to run the Magento installer, it is fine until I get to the Configuration step of installation, and then I get the following error message:
Path "/srv/www/" must be writable.
Path "/srv/www/" must be writable.
Path "/srv/www/" must be writable.
even though I have run chmod 777 -R on the directories both on my local machine and on the vagrant box. However, it still thinks it is not writable. How can I make these directories writable for the vagrant server?
By default it makes the mounted folder owned by the vagrant user and group, so you could make the web server you are using have permissions for that, or the way I do it is to add another shared folder and explicitly set the permissions on that share to how I want.
Line in my VagrantFile:
config.vm.synced_folder "../project_folder", "/var/www/", owner: "apache", group: "apache"
this will mount the folder "project_folder" which is one level above my vagrant directory to the location "/var/www" inside the virtual machine with the ownership of apache:apache.
This should work.
If you are hosting multiple sites inside the vm I suggest setting this shared folder as the parent of all the sites.
